292 research outputs found

    Ophiolites in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Peruvian Andes

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    A discoutinuous NNW-SSE trending belt of scattered ultraiuafic (UM) and subordínate mafic (M) rocks ís exposed alona some 250 km in the Eastern Cordillera of the peruvian Andes (Junin and Huanuco Departnients. -°"-12° S). New data questiou tlieír pieviousty assuuned [1.2] intrusive origin. Work, in progress shows tLat the essential geologic and tecronk featiires are comnion to most of them, as will t e shown on the southeniniost occurrences: Tapo and Acobaniba (Tarraa proviuce). The Tapo massif is the most conspkuoiis and the oaty one with chiomite mining history. It is a lens-shaped body, 5 km long [NV-SE direction) and 1 -2 km wide. lying on detritaí sedirnents of the Lower Carboniferous Ambo Group [3], and comprising extreniely tectomsed and serpentinised peridotiles wilh subordínate podiform chroirdtite bodies. nieta-gabbros or amphibolites The Acobamba oecurrences couiprise serpentinites aud subordínate meta-gabbros [A]. in contact with phyllites of the Precarnbnan (?) Huacar Group (Maraáón Complex)

    Synopsis of Lunda geology, NE Angola : implications for diamond exploration

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    No presente estudo, apresenta-se uma síntese da geologia da Luanda (NE de Angola) com vista a um melhor entendimento das ocorrências de jazigos primários e secundários de diamante. As enormes potencialidades diamantíferas da região são encaradas de forma abrangente, apoiadas em primeiro grau na definição do Cratão do Congo, a partir de um núcleo do Arcaico, até aos vários cinturões móveis acretados, sucessivamente, a este núcleo. No conjunto, dão corpo ao edifício cratónico onde a variação do gradiente geotérmico e a curva de estabilidade do diamante são determinantes na génese e transporte até à superfície deste precioso mineral. Giza-se de seguida a evolução da Bacia Central do Congo, grande região situada na zona central de África onde, mercê de drenagem endorreica, se acumulam espessas sequências sedimentares, iniciadas no Paleozóico superior, e que assumem expressão máxima no Meso-Cenozóico. Também se faz referência à deformação pré-atlântica do Cratão do Congo que comanda os processos sedimentológicos, essencialmente terrigenos e continentais, deformação essa que atinge pontos críticos com a abertura do Atlântico Sul. Referem-se as grandes repercussões do "rift" oceânico no interior do cratão, reactivando estruturas tectónicas herdadas de ciclos anteriores com direcções dominantes que controlam, em absoluto, as vindas kimberlíticas e estruturas alcalinas associadas. Dedica-se ainda um largo espaço às unidades sedimentares portadoras de diamante, com especial destaque para a Formação Calonda do Grupo Kwango, Grupo Kalahari e depósitos eluvio-aluvíais do Quatemário que, em fases sucessivas, colectam e redistribuem o diamante. Discute-se, caso a caso, o potencial destas unidades na inventariação e prospecção de jazigos secundários detríticos. A finalizar, faz-se o balanço crítico e alvitram-se as consequências económicas que impendem sobre os jazigos de diamante de Angola, primários e secundários, nas vertentes da sua potencialidade e perspectivas para o futuro

    Neoproterozoic ultramafic and mafic magmatism in the Eastern Cordillera of the central peruvian Andes: the Tapo Massif

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    A highly dismembered assemblage of ultramafic and mafic rocks is exposed in the Eastern Cordillera of the Central Peruvian Andes, extending along a discontinuous NW-SE belt over some 250 km between 12° and 9° S of latitude. One of the most important occurrences is the Tapo Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, which occurs at 3750 to 4200 m above sea level, 2 km to the west of Tapo locality, in the Tarma province, about 200 Km west of Lima. The Tapo complex is a lens-shaped body, 5 km long and 1-2 km wide, that consists mainly of strongly serpentinized peridotites and some gabbros. Several small open pits won chromite from podiform chromitite lenses ( ≥60 chromite) and from disseminated chromite in serpentinite. The main structural trend of the Tapo Complex is NW – SE and the massif is tectonically emplaced upon Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks. The rocks of the Tapo massif are overprinted by metamorphism reaching amphibolite facies (see Willner et al, 2010, for more information on the metamorphic conditions). The main purpose of this work is to constrain the age determination of the Tapo Complex, using Sm-Nd technique direct dating of chromites and, also, amphibole, plagioclase and whole-rock samples from the host gabbro. In addition K-Ar age determination on amphibole is presented to date the metamorphic overprint

    An IPtel architecture based on the SIP protocol

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    More and better accesses to the Internet increase the interest in using it to carry not only data but also voice and video. The IP Telephony (IPTel) was born in this context and offers a framework to create multimedia communication systems. The Session Initiation Protocol, used in the IPTel architecture, is a protocol for signaling and call control between two or more participants. This paper presents telephony over IP service. Different protocols typically used in IPtel are analyzed and the architecture and functionality of SIP protocol are explained. Different mobility modes provided by SIP through the application layer are described. Finally we present the sIPtel, a Java application that supports real audio and video communications and uses the SIP protocol for call signaling

    Uma arquitectura para a composição dinâmica de serviços dependentes do contexto

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    A difusão das ligações sem fios nos locais de trabalho, de lazer e mesmo em casa, juntamente com a proliferação dos dispositivos móveis abrem novos cenários para o fornecimento de serviços aos utilizadores. Além dos serviços tradicionais de Internet devem por isso, ser disponibilizados novos serviços que de uma forma transparente se adeqúem e se adaptem ao contexto do utilizador. Os utilizadores teriam ainda mais flexibilidade e escolha se, para além do fornecimento de destes serviços, lhes fosse dada a possibilidade de eles próprios comporem novos serviços com base em serviços já existentes. Este artigo discute os componentes essenciais de um sistema context-aware que permite a composição dinâmica de serviços sensíveis ao contexto e propõe uma arquitectura possível para implementação desses serviços

    A service-oriented middleware for composing context aware mobile services

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    Recent advances in wireless networks and mobile devices have brought about new scenes for the provision of services to end-users. Besides traditional services, new ones may be provided that transparently adjust and adapt to the user context. The user would have more choice and flexibility if, besides using the services, he could also compose his own services in an ad-hoc way. This paper presents iCas, an architecture to create context-aware services on the fly and discusses its main components. Also an application scenario is briefly described

    BioRePortAP, an electronic clinical record coupled with a database : an example of its use in a single

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    Aims: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists in the Rheumatology Department of Hospital de Santa Maria using the BioRePortAP. Methods: The Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR) developed an electronic medical chart coupled with a database for the follow up of PsA patients, the BioRePortAP, which was launched in May 2009. This evaluation was based on all the PsA patients that were on active treatment with TNF antagonists in September 2009 and were registered in the BioRePortAP. All the previous data on these patients were introduced in BioRePortAP using the prospective paper based follow up protocol that this Department was using since 1999. Only patients with more than 9 months of treatment were analyzed. Results: Forty-two patients with PsA, actively treated with anti-TNF agents in September 2009, for at least 9 months, were analyzed in BioRePortAP. Twenty-three patients were male (55%) and nineteen were female (45%). The average age of these patients was 49.8±10.9 years old, the average disease duration was of 10.7±5.6 years and the mean duration of biological therapy was of 37.8±27.8 months. For the 81% of patients with peripheral joint disease there was a mean reduction of more than 80% in the swollen and tender joint counts, and almost 50% in the health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) value. In the 19% of the patients with axial involvement the reduction of BASDAI and BASFI was not statistically significative. On top of that, PASI score suffered a reduction of 64%. Fourteen patients (33.3%) had to switch their TNF antagonist treatment. 58.8% of the switches were due to adverse effects and 41.2% due to therapy failure. Regarding the 56 adverse reactions registered, only one was a severe reaction. The remaining adverse reactions were not severe and 67% of them were due to infections. Discussion: The results of this first report of the use of the BioRePortAP in clinical practice confirm the efficacy and safety of TNF antagonist treatment in PsA. The results shown here elucidate the potential applications of BioRePortAP as a tool for efficacy and safety assessment of PsA patients treated with biotechnological drugs

    Jornalismo e representações sociais: perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas

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    This paper’s goal is the establishment of links between the Representations Theory and the News Studies. It is considered that the connections between these two theories can offer theoretical possibilities for research focused on how, throughout the daily activity, journalists contribute on framing cultural, economical and political representations. In other words, investigations that consider the journalistic field as an instance of framing reality.El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer aproximaciones entre la teoría de las representaciones y los estudios de la noticia. Consideramos que las conexiones entre los dos campos ofrecen posibilidades teóricas para las investigaciones que tienen el propósito de identificar de qué manera los periodistas, en su actividad diaria, contribuyen para la construcción de representaciones de la cultura, de la economía y de la política. Es decir, investigaciones que tratan el campo periodístico como un lugar de construcción de lo real.Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer aproximações entre a teoria das representações e os estudos da notícia. Consideramos que as conexões entre os dois campos oferecem possibilidades teóricas para as pesquisas que têm como preocupação como, na atividade diária, os jornalistas contribuem para a construção de representações da cultura, da economia e da política. Em resumo, investigações que tratam o campo jornalístico como um lugar de construção do real

    Evidencias estructurales de aloctonía de los cuerpos ultramáficos y máficos de la Cordillera Oriental del Perú en la Región de Huánuco

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    En la región de Huánuco afloran varios cuerpos de rocas ultramáficas considerados anteriormente como fruto del emplazamiento de magmas ultramáficos intrusivos dentro de la secuencia sedimentaria del Complejo del Marañón. Este trabajo presenta evidencias de campo con nuevos datos que demuestran que estos cuerpos son posibles fragmentos de un complejo ultramáfico-máfico de mayores dimensiones que procede de otro lugar