15 research outputs found

    Comic Text as a Tool to Discredit Orthodoxy

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    Исследование выполнено в русле современного направления – лингвистика информационно-психологической войны, основной задачей которого является вскрытие в текстах смыслов, разрушающих национальные ценности. Православная вера, будучи одной из таких ценностей русского человека, занимает ведущую позицию в перечне мишеней информационного воздействия. В работе анализируется комический поликодовый текст стендап-комедии, способный эффективно влиять на сознание людей и выступать тем самым инструментом дискредитации Православия. Эмпирическим материалом явилась стендап-комедия А. Долгополова «Новый час шуток», где стратегия дискредитации Православия реализуется через тему «вера в Бога». Применение метода тематического расслоения позволило раскрыть систему образов персонажей с целью обнаружения содержательных компонентов (интродукция, портретная и речевая характеристика, авторское отношение), заложенных автором текста в эти образы. Выявленный спектр коммуникативных тактик и лингвопсихологических приемов программирования сознания дал возможность установить языковые средства достижения манипулятивного воздействия на аудиторию с целью формирования к Православию отрицательного отношения и отказу от православной веры. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере обеспечения национальной безопасностиThe research is carried out in line with the modern direction – linguistics of information and psychological warfare with the main task to reveal the meanings in texts that destroy national values. The Orthodox faith, being one of such values of the Russian man, takes a leading position in the list of targets of information influence. The paper analyzes the comic polycode text of a stand-up comedy that can effectively influence people’s minds and act, thereby, as a tool to discredit Orthodoxy. The empiric material is A. Dolgopolov’s stand-up comedy “The New Hour of Jokes”, where the strategy of discrediting Orthodoxy is implemented through the theme “faith in God». The application of the thematic stratification method made it possible to reveal the system of characters’ images in order to discover the meaningful components (introduction, portrait and speech characteristics, author’s attitude) embedded in these images by the author of the text. The revealed spectrum of communicative tactics and linguistic-psychological techniques of programming the consciousness made it possible to establish the linguistic means of achieving manipulative impact on the audience in order to form a negative attitude towards Orthodoxy and rejection of the Orthodox faith. The results of the study can be applied in the field of national securit

    Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia.

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    High-coverage whole-genome sequence studies have so far focused on a limited number of geographically restricted populations, or been targeted at specific diseases, such as cancer. Nevertheless, the availability of high-resolution genomic data has led to the development of new methodologies for inferring population history and refuelled the debate on the mutation rate in humans. Here we present the Estonian Biocentre Human Genome Diversity Panel (EGDP), a dataset of 483 high-coverage human genomes from 148 populations worldwide, including 379 new genomes from 125 populations, which we group into diversity and selection sets. We analyse this dataset to refine estimates of continent-wide patterns of heterozygosity, long- and short-distance gene flow, archaic admixture, and changes in effective population size through time as well as for signals of positive or balancing selection. We find a genetic signature in present-day Papuans that suggests that at least 2% of their genome originates from an early and largely extinct expansion of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) out of Africa. Together with evidence from the western Asian fossil record, and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the main Eurasian expansion, our results contribute to the mounting evidence for the presence of AMHs out of Africa earlier than 75,000 years ago.Support was provided by: Estonian Research Infrastructure Roadmap grant no 3.2.0304.11-0312; Australian Research Council Discovery grants (DP110102635 and DP140101405) (D.M.L., M.W. and E.W.); Danish National Research Foundation; the Lundbeck Foundation and KU2016 (E.W.); ERC Starting Investigator grant (FP7 - 261213) (T.K.); Estonian Research Council grant PUT766 (G.C. and M.K.); EU European Regional Development Fund through the Centre of Excellence in Genomics to Estonian Biocentre (R.V.; M.Me. and A.Me.), and Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine Project No. 2014-2020.4.01.15-0012 to EGC of UT (A.Me.) and EBC (M.Me.); Estonian Institutional Research grant IUT24-1 (L.S., M.J., A.K., B.Y., K.T., C.B.M., Le.S., H.Sa., S.L., D.M.B., E.M., R.V., G.H., M.K., G.C., T.K. and M.Me.) and IUT20-60 (A.Me.); French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and French ANR grant number ANR-14-CE31-0013-01 (F.-X.R.); Gates Cambridge Trust Funding (E.J.); ICG SB RAS (No. VI.58.1.1) (D.V.L.); Leverhulme Programme grant no. RP2011-R-045 (A.B.M., P.G. and M.G.T.); Ministry of Education and Science of Russia; Project 6.656.2014/K (S.A.F.); NEFREX grant funded by the European Union (People Marie Curie Actions; International Research Staff Exchange Scheme; call FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-number 318979) (M.Me., G.H. and M.K.); NIH grants 5DP1ES022577 05, 1R01DK104339-01, and 1R01GM113657-01 (S.Tis.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant N 14-06-00180a) (M.G.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant 16-04-00890 (O.B. and E.B); Russian Science Foundation grant 14-14-00827 (O.B.); The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (14-04-00725-a), The Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (13-11-02014) and the Program of the Basic Research of the RAS Presidium “Biological diversity” (E.K.K.); Wellcome Trust and Royal Society grant WT104125AIA & the Bristol Advanced Computing Research Centre (http://www.bris.ac.uk/acrc/) (D.J.L.); Wellcome Trust grant 098051 (Q.A.; C.T.-S. and Y.X.); Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship grant 100719/Z/12/Z (M.G.T.); Young Explorers Grant from the National Geographic Society (8900-11) (C.A.E.); ERC Consolidator Grant 647787 ‘LocalAdaptatio’ (A.Ma.); Program of the RAS Presidium “Basic research for the development of the Russian Arctic” (B.M.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 16-06-00303 (E.B.); a Rutherford Fellowship (RDF-10-MAU-001) from the Royal Society of New Zealand (M.P.C.)

    The Concept of Stolby Nature Reserve in the Aspect of Linguoimageology

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    The article examines the concept of Stolby Nature Reserve in the aspect of the theory of linguoimageology, the tasks of which include the study and the development of technologies for creating the image of someone / something through the use of linguistic means that effectively influence the creation of a positive image of an object. The main purpose of this research is to model the image of a national park based on the exclusive properties of this object. In the course of the linguo-cognitive analysis of empirical material (publicistic texts about the reserve), the authors identified the components of the concept under study; built a frame-type model, providing for the conceptual, pragmatic and evaluative characteristics of the frame slots; determined the types of estimates that prevail in the texts about the reserve; found out the frequency of linguistic means – artistic tropes used for creating a positive image of the object under study. The identified components of the concept of Stolby Nature Reserve were used as the basis for a frame model, the creation of which made it possible to highlight the gaps in the texts about the reserve. The developed methodology can be applied to the analysis of the image component of other iconic regional sites. The study offers recommendations to improve the image of the nature reserve, which can be taken into account when creating new texts by the management of the reserve and travel agencie

    Концепт «Национальный парк “Красноярские Cтолбы”» в аспекте лингвоимиджелогии

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    The article examines the concept of Stolby Nature Reserve in the aspect of the theory of linguoimageology, the tasks of which include the study and the development of technologies for creating the image of someone / something through the use of linguistic means that effectively influence the creation of a positive image of an object. The main purpose of this research is to model the image of a national park based on the exclusive properties of this object. In the course of the linguo-cognitive analysis of empirical material (publicistic texts about the reserve), the authors identified the components of the concept under study; built a frame-type model, providing for the conceptual, pragmatic and evaluative characteristics of the frame slots; determined the types of estimates that prevail in the texts about the reserve; found out the frequency of linguistic means – artistic tropes used for creating a positive image of the object under study. The identified components of the concept of Stolby Nature Reserve were used as the basis for a frame model, the creation of which made it possible to highlight the gaps in the texts about the reserve. The developed methodology can be applied to the analysis of the image component of other iconic regional sites. The study offers recommendations to improve the image of the nature reserve, which can be taken into account when creating new texts by the management of the reserve and travel agenciesРассматривается концепт «Национальный парк “Красноярские Столбы”» в аспекте теории лингвоимиджелогии, в задачи которой входит изучение и разработка технологий создания имиджа кого-, чего-либо за счет применения языковых средств, эффективно влияющих на создание положительного образа объекта. Ведущая цель работы заключается в моделировании образа национального парка на основе эксклюзивных свойств этого объекта. В ходе лингвокогнитивного анализа эмпирического материала (публицистические тексты о заповеднике) выявлены составляющие исследуемого концепта; построена модель фреймового типа, предусматривающая понятийную, прагматическую и оценочную характеристику слотов фрейма; определены типы оценочных значений, преобладающие в текстах о заповеднике; установлена частотность языковых средств – художественных тропов, используемых в создании положительного образа изучаемого объекта. Выявленные составляющие концепта «Национальный парк “Красноярские Столбы”» были положены в основу фреймовой модели, создание которой позволило выделить лакуны, имеющиеся в современных текстах о заповеднике. Разработанная методология может быть применена к анализу имиджевой составляющей других знаковых региональных объектов. В исследовании предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию имиджа национального парка, что может быть учтено при создании новых текстов руководством заповедника и туристическими агентствам

    Analysis and prevention of accident-caused faults in power cable lines

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    To ensure fault-free operation of power cable lines it is essential to make a thorough analysis of the type of faults and their location. The paper considers the most common type of faults and main reasons for cable damage. The case study of cable faults at an urban network (Zabaikalsky Krai) shows that the root cause is insulation deterioration, especially with the cables reaching the end of their 35 year lifetime. Therefore, to prevent faults and mitigate the threats it is necessary to increase surveillance of cable systems and use cables with higher reliability and functionality, e.g., XLPE cables

    Strategic determinants of industrial enterprises’ technological development

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    The pace of technological changes requires certain flexibility of industrial enterprises’ business models. The paper aims to uncover and explore the importance and interaction of the determinants of technological development strategies. Methodological basis of the research rests on the tripod strategy perspective and the theory of technological development. The authors apply general scientific and sociometric methods, regression analysis. The research builds on the answers of 148 respondents that include executives and specialists of mechanical engineering enterprises, as well as experts from the Union of Defence Industry Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk oblast, regional branches of OOO “Russian Engineering Union” in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk oblasts. The survey results allow determining the composition of the institutional, sectoral, and resource determinants of technological development strategies, of which the most influential is the institutional determinant. Technological turbulence, if inherent in the sector, decreases companies’ capabilities to respond to the institutional pressure. The most important component of the resource determinant is the availability of funds for investment, which eliminates the problems of attracting qualified personnel, protecting intellectual property, and increasing the speed of production technologies development. The research findings may be of use for company executives to formulate a balanced technological development strategy as well as for government authorities while providing state support

    Analysis and prevention of accident-caused faults in power cable lines

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    To ensure fault-free operation of power cable lines it is essential to make a thorough analysis of the type of faults and their location. The paper considers the most common type of faults and main reasons for cable damage. The case study of cable faults at an urban network (Zabaikalsky Krai) shows that the root cause is insulation deterioration, especially with the cables reaching the end of their 35 year lifetime. Therefore, to prevent faults and mitigate the threats it is necessary to increase surveillance of cable systems and use cables with higher reliability and functionality, e.g., XLPE cables

    The Strategy of Legitimization of Russian Obscene Language in Public Discourse as a Realization of Destructive Ideology

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    Рассматривается стратегия легитимации использования нецензурной лексики в публичном пространстве как реализация деструктивной идеологии, подрывающей национальные основы РФ. Показано пошаговое действие технологии «Окно Овертона», внедряющей в сознание людей с конца ХХ в. мысль о том, что мат в русском языке исторически обусловлен и является неотъемлемой частью культуры русского народа. Применение этой технологии с целью планомерной вульгаризации русского языка, говорит о том, что русский язык выступает одной из мишеней информационно-психологической войны, ведущейся против РФ. Одним из ярких примеров доведения технологии «Окно Овертона» до финального этапа является использование сегодня нецензурной лексики на товарах народного потребления при их широком распространении через маркетплейсы. На материале современных текстов-описаний к товарам народного потребления с нецензурными надписями, размещенных в интернет-магазине Wildberries, выявлена манипулятивная стратегия легитимации русского мата, реализованная посредством ряда тактик речевого воздействия. Отношение молодежи к товарам народного потребления с «матерным принтом» осуществлено посредством анализа и лингвистического описания результатов проведенного анкетирования студентов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в образовательном процессе при реализации учебных курсов коммуникативной направленности и дисциплин, отображающих состояние современного русского языка, а также при проведении лингвистической экспертизы текстов, содержащих нецензурную лексикуThe article considers the strategy of legitimizing the use of in public space as a realization of destructive ideology that undermines the national security of the Russian Federation. It shows the step-by-step action of the technology “Overton Window”, which introduces into people’s consciousness since the late twentieth century the idea that the obscenities in the Russian language is historically conditioned and is an integral part of the culture of the Russian people. The use of this technology for the purpose of systematic vulgarization of the Russian language shows that the Russian language is one of the targets of information and psychological warfare waged against the Russian Federation. One of the vivid examples of bringing the “Overton Window” technology to the final stage is the use of obscene language on consumer goods in their widespread distribution through marketplaces. On the material of modern texts-descriptions of consumer goods with obscene inscriptions, posted in the online store Wildberries, the manipulative strategy of legitimization of Russian obscene language, realized through a number of tactics of speech impact, is revealed. The attitude of young people to consumer goods with “maternity print” is carried out by analyzing and linguistically describing the results of the conducted questionnaire survey of students. The results of the study can be applied in the educational process in the implementation of training courses of communicative orientation and disciplines reflecting the state of the modern Russian language, as well as in the linguistic examination of texts containing obscene vocabular

    Центр открытого образования на русском языке «Сибирь.ру»: концептуальные основания и приоритетные направления работы

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    The article describes the experience of organising the Russian Open Education Centre at Siberian Federal University with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by giving the brief overview of the most common approaches to defining the term “open education”, pointing out the structural and target differences of the centres for open education and distant learning found in some Russian universities, presenting a detailed description of the conceptual grounds and the prospects for the development of the Russian Open Education Centre at Siberian Federal University as well as the courses, workshops and cultural events held in October and November 2020 for the participants learning Russian as a foreign language from more than 70 countriesВ публикации обоснована актуальность создания Центра открытого образования в Институте филологии и языковой коммуникации Сибирского федерального университета; обращено внимание на то, что открытые в высших учебных заведениях центры подобного типа существенно различаются структурой и целью, что связано с разным пониманием «открытости» образования; изложена концепция и перечислены основные направления деятельности Центра открытого образования на русском языке «Сибирь.ру», созданного в СФУ при поддержке Министерства просвещения РФ (субсидии на реализацию мероприятий, направленных на полноценное функционирование и развитие русского языка); названы проведенные в рамках открытия этого Центра в октябре — ноябре 2020 г. дистанционные курсы и просветительные онлайн-мероприятия, в которых приняли участие слушатели из более чем семидесяти стра

    Identification of a Novel Indel Variant in the <i>DARS2</i> Gene in Russian Patients with Leukoencephalopathy with Brainstem and Spinal Cord Involvement and Lactate Elevation

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    Background: Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and lactate elevation is an inherited disease caused by pathogenic biallelic variants in the gene DARS2, which encodes mitochondrial aspartyl-tRNA synthetase. This disease is characterized by slowly progressive spastic gait, cerebellar symptoms, and leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement. Case Presentation: Peripheral blood samples were collected from four patients from four unrelated families to extract genomic DNA. All patients underwent partial exon analysis of the DARS2 gene using Sanger sequencing, which detected the c.228-21_228-20delinsC variant in a heterozygous state. Further DNA from three patients was analyzed using a next-generation sequencing-based custom AmpliSeq™ panel for 59 genes associated with leukodystrophies, and one of the patients underwent whole genome sequencing. We identified a novel pathogenic variant c.1675-1256_*115delinsGCAACATTTCGGCAACATTCCAACC in the DARS2 gene. Three patients (patients 1, 2, and 4) had slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, and two patients (patients 1 and 2) had spasticity. In addition, two patients (patients 2 and 4) showed signs of axonal neuropathy, such as decreased tendon reflexes and loss of distal sensitivity. Three patients (patients 1, 2, and 3) also had learning difficulties. It should be noted the persistent presence of characteristic changes in brain MRI in all patients, which emphasizes its importance as the main diagnostic tool for suspicion and subsequent confirmation of LBSL. Conclusions: We found a novel indel variant in the DARS2 gene in four patients with LBSL and described their clinical and genetic characteristics. These results expand the mutational spectrum of LBSL and aim to improve the laboratory diagnosis of this form of leukodystrophy