4,281 research outputs found

    El fuego como referente de culto. Datos de la Protohistoria peninsular mediterrĂĄnea

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    Financial Liberalization and Emerging Stock Market Volatility

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    In this paper we test whether volatility in six emerging markets has changed significantly over the period 1976:01-2002:03. This period corresponds to the years of more profound development of both the financial and the productive sides in emerging countries. We use alternative methodologies of of endogenous breakpoints detection that estimate the dates at which the behavior of the sotck market volatility changed. The analysis suggests that volatility has behaved in a di€erent manner over the periodemerging markets, volatility, multiple structural breaks


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    Media massa merupakan sarana komunikasi utama melalui cetak maupun digital. Di media cetak ada koran, majalah, spanduk, poster, dll Penulis memilih iklan majalah di Personal Care sebagai data. Iklan di majalah Personal Care memiliki informasi dan sangat menarik pembaca melalui judul teks dan gambar, Semiotika diterapkan dalam judul teks dan gambar dalam menganalisis iklan perawatan tubuh. Judul teks adalah teks utama dari iklan sebagai pertanyaan fokus penelitian yang berhubungan dengan gambar. Penulis menganalisis judul teks dan gambar dalam iklan berdasarkan semiotika. Pertanyaan penelitian pertama adalah apa arti dari teks judul iklan perawatan tubuh di majalah Personal Care secara semiotik. Pertanyaan ini berfokus pada arti headline atau judul teks dalam iklan berdasarkan semiotika. Pertanyaan kedua adalah apa arti dari makna gambar iklan perawatan tubuh di majalah Personal Care. Pertanyaan ini menganalisis makna gambar berdasarkan semiotika dan apa yang showen dari gambar yang menarik pembaca. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dalam penelitian tentang analisis semiotika dalam iklan perawatan tubuh untuk menemukan konsep makna. Studi ini menjelaskan secara semiotik tentang judul teks dan makna gambar yang dapat membawa pembaca untuk lebih mudah memahami arti dari judul teks dan gambara yang saling keterkaitan, kemudian deskriptif kualitatif sesuai dalam penelitian ini dan menyampaikan kepada pembaca hubungan antara judul dan gambar. Data yang dikumpulkan dari majalah Personal Care di Mei 2011, September 2012 dan November 2013 dan mengambil dua belas iklan. Teks utama dan gambar dalam iklan adalah objek utama penelitian ini, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa setiap perusahaan memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dengan spesifikasi dan variasi untuk menarik pembaca dengan menarik judul iklan dan gambar. Berdasarkan semiotika judul teks memiliki tanda yang menetapkan makna denotasi dan makna konotatif. Penemuaan menunjukkan bahwa judul iklan perawatan tubuh teks memiliki makna denotatif. Denotatif sering muncul dalam judul iklan dengan representasi kata-kata untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Gambar memiliki simbol, ikon dan indeks representasi judul. Tanda-tanda yang muncul dalam judul dan gambar memiliki hubungan yang saling mendukung dan terdapat pesan bahwa iklan dibuat untuk menarik dan membujuk pembaca. Kemudian, pembaca dapat menghubungkan makna judul teks dalam iklan dan gambar dengan tujuan promosi melalui iklan perawatan tubuh. Kata kunci: semiotik, iklan, text kepala iklan, gambar, simbol, representasi Abstract Mass media is central communication media through printed and digital. In printed media there are newspaper, magazine, banner, poster, etc. The writer chose Personal Care magazine advertisement as the data. The advertisement in the Personal Care magazine has information and perusable through headline and image, Semiotics is applied in the text headline and image of body care advertisement analysis. The text headline is the main text of the advertisement as the focus research question which has related with image. The writer analyzed the text headline and image in the advertisement based on the semiotics. The first research question is what is the meaning of the text headline body care advertisement in Personal Care magazine semiotically. This question focuses on the headline meaning in the advertisement based on the semiotics. the second question is what is the meaning of the image meaning of the body care advertisement in Personal Care magazine. This question analyzes the image meaning based on the semiotics and what is showen from the image that attracts the readers. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach in the study about semiotics analysis in body care advertisement to find meaning concept. The study describes semiotically the text headline and image meaning which can bring the readers easily to understand then descriptive qualitative is appropriate in this study and convey to the relationship between headline and image. The data collected from Personal Care magazine in May 2011, September 2012 and November 2013 and took twelve advertisements randomly. Text headline and image in the advertisement is the main object of this study, the result shown that each company has different goal with specification and variation to attract the readers with interesting headline and image. Based on the semiotics the text headline has sign that establish denotation and connotative meaning. The finding shows that the text headline body care advertisement have denotative meaning. Denotative are often appears in headline to representation the purpose trough words. The image has symbol, icon and index to representation the headline. Signs that appear in headline and image have relation each other supported the message that advertiser made to attract and persuade the readers. Then, the reader can relate the text headline and image meaning promotion goal through the body care advertisement. Keywords: semiotics, advertisement, headline, image, symbol, representation

    Integration of renewable technologies in historical and heritage buildings: A review

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    The need to achieve energy efficiency standards in new and existing buildings has triggered both research and design practice aimed at reducing their carbon footprint and improving their indoor comfort and functionality conditions. In this view, a dedicated scientific effort has to be spent while dealing with historical architectures needing to preserve their key testimonial knowledge into the society. Therefore, tailored retrofit strategies have been investigated and implemented without compromising their architectural value, especially when new uses are foreseen in those buildings. This review classifies different examples of the use of energy efficiency approaches and the integration of renewable energies in historical buildings, including solar and geothermal energy, and the use of heat pumps and other high-efficiency Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems.Prof. Luisa F. Cabeza would like to acknowledge the Spanish Government for the funding PRX17/00221, that allowed her to visit University of Perugia during 6 months. Prof. Cabeza would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2017 SGR 1537). GREA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curiegrant agreement No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS) and from the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia

    Integrated cockpit for A-129

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    Weight, size, and mission requirements for the A-129 mandated an integrated system approach for the crew/cockpit interface design. Instead of the usual multitude of cockpit controls, indicators, gauges, and lights, the primary crew interface is a single multifunction keyboard and one or more multifunction CRT display units. This cockpit design approach imposed unusual constraints upon the system architecture to overcome the inherent information access limitations of a data input/output window that was restricted by the available space. The conceptual approach and resulting design of the A-129 cockpit with the intent to enhance the development of cockpit standardization are described

    A new perspective on the demographic transition: Birth-baptism intervals in ten Spanish villages, 1830-1949

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    We analyse the evolution of birth-baptism intervals between 1830 and 1949 among children born into 815 Spanish families and relate the changes observed to developments in childhood mortality. Our results show that birth-baptism intervals in our study area increased rapidly after 1890, three decades after childhood mortality began to decline and a decade before fertility began to fall. We confirm that the families increasing the intervals between their children''s births and baptisms after 1890 were those whose previous children had high rates of survival. We conclude that, in the last years of the nineteenth century, families were aware of the decline in child mortality and adjusted their behaviour in response. Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press

    The Kirillov picture for the Wigner particle

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    We discuss the Kirillov method for massless Wigner particles, usually (mis)named "continuous spin" or "infinite spin" particles. These appear in Wigner's classification of the unitary representations of the Poincar\'e group, labelled by elements of the enveloping algebra of the Poincar\'e Lie algebra. Now, the coadjoint orbit procedure introduced by Kirillov is a prelude to quantization. Here we exhibit for those particles the classical Casimir functions on phase space, in parallel to quantum representation theory. A good set of position coordinates are identified on the coadjoint orbits of the Wigner particles; the stabilizer subgroups and the symplectic structures of these orbits are also described.Comment: 19 pages; v2: updated to coincide with published versio
