69 research outputs found


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    In this study, we examined the project selection process in a mould manufacturing company. We ranked 12 criteria via Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and evaluated the most important 8 criteria. Then we applied Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS (IF-TOPSIS) method, which is the extended version of the TOPSIS method in intuitionistic fuzzy environment. After expressing the decision makers' evaluations in linguistic terms, we turned them into intuitive fuzzy numbers. In the last step, we obtained the project rankings by calculating the closeness coefficient for 5 projects


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    In this study, we examined the project selection process in a mould manufacturing company. We ranked 12 criteria via Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and evaluated the most important 8 criteria. Then we applied Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS (IF-TOPSIS) method, which is the extended version of the TOPSIS method in intuitionistic fuzzy environment. After expressing the decision makers' evaluations in linguistic terms, we turned them into intuitive fuzzy numbers. In the last step, we obtained the project rankings by calculating the closeness coefficient for 5 projects

    Evaluation of Allergen Sensitization in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma in Tekirdag

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    Aim: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma are the most prevalent allergic diseases, and environmental allergens are important factors in the pathogenesis and the exacerbation of these diseases. Although there are many studies investigating aeroallergen sensitivities in different regions of our country, this study aimed to identify the aeroallergen sensitization in the Tekirdag province in the part of Turkey in Europe, namely Thrace, where it is important to know aeroallergen sensitivities. Materials and Methods: Four hundred and sixty children with asthma and AR who were followed up and had at least one aeroallergen sensitivity in a skin prick test (SPT) were retrospectively evaluated. All patients had undergone a SPT using the standard extracts, including house dust mites, molds, animal dander, pollens, and latex. Results: The mean age of the patients was 10.2 +/- 3.4 (5-18) years, 57.6% of them were male. The diagnoses of the patients were AR in 57.8%, asthma in 22.6% and both in 19.6%. 42.6% (n=196) of the patients were sensitized to more than one allergen. The most common aeroallergens in SPT were house dust mites (63%), grass-rye mix (26.5%), grass mix (26.1%), molds (19.8%), cat epithelium (11.3%), cockroach (8.5%), weed mix (7%), olive tree (7%), dog (5.7%), cupressus (4.3%), tree pollen mix (3.5%), poplar (1.5%), mugwort (1.3%), and latex (0.4%). Although the cockroach, pet, olive tree and multiple allergen sensitivities were more frequent among male children (p0.05). House dust mites were the most common allergens throughout all seasons. Conclusion: The results of this study will be important in guiding elimination measures against the triggering allergens which are important for the treatment and the course of the disease of the those patients with asthma and/or AR in this region

    Öz Düzenleme Becerilerinin Öğretmen Çocuk Etkileşiminin Niteliğine Göre İncelenmesi

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    Aim of this research is to examine children’s self-regulation skills according to teacher-child interaction quality. For this purpose; 30 classes, which were determined randomly from central districts of Ankara, were assessed with Classroom Assessment Scoring System. 4 classes were selected according to quality level of teacher-child interaction (2 high, 2 low). Children’s self-regulation skills were assessed with Preschool Self-Regulation Assessment tasks in these 4 classrooms. Results of the study show that teacher-child interaction quality level had a significant difference on children’s executive functioning scores that is a part of self-regulation. But it had no significant difference on children’s social competence and inhibitory control skills.Araştırmanın amacı; okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların öz düzenleme becerilerini öğretmen çocuk arasındaki etkileşimin niteliğine göre incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda; Ankara İli merkez ilçelerinden rastgele örnekleme ile belirlenen 30 sınıf, Sınıf Değerlendirme Puanlama Aracı (SDPA) ile değerlendirilmiş ve öğretmen çocuk etkileşiminin yüksek ve düşük nitelikte olan 4 sınıf belirlenmiştir. Bu dört sınıftaki 80 çocuğun öz düzenleme becerileri Okul Öncesi Öz düzenleme Ölçeği (OÖDÖ) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları incelendiğinde, çocukların öz düzenleme becerilerinin bir parçası olan yürütücü işlev becerilerinde öğretmen çocuk etkileşiminin niteliğine göre anlamlı bir fark olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu farka sosyal uyum ve hazzı erteleme becerilerinde rastlanmamıştır

    The acorn honey used for a published study was mistakenly listed as quercus pyrenaica and should be corrected to quercus species

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    A critical review letter1 was published concerning the article “Quercus pyrenaica honeydew honey effects on gastric adenocarcinoma cells” published in Integrative Cancer Therapies in 2019.2 According to the letter, the authors reported that the Quercus pyrenaica mentioned in the study was neither found in Mount Ida nor within the borders of Turkey as stated in the study, therefore the results obtained in the study may belong to another Quercus species

    Quercus pyrenaica honeydew honey with high phenolic contents cause dna damage, apoptosis, and cell death through generation of reactive oxygen species in gastric adenocarcinoma cells

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    Many studies have shown that honey with high phenolic contents prevents cancer formation. Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated that honey can be used for the treatment of cancer as well as cancer prevention. Antineoplastic effects of honey are often associated with their antioxidant phenolic contents. However, very few studies have dealt with the association of phenolic contents of honeys in terms of antiproliferative effects. The aim of this study was, therefore, to elucidate the cytotoxic, genotoxic, apoptotic, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generating effects of honey samples on the basis of their phenolic and flavonoid contents. Fourteen different honey varieties were collected from various parts of Turkey, and their characteristics regarding total phenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant contents were determined to test their effects on gastric cancer cells (AGS). For convenience, 2 honey varieties were selected, namely, Ida Mountains Quercus pyrenaica honeydew honey (QPHH-IM) having the highest phenolic and antioxidant content and Canakkale multifloral honey (MFH-C) with the lowest phenolic and antioxidant content. Levels of 11 different phenolic compounds in QPHH-IM and MFH-C samples were determined by LC-MS/MS. AGS cells were incubated with different concentrations of QPHH-IM and MFH-C for 24 hours, then the cell viability, DNA damage, apoptosis, and generation of ROS were determined. We found that QPHH-IM had more cytotoxic, genotoxic, and apoptotic effects than that of MFH-C. We think that these effects are probably related to pro-oxidant activities due to the high phenolic contents present. Therefore, further research on high-phenolic honey may contribute to the future development of cancer therapeutics

    Is the Relationship Between Pathogen Avoidance and Ideological Conservatism Explained by Sexual Strategies?

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    Multiple recent studies report that measures of pathogen avoidance (e.g., disgust sensitivity) correlate with political ideology. This relationship has been interpreted as suggesting that certain political views (specifically, those views that are categorized as socially conservative) function to mitigate the pathogen threats posed either by intergroup interactions or by departures from traditional societal norms, which sometimes evolve culturally for anti-pathogen functions. We propose and test the alternative hypothesis that pathogen avoidance relates to conservatism indirectly via sexual strategies (e.g., relatively monogamous versus relatively promiscuous). Specifically, we argue that individuals who are more invested in avoiding pathogens follow a more monogamous mating strategy to mitigate against pathogens transmitted during sexual contact, and individuals following a more monogamous mating strategy adopt socially conservative political ideologies to support their reproductive interests. Results from three studies ( N's = 819, 238, and 248) using multiple measures of pathogen avoidance, sexual strategies, and ideology support this account, with sexual strategies fully mediating the relationship between measures of pathogen avoidance and conservatism in each study

    Going against the grain in writing ethnography

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    Some institutional and disciplinary pressures placed on early career ethnographers conflict with authoring ethically and politically committed works. Drawing on the author’s personal experience in writing an ethnographic dissertation, the chapter illustrates the tension between pondering the ethics and politics of ethnographic representation and neoliberal and objectivist expectations. It then explains how these unfitting structural demands impact ethnographic writing and describes a number of alternative writing practices. They include ethical and critical self-reflexivity, personally and politically engaged writing, representation of complexity of social worlds and formation of supportive writing communities. These strategies not only generates ethically and politically responsible representation but also inspires critical analysis