
Ophiolites in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Peruvian Andes


A discoutinuous NNW-SSE trending belt of scattered ultraiuafic (UM) and subordínate mafic (M) rocks ís exposed alona some 250 km in the Eastern Cordillera of the peruvian Andes (Junin and Huanuco Departnients. -°"-12° S). New data questiou tlieír pieviousty assuuned [1.2] intrusive origin. Work, in progress shows tLat the essential geologic and tecronk featiires are comnion to most of them, as will t e shown on the southeniniost occurrences: Tapo and Acobaniba (Tarraa proviuce). The Tapo massif is the most conspkuoiis and the oaty one with chiomite mining history. It is a lens-shaped body, 5 km long [NV-SE direction) and 1 -2 km wide. lying on detritaí sedirnents of the Lower Carboniferous Ambo Group [3], and comprising extreniely tectomsed and serpentinised peridotiles wilh subordínate podiform chroirdtite bodies. nieta-gabbros or amphibolites The Acobamba oecurrences couiprise serpentinites aud subordínate meta-gabbros [A]. in contact with phyllites of the Precarnbnan (?) Huacar Group (Maraáón Complex)

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