179 research outputs found

    High temperature oxidation of propane

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    eManual Alte Geschichte: Quellenband: Augustus

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    Hydrofunctionalisation of an Aromatic Triphosphabenzene

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    The aromatic heterocycle 2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl-1,3,5-triphosphabenzene reacts with a series of silanes, germanes and stannanes, with weaker E-H bonds reacting in an increasingly facile manner. All react by 1,4-addition to give bicyclic products with diastereomeric ratios varying with the substrate. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that activation of the E-H bond occurs across the 1,4-C/P axis of the triphosphabenzene, with the small energetic differences with respect to the stereochemistry of the addition offering insight into the experimentally observed diastereomeric ratios

    Refining the role of laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound in the staging of presumed pancreatic head and ampullary tumours

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    Laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound have been validated previously as staging tools for pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to identify if assessment of vascular involvement with abdominal computed tomography (CT) would allow refinement of the selection criteria for laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS). The details of patients staged with LUS and abdominal CT were obtained from the unit's pancreatic cancer database. A CT grade (O, A-F) of vascular involvement was recorded by a single radiologist. Of 152 patients, who underwent a LUS, 56 (37%) had unresectable disease. Three of 26 (12%) patients with CT grade O, 27 of 88 (31%) patients with CT grade A to D, 17 of 29 (59%) patients with CT grade E and all nine patients with CT grade F were found to have unresectable disease. In all, 24% of patients with tumours <3 cm were found to have unresectable disease. In those patients with tumours considered unresectable, local vascular involvement was found in 56% of patients and vascular involvement with metastatic disease in 17%, while 20% of patients had liver metastases alone and 5% had isolated peritoneal metastases. The remaining patient was deemed unfit for resection. Selective use of laparoscopic ultrasound is indicated in the staging of periampullary tumours with CT grades A to D

    Genetic Evaluation of Hip Score in UK Labrador Retrievers

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    Hip dysplasia is an important and complex genetic disease in dogs with both genetic and environmental influences. Since the osteoarthritis that develops is irreversible the only way to improve welfare, through reducing the prevalence, is through genetic selection. This study aimed to evaluate the progress of selection against hip dysplasia, to quantify potential improvements in the response to selection via use of genetic information and increases in selection intensity, and to prepare for public provision of estimated breeding values (EBV) for hip dysplasia in the UK. Data consisted of 25,243 single records of hip scores of Labrador Retrievers between one and four years old, from radiographs evaluated between 2000 and 2007 as part of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) hip score scheme. A natural logarithm transformation was applied to improve normality and linear mixed models were evaluated using ASREML. Genetic correlations between left and right scores, and total hip scores at one, two and three years of age were found to be close to one, endorsing analysis of total hip score in dogs aged one to three as an appropriate approach. A heritability of 0.35Β±0.016 and small but significant litter effect (0.07Β±0.009) were estimated. The observed trends in both mean hip score and mean EBV over year of birth indicate that a small genetic improvement has been taking place, approximately equivalent to avoiding those dogs with the worst 15% of scores. Deterministic analysis supported by simulations showed that a 19% greater response could be achieved using EBV compared to phenotype through increases in accuracy alone. This study establishes that consistent but slow genetic improvement in the hip score of UK Labrador Retrievers has been achieved over the previous decade, and demonstrates that progress may be easily enhanced through the use of EBVs and more intense selection

    Sheep Updates 2008 - part 3

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    This session covers fiveteen papers from different authors: CONTROLLING FLY STRIKE 1. Breeding for Blowfly Resistance - Indicatoe Traits, LJE Karlsson, JC Greeff, L Slocombe, Department of Agriculture & Food, Western Australia 2.A practical method to select for breech strike resistance in non-pedigreed Merino flocks, LJE Karlsson, JC Greeff, L Slocombe, K. Jones, N. Underwood, Department of Agriculture & Food, Western Australia 3. Twice a year shearing - no mulesing, Fred Wilkinson, Producer, Brookton WA BEEF 4. Commercial testing of a new tool for prediction of fatness in beef cattle, WD HoffmanA, WA McKiernanA, VH OddyB, MJ McPheeA, Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies, A N.S.W. Deptartment of Primary Industries, B University of New England 5. A new tool for the prediction of fatness in beef cattle, W.A. McKiernanA, V.H. OddyB and M.J. McPheeC; Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies, A N.S.W. Dept of Primary Industries, B University of New England, C N.S.W. Dept of Primary Industries Beef Industry Centre of Excellence. 6. Effect of gene markers for tenderness on eating quality of beef, B.L. McIntyre, CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies, Department of Agriculture and Food WA 7. Accelerating beef industry innovation through Beef Profit Partnerships, Parnell PF1,2, Clark RA1,3, Timms J1,3, Griffith G1,2, Alford A1,2, Mulholland C1 and Hyland P1,4,1Co-operative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies; 2NSW Department of Primary Industries; 3 Qld Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries; 4The University of Queensland. SUSTAINABILITY 8. The WA Sheep Industry - is it ethically and environmentally sustainable? Danielle England, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 9. Overview of ruminant agriculture and greenhouse emissions, Fiona Jones, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 10. Grazing for Nitrogen Efficiency, John Lucey, Martin Staines and Richard Morris, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 11. Investigating potential adaptations to climate change for low rainfall farming system, Megan Abrahams, Caroline Peek, Dennis Van Gool, Daniel Gardiner, Kari-Lee Falconer, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia SHEEP 12. Benchmarking ewe productivity through on-farm genetic comparisons, Sandra Prosser, Mario D’Antuono and Johan Greeff; Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 13. Increasing profitability by pregnancy scanning ewes, John Young1, Andrew Thompson2 and Chris Oldham2; 1Farming Systems Analysis Service, Kojonup, WA, 2Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 14. Targeted treatment of worm-affected sheep - more efficient, more sustainable, Brown Besier, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 15. Improving Weaner Sheep Survival, Angus Campbell and Ralph Behrendt, Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovatio

    Accuracy of Predicting the Genetic Risk of Disease Using a Genome-Wide Approach

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    Background - The prediction of the genetic disease risk of an individual is a powerful public health tool. While predicting risk has been successful in diseases which follow simple Mendelian inheritance, it has proven challenging in complex diseases for which a large number of loci contribute to the genetic variance. The large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms now available provide new opportunities for predicting genetic risk of complex diseases with high accuracy. Methodology/Principal Findings - We have derived simple deterministic formulae to predict the accuracy of predicted genetic risk from population or case control studies using a genome-wide approach and assuming a dichotomous disease phenotype with an underlying continuous liability. We show that the prediction equations are special cases of the more general problem of predicting the accuracy of estimates of genetic values of a continuous phenotype. Our predictive equations are responsive to all parameters that affect accuracy and they are independent of allele frequency and effect distributions. Deterministic prediction errors when tested by simulation were generally small. The common link among the expressions for accuracy is that they are best summarized as the product of the ratio of number of phenotypic records per number of risk loci and the observed heritability. Conclusions/Significance - This study advances the understanding of the relative power of case control and population studies of disease. The predictions represent an upper bound of accuracy which may be achievable with improved effect estimation methods. The formulae derived will help researchers determine an appropriate sample size to attain a certain accuracy when predicting genetic ris

    Crop Updates 2006 - Weeds

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    This session covers thirty seven papers from different authors: 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, Alexandra Douglas, CONVENOR – WEEDS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPRAY TECHNOLOGY 2. Meeting the variable application goals with new application technology, Thomas M. Wolf, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre 3. Spray nozzles for grass weed control, Harm van Rees, BCG (Birchip Cropping Group) 4. Boom sprayer setups – achieving coarse droplets with different operating parameters, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting 5. Complying with product label requirements, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting 6. IWM a proven performer over 5 years in 33 focus paddocks, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 7. Crop topping of wild radish in lupins and barley, how long is a piece of string? Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 8. Determining the right timing to maximise seed set control of wild radish, Aik Cheam and Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture 9. Why weed wiping varies in success rates in broadacre crops? Aik Cheam1, Katherine Hollaway2, Siew Lee1, Brad Rayner1 and John Peirce1,1Department of Agriculture, 2Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 10. Are WA growers successfully managing herbicide resistant annual ryegrass? Rick Llewellynabc, Frank D’Emdena, Mechelle Owenb and Stephen Powlesb aCRC Australian Weed Management, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia; bWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia. cCurrent address: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 11. Do herbicide resistant wild radish populations look different? Michael Walsh, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia 12. Can glyphosate and paraquat annual ryegrass reduce crop topping efficacy? Emma Glasfurd, Michael Walsh and Kathryn Steadman, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia 13. Tetraploid ryegrass for WA. Productive pasture phase AND defeating herbicide resistant ryegrass, Stephen Powlesa, David Ferrisab and Bevan Addisonc, aWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia; bDepartment of Agriculture, and cElders Limited 14. Long-term management impact on seedbank of wild radish with multiple resistance to diflufenican and triazines, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, Dave Nicholson and Ruben Vargas, Department of Agriculture 15. East-west crop row orientation improves wheat and barley yields, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins and Catherine Borger3, Department of Agriculture, 3WAHRI, The University ofWestern Australia 16. Competitiveness of different lupin cultivars with wild radish, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Bob French and Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture 17. Managing herbicide resistant weeds through farming systems, Kari-Lee Falconer, Martin Harries and Chris Matthews, Department of Agriculture 18. Lupins tolerate in-row herbicides well, Peter Newman and Martin Harries, Department of Agriculture 19. Summer weeds can reduce wheat grain yield and protein, Dr Abul Hashem1, Dr Shahab Pathan1 and Vikki Osten3, 1Department Agriculture, 3Senior Agronomist, CRC for Australian Weed Management, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 20. Diuron post-emergent in lupins, the full story, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 21. Double incorporation of trifluralin, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 22. Herbicide tolerance of narrow leafed and yellow lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 23. MIG narrow leaf lupin herbicide tolerance trial, Richard Quinlan, Planfarm Pty Ltd, Trials Coordinator MIG; Debbie Allen, Research Agronomist – MIG 24. Herbicide tolerance of new albus lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 25. Field pea x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture 26. Faba bean variety x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture 27. Herbicide tolerance of new Kabili chickpeas, Harmohinder Dhammu, Owen Coppen and Chris Roberts, Department of Agriculture 28. Timing of phenoxys application in EAG Eagle Rock, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 29. Herbicide tolerance of new wheat varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 30. Lathyrus sativus x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture 31. Tolerance of annual pasture species to herbicides and mixtures containing diuron, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 32. The impact of herbicides on pasture legume species – a summary of scientific trial results across 8 years, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 33. The impact of spraytopping on pasture legume seed set, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 34. Ascochyta interaction with Broadstrike in chickpeas, H.S. Dhammu1, A.K. Basandrai2,3, W.J. MacLeod1, 3 and C. Roberts1, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CSKHPAU, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour (HP), India and 3CLIMA 35. Best management practices for atrazine in broadacre crops, John Moore, Department of Agriculture, Neil Rothnie, Chemistry Centre of WA, Russell Speed, Department of Agriculture, John Simons, Department of Agriculture, and Ted Spadek, Chemistry Centre of WA 36. Biology and management of red dodder (Cuscuta planiflolia) – a new threat to the grains industry, Abul Hashem, Daya Patabendige and Chris Roberts, Department Agriculture 37. Help the wizard stop the green invaders! Michael Renton, Sally Peltzer and Art Diggle, Department of Agricultur
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