90 research outputs found

    Repercusiones orgánicas de la infección experimental por Ascaris suum en el cerdo ibérico

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    Se ha realizado un estudio para el conocimiento de la Ascariosis en la población porcina ibérica, tanto en condiciones naturales de extensividad como en condiciones experimentales. Para ello se analizaron un total de 95 animales procedentes de diversas granjas de la región extremeña y un total de 69 animales infectados y/o inmunizados de manera experimental. Se analizaron diferentes muestras de todos los porcinos, para sus estudios parasitológicos, inmunológicos, histopatológicos, inmunohistoquímicos y zootécnicos. Los cerdos experimentales se distribuyeron en 7 lotes, incluyendo lotes control, reinfectados e inmunizados. El 61,1 % de los animales en condiciones naturales resultaron ser positivos a Ascaris suum, de los que el 42 % tuvieron adultos del verme en intestino y el 49,5 % tuvieron huevos del parásito en heces. Además, el análisis inmunológico del suero, demostró, tanto por la técnica ELISA como Wester blotting que los cerdos con infección patente mostraron menor nivel de anticuerpos que los que no presentaron adultos intestinales. Por su parte, los resultados de la ascariosis experimental demostraron que las reinfecciones continuadas con huevos del parásito confieren un alto grado de protección a una posible migración larvaria posterior. No obstante, los animales inmunizados con la proteína de 14 kDa presentaron casi un 93 % de protección a nivel pulmonar, abriendo un nuevo camino a la posibilidad del control de la ascariosis mediante mecanismos de vacunación. Además, la reinfección e inmunización produjo un aumento significativo del nivel de IgG y de IgM, aunque estos niveles de inmunoglobulinas no se correlacionaron fuertemente con los niveles de protección, en cuanto a reducción del número de manchas de leche y larvas en pulmón. Por su parte, el estudio histopatológico demostró un fuerte infiltrado celular y fibroblástico en animales inmunizados y la formación de granulomas parasitarios en animales reinfectados. El estudio inmunohistoquímico demostró la existencia de una gran cantidad de depósito antigénico tanto a nivel hepático, pulmonar como intestinal y un amplio depósito de inmunoglobulinas, especialmente del isotipo IgA. Finalmente, las reinfecciones e inmunizaciones no influyeron significativamente en la ganancia de peso corporal de los cerdos, aunque sí se produjo una reducción de la cantidad de ácidos grasos totales en el tejido hepático en animales muy dañados, debido a la fibrosis provocada por la formación de las manchas de leche.A study has been carried out for the knowledge of ascariasis in the iberian pig population, both in natural conditions of extensividad in experimental conditions. To do this we analyzed a total of 95 animals from different farms in the region of Extremadura and a total of 69 infected animals and/or immunized on an experimental basis. We analyzed different samples of all the pigs, for his studies parasitological, immunological, histopathological, immunohistochemical and zootechnical purposes. Experimental pigs were distributed in 7 lots, including batch control, reinfected and immunized. The 61.1 % of the animals in natural conditions were found to be positive to Ascaris suum, of which 42 % had me in adults in the intestine and the 49.5 % had parasite eggs in stool. In addition, the immune serum analysis, demonstrated by both the technique and ELISA and Western blotting that pigs infected with patent showed lower levels of antibodies that the intestinal adults who did not have. For its part, the results of the experimental ascariasis showed that continuing reinfections with eggs of the parasite confer a high degree of protection to a possible post-larval migration. However, animals immunized with the protein of 14 kDa showed almost 93 % of protection at pulmonary level, forging a new path to the possibility of the control of ascariasis by means of vaccination. In addition, infection and immunization produced a significant increase in the level of IgG and IgM antibodies, although these immunoglobulin levels did not correlate strongly with the levels of protection, in terms of reduction of the number of spots of milk and larvae in lung cancer. For its part, the histopathological study showed a strong cellular infiltrate and fibroblastic in animals immunized and the formation of granulomas parasitic organisms in animals reinfected. The immunohistochemical study showed the existence of a large number of antigenic tank both at the level of the liver, lung and bowel and a large deposit of immunoglobulins, especially of the isotype IgA. Finally, in the reinfections and immunizations do not significantly influence the weight gain of pigs, although there was a reduction of the amount of total fatty acids in the liver tissue in animals very damaged, due to fibrosis caused by the formation of stains of milk

    Passive mechanical features of single fibers from human muscle biopsies – effects of storage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of storage of human muscle biopsies on passive mechanical properties.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Stress-strain analysis accompanied by laser diffraction assisted sarcomere length measurement was performed on single muscle fibres from fresh samples and compared with single fibres from stored samples (-20°C, 4 weeks) with the same origin as the corresponding fresh sample. Basic morphological analysis, including cross sectional area (CSA) measurement, fibre diameter measurement, fibre occupancy calculation and overall morphology evaluation was done.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Statistical analysis of tangent values in stress-strain curves, corresponding to the elastic modulus of single muscle fibres, did not differ when comparing fresh and stored samples from the same type of muscle. Regardless of the preparation procedure, no significant differences were found, neither in fibre diameter nor the relation between muscle fibres and extra-cellular matrix measured under light microscopy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that muscle fibre structure and mechanics are relatively insensitive to the storage procedures used and that the different preparations are interchangeable without affecting passive mechanical properties. This provides a mobility of the method when harvesting muscle biopsies away from the laboratory.</p

    A randomized, clinical trial to assess the relative efficacy and tolerability of two doses of etoricoxib versus naproxen in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Background This study evaluated two doses of etoricoxib (60 and 90 mg) vs. naproxen 1000 mg in subjects with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods This was a 2-part, double-blind, active comparator-controlled non-inferiority study in subjects ≥18 years of age with AS. In Part I, subjects were randomized to naproxen 1000 mg; etoricoxib 60 mg, and 90 mg. In Part II, naproxen and etoricoxib 90 mg subjects continued on the same treatment; subjects on etoricoxib 60 mg either continued on 60 mg or escalated to 90 mg. Part I (6 weeks) assessed the efficacy of A) etoricoxib 60 mg vs. naproxen and B) 90 mg vs. naproxen according to the time-weighted average change from baseline in Spinal Pain Intensity (SPI; 0–100 mm VAS) (primary endpoint). The non- inferiority margin was set at 8 mm for SPI. In Part II (20 weeks) we evaluated the potential benefit of increasing from 60 to 90 mg (predefined minimum clinically important difference = 6 mm in SPI) for inadequate responders (<50 % improvement from baseline in SPI) onetoricoxib 60 mg in Part I. Results In total, 1015 subjects were randomized to receive etoricoxib 60 mg (N = 702), etoricoxib 90 mg (N = 156), and naproxen 1000 mg (N = 157); 70.9 % were male and the mean age was 45.2 years. There were 919 subjects who completed Part I and all continued to Part II. In Part I, SPI change was non-inferior for both etoricoxib doses vs. naproxen. In both Part I and II, the incidence of adverse events (AEs), drug-related AEs, and serious adverse events (SAEs) were similar between the 3 treatment groups. Conclusion Both doses of etoricoxib were non- inferior to naproxen. All treatments were well tolerated. Etoricoxib 60 and 90 mg effectively control pain in patients with AS, with 60 mg once daily as the lowest effective dose for most patients. Trial registration Clinical Trials Registry # NCT01208207. Registered on 22 September 2010

    First detection of Gongylonema species in Geotrupes mutator in Europe

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    The detection of three Gongylonema sp. infective larvae in two specimens of the dung beetle Geotrupes mutator (Marsham, 1802) from western Spain is reported here for the first time in Europe. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the analyzed specimens belong to the genus Gongylonema, but it was not possible to determine the species identity by the lack of morphological information in the literature and because many of the phenotypic characteristics had not yet fully developed at this juvenile stage. Nevertheless, a phylogenetic analysis using amplified cox1 nucleotide sequences has revealed that the studied larvae could be clearly discriminated ( 89% identity) from all the other Gongylonema cox1 sequences available in public genetic databases. While our results are limited by the scarcity of genetic information available for this genus, the possibility that the analyzed specimens might correspond to a new species should not be ruled out, and more studies are needed. The results provided in this report indicate that G. mutator is involved in the transmission cycle of Gongylonema sp.To vertebrates in Europe.publishersversionpublishe

    Miasis experimental por Protophormia terraenovae en ovino

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    Recientemente se ha determinado el asentamiento de la mosca invasora Protophormia terraenovae en condiciones naturales en Extremadura. Por tanto, quisimos determinar si esta especie es capaz de provocar miasis traumáticas en la ganadería ovina en las condiciones climáticas de la región. Para ello, se realizó una infestación experimental con distintas dosis de L1 de esta especie (obtenidas del asticot comercializado en tiendas de pesca) en ovejas merinas, para comprobar la patogenicidad de las mismas en el desarrollo de la posible miasis. Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que, en las condiciones experimentales de este proyecto, las L1 de P. terraenovae no provocaron una miasis traumática propiamente dicha, ya que no se produjeron alteraciones patológicas reseñables ni a nivel sistémico ni a nivel local. Más bien, aquellas larvas que fueron capaces de desarrollarse en la zona de la lesión provocaron una reducción significativa del número de bacterias y del tejido necrótico en esta localización, con lo que estos resultados incitan a pensar en el uso de estas larvas para la larvoterapia animal, previa esterilización y control de cría de las mismas.Recently the establishment of the invasive fly Protophormia terraenovae in natural conditions in Extremadura has been confirmed. Therefore, we wanted to determine if this species is able to provoke traumatic myiasis in the ovine hut in the climatic conditions of the region. For this, an experimental infestation with different doses of L1 of this species (obtained from the asticot marketed in fishing shops) was carried out in merino sheep, to verify their pathogenic influence in the development of the possible myiasis. The results determined that, in the experimental conditions of this project, the L1 of P. terraenovae did not provoke a traumatic myiasis, since pathological alterations were observed neither at the systemic level nor at the local one. Rather than that, those larvae that were able to develop in the lesion area, caused a significant reduction in the number of bacteria and necrotic tissue at this location, so these results suggest the use of these larvae for maggot debridement therapy, prior sterilization and breeding control of the same ones

    Culex pipiens as a potential vector for transmission of Dirofilaria immitis and other unclassified Filarioidea in Southwest Spain

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    Dirofilaria immitis is one of the most frequently detected mosquito-transmitted zoonotic filarioid nematode in mammals in Europe, being canine dirofilariosis a major animal health problem, endemic in the Mediterranean area. This study, focused on Southwest Spain, in order to bring new insights into (i) the epidemiology of Dirofilaria spp., (ii) the species of Culicid vectors possibly involved in their transmission and (iii) the genetic variability of those potential vectors. A total of 881 adult female mosquitoes from 11 different species, were captured during 2012–2013, and detection of filarioid DNA was attempted by PCR using specific primers (ITS-2 and COI), followed by DNA sequencing. In a single Culex pipiens specimen D. immitis DNA was detected both in the head-thorax and abdomen sections. Filarioid nematode DNA was also detected in eight additional Cx. pipiens specimens also in both the thorax and the abdomen, but analysis of sequence data did not allow unambiguous assignment of any of the obtained sequences to a previously defined species. All Cx. pipiens with filarioid DNA were individually analysed by CQ11 to discriminate between pipiens, molestus, and hybrid forms. Besides, rDNA ITS-2 sequence analysis revealed the presence of haplotype H1 and H2 of Cx. pipiens. To our knowledge this study revealed, for the first time in Spain, the occurrence of likely mature infection of D.immitis in Cx. pipiens, as well as with other yet uncharacterized nematodes, supporting its role as a potential vector of these filarids.Part of this work was funded through the research project (IB10044) of the ―Consejería de Economía, Comercio e Innovación‖ of the Extremadura regional Government (Spain). DBB holds a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain (FPU grant AP2010-5854). Work done during the stay in the Global Health and Tropical Medicine in Lisbon, funded by Banco Santander, SA through program ―Becas Iberoamérica. Jóvenes Profesores e Investigadores. Santander Universidades 2014.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/vetpar2017-06-30hb2016Immunolog

    Understanding human functioning using graphical models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functioning and disability are universal human experiences. However, our current understanding of functioning from a comprehensive perspective is limited. The development of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) on the one hand and recent developments in graphical modeling on the other hand might be combined and open the door to a more comprehensive understanding of human functioning. The objective of our paper therefore is to explore how graphical models can be used in the study of ICF data for a range of applications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We show the applicability of graphical models on ICF data for different tasks: Visualization of the dependence structure of the data set, dimension reduction and comparison of subpopulations. Moreover, we further developed and applied recent findings in causal inference using graphical models to estimate bounds on intervention effects in an observational study with many variables and without knowing the underlying causal structure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In each field, graphical models could be applied giving results of high face-validity. In particular, graphical models could be used for visualization of functioning in patients with spinal cord injury. The resulting graph consisted of several connected components which can be used for dimension reduction. Moreover, we found that the differences in the dependence structures between subpopulations were relevant and could be systematically analyzed using graphical models. Finally, when estimating bounds on causal effects of ICF categories on general health perceptions among patients with chronic health conditions, we found that the five ICF categories that showed the strongest effect were plausible.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Graphical Models are a flexible tool and lend themselves for a wide range of applications. In particular, studies involving ICF data seem to be suited for analysis using graphical models.</p

    Circulation of zoonotic flaviviruses in wild passerine birds in Western Spain

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    We explore the presence of zoonotic flaviviruses (West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV)) neutralizing antibodies in rarely studied passerine bird species. We report, for the first time in Europe, WNV-specific antibodies in red avadavat and cetti's warbler, and USUV in yellow-crowned bishop. The evidence of WNV and USUV circulating in resident and migratory species has implications for both animal and public health. Future outbreaks in avian reservoir hosts may occur and passerines should be considered as priority target species in flavivirus surveillance programmes.This work was funded by Consejería de Economía e Infraestructura of the Junta de Extremadura and the European Regional Development Fund, a Way to Make Europe, through the research project (grant numbers IB20089 and IB16135), and PR (19_ECO_0070) project Aves y Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes: Impacto de las Especies Exóticas y Migratorias en la transmisión de Malaria aviar y el virus del Nilo Occidental - AvEIEs from Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2019. CISA (INIA-CSIC) was funded by INIA projects number E-RTA2015–00002-CO2–01 and AEI PID2020–116768RR-C21. MF was supported by a Juan de la Cierva 2017 Formación contract (FJCI-2017–34394) from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and she is currently funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (grant agreement No 844285, ‘EpiEcoMod’). JM was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Juan de la Cierva Subprogram (FJCI-2017–34109), with the financial sponsorship of the MICINN. FG-C is supported by Ayudas a la Formación Investigador Predoctoral 2018 (PD18056) from the Extremadura Government. PA-S is supported by an FPI-SGIT predoctoral contract from INIA/CISA.Peer reviewe