32 research outputs found

    Optimum management of time as an important practice for boosting productivity in organizations

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    Starting point of obtaining skills in time management is individually different .Most people think they can get better than what they are with the help of time management. The best opportunities or the worst ones usually occur at unexpected time which we might not be ready for. Here, the question is "what is time management?" It can be said it is the best use of seconds and opportunities one faces .Therefore, in this paper, efforts has been done to provide practical ways so as to use the time in an optimum way. By definition, time management is determining main purposes as a first step and writing them down on a paper followed by next and main step: regular planning as well as hard efforts which finally lead to aims access. However, in the case of absence of one of the mentioned factors, it would be either impossible to realizing aims or you may be exercised lots of expenses leading to no qualitative results

    Optimum management of time as an important practice for boosting productivity in organizations

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    Starting point of obtaining skills in time management is individually different .Most people think they can get better than what they are with the help of time management. The best opportunities or the worst ones usually occur at unexpected time which we might not be ready for. Here, the question is "what is time management?" It can be said it is the best use of seconds and opportunities one faces .Therefore, in this paper, efforts has been done to provide practical ways so as to use the time in an optimum way. By definition, time management is determining main purposes as a first step and writing them down on a paper followed by next and main step: regular planning as well as hard efforts which finally lead to aims access. However, in the case of absence of one of the mentioned factors, it would be either impossible to realizing aims or you may be exercised lots of expenses leading to no qualitative results

    A cross-sectional study on the relationship between maternal attachment styles and child cognitive functions

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of attachment refers to how the infant emotionally communicates with the caregiver. Despite the importance of this concept, the relationship between the mother's attachment styles and the child's cognitive functions has not been investigated so far.METHODS: In a cross-sectional study during October to December 2019, 120 primary school girl students were selected by the convenience sampling method. Participants responded to the two scales of Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC®-IV), as well as the Experience in Close Relationship Scale (ECR-S). Data were analyzed using multivariate regression statistical model in SPSS softwareRESULTS: The results showed that five indices of verbal intelligence, knowledge intelligence, active memory intelligence, working memory (WM), and processing speed were predicted by parent's anxiety attachment style (P < 0.050 for all). However, the relationship between the indices of total intelligence, non-verbal intelligence, fluid reasoning intelligence, quantitative reasoning intelligence, visual-spatial processing intelligence, verbal inteligence, perceptual reasoning, general ability, cognitive domination, and total scale of students with parent attachment styles were not significant (P > 0.050).CONCLUSION: The findings of this study highlighted the role of maternal attachment styles in predicting child's psychological structures, which can be accompanied by clinical implications in planning interventions based on the intelligence quotient (IQ) promotion for the child

    Thermodynamic geometry of a system with unified quantum statistics

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    We examine the thermodynamic characteristics of unified quantum statistics as a novel framework that undergoes a crossover between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics by varying a generalization parameter δ\delta. We find an attractive intrinsic statistical interaction when δ0.5\delta\le0.5 where the thermodynamic curvature remains positive throughout the entire physical range. For 0.5<δ<10.5 < \delta < 1 the system exhibits predominantly Fermi-like behavior at high temperatures, while at low temperatures, the thermodynamic curvature is positive and the system behaves like bosons. As the temperature decreases further, the system undergoes a transition into the condensate phase. We also report on a critical fugacity (z=Zz = Z^*) defined as the point at which the thermodynamic curvature changes sign, i.e. for zZz Z^*), the statistical behavior resembles that of fermions (bosons). Also, we extract the variation of statistical behaviour of the system for different values of generalization parameter with respect to the temperature. We evaluate the critical fugacity and critical δ\delta dependent condensation temperature of the system. Finally, we investigate the specific heat as a function of temperature and condensation phase transition temperature of the system for different values of generalization parameter in different dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure

    فقدان قوه تمییز و اراده به هنگام ارتکاب جرم و آثار آن؛ مطالعه تطبیقی مذاهب اسلامی

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    Background and Aim: According to Article 149 of the Islamic Penal Code, the loss of discernment or will when committing a crime exempts the perpetrator from punishment; but in practice, it is not possible to be sure about this situation and to use this legal article. Materials and Methods: This analytical-descriptive research aims to express the jurists of Islamic religions’ views about the effect of the lack of discernment and will at the time of committing a crime and the evidence to prove it. Conclusion: The jurists of Islamic religions agree on the necessity of exempting a criminal who lacks discernment or will at the time of committing a crime. However, the definition of mental disorder in the Shafi'i and Maliki religions is very general and similar to the signs of permanent insanity. It is possible to prove the momentary deterioration of the intellect through Qassamah from the point of view of Hanafi and Hanbali religions. The authority of the Islamic ruler to punish is only limited to mild ta'zir and diya, and this is evident in the majority of jurists’ statements. At the same time, disciplinary and preventive aspects should be included in the subsequent punishments. From this point of view, the punishments of imprisonment in a mental hospital, the requirement of treatment, payment of ransom, and exile are the subject of consensus among all jurists. The Imamiyyah jurists did not mention the proofs of the momentary deterioration of the faculty of discernment and only considered the issue of permanent insanity. About the way to prove this situation, it is also necessary for the legislator to adopt a suitable procedure in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence in order to provide the possibility of using Article 149 of the Islamic Penal Code.زمینه و هدف:  زوال قوه تمییز یا اراده در لحظه وقوع جرم، به موجب ماده 149 قانون مجازات اسلامی، موجب معافیت مرتکب از مجازات می ‌شود؛ اما در عمل امکان اطمینان به این وضعیت وجود ندارد و لذا استفاده از این ماده قانونی ممکن نمی‌ باشد. مواد و روش‌ها:  این پژوهش كه به روش تحلیلی توصیفی انجام شده، هدف از آن بیان دیدگاه‌ هاي فقهای مذاهب اسلامی درباره اثر فقدان قوه تمییز و اراده در لحظه ارتکاب جرم و ادله اثبات آن، می ‌باشد. نتیجه‌گیری:  فقهای مذاهب اسلامی به لزوم معافیت مجرمی که در لحظه وقوع جرم، فاقد قوه تمییز یا اراده است، اتفاق نظر دارند. با این حال تعریف اختلال روانی در مذاهب شافعی و مالکی بسیار کلی و شبیه نشانه ‌های جنون دایمی می‌باشد. مذاهب حنفی و حنبلی امکان اثبات زوال لحظه ‌ای قوه عقل به وسیله قسامه را ممکن دانسته ‌اند. اختیار حاکم اسلامی به مجازات، تنها به تعزیر خفیف و دیه محدود بوده و این مهم در بیانات اکثریت فقها مشهود است. در عین حال جنبه‌ های تأدیبی و پیشگیرانه می ‌بایست در مجازات ‌های تبعی لحاظ گردد. از این جهت مجازات ‌های حبس در بیمارستان روانی، الزام به درمان، پرداخت دیه و تبعید در این‌ خصوص مورد اتفاق نظر جملگی فقها می ‌باشد. فقهای امامیه به ادله اثبات زوال لحظه‌ای قوه تمییز اشاره ‌ای نداشته و تنها مسئله جنون دائمی را مد نظر قرار داده ‌اند. در خصوص نحوه اثبات این وضعیت نیز نیاز است که قانون‌ گذار به تبعیت از نظر فقهای اسلامی، رویه مناسبی اتخاذ نماید تا امکان استفاده از ماده 149 قانون مجازات اسلامی فراهم گردد

    Does covid-19 pandemic tell us something about time and space to meet our being, belonging and becoming needs?

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    Background. People’s perceptions of events like a pandemic are shaped by individual experiences within their socio-cultural context. Attributing negative or positive meanings to an experience may influence the sense of Being, Belonging and Becoming. Aim and objectives. To investigate the impact of the isolation/social distancing measures on people’s sense of Being, Belonging, Becoming and overall sense of Occupational Wholeness compared to the time before the Covid-19 Pandemic as it is perceived by an Iranian population. Methods. The Model of Occupational Wholeness used to inform the theoretical basis of this study and development of the survey questions. An internet-based survey using a convenient and snowball sampling method was conducted. A self-administered questionnaire was published using a software named Porsline. A sample of 1624 members of the general population in Iran (67% response rate) completed the questionnaire within the first four weeks of the isolation/social distancing period starting on 18 March 2020. The Data was analysed by the SPSS 22. Results. The participants showed a more positive perceived level of Being and Belonging as well as an overall sense of Occupational Wholeness, and no difference in the perceived sense of Becoming during the isolation/social distancing period compared to the time before the Covid 19 pandemic. Conclusions. The findings show that the isolation/social distancing measures were perceived by participants as an opportunity to meet some of their Being, and Belonging needs that contribute to an overall sense of OccupationalWholeness.This highlights the role that Occupational science and Occupational therapy may have in helping people in situations when they need to rethink and replan for what they Do and the way they attribute meaning to their experiences

    CO2 enrichment and increasing light intensity till a threshold level, enhance growth and water use efficiency of lettuce plants in controlled environment

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) and light intensity are the two main environmental drivers known to play important roles in crop growth and yield. In the current study, lettuce seedlings were exposed to four different light intensities [(75, 150, 300 and 600 Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD)] and four different concentrations of CO2 (400, 800, 1200 and 1600 ppm). By increasing light intensity and CO2 concentration growth parameters such as fresh weight, dry weight and leaf area were stepwise increased from 75 to 300 PPFD and from 400 ppm to 1200 ppm CO2 concentration. Maximum fresh weight was observed in 300 PPFD under both 1200 ppm and 1600 ppm CO2 concentrations. Highest dry weight was obtained in plants exposed to 300 and 600 PPFD under both 1200 and 1600 ppm CO2 concentrations. Highest leaf area was detected in 300 PPFD under both 1200 and 1600 ppm CO2 concentrations. Widest stomatal pore aperture was detected in 600 PPFD under 400 ppm and 800 ppm CO2 concentrations. Evapotranspiration increased in a light intensity and CO2 concentration-dependent manner; higher light intensity or higher CO2 concentration, more evapotranspiration. Highest water use efficiency (WUE) was achieved in plants exposed to 300 PPFD under 1200 ppm CO2 concentration. In conclusion, to achieve best growth performance and WUE, lettuce should be produced under 300 PPFD light intensity and 1200 ppm CO2

    Critical data source; Tool or even infrastructure? Challenges of geographic information systems and remote sensing for disaster risk governance

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    Disaster risk information is spatial in nature and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) play an important key role by the services they provide to society. In this context, to risk management and governance, in general, and to civil protection, specifically (termed differently in many countries, and includes, for instance: civil contingencies in the UK, homeland security in the USA, disaster risk reduction at the UN level). The main impetus of this article is to summarize key contributions and challenges in utilizing and accepting GIS and RS methods and data for disaster risk governance, which includes public bodies, but also risk managers in industry and practitioners in search and rescue organizations. The article analyzes certain method developments, such as vulnerability indicators, crowdsourcing, and emerging concepts, such as Volunteered Geographic Information, but also investigates the potential of the topic Critical Infrastructure as it could be applied on spatial assets and GIS and RS itself. Intended to stimulate research on new and emerging fields, this article's main contribution is to move spatial research toward a more reflective stance where opportunities and challenges are equally and transparently addressed in order to gain more scientific quality. As a conclusion, GIS and RS can play a pivotal role not just in delivering data but also in connecting and analyzing data in a more integrative, holistic way

    The Frequency of Using Herbal Medicines Among Patients With Hypertension in Kerman, Iran, 2012-2013

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    Introduction. The use of medicinal plants has dramatically increased in recent years. Given the increasing rate of hypertension and medical plants usage by these patients and considering drug interactions due to concomitant use with drugs, the present study aims to evaluate the rate of medicinal plants usage in hypertensive patients. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study (descriptive–analytical) in which 650 hypertensive patients referring to the subspecialty clinic of Kerman were questioned about medicinal plants usage by a medicinal plants questionnaire. Among these patients, there were 612 who consented to participate. After the variables were described, the data were finally analyzed using Stata 12. Results. The average age of those using these drugs in the past year was 58.8 +10 years. Of the total number of participants using medicinal plants, there were 58 males (23.5%) and 122 females (33.4%). There were 129 participants (72.5%) using medicinal plants through self-administration, 17 participants (9.5%) on experienced users’ advice, 16 participants (9%) as administered by herbalists, and 11 participants (6%) as administered by doctors. However, the most important resources for using a drug that prevents hypertension were family and friends (74 participants; 41.5%) and doctors (13 participants; 7.3%). According to the results, there was no significant difference between the level of education and medicinal plants usage (P ¼ .95); however, there was a significant difference between gender and medicinal plants usage (P ¼ .009). Discussion. According to the results indicating the relatively high prevalence of medicinal plants usage and their arbitrary use by hypertensive patients without consulting a specialist, it seems necessary to plan for more effective and secure public education and train people to provide herbal drug services for various diseases with hypertension being the most common one