379 research outputs found

    Gestión de una Cooperativa de Explotación en común de la Tierra y de Comercialización, en 500 HAS. de Regadío, en San Miguel del Pino y Villamarciel (Valladolid)

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    El presente proyecto tiene por objeto la constitución de una cooperativa de uso en común de la tierra acordada por ciertos miembros de la Comunidad de Regantes del Canal de Tordesillas, sector I, en los términos municipales de San Miguel del Pino y Villamarciel (Valladolid). Para ello, se requiere la planificación de una alternativa de regadío con rotaciones de cinco años de duración, así como la construcción de una nave agrícola que sirva para guardar, por un lado, la maquinaria y los insumos y por otro, los productos obtenidos hasta su comercializaciónGrado en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natura

    Impact of Biological Agents on Postsurgical Complications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease : A Multicentre Study of Geteccu

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    Background: The impact of biologics on the risk of postoperative complications (PC) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still an ongoing debate. This lack of evidence is more relevant for ustekinumab and vedolizumab. Aims: To evaluate the impact of biologics on the risk of PC. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in 37 centres. Patients treated with biologics within 12 weeks before surgery were considered "exposed". The impact of the exposure on the risk of 30-day PC and the risk of infections was assessed by logistic regression and propensity score-matched analysis. Results: A total of 1535 surgeries were performed on 1370 patients. Of them, 711 surgeries were conducted in the exposed cohort (584 anti-TNF, 58 vedolizumab and 69 ustekinumab). In the multivariate analysis, male gender (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2-2.0), urgent surgery (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2-2.2), laparotomy approach (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1-1.9) and severe anaemia (OR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.3-2.6) had higher risk of PC, while academic hospitals had significantly lower risk. Exposure to biologics (either anti-TNF, vedolizumab or ustekinumab) did not increase the risk of PC (OR: 1.2; 95% CI: 0.97-1.58), although it could be a risk factor for postoperative infections (OR 1.5; 95% CI: 1.03-2.27). Conclusions: Preoperative administration of biologics does not seem to be a risk factor for overall PC, although it may be so for postoperative infections

    El reto de la inclusión de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la formación inicial de profesores de secundaria: creación del MOOC curso cero sobre educación y ODS, inclusión en asignaturas y en trabajos fin de máster

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    Memoria ID-041. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022

    Sembrando derechos y cosechando sonrisas en tiempos de pandemia

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    Introducción: En marzo de este año el Decreto presidencial 297/2020 nos mostró una nueva realidad, la pandemia de COVID-19 había llegado al país, sumiéndonos en una nueva realidad. “SEMBRANDO DERECHOS Y COSECHANDO SONRISAS”, fue la propuesta para la convocatoria 2018 que se convirtió en Proyecto Acreditado y Subsidiado para la difusión de los Derechos Sanitarios. La Escuela de Enseñanza Secundaria n°7 de la Ciudad de Magdalena, una secundaria con orientación en arte teatral nos dio un espacio y una agradable sorpresa en diciembre de 2019. Habida cuenta del éxito y proyectando futuras actividades hacia la comunidad educativa y la comunidad en general con el director Prof. Leandro Álvarez, es que nos propusimos la continuidad en la convocatoria 2019. Objetivos: Sostener la difusión de los derechos sanitarios en el contexto de pandemia. Adecuar los roles grupales al trabajo virtual colaborativo. generar material de difusión para diferentes plataformas digitales. Utilizar las redes sociales para retroalimentar el contacto. Realizar capacitaciones docentes virtuales en la temática. Metodología: La metodología seleccionada fue la participación colaborativa de los integrantes del proyecto, con la participación comunidad educativa. Los grupos de trabajo integrados por docentes y alumnos, se reasignaron los roles previstos en la presencialidad a una nueva operatividad a distancia. Se fijaron reuniones quincenales para generar estrategias, consultar a la comunidad educativa, elaborando material de difusión digitalizado para enviar por medios informáticos como la aplicación WhatsApp y por email. Atento a que parte de la comunidad se desarrolla en contexto rural, no teniendo buen acceso a internet, se estableció como estrategia complementaria la generación de espacios en redes sociales. La Secretaría de Extensión de la FOLP gestionó la readecuación de recursos del proyecto en insumos para la vuelta a las actividades presenciales de la escuela. Se realizó la capacitación a los Docentes vía plataforma ZOOM destinándoles el material digital generado. Resultados y Conclusiones: Se generaron de manera colaborativa 3 videos, de un minuto aproximadamente, 2 banner de difusión digital, un sitio de Instagram, así como una capacitación a los docentes interesados de la escuela.Facultad de Odontologí

    Fusión del derecho al arte, bioética y derechos sanitarios

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    En el periodo de la adolescencia se produce la estructuración de la personalidad del individuo, a través de intensas transformaciones en los aspectos corporales, psicológicos y en sus relaciones. Las enfermedades bucales prevalentes pueden prevenirse con medidas de auto cuidado y de protección específica. Por tanto, incluir estos contenidos en el ámbito de los adolescentes posibilita que éstos resignifiquen en forma positiva su percepción de la salud bucal e identifiquen, reclamen y, finalmente, ejerzan sus derechos sanitarios.Trabajo publicado en Herrero, D.; Sosa, B.; Brutti, F.; Prado, M. (comps.). Reflexiones y desafíos de la extensión universitaria en América Latina. Tandil: UNICEN, 2021.Facultad de Odontologí

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    Impact of Biological Agents on Postsurgical Complications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Multicentre Study of Geteccu

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    Background: The impact of biologics on the risk of postoperative complications (PC) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still an ongoing debate. This lack of evidence is more relevant for ustekinumab and vedolizumab. Aims: To evaluate the impact of biologics on the risk of PC. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in 37 centres. Patients treated with biologics within 12 weeks before surgery were considered “exposed”. The impact of the exposure on the risk of 30-day PC and the risk of infections was assessed by logistic regression and propensity score-matched analysis. Results: A total of 1535 surgeries were performed on 1370 patients. Of them, 711 surgeries were conducted in the exposed cohort (584 anti-TNF, 58 vedolizumab and 69 ustekinumab). In the multivariate analysis, male gender (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2–2.0), urgent surgery (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2–2.2), laparotomy approach (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1–1.9) and severe anaemia (OR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.3–2.6) had higher risk of PC, while academic hospitals had significantly lower risk. Exposure to biologics (either anti-TNF, vedolizumab or ustekinumab) did not increase the risk of PC (OR: 1.2; 95% CI: 0.97–1.58), although it could be a risk factor for postoperative infections (OR 1.5; 95% CI: 1.03–2.27). Conclusions: Preoperative administration of biologics does not seem to be a risk factor for overall PC, although it may be so for postoperative infections

    Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions

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    Background and Aim: The circulating recombinant form 02_AG (CRF02_AG) is the predominant clade among the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-Bs with a prevalence of 5.97% (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 5.41–6.57%) across Spain. Our aim was to estimate the levels of regional clustering for CRF02_AG and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the largest CRF02_AG subepidemic in Spain.Methods: We studied 396 CRF02_AG sequences obtained from HIV-1 diagnosed patients during 2000–2014 from 10 autonomous communities of Spain. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the 391 CRF02_AG sequences along with all globally sampled CRF02_AG sequences (N = 3,302) as references. Phylodynamic and phylogeographic analysis was performed to the largest CRF02_AG monophyletic cluster by a Bayesian method in BEAST v1.8.0 and by reconstructing ancestral states using the criterion of parsimony in Mesquite v3.4, respectively.Results: The HIV-1 CRF02_AG prevalence differed across Spanish autonomous communities we sampled from (p &lt; 0.001). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 52.7% of the CRF02_AG sequences formed 56 monophyletic clusters, with a range of 2–79 sequences. The CRF02_AG regional dispersal differed across Spain (p = 0.003), as suggested by monophyletic clustering. For the largest monophyletic cluster (subepidemic) (N = 79), 49.4% of the clustered sequences originated from Madrid, while most sequences (51.9%) had been obtained from men having sex with men (MSM). Molecular clock analysis suggested that the origin (tMRCA) of the CRF02_AG subepidemic was in 2002 (median estimate; 95% Highest Posterior Density-HPD interval: 1999–2004). Additionally, we found significant clustering within the CRF02_AG subepidemic according to the ethnic origin.Conclusion: CRF02_AG has been introduced as a result of multiple introductions in Spain, following regional dispersal in several cases. We showed that CRF02_AG transmissions were mostly due to regional dispersal in Spain. The hot-spot for the largest CRF02_AG regional subepidemic in Spain was in Madrid associated with MSM transmission risk group. The existence of subepidemics suggest that several spillovers occurred from Madrid to other areas. CRF02_AG sequences from Hispanics were clustered in a separate subclade suggesting no linkage between the local and Hispanic subepidemics

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis

    The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset

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