474 research outputs found

    Il fideiussore tra surroga e regresso

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    Non sempre il fideiussore che diligentemente ha onorato le proprie obbligazioni “pagando” il debito altrui, trova concreta tutela nel caso in cui il debitore fallisca. In alcune ipotesi, infatti, egli può dover esperire il diritto di regresso, in altre il diritto di surroga. Il presente articolo mira ad analizzare le problematiche che il fideiussore può dover affrontare in tale ipotesi e, ad evidenziare possibili soluzioni delle stesse anche alla luce di recente Giurisprudenza

    La corrispondenza tra avvocati tra diritti e doveri

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    La riservatezza della corrispondenza trova il proprio fondamento nel preminente interesse del cliente. Tale diritto alla riservatezza non può tuttavia giustificare eventuali reati di diffamazione o ingiuria commessi a mezzo della stessa corrispondenz

    La manutenzione in edilizia: metodologie e prassi

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    La tesi si propone di dimostrare che la programmazione della manutenzione è un contributo per il mantenimento del valore e della qualità del'immobile, attraverso l'analisi di sue casi studio, uno a destinazione residenziale e l'altro a destinazione produttiva/industrialeopenEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni di enti esterni o aziende private che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del lavoro di ricerca relativo alla tes

    Substrate Selectivity Imparted by Self‐Assembled Molecular Containers and Catalysts

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    Recent trends in catalysis are devoted to mimicking some peculiar features of enzymes like site selectivity, through functional group recognition, and substrate selectivity, through recognition of the entire surface of the substrate. The latter is a specific feature of enzymes that is seldomly present in homogeneous catalysis. Supramolecular catalysis, thanks to the self-assembly of simple subunits, enables the creation of cavities and surfaces whose confinement effects drive the preferential binding of a substrate among others with consequent substrate selectivity. The topic is an emerging field that exploits recognition phenomena to discriminate the reagents based on their size and shape. This review deals this cutting-edge field of research covering examples of supramolecular self-assembled molecular containers and catalysts operating in organic as well as aqueous media, with special emphasis for catalytic systems dealing with direct competitive experiments involving two or more substrates.Substrate selectivity is the property of catalysts like enzymes to pick up one substrate among many others in solution. To implement substrate selectivity in artificial homogeneous catalysts, an emerging approach in homogeneous catalysis consists in exploiting self-assembled nano-catalysts and nanocontainers. The confinement effects provide supramolecular substrate recognition before the catalytic step. This review covers recent achievements in this challenging field of research.imag

    Detection of bovine alpha-S1-casein in term and preterm human colostrum with proteomic techniques

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    Due to increased social awareness of allergens and population hyper-sensitization, the reported incidence of allergic reactions to food allergens has increased over the past two decades. Cow's milk proteins (CMPs) are among the most common food allergens. The aim of this study was to use proteomics techniques to investigate cow's milk allergens in both full-term human colostrum and in preterm newborns' mothers - where both groups showed no prior allergen detection – in order to understand whether cow's milk allergens could be a cause of sensitization established through lactation. The most relevant finding was the detection of the intact bovine alpha-S1-casein in both term and preterm colostrum. Using techniques detailed in this paper and which allowed for direct protein identification, β-lactoglobulin was not detected in any of the colostrum samples. According to our results, bovine alpha 1 casein is considered a major cow's milk allergen, is readily secreted in human milk, and so could be considered a possible cause of sensitization in exclusively breastfed infants

    Direct oral Xa inhibitors versus warfarin in patients with cancer and atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis

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    Patients with cancer are at higher risk of atrial fibrillation, thromboembolic complications and bleeding events compared with the general population. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to compare the efficacy and safety of direct oral Xa inhibitor anticoagulants versus warfarin in patients with cancer and atrial fibrillation

    Children With Short Stature Display Reduced ACE2 Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Background: The cause of short stature remains often unknown. The renin-angiotensin system contributes to growth regulation. Several groups reported that angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)-knockout mice weighed less than controls. Our case-control study aimed to investigate if children with short stature had reduced ACE2 expression as compared to controls, and its significance. Materials and Methods: children aged between 2 and 14 years were consecutively recruited in a University Hospital pediatric tertiary care center. Cases were children with short stature defined as height SD ≤ −2 diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) or idiopathic short stature (ISS), before any treatment. Exclusion criteria were: acute diseases, kidney disease, endocrine or autoimmune disorders, precocious puberty, genetic syndromes, SGA history. ACE and ACE2 expression were measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, angiotensins were measured by ELISA. Results: Children with short stature displayed significantly lower ACE2 expression, being 0.40 fold induction (0.01-2.27) as compared to controls, and higher ACE/ACE2, with no differences between GHD and ISS. ACE2 expression was significantly and inversely associated with the risk of short stature, OR 0.26 (0.07-0.82), and it had a moderate accuracy to predict it, with an AUC of 0.73 (0.61-0.84). The cutoff of 0.45 fold induction of ACE2 expression was the value best predicting short stature, identifying correctly 70% of the children. Conclusions: Our study confirms the association between the reduction of ACE2 expression and growth retardation. Further studies are needed to determine its diagnostic implications

    Contribution and Effectiveness of Laboratory Testing in the Diagnostic Assessment of Juvenile Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack

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    Introduction Strokes in young people require an extensive diagnostic workup to detect their possible several etiopathogenetic mechanisms. There is no consensus indicating what and when it should be tested. The clinical benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio of laboratory tests is unclear as well.Methods In one series of 104 consecutive juvenile ischemic stroke patients, under 45 years old, admitted between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2017, we considered a wide panel of laboratory biomarkers exploring both the patient's basal status and specific risk factors for thrombotic disorders. To combine conventional and unconventional risk factors, structural defects, and other stroke-related diseases, we defined four categories of etiologic probability. We then studied the contribution of laboratory testing in changing the rate of "definite or probable stroke etiology" and the "proportion of patients with at least one additional risk factor" for stroke.Results The mere clinical assessment clarified stroke etiopathogenesis in 31% of cases. Abnormal values of the panel of biomarkers we considered were found in 30.1% of young ischemic strokes, while 11.5% of patients had unclear or borderline values. The benefit of laboratory assessment consisted of a relevant 14% gain in patients with a "definite or probable stroke etiology." Conclusion Several areas of uncertainty are still pending and herein discussed, such as the low re-testing rate during follow-up and the neglect of some relevant biomarkers. However, our results support the importance of laboratory testing in this setting. An improvement of diagnostic protocols in juvenile ischemic stroke would even increase their effectiveness, and this is still an unsolved issue in the field of cerebrovascular diseases. The same age limit, conventionally considered for juvenile stroke, could be better defined according to the effectiveness of both laboratory and clinical assessment in identifying unconventional stroke risk factors

    Theory of hot electrons: general discussion

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    Sylwester Gawinkowski opened discussion of the paper by Javier Aizpurua: How many electrons are transferred by one ultrashort pulse? If you are thinking about applications in electronics, then it seems that this number may be too small. Is simply increasing the pulse energy and therefore significantly increasing the number of such emitted electrons possible