560 research outputs found

    Kualiti dan keberkesanan bimbingan manasik bagi jemaah haji Daerah Bintan Kepulauan Riau Indonesia

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    Ibadah haji merupakan rukun kelima dalam rukun Islam yang menjadi kewajiban keatas umat Islam yang mampu mengerjakannya. Namun, didapati sebahagian dari bakal jemaah tidak dapat memahami modul bimbingan akibat dari pada tenaga pengajar yang kurang berkelayakan. Oleh itu kajian ini adalah untuk menilai sistem bimbingan yang berkesan untuk jemaah haji dan mencadangkan kerangka bimbingan yang berkualiti dan berkesan. Kajian ini merupakan reka bentuk Exploratory sequential iaitu reka bentuk pembangunan instrument dan kerangka. Tujuan reka bentuk ini adalah untuk meramalkan penemuan kualitatif kepada sampel yang lebih besar.Ia mendapatkan 8 orang pakar temu bual dan 120 orang responden. Hasil kajian menunjuk sistem bimbingan manasik haji sedia ada berada pada tahap sederhana. Kajian ini telah mencadangkan satu kerangka bimbingan yang berkualiti dan berkesan bagi memastikan ibadah haji tersebut mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan syariat. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan kerangka bimbingan manasik haji yang dihasilkan dapat membantu kepada pembimbing manasik dan bakal jemaah dalam meningkatkan tahap kefahaman dalam melaksanakan ibadah ini

    Design of Stocking Density of Broilers for Closed House in Wet Tropical Climates

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    The objectives of this research were to: 1) design the stocking density of broiler reared at a closed house system in wet tropical climates based on the heat released by broiler, 2) design broiler harvesting system based on the housing heat load, and 3) design required housing area based on the broiler age. The housing design used to determine the broiler stocking density was based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Solid Works Flow Simulation software. The method had good validation shown by small number of average percentage of deviation (6.07%). Simulation was carried out by changing the number of broilers i.e. 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22 birds/m2. According to the CFD simulation result, total heat load inside the house was 233.33 kW at 21 birds/m2 at weight 1.65 kg/bird. At that stocking density the housing can be occupied by 27,224 birds until 22 days of age. The highest total weight was produced by daily harvesting started from 22 to 32 d. It can be concluded that the stocking density of closed house for broiler is 34.65 kg/m2, total production is 45,717 kg per period and the required area for 27,224 broilers is 248.63 m2 (1 to 7 days of age broiler), 562.52 m2 (8 to 14 days of age broiler) and 1,000 m2 (15 to 22 days of age broiler)


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    In the business world, every business owner can of course experience losses when running their business. These losses can be caused by various kinds of obstacles, one of which is the accumulation of products that are of little interest so that only a few are sold. Therefore, we need a system that can determine the ideal sales product so that it can minimize losses and product buildup and help buyers recommend products to buy. This research uses Tsukamoto's fuzzy approach and the use of MatLab as a computerized computing tool, which allows careful comparison between manual calculations and tools. The results obtained provide a recommendation that the CZ192A Toner Remanufacture product is an Ideal product, the CE255A Toner Remanufacture product is a Non-Ideal product, and the Q7516A Toner Remanufacture product is an Ideal product.ABSTRAKDalam menjalani dunia perbisnisan, setiap pemilik badan usaha tentunya dapat mengalami kerugian ketika menjalankan bisnisnya. Kerugian tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam kendala salah satunya adalah penumpukan produk yang sedikit peminatnya sehingga hanya beberapa yang laku terjual. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat menentukan produk penjualan yang ideal sehingga dapat meminimalisir kerugian serta penumpukan produk serta membantu pembeli dalam merekomendasikan produk yang akan dibeli. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fuzzy tsukamoto dan penggunaan MatLab sebagai alat komputasi terkomputerisasi, yang memungkinkan perbandingan yang cermat antara perhitungan manual dan tools. Hasil yang diperoleh memberikan rekomendasi bahwa produk Remanufacture Toner CZ192A merupakan produk Ideal, produk Remanufacture Toner CE255A merupakan produk Tidak Ideal, dan produk Remanufacture Toner Q7516A merupakan produk Ideal

    Synthesis and Charaterization of Superabsorbent Poly(acrylamide-coacrylic Acid) Hydrogels by Irradiation Technique

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    A series of superabsorbent hydrogels were successfully prepared from acrylamide (AAM) and acrylic acid (AA) without partial neutralized with NaOH by gamma irradiation technique at room temperature. The copolymers were characterized by Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR) Spectroscopy. The gel fraction, swelling kinetics and the equilibrium degree of swelling (EDS) were studied. Under optimum conditions (dose 20 kGy and concentration of AA 0.75 %), poly(AAM-co-AA) hydrogel with high gel fraction (~100%) and very high EDS (~350 g/g) were prepared by gamma ray radiolitycally from aqueous solution. The effect of ionic solution of NaCl and temperature were also investigated. The hydrogels were found to be sensitive to ionic strength of the medium and temperature. It is suggested that poly(AAM—co-AA) hydrogel can be considered to be candidate as biomaterials, matrixs for drug delivery system and water retention in horticulture


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    Dana BOS sebaiknya dikelola secara efektif, efisien, berkelanjutan, dan tepat sasaran agar dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan, penggunaan, dan pengawasan dana BOS dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada SD gugus 1 Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, bendahara, guru, dan komite sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Perencanaan dana BOS pada SD gugus 1 Kecamatan Blang Mangat telah efektif karena penyusunan RKAS dilakukan sesuai prosedur, yaitu dengan cara mengidentifikasi kebutuhan, menyesuaikan dengan juknis, dan melibatkan stakeholder sekolah. Namun, masih terdapat sekolah yang belum rutin mengadakan rapat kerja penyusunan dana BOS; (2) Penggunaan dana BOS untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan masih kurang. Hal ini disebabkan karena sebagian sekolah hanya terpaku pada pemenuhan dua Standar Nasional Pendidikan; (3) Pengawasan penggunaan dana BOS dilakukan oleh Komite Sekolah, Dinas Pendidikan, Inspektorat, dan Badan Pengelolaan Pendapatan Keuangan Anggaran Daerah (BPPKAD) dengan membandingkan antara perencanaan dengan pelaksanaan dana BOS.Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pembiayaan dana BOS dan Mutu Pendidika

    Dandelion Sebagai Objek Penciptaan Karya Seni Lukis

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    Dandelion is a flower that comes from Europe and Asia. This flower can regularly release its seeds and is often considered a fruit. The flower head bears many florets, each producing a single seed. Each seed has a parachute that allows it to fly through the air. Five years ago, when still in school, became interested in dandelion flowers. It was the day of the rice harvest, and see the shape of a white ball being swayed by the wind on the edge of the rice fields. Some of the seeds are released and fly in the wind. This event looks so attractive. The approach used is the representational form approach. The techniques used are aquarel, placard, and impasto techniques. The method used is observation, design, and embodiment. First, direct observations were made in the Dandelion flower environment. Then do the design by sketching directly on the canvas. The next stage is the embodiment stage. Cultivation and exploration of techniques on the canvas are carried out until the work is finished. Finally, the presentation is done in the form of an exhibition. The creation of this work succeeded in producing five works entitled “Gelap Ramai,” “Cemas Untung Tenang,” “Cerah dalam Gelap,” “Bolak-Balik,” “Tenang diaduk Senang.


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    BAB VPENUTUP5.1. KesimpulanBerdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka penulis dapat menyimpulkan beberapa hal yang berhubungan dengan analisa pencairan kredit super mikro pada PD. BPR Mustaqim Sukamakmur, antara lain:1. Dengan berdirinya PD. BPR Mustaqim Sukamakmur semata-mata hanya untuk membantu pemerintah dalam melaksanakan kebijakan dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional khususnya pada sektor ekonomi mikro.2. Dengan adanya produk kredit super mikro, pengusaha kecil dan menengah bisa mendapatkan modal sesuai dengan mereka butuhkan yang berguna untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka.3. Dengan letaknya yang strategis, membuat nasabah yang ingin menabung atau yang ingin meminjam uang lebih mudah menjangkaunya dan pengembangan usaha yang dijalankan sesuai dengan visi dan misi PD. BPR Mustaqim Sukamakmur.4. Jumlah permintaan kredit pada saat sekarang mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan khususnya kredit mikro.Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa simpan pinjam PD. BPR Mustaqim Sukamakmur melayani nasabahnya dengan sangat profesional, baik nasabah tetap maupun nasabah potensial semuanya mendapatkan pelayanan yang sama


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    Abstrak Sebagian besar perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia saat ini masih menggunakan aplikasi konvensional yang dilakukan secara terpisah. Akibat yang sering ditemukan dari penggunaan aplikasi konvensional terfragmentasi antara lain adanya limbah kontruksi dan keterlambatan informasi yang menyebabkan inefisiensi biaya dan waktu. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem integrasi yang dapat menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Salah satu teknologi yang telah muncul untuk menjawab permasalahan adalah Building Information Modeling (BIM). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi pemodelan dan perhitungan untuk mengevaluasi akurasi dan efisiensi biaya penggunaan aplikasi BIM 5D dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional pada pekerjaan besi dan beton. Simulasi proyek dilakukan pada apartment 16 lantai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan aplikasi BIM 5D dapat mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp171.989.939,00 atau menghemat 6,33%. Nilai efisiensi volume pekerjaan beton fc’30 MPa, beton fc’35 MPa, dan pekerjaan besi tulangan masing-masing sebesar 7,21%, 10,87%, dan 5,98%. Total efisiensi biaya yang didapatkan sebesar Rp406.697.000,00. Biaya tersebut sangat besar dibandingkan biaya investasi aplikasi BIM 5D seharga Rp127.000.000,00. Kata kunci: Aplikasi BIM 5D, Building Information Modeling, Efisiensi Biaya Abstract Most construction companies in Indonesia currently still use conventional applications that are carried out separately. The consequences that are often found from the use of fragmented conventional applications include construction waste and delays in the information that cause cost and time inefficiencies. Therefore, an integrated system is needed to answer these problems. One technology that has emerged to answer these problems is Building Information Modeling (BIM). This research was conducted by modeling simulations and calculations to evaluate the accuracy and cost-efficiency of using the BIM 5D application compared to conventional methods in rebar and concrete work. The project simulation was carried out on a 16-floor apartment. As a result, the use of the BIM 5D application can reduce labor costs by Rp171,989,939.00 or save 6.33%. The efficiency values of fc'30 MPa concrete work, fc'35 MPa concrete, and rebar work are 7.21%, 10.87%, and 5.98%, respectively. The total cost-efficiency obtained is Rp406,697,000.00. This cost is huge compared to the investment cost of the BIM 5D application for Rp127,000,000.00. Keywords: BIM 5D application, Building Information Modeling, Cost Efficienc

    Analisis Prediksi Kebangkrutan Perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian Di Indonesia

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    The application of the bankruptcy model using the Altman Z-score model is carried out to predict financial difficulties by using balance sheet analysis which can reflect the company's financial performance. Insurance companies are needed to minimize risks and uncertainties for futureprotection. Altman's Z-score model is analyzed through the calculation results if it is smaller than <1.1 it is concluded that the company is at high risk, if the calculation results are 1.1-2.6 it is concluded that the company is prone to bankruptcy, and if the calculation result is> 2.6 itcan be said that the company is healthy. So that the probability of bankruptcy can be estimated using the Z- score Altman method. This modeling can be used by insurance companies in making decisions. (MMG) Keywords: Bankruptcy, Financial Performance, Altman's Z-score Metho

    Analysis of Air Temperature Distribution in a Closed House for Broiler in Wet Tropical Climate

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the air temperature distribution in a closed house system for broiler in wet tropical climate by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to figure out the comfort level of the broiler in that system. The dimension of the experimental house was 100 m x 10 m x 2.4 m which could be occupied by 12,000 to 16,000 broiler chickens. The wall was made from expose mercy brick and curtain, plafond was made from galvanize, ventilation system used 6 fans with 1.27 m diameter and cooling pad and in-house lighting system used 60 units of 8 Watt lamps. The analysis of temperature distribution using CFD had high precision as was shown by the small number of average percentage of deviation (6.39%) between analyzed and measured results. Horizontally, the temperature distribution near the cooling pad was lower than others and continued to increase until near the position of the fan. In vertically, the air temperature in the area near the husks and the plafond were higher than the other mesurement points. At that height, the effective temperatures which were still comfort for the broiler were 20.07 oC, 19.81 oC and 20.04 oC at 12:20 h, 13:55 h and 15:20 h, respectively
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