15 research outputs found

    If you can dream it, you can do it!

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    We argue that parental attitudes of (prospective) children’s gendered behavior are influenced by sexual orientation and the given social climate. In Study 1 (N = 448), moderated mediations showed that sexual orientation predicted whether or not highstatus occupations are preferred for the (prospective) children through modern sexism. For girls, however, the perceived stability of the gender hierarchy moderated the effect of modern sexism. In an experiment (Study 2, N = 704), hierarchical regression analyses showed that in the case of gay people, modern sexism predicted boys’ preferred gendered behavior well. While, in the case of bisexual people, modern sexism (along with fear of backlash) predicted preferences for both boys’ and girls’ gendered behavior depending on the stability of the gender hierarchy. Unlike the other groups, in the case of straight people, modern sexism only predicted preferences regarding girls’ gendered behavior. Implications of the studies are discussed

    A kockázatvállalás adaptív és nem adaptív formái = Adaptive and non adaptive forms of risk taking

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    Vizsgálatainkat három nagy témakör köré szerveztük: helyzeti jellemzők, személyi tényezők és fejlődési aspektusok. Hangsúlyt fektettünk arra, hogy természetes körülmények között vizsgáljuk a kockázatvállalást, és összevessük azt a teszthelyzetekben mutatott viselkedéssel. Eredményeinkből azt a következtetést emeljük ki, hogy a kockázatvállalás bonyolult, kontextusfüggő jelenség, ezért különösen fontos figyelembe venni a vizsgált helyzet életszerűségét, személyre vonatkozó relevanciáját és következményeit. Eredményeink szerint az adott kontextus (a kockázatvállalás tárgya, a helyzet valódisága vagy hipotetikus jellege, a kockázatvállalás személyes tétje, stb.) befolyásolja a vállalt kockázat mértékét, a keretezési hatás érvényesülését, a kockázat percepcióját, a rendelkezésre álló erőforrások kockázatvállalásban játszott szerepét. A személyi tényezők vizsgálatához négy csoportot (főiskolás, középiskolás, vállalkozói, és elítélt) hasonlítottunk össze személyiségdimenziók és kockázatvállalási feladatok mentén.A kérdőívek alapján jellemeztük a csoportokat kockázatvállalásuk mintázata, valamint a saját tudásukba vetett hit alapján (kalibráció). Körvonalaztuk a vállalkozói kockázatvállalás sajátosságait, felvázoltuk a kockázatvállaló vállalkozó és bűnelkövető karakterét. Elemeztük a vállalkozók és az elítéltek teszthelyzetben és valós helyzetben tanúsított kockázatvállalási viselkedését is. Kidolgoztunk egy, a bűnelkövetést jósló eszközt a bűnözői életvezetés alapján. | Our research has been organized around three subjects: the influence of situational, personal and developmental aspects. Since risk taking behavior is complex, context dependent, it is important to take into account the personal relevance and consequence of the situation. For this reason we studied and compared risk taking behavior in laboratory situation, and in natural context and field experiments. According to our results, the given context (the field of the risk, the real or hypothetical character of the task, the personal stake) influences how the amount of the risk, positive and negative frames, the perception of risk, the consequence of the availability of the resources effect risk taking. To investigate the role of personal factors in risk taking we compared four groups in a number of personality dimensions and risk taking tasks: university students, high school students, entrepreneurs and criminals. We characterized these groups along their risk taking patterns and the correlation between risk taking and other characteristics, such as coping or calibration. We described the characteristics of a risk taker as an entrepreneur or as a criminal.. On the basis of interviews we constructed a method to describe and quantify risk taking of these two groups in their real life activity, and compared the results with their answers to questionnaires. For criminals we outlined a predictive scale for future criminal acts based on their real life risk taking event

    A prosocial fake news intervention with durable effects

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    International audienceAbstract The present online intervention promoted family-based prosocial values—in terms of helping family members—among young adults to build resistance against fake news. This preregistered randomized controlled trial study is among the first psychological fake news interventions in Eastern Europe, where the free press is weak and state-sponsored misinformation runs riot in mainstream media. In this intervention, participants were endowed with an expert role and requested to write a letter to their digitally less competent relatives explaining six strategies that help fake news recognition. Compared to the active control group there was an immediate effect ( d = 0.32) that persisted until the follow-up four weeks later ( d = 0.22) on fake news accuracy ratings of the young, advice-giving participants. The intervention also reduced the bullshit receptivity of participants both immediately after the intervention and in the long run. The present work demonstrates the power of using relevant social bonds for motivating behavior change among Eastern European participants. Our prosocial approach with its robust grounding in human psychology might complement prior interventions in the fight against misinformation

    Small Paraquat Resistance Proteins Modulate Paraquat and ABA Responses and Confer Drought Tolerance to Overexpressing Arabidopsis Plants

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    Adaptation of higher plants to extreme environmental conditions is under complex regulation. Several small peptides have recently been described to modulate responses to stress conditions. The Small Paraquat resistance protein (SPQ) of Lepidium crassifolium has previously been identified due to its capacity to confer paraquat resistance to overexpressing transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Here, we show that overexpression of the closely related Arabidopsis SPQ can also enhance resistance to paraquat, while the Arabidopsis spq1 mutant is slightly hypersensitive to this herbicide. Besides being implicated in paraquat response, overexpression of SPQs enhanced sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA), and the knockout spq1 mutant was less sensitive to ABA. Both Lepidium‐ and Arabidopsis‐derived SPQs could improve drought tolerance by reducing water loss, stabilizing photosynthetic electron transport and enhancing plant viability and survival in a water‐limited environment. Enhanced drought tolerance of SPQ‐overexpressing plants could be confirmed by characterizing various parameters of growth, morphology and photosynthesis using an automatic plant phenotyping platform with RGB and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Our results suggest that SPQs can be regulatory small proteins connecting ROS and ABA regulation and through that influence responses to certain stresses