24 research outputs found

    Rootless tephra stratigraphy and emplacement processes

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    Volcanic rootless cones are the products of thermohydraulic explosions involving rapid heat transfer from active lava (fuel) to external sources of water (coolant). Rootless eruptions are attributed to molten fuel–coolant interactions (MFCIs), but previous studies have not performed systematic investigations of rootless tephrostratigraphy and grain-size distributions to establish a baseline for evaluating relationships between environmental factors, MFCI efficiency, fragmentation, and patterns of tephra dispersal. This study examines a 13.55-m-thick vertical section through an archetypal rootless tephra sequence, which includes a rhythmic succession of 28 bed pairs. Each bed pair is interpreted to be the result of a discrete explosion cycle, with fine-grained basal material emplaced dominantly as tephra fall during an energetic opening phase, followed by the deposition of coarser-grained material mainly as ballistic ejecta during a weaker coda phase. Nine additional layers are interleaved throughout the stratigraphy and are interpreted to be dilute pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits. Overall, the stratigraphy divides into four units: unit 1 contains the largest number of sediment-rich PDC deposits, units 2 and 3 are dominated by a rhythmic succession of bed pairs, and unit 4 includes welded layers. This pattern is consistent with a general decrease in MFCI efficiency due to the depletion of locally available coolant (i.e., groundwater or wet sediments). Changing conduit/vent geometries, mixing conditions, coolant and melt temperatures, and/or coolant impurities may also have affected MFCI efficiency, but the rhythmic nature of the bed pairs implies a periodic explosion process, which can be explained by temporary increases in the water-to-lava mass ratio during cycles of groundwater recharge.We acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant EAR-119648, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP) grant NNG05GQ39G, NASA Mars Fundamental Research Program (MFRP) grant NNG05GM08G, NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP), Geological Society of America (GSA), and Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS). We are grateful to Stephen Scheidt for his help developing photogrammetric reconstructions of Cone 53 and we thank Richard Brown for his editorial handing of this manuscript as well as Peter Reynolds and Adrian Pittari for their constructive reviews.Peer Reviewe

    The Influence of Slope Breaks on Lava Flow Surface Disruption

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    Changes in the underlying slope of a lava flow impart a significant fraction of rotational energy beyond the slope break. The eddies, circulation and vortices caused by this rotational energy can disrupt the flow surface, having a significant impact on heat loss and thus the distance the flow can travel. A basic mechanics model is used to compute the rotational energy caused by a slope change. The gain in rotational energy is deposited into an eddy of radius R whose energy is dissipated as it travels downstream. A model of eddy friction with the ambient lava is used to compute the time-rate of energy dissipation. The key parameter of the dissipation rate is shown to be rho R(sup 2/)mu, where is the lava density and mu is the viscosity, which can vary by orders of magnitude for different flows. The potential spatial disruption of the lava flow surface is investigated by introducing steady-state models for the main flow beyond the steepening slope break. One model applies to slow-moving flows with both gravity and pressure as the driving forces. The other model applies to fast-moving, low-viscosity, turbulent flows. These models provide the flow velocity that establishes the downstream transport distance of disrupting eddies before they dissipate. The potential influence of slope breaks is discussed in connection with field studies of lava flows from the 1801 Hualalai and 1823 Keaiwa Kilauea, Hawaii, and 2004 Etna eruptions

    Geological, multispectral, and meteorological imaging results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater

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    Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z instrument provides high-resolution stereo and multispectral images with a unique combination of spatial resolution, spatial coverage, and wavelength coverage along the rover’s traverse in Jezero crater, Mars. Images reveal rocks consistent with an igneous (including volcanic and/or volcaniclastic) and/or impactite origin and limited aqueous alteration, including polygonally fractured rocks with weathered coatings; massive boulder-forming bedrock consisting of mafic silicates, ferric oxides, and/or iron-bearing alteration minerals; and coarsely layered outcrops dominated by olivine. Pyroxene dominates the iron-bearing mineralogy in the fine-grained regolith, while olivine dominates the coarse-grained regolith. Solar and atmospheric imaging observations show significant intra- and intersol variations in dust optical depth and water ice clouds, as well as unique examples of boundary layer vortex action from both natural (dust devil) and Ingenuity helicopter–induced dust lifting. High-resolution stereo imaging also provides geologic context for rover operations, other instrument observations, and sample selection, characterization, and confirmation

    Anticipated initial results from the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation

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    Mastcam-Z is a high-heritage imaging system aboard NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover that is based on the successful Mastcam investigation on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover. It has all the capabilities of MSL Mastcam, and is augmented by a 4:1 zoom capability that will significantly enhance its stereo imaging performance for science, rover navigation, and in situ instrument and tool placement support. The Mastcam-Z camera heads are a matched pair of zoomable, focusable charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras that collect broad-band Red/green/blue (RGB) or narrow-band visible/near-infrared (VNIR; ~400-1000 nm) multispectral color data as well as direct solar images using neutral density filters. Each camera has a selectable field of view ranging from ~7.7° to ~31.9° diagonally, imaging at pixel scales from 67 to 283 ”rad/pix (resolving features ~0.7 mm in size in the near field and ~3.3 cm in size at 100 m) from its position ~2 m above the surface on the Perseverance Remote Sensing Mast (RSM)

    Jupiter System Data Analysis Program: Mechanisms, Manifestation, and Implications of Cryomagmatism on Europa

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    The objectives of the work completed under NASA Grant NAG5-8898 were (i) to document and characterize the low-albedo diffuse surfaces associated with triple bands and lenticulae, (ii) to determine their mechanisms of formation, and (iii) to assess the implications of these features for the resurfacing (in space and time) of the Europa and the nature of the Europan interior. The approach involved a combination of processing and analysis of Solid State Imaging data returned by the Galileo spacecraft during the primary and extended mission phases, together with numerical modeling of the physical processes interpreted to the observed features. We have modeled the formation of Europan triple explosive venting of cryoclastic material from bands and lenticulae halos by two processes: (i) a liquid layer in the Europan interior, and (ii) lag deposit formation by the thermal influence of subsurface cryomagmatic intrusions. We favor the latter hypothesis for explaining these features, and further suggest that a liquid water or brine intrusion is required to provide sufficient lateral heating of surface ice to explain the 25 km size of the largest features. (Solid ice diapirs, even under the most favorable conditions, become thermally exhausted before they heat significant lateral distances). We argue that water circulating in open fractures, or repeated cryomagmatic 'diking' events would provide sufficient thermal input to produce the observed features. Thus our work argues for the existence of a liquid beneath Europa's surface. Our results might most easily be explained by the presence of a continuous liquid layer (the putative Europan ocean); this would concur with the findings of the Galileo magnetometer team. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that discrete liquid pockets provide injections of fluid closer to the surface

    Numerical modelling of ejecta dispersal from transient volcanic explosions on Mars.

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    The dynamics of ejecta dispersal in transient volcanic eruptions on Mars are distinct from those on Earth and Venus because of the low atmospheric pressure and gravitational acceleration. Numerical modeling of the physical mechanisms of such activity, accounting for the different martian environmental conditions, can help constrain the style of emplacement of the eruptive products. The scenario envisaged is one of pressurized gas, contributed from either a magmatic or meteoric source, accumulating in the near-surface crust beneath a retaining medium. On failure of the confining material, the gas expands rapidly out of the vent, displacing both the “caprock” and a mass of atmospheric gas overlying the explosion site, in a discrete, transient event. Trajectories of large blocks of ejecta are computed subject to the complex aerodynamic interactions of atmospheric and volcanic gases which are set in motion by the initiation of the explosion. Reservoirs of crustal and surface water and carbon dioxide may have increased the chances of occurrence of transient explosive events on Mars in two ways: by supplying a source of volatiles for vaporization by the magma and by acting to slow the ascent of the magma by chilling it, providing conditions favorable for gas accumulation. Results of the modeling indicate that ejection velocities ranging up to 580 m sec−1were possible in martian H2O-driven explosions, with CO2-driven velocities typically a factor of 1.5 smaller. Travel distances of large blocks of ejecta lie within the range of a few kilometers to the order of 100 km from the vent. The low martian atmospheric pressure and gravity would thus have conspired to produce more vigorous explosions and more widely dispersed deposits than are associated with analogous events on Earth or Venus. Other phenomena likely to be associated with transient explosions include ashfall deposits from associated convecting clouds of fine material, pyroclastic flows, and ejecta impact crater fields. It is anticipated that the martian environment would have caused such features to be greater in size than would be the case in the terrestrial environment. Ash clouds associated with discrete explosions are expected to have risen to a maximum of 25 km on Mars, producing deposits having similar widths. Another indication of a volcanic explosion site might be found in areas of high regolith ice content, such as fretted terrains, where ice removal and mass-wasting may have modified the vent's initial morphology. The modeling results highlight the implications of the occurrence of transient explosive eruptions for the global crustal volatile distribution and provide some predictions of the likely manifestation of such activity for testing by upcoming spacecraft missions to Mars

    Vent geometry and eruption conditions of the mixed rhyolite-basalt NĂĄmshraun lava flow, Iceland.

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    We describe the morphology and circumstances of eruption of the mixed rhyolite–basalt lava flow NĂĄmshraun in the Torfajökull–Vei∂ivötn area of central Iceland. The unusual location and exposure of the elongate fissure vent permits its length along strike (a total of 275 m) and the width of the dyke feeding it (up to 10 m) to be estimated in the field. Using analyses of the heat losses during the rise of the mixed magma through the shallow part of its conduit system, we are able to refine the absolute minimum dyke width estimate to 1.5 m. The lengths of the two main lava flow lobes, assuming that their advance was cooling-limited, imply that the volume effusion rate of the lava varied between 2.7 and 1.5 m3 s− 1 as different parts of the fissure became active. Prior to its emergence at the surface the magma had at most a small yield strength (probably significantly less than 3000–4000 Pa) and a near-Newtonian viscosity in the range 1 × 104 to 5 × 106 Pa s. After its eruption, the lava formed flows with marginal levĂ©es whose sizes imply a yield strength just less than 30 kPa. The lava in the central channels between the levĂ©es can be modeled either as a Newtonian fluid with a viscosity of between 3 × 107 and 6 × 107 Pa s or as a Bingham plastic. Estimates of the plastic viscosity from the two main flow lobes (< 104 to 6 × 105 and 1.2 × 107 to 1.8 × 107 Pa s) differ by a very large factor (at least 30) and are regarded as unreliable; however, they lead to a much smaller range of apparent viscosities, from 1.5 × 107 to 5.5 × 107 Pa s, values very similar to the viscosities found when the rheology is assumed to be Newtonian. If the field estimate of the dyke width is reliable, these results imply that the viscosity (and yield strength) of the magma averaged over the path from its source to the surface had increased by a factor close to 10 by the time that it emerged from the vent; alternatively the feeder dike may have been almost twice as wide during the eruption and relaxed to the presently exposed width as the eruption ended. The typical advance speeds of the two main flow lobes were less than 4 mm s− 1 and their emplacement times were 2.5 and 5 days. The implications for the sizes of the conduits feeding other rhyolitic and mixed lavas in central Iceland are discussed

    Total grain size distribution of an intense Hawaiian fountaining event: case study of the 1959 KÄ«lauea Iki eruption

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    International audienceThe 1959 eruption of KÄ«lauea Iki on the Island of Hawai'i is a principal example of powerful Hawaiian fountaining. Over 36 days (including repose periods), 16 fountaining episodes created a small cone, a downwind tephra blanket of approximately 0.003 km3 and a lava lake of about 0.04 km3 volume. During the explosive activity, the maximum fountain heights reached 600 m. Based on a dataset of more than 450 tephra grain size samples, we present both a total grain size distribution (TGSD) of the entire downwind tephra deposit, and also TGSDs for two eruptive subunits (the opening and the closing stages). The opening stage was characterized by persistent fountaining over a period of 8 days with fountain heights averaging ∌ 100 m; in contrast, the closing stage was characterized by two short (hours-long) but powerful fountaining episodes (up to 600 m). The significantly different fountaining intensities are reflected in the characteristics of the TGSDs. For the closing stages, we link bimodality of TGSDs to periods of simultaneous deposition of ballistics and fallout from the convective cloud, both of which are a function of the maximum fountain height. The 1959 KÄ«lauea Iki case study presents a well-constrained set of TGSD data linked with Hawaiian-style fountaining of two contrasting intensities and can be used as a valuable reference point for eruption source parameters in future modeling of pyroclast dispersal during Hawaiian fountaining eruptions