156 research outputs found

    Floral Scent Composition and Fine-Scale Timing in Two Moth-Pollinated Hawaiian <i>Schiedea</i> (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Floral scent often intensifies during periods of pollinator activity, but the degree of this synchrony may vary among scent compounds depending on their function. Related plant species with the same pollinator may exhibit similar timing and composition of floral scent. We compared timing and composition of floral volatiles for two endemic Hawaiian plant species, Schiedea kaalae and S. hookeri (Caryophyllaceae). For S. kaalae, we also compared the daily timing of emission of floral volatiles to evening visits of their shared pollinator, an endemic Hawaiian moth (Pseudoschrankia brevipalpis; Erebidae). The identity and amount of floral volatiles were measured in the greenhouse during day and evening periods with dynamic headspace sampling and GC-MS (gas chromatography - mass spectrometry). The timing of emissions (daily rise, peak, and fall) was measured by sampling continuously for multiple days in a growth chamber with PTR-MS (proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry). Nearly all volatiles detected underwent strong daily cycles in emission. Timings of floral volatile emissions were similar for S. kaalae and S. hookeri, as expected for two species sharing the same pollinator. For S. kaalae, many volatiles known to attract moths, including several linalool oxides and 2-phenylacetaldehyde, peaked within 2 h of the peak visitation time of the moth which pollinates both species. Floral volatiles of both species that peaked in the evening were also emitted several hours before and after the brief window of pollinator activity. Few volatiles followed a daytime emission pattern, consistent with increased apparency to visitors only at night. The scent blends of the two species differed in their major components and were most distinct from each other in the evening. The qualitative difference in evening scent composition between the two Schiedea species may reflect their distinct evolutionary history and may indicate that the moth species uses several different floral cues to locate rewards

    Quantification of biogenic volatile organic compounds with a flame ionization detector using the effective carbon number concept

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are emitted into the atmosphere by plants and include isoprene, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and their oxygenated derivatives. These BVOCs are among the principal factors influencing the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere in forested regions. BVOC emission rates are often measured by collecting samples onto adsorptive cartridges in the field and then transporting these samples to the laboratory for chromatographic analysis. One of the most commonly used detectors in chromatographic analysis is the flame ionization detector (FID). For quantitative analysis with an FID, relative response factors may be estimated using the effective carbon number (ECN) concept. The purpose of this study was to determine the ECN for a variety of terpenoid compounds to enable improved quantification of BVOC measurements. A dynamic dilution system was developed to make quantitative gas standards of VOCs with mixing ratios from 20&amp;ndash;55 ppb. For each experiment using this system, one terpene standard was co-injected with an internal reference, n-octane, and analyzed via an automated cryofocusing system interfaced to a gas chromatograph flame ionization detector and mass spectrometer (GC/MS/FID). The ECNs of 16 compounds (14 BVOCs) were evaluated with this approach, with each test compound analyzed at least three times. The difference between the actual carbon number and measured ECN ranged from −24% to −2%. The difference between theoretical ECN and measured ECN ranged from −22% to 9%. Measured ECN values were within 10% of theoretical ECN values for most terpenoid compounds

    Terpene Composition Complexity Controls Secondary Organic Aerosol Yields from Scots Pine Volatile Emissions

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) impact climate by scattering and absorbing radiation and contributing to cloud formation. SOA models are based on studies of simplified chemical systems that do not account for the chemical complexity in the atmosphere. This study investigated SOA formation from a mixture of real Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) emissions including a variety of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. SOA generation was characterized from different combinations of volatile compounds as the plant emissions were altered with an herbivore stress treatment. During active herbivore feeding, monoterpene and sesquiterpene emissions increased, but SOA mass yields decreased after accounting for absorption effects. SOA mass yields were controlled by sesquiterpene emissions in healthy plants. In contrast, SOA mass yields from stressed plant emissions were controlled by the specific blend of monoterpene emissions. Conservative estimates using a box model approach showed a 1.5- to 2.3-fold aerosol enhancement when the terpene complexity was taken into account. This enhancement was relative to the commonly used model monoterpene, "alpha-pinene". These results suggest that simplifying terpene complexity in SOA models could lead to underpredictions in aerosol mass loading.Peer reviewe

    A case of ultrasound diagnosis of fetal hiatal hernia in late third trimester of pregnancy

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    Congenital hiatal hernia is a condition characterized by herniation of the abdominal organs, most commonly the stomach, through a physiological but overlax esophageal hiatus into the thoracic cavity. Prenatal diagnosis of this anomaly is unusual and only eight cases have been reported in the literature. In this paper we describe a case of congenital hiatal hernia that was suspected at ultrasound at 39 weeks' gestation, on the basis of a cystic mass in the posterior mediastinum, juxtaposed to the vertebral body. Postnatal upper gastrointestinal tract series confirmed the prenatal diagnosis. Postnatal management was planned with no urgency. Hiatal hernia is not commonly considered in the differential diagnosis of fetal cystic chest anomalies. This rare case documents the importance of prenatal diagnosis of this anomaly for prenatal counseling and postnatal management

    Insights into the O : C-dependent mechanisms controlling the evaporation of α-pinene secondary organic aerosol particles

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    The volatility of oxidation products of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere is a key factor to determine if they partition into the particle phase contributing to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mass. Thus, linking volatility and measured particle composition will provide insights into SOA formation and its fate in the atmosphere. We produced α-pinene SOA with three different oxidation levels (characterized by average oxygen-to-carbon ratio; O:C‾=0.53, 0.69, and 0.96) in an oxidation flow reactor. We investigated the particle volatility by isothermal evaporation in clean air as a function of relative humidity (RH &lt;2&thinsp;%, 40&thinsp;%, and 80&thinsp;%) and used a filter-based thermal desorption method to gain volatility and chemical composition information. We observed reduced particle evaporation for particles with increasing O:C‾ ratio, indicating that particles become more resilient to evaporation with oxidative aging. Particle evaporation was increased in the presence of water vapour and presumably particulate water; at the same time the resistance of the residual particles to thermal desorption was increased as well. For SOA with O:C‾=0.96, the unexpectedly large increase in mean thermal desorption temperature and changes in the thermogram shapes under wet conditions (80&thinsp;% RH) were an indication of aqueous phase chemistry. For the lower O:C‾ cases, some water-induced composition changes were observed. However, the enhanced evaporation under wet conditions could be explained by the reduction in particle viscosity from the semi-solid to liquid-like range, and the observed higher desorption temperature of the residual particles is a direct consequence of the increased removal of high-volatility and the continued presence of low-volatility compounds.</p
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