373 research outputs found

    Rational exploitation of a granite outcrop

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    [Abstract] This piece analizes the possibilities of mining exploitation in a little outcrop of rOSfl granite. The zone has been researched, recognizing the main structural discontinuities, and characterizing the rock mass by the geomechanic classificationofBARTON. Two core drilling have been made to study the evolution ofthe deeper bed. The volume ofthe bed has been calculated by geometric calculation in the researched area. The theories ofCASTAING and RABU have been developed to estimate the useful volume of the bed for a minimum block size of 1 m3. We have implerríented a computer program in base ofEXCEL 4.0. The result is a useful volume of 51.67 %. By the application of the reduction coefficients ofsterility and irregularity, the maximum estimated efficiency of the exploitation is 33 %

    A critical-path based iterated local search for the green permutation flowshop problem

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    The permutation flowshop scheduling problem is a widely studied combinatorial optimization problem with several real-world applications. In this paper we address a green variant of the problem with controllable processing times and two objective functions: one related to the service level of the factory (makespan) and another one related to the total cost or the total energy/carbon consumption. For this problem we propose a novel Critical-Path based Iterated Local Search. This metaheuristic incorporates several theoretical results to accelerate the search of solutions in the intensification phase. The proposed algorithm has been compared on an extensive benchmark with the most promising algorithms in the literature. The computational results show the excellent performance of the proposal.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-108756RB-I00Junta de Andalucía US-126451

    Diagnosis of Broken Rotor Bars during the Startup of Inverter-Fed Induction Motors Using the Dragon Transform and Functional ANOVA

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    [EN] A proper diagnosis of the state of an induction motor is of great interest to industry given the great importance of the extended use of this motor. Presently, the use of this motor driven by a frequency converter is very widespread. However, operation by means of an inverter introduces certain difficulties for a correct diagnosis, which results in a signal with higher harmonic content and noise level, which makes it difficult to perform a correct diagnosis. To solve these problems, this article proposes the use of a time-frequency technique known as Dragon Transform together with the functional ANOVA statistical technique to carry out a proper diagnosis of the state of the motor by working directly with the curves obtained from the application of the transform. A case study is presented showing the good results obtained by applying the methodology in which the state of the rotor bars of an inverter-fed motor is diagnosed considering three failure states and operating at different load levels.This research has been partially funded by the University of Valladolid.Fernández-Cavero, V.; García-Escudero, LA.; Pons Llinares, J.; Fernández-Temprano, MA.; Duque-Perez, O.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D. (2021). Diagnosis of Broken Rotor Bars during the Startup of Inverter-Fed Induction Motors Using the Dragon Transform and Functional ANOVA. Applied Sciences. 11(9):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1109376911211

    An overview of IoT architectures, technologies, and existing open-source projects

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract]: Today’s needs for monitoring and control of different devices in organizations require an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that can integrate heterogeneous elements provided by multiple vendors and using different protocols, data formats and communication technologies. This article provides a comprehensive review of all the architectures, technologies, protocols and data formats most commonly used by existing IoT platforms. On this basis, a comparative analysis of the most widely used open source IoT platforms is presented. This exhaustive comparison is based on multiple characteristics that will be essential to select the platform that best suits the needs of each organization.This research/work has been supported by GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency) and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, Xunta de Galicia under grant COV20/00604 through the ERDF Galicia 2014-2020; and by grant PID2019-104958RB-C42 (ADELE) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 . Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG.Xunta de Galicia; COV20/0060

    Experiencia a medio plazo con prótesis total de rodilla semiconstreñida

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    Revisamos 25 prótesis totales de rodilla semiconstreñidas tipo Endo-Model Waldemar- Link implantadas en 23 pacientes con una edad media de 69,5 años y un seguimiento medio de 32 meses. Para la evaluación de los resultados clínicos hemos utilizado el protocolo de la Academia Americana en el que se incluyen los parámetros de: dolor, capacidad para la marcha, facilidad para subir y bajar escaleras, necesidad o no de bastones y flexoextensión de la articulación, tanto antes como después de la intervención. Asimismo hemos realizado un estudio radiológico de las prótesis en el que se ha valorado el centraje de los componentes protésicos en dos planos AP y L y las imágenes líticas periprotésicas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido satisfactorios observando en la totalidad de los pacientes una disminución del dolor y un aumento de su capacidad funcional. En ningún caso se han observado infecciones profundas de la prótesis. Se ha comprobado un aumento en el arco de flexión en las prótesis en que la punta del vástago femoral estaba desviada hacia la cortical anterior, sin que esto se acompañase de un déficit en la extensión.We have reviewed 25 total knee prosthesis (Endo-Model type, Waldemar-Link) performed in 23 patients with an age average of 69,5 years-old and a average follow-up of 32 months. The clinical assessment applied was the AAOS protocol including the parameters of: pain, ability to go up and down the stairs, to need of sticks, flexion and extension of the joint, before and after the operation. In the radiological study we have evaluated the correct alignment of the components in two planes A-P and L, and the periprosthetic lucencies. The results obtained have been satisfying in all the patients with a diminution of the pain and better function of the joint. No deep infection was observed and the flexion was better in prosthesis with anterior deviation of the femoral rod in the lateral plane

    Fine Time Measurement for the Internet of Things: A Practical Approach Using ESP32

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    [Abstract]: In the world of Internet of Things (IoT), obtaining the physical location of devices has always been a task of great interest for developing increasingly complex location-based services (LBS). That is why in recent years wireless communication standards have been incorporating new additions focused on providing localization mechanisms to technologies widely used in the IoT world, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. In particular, the IEEE 802.11-2016 Wi-Fi standard introduced ranging estimation between two devices through the so-called fine time measurement (FTM) protocol, defined by the IEEE 802.11mc. FTM is not yet widespread in the IoT field, but commercial modules capable of offering this functionality at a reasonable price are starting to appear. In early 2021, the most widespread system on a chip (SOC) family among IoT devices, the ESP32-XX series, added support for this Wi-Fi standard, enabling, for the first time, the use of a standard designed for location-based systems. This article analyzes the performance of this FTM implementation by carrying out and studying several measurement campaigns in different indoor and outdoor scenarios. Additionally, this work proposes an alternative real-time implementation for distance estimation inside the ESP32 using an approach based on machine learning. Such an implementation is successfully validated in a scenario totally different than those considered for the training and test sets. Finally, both the measurement sets and the developed software are available to the scientific community


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    Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these industrial requirements, they should be targeted in two different directions: new manufacturing processes and surface optimization through algorithms. On the one hand, Super Abrasive Machining (SAM) is presented as a new manufacturing process combining benefits from milling and grinding technologies. On the other hand, there is a tendency to manufacture non developable surfaces by flank milling and to achieve final dimensional and roughness requirements, by calculating mathematically-optimized tool trajectories. This work presents a design and manufacturing of a free form tool to be used for the manufacturing of a complex surface through Flank SAM (FSAM). Based on the tool requirements, it will cover the following stages: tool geometry design, tool core manufacturing, and electroplating for final abrasive tool generation

    Analysis of MEG recordings from Alzheimer's disease patients with sample and multiscale entropies

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most prominent neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this study is to analyze the magnetoencephalogram (MEG) background activity in AD patients using sample entropy (SampEn) and multiscale entropy (MSE). The former quantifies the signal regularity, while the latter is a complexity measure. These concepts, irregularity and complexity, are linked although the relationship is not straightforward. Five minutes of recording were acquired with a 148-channel whole-head magnetometer in 20 patients with probable AD and 21 control subjects. Our results show that MEG recordings are less complex and more regular in AD patients than in control subjects. Significant differences between both groups were found in some MEG channels with both methods (p<0.01, Student's t-test with Bonferroni's correction). Using receiver operating characteristic curves, accuracies of 75.6% with SampEn and of 87.8% with MSE were reached. Our findings show the usefulness of these entropy measures to increase our insight into AD

    Magnetoencephalogram Blind Source Separation and Component Selection Procedure to Improve the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    The aim of this study was to improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients applying a blind source separation (BSS) and component selection procedure to their magnetoencephalogram (MEG) recordings. MEGs from 18 AD patients and 18 control subjects were decomposed with the algorithm for multiple unknown signals extraction. MEG channels and components were characterized by their mean frequency, spectral entropy, approximate entropy, and Lempel-Ziv complexity. Using Student's t-test, the components which accounted for the most significant differences between groups were selected. Then, these relevant components were used to partially reconstruct the MEG channels. By means of a linear discriminant analysis, we found that the BSS-preprocessed MEGs classified the subjects with an accuracy of 80.6%, whereas 72.2% accuracy was obtained without the BSS and component selection procedure

    Analysis of Spontaneous MEG Activity in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease using Spectral Entropies

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    The aim of this study was to explore the ability of several spectral entropies to discriminate between spontaneous magnetoencephalographic (MEG) oscillations from 20 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and 21 controls. Hence, the relative spectral power (RSP) in classical frequency bands was calculated from the averaged power spectral density. Given the fact that the RSP can be viewed as a probability distribution function, the Shannon spectral entropy, Tsallis spectral entropy, generalized escort-Tsallis spectral entropy and Rényi spectral entropy were calculated from the RSP. Significant differences for each parameter were assessed with Mann-Whitney U test, whereas classification performance was studied using binary logistic regression. Results revealed an increase in the RSP of control subjects at beta and gamma bands, while AD patients showed an increase in the RSP values at delta and theta bands. Entropies obtained statistically significant lower values for AD patients than for controls. This issue suggests a significant decrease in irregularity of AD patients' MEG activity