204 research outputs found

    Long-period intensity pulsations in the solar corona during activity cycle 23

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    We report on the detection (10 \sigma) of 917 events of long-period (3 to 16 hours) intensity pulsations in the 19.5 nm passband of the SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope. The data set spans from January 1997 to July 2010, i.e the entire solar cycle 23 and the beginning of cycle 24. The events can last for up to six days and have relative amplitudes up to 100%. About half of the events (54%) are found to happen in active regions, and 50% of these have been visually associated with coronal loops. The remaining 46% are localized in the quiet Sun. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the possible instrumental artifacts and we conclude that the observed signal is of solar origin. We discuss several scenarios which could explain the main characteristics of the active region events. The long periods and the amplitudes observed rule out any explanation in terms of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Thermal nonequilibrium could produce the right periods, but it fails to explain all the observed properties of coronal loops and the spatial coherence of the events. We propose that moderate temporal variations of the heating term in the energy equation, so as to avoid a thermal nonequilibrium state, could be sufficient to explain those long-period intensity pulsations. The large number of detections suggests that these pulsations are common in active regions. This would imply that the measurement of their properties could provide new constraints on the heating mechanisms of coronal loops.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Eruption and propagation of twisted flux ropes from the base of the solar corona to 1 au

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    Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) originate from the eruption of complex magnetic structures occurring in our star's atmosphere. Determining the general properties of ICMEs and the physical processes at the heart of their interactions with the solar wind is a hard task, in particular using only unidimensional in situ profiles. Thus, these phenomena are still not well understood. In this study we simulate the propagation of a set of flux ropes in order to understand some of the physical processes occurring during the propagation of an ICME such as their growth or their rotation. We present simulations of the propagation of a set of flux ropes in a simplified solar wind. We consider different magnetic field strengths and sizes at the initiation of the eruption, and characterize their influence on the properties of the flux ropes during their propagation. We use the 3D MHD module of the PLUTO code on an Adaptive Mesh Refinement grid. The evolution of the magnetic field of the flux rope during the propagation matches evolution law deduced from in situ observations. We also simulate in situ profiles that spacecraft would have measured at the Earth, and we compare with the results of statistical studies. We find a good match between simulated in situ profiles and typical profiles obtained in these studies. During their propagation, flux ropes interact with the magnetic field of the wind but still show realistic signatures of ICMEs when analyzed with synthetic satellite crossings. We also show that flux ropes with different shapes and orientations can lead to similar unidimensional crossings. This warrants some care when extracting magnetic topology of ICMEs using unidimensional crossings.Comment: Accepted for publication A&A. 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Comparison of Solar Fine Structure Observed Simultaneously in Ly-{\alpha} and Mg II h

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    The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) observed the Sun in H I Lyman-{\alpha} during a suborbital rocket flight on September 3, 2015. The Interface Region Imaging Telescope (IRIS) coordinated with the CLASP observations and recorded nearly simultaneous and co-spatial observations in the Mg II h&k lines. The Mg II h and Ly-{\alpha} lines are important transitions, energetically and diagnostically, in the chromosphere. The canonical solar atmosphere model predicts that these lines form in close proximity to each other and so we expect that the line profiles will exhibit similar variability. In this analysis, we present these coordinated observations and discuss how the two profiles compare over a region of quiet sun at viewing angles that approach the limb. In addition to the observations, we synthesize both line profiles using a 3D radiation-MHD simulation. In the observations, we find that the peak width and the peak intensities are well correlated between the lines. For the simulation, we do not find the same relationship. We have attempted to mitigate the instrumental differences between IRIS and CLASP and to reproduce the instrumental factors in the synthetic profiles. The model indicates that formation heights of the lines differ in a somewhat regular fashion related to magnetic geometry. This variation explains to some degree the lack of correlation, observed and synthesized, between Mg II and Ly-{\alpha}. Our analysis will aid in the definition of future observatories that aim to link dynamics in the chromosphere and transition region.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Coordination within the remote sensing payload on the Solar Orbiter mission

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    Context. To meet the scientific objectives of the mission, the Solar Orbiter spacecraft carries a suite of in-situ (IS) and remote sensing (RS) instruments designed for joint operations with inter-instrument communication capabilities. Indeed, previous missions have shown that the Sun (imaged by the RS instruments) and the heliosphere (mainly sampled by the IS instruments) should be considered as an integrated system rather than separate entities. Many of the advances expected from Solar Orbiter rely on this synergistic approach between IS and RS measurements. / Aims. Many aspects of hardware development, integration, testing, and operations are common to two or more RS instruments. In this paper, we describe the coordination effort initiated from the early mission phases by the Remote Sensing Working Group. We review the scientific goals and challenges, and give an overview of the technical solutions devised to successfully operate these instruments together. / Methods. A major constraint for the RS instruments is the limited telemetry (TM) bandwidth of the Solar Orbiter deep-space mission compared to missions in Earth orbit. Hence, many of the strategies developed to maximise the scientific return from these instruments revolve around the optimisation of TM usage, relying for example on onboard autonomy for data processing, compression, and selection for downlink. The planning process itself has been optimised to alleviate the dynamic nature of the targets, and an inter-instrument communication scheme has been implemented which can be used to autonomously alter the observing modes. We also outline the plans for in-flight cross-calibration, which will be essential to the joint data reduction and analysis. / Results. The RS instrument package on Solar Orbiter will carry out comprehensive measurements from the solar interior to the inner heliosphere. Thanks to the close coordination between the instrument teams and the European Space Agency, several challenges specific to the RS suite were identified and addressed in a timely manner

    Validation of a wave heated 3D MHD coronal-wind model using Polarized Brightness and EUV observations

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    The physical properties responsible for the formation and evolution of the corona and heliosphere are still not completely understood. 3D MHD global modeling is a powerful tool to investigate all the possible candidate processes. To fully understand the role of each of them, we need a validation process where the output from the simulations is quantitatively compared to the observational data. In this work, we present the results from our validation process applied to the wave turbulence driven 3D MHD corona-wind model WindPredict-AW. At this stage of the model development, we focus the work to the coronal regime in quiescent condition. We analyze three simulations results, which differ by the boundary values. We use the 3D distributions of density and temperature, output from the simulations at the time of around the First Parker Solar Probe perihelion (during minimum of the solar activity), to synthesize both extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and white light polarized (WL pB) images to reproduce the observed solar corona. For these tests, we selected AIA 193 A, 211 A and 171 A EUV emissions, MLSO K-Cor and LASCO C2 pB images obtained the 6 and 7 November 2018. We then make quantitative comparisons of the disk and off limb corona. We show that our model is able to produce synthetic images comparable to those of the observed corona.Comment: in pres

    Which solar EUV indices are best for reconstructing the solar EUV irradiance ?

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    The solar EUV irradiance is of key importance for space weather. Most of the time, however, surrogate quantities such as EUV indices have to be used by lack of continuous and spectrally resolved measurements of the irradiance. The ability of such proxies to reproduce the irradiance from different solar atmospheric layers is usually investigated by comparing patterns of temporal correlations. We consider instead a statistical approach. The TIMED/SEE experiment, which has been continuously operating since Feb. 2002, allows for the first time to compare in a statistical manner the EUV spectral irradiance to five EUV proxies: the sunspot number, the f10.7, Ca K, and Mg II indices, and the He I equivalent width. Using multivariate statistical methods such as multidimensional scaling, we represent in a single graph the measure of relatedness between these indices and various strong spectral lines. The ability of each index to reproduce the EUV irradiance is discussed; it is shown why so few lines can be effectively reconstructed from them. All indices exhibit comparable performance, apart from the sunspot number, which is the least appropriate. No single index can satisfactorily describe both the level of variability on time scales beyond 27 days, and relative changes of irradiance on shorter time scales.Comment: 6 figures, to appear in Adv. Space. Re

    Multispectral analysis of solar EUV images:linking temperature to morphology

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    Solar images taken simultaneously at different wavelengths in the EUV are widely used for understanding structures such as flares, coronal holes, loops, etc. The line-of-sight integration and the finite spectral resolution of EUV telescopes, however, hinders interpretation of these individual images in terms of temperature bands. Traditional approaches involve simple visualisation or explicit modelling. We take a more empirical approach, using statistical methods. The morphology of solar structures changes with the wavelength of observation and, therefore, with temperature. We explore the possibility of separating the different solar structures from a linear combination of images. Using a blind source separation approach, we build a new set of statistically independent "source" images from the original EUV images. Two techniques are compared: the singular value decomposition and independent component analysis. The source images show more contrast than the original ones, thereby easing the characterisation of morphological structures. A comparison with the differential emission measure shows that each source image also isolates structures with specific emission temperatures.Comment: 8 figures, to appear in A&

    Automatic detection of limb prominences in 304 A EUV images

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    A new algorithm for automatic detection of prominences on the solar limb in 304 A EUV images is presented, and results of its application to SOHO/EIT data discussed. The detection is based on the method of moments combined with a classifier analysis aimed at discriminating between limb prominences, active regions, and the quiet corona. This classifier analysis is based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Using a set of 12 moments of the radial intensity profiles, the algorithm performs well in discriminating between the above three categories of limb structures, with a misclassification rate of 7%. Pixels detected as belonging to a prominence are then used as starting point to reconstruct the whole prominence by morphological image processing techniques. It is planned that a catalogue of limb prominences identified in SOHO and STEREO data using this method will be made publicly available to the scientific community

    The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard the SOLAR ORBITER mission

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    peer reviewedSolar Orbiter will for the first time study the Sun with a full suite of in-situ and remote sensing instruments from inside 0.25 AU and will provide imaging and spectral observations of the Sun’s polar regions, from out of the ecliptic. This proximity to the Sun will also have the significant advantage that the spacecraft will fly in near synchronization with the Sun’s rotation, allowing observations of the solar surface and heliosphere to be studied from a near co-rotating vantage point for almost a complete solar rotation. The mission’s ambitious characteristics draw severe constraints on the design of these instruments. The scientific objectives of Solar Orbiter rely ubiquitously on the Extreme EUV Imager suite (EUI). The EUI instrument suite on board of Solar Orbiter is composed of two high resolution imagers (HRI), one at Lyman α and one dual band at the two 174 and 335 EUV passbands in the extreme UV, and one dual band full-sun imager (FSI) working alternatively at the two 174 and 304 EUV passbands. In all the units, the image is produced by a mirror-telescope, working in nearly normal incidence. The EUV reflectivity of the optical surfaces is obtained with specific EUV multilayered coatings, providing the spectral selection of the EUV units (1HRI and 1 FSI). The spectral selection is complemented with very thin filters rejecting the visible and IR radiation. Due to its orbit, EUI / Solar Orbiter will see 20 solar constants and an entrance baffle to limit the solar heat input into EUI is needed. The paper presents the scientific objectives of EUI and also covers the EUI instrument development plan which will require some trade-off between existing and promising technologies