338 research outputs found

    New Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for the Advanced LIGO Configurations (LIGO2)

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    A new passive seismic attenuation system is being developed to replace the current passive attenuation stacks in LIGO 2, it is expected to drive the seismic contribution to the interferometer noise below any other noise source. The SAS will be effective completely starting at about 5 Hz, well inside the (uncompensated) gravity gradient noise wall

    O campo da criação na borda entre arte e design

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    O artigo visa transparecer os conceitos-agentes constituintes que problematizam o campo da criação pela perspectiva estética, parte de noções derivadas do horizonte pós-estruturalista e se desenvolve pelo viés deleuziano inspirado por Espinosa e Nietzsche. Busca elucidar sobre as condições estratégicas que possibilitam articular o jogo da criação como fonte multiplicadora que desvia do contexto limitante do prisma régio. Se a criação na arte é pensada conforme aproximações teórico-filosóficas, cabe ao design transdisciplinar nutrir debate sobre essa temática. Essa contribuição busca ampliar a formação de pesquisadores, incentiva o debate sobre modos de construção e permite associar outras políticas processuais do novo. AbstractThe article aims to reveal the constituent agent-concepts that problematize the field of creation in aesthetic perspective. Starting from notions derived by post-structuralist horizon and developing through the Deleuzian reasoning, inspired by Spinoza and Nietzsche. It seeks to elucidate the strategic conditions that make it possible to articulate the set of creation as a multiplying source that deviates from the limiting context of the main science. If creation in art is thought of according to theoretical-philosophical approaches, it is guide to transdisciplinary design to feed debate on this theme. This contribution seeks to broaden the critical knowledge of researchers, encourages thinking on construction methods and allows for the association of other procedural policies of the new.

    Método integrado de cocriação com crianças de mecanismos de personlização em livros infantis ilustrados impressos

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Stephania PadovaniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa : Curitiba, 20/02/2020Inclui referências: p. 244-257Resumo: A sociedade brasileira tem perdido progressivo interesse por livros impressos, de modo geral, comportamento que se reflete diretamente na perda do fascínio das crianças pela modalidade de livro ilustrado infantil. O Livro Ilustrado Infantil Impresso (L.I.I.I.) tem maior relevância pela agilidade de acesso ao conteúdo e prazer estésico (visual, táctil e olfativo), que incentivam o fortalecimento do vínculo com a criança. A personalização de produtos tem ganhado espaço no mercado, como estratégia de criar vínculo afetivo entre o usuário e o objeto. Contudo, o método de produção do L.I.I.I. ainda segue o processo tradicional, considerando apenas as capacidades intelectuais e ideias dos autores, designers e ilustradores sem a participação da criança como um viés que contemple suas preferências dentre os elementos constitutivos no L.I.I.I. Desde a primeira revisão bibliográfica sistemática (RBS), foi possível identificar a lacuna dentre os termos que abrangem o foco da pesquisa, assim como a falta de um método que respeite a voz da criança como participante na construção de um L.I.I.I. Esse problema intensifica o desinteresse da criança pelo L.I.I.I., causando o seu distanciamento do livro impresso e principalmente da leitura. Tais questões moldam o problema do qual parte esta pesquisa: como envolver crianças na criação de mecanismos de personalização para livros infantis ilustrados impressos? Para solucionar o problema identificado, a investigação é conduzida por um conjunto de métodos de pesquisa do design science research (DSR) e é dividida em quatro fases: 1ª - levantamento e conscientização da existência de pesquisas científicas aplicadas e metodológicas sobre o processo de desenvolvimento do L.I.I.I., tanto no Design quanto nas artes visuais, que estimulem a criatividade infantil, realizado em cinco etapas simultâneas, entre revisões textuais, entrevistas com autores/ilustradores e professores de educação artística, pesquisas de mercado local e dinâmica com crianças; 2ª - sugerir a proposta preliminar, por meio de abordagens do Design, a qual permite integração entre o usuário (criança) e as etapas do método; 3ª - Aplicar e analisar os resultados, considerando o feedback dos facilitadores e 4ª - Analisar e refinar o método, em colaboração com profissionais do L.I.I.I. Após a obtenção dos resultados das fases, conclui-se que o método integrado é flexível e pode ser aplicado para a definição dos elementos e componentes do L.I.I.I. de acordo com a demanda da criança. O presente estudo oferece às pesquisas futuras: possível aplicação quantitativa, oficinas de literatura quanto ao aprendizado na distinção de elementos do L.I.I.I. e pode se tornar aplicável para sistemas virtuais. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa oferece contribuições teóricas e aplicadas para o setor de publicação infantil. Palavras-chave: Livro ilustrado infantil impresso. Método de Design. Participação da criança.Abstract: Brazilian society has lost interest by printed books in general, behavior that directly reflects loss fascination of children through the modality of printed illustrated children's book. The Printed Illustrated Children's Book (P.I.C.B.) has greater relevance for the agility of access to content and stoic pleasure (visual, tactile and olfactory), that encourage the strengthening of the bond with the child. The customization of products has gained space in the market, as a strategy to create an affective bond between the user and the object. However, the method of production of P.I.C.B. still follows the traditional production, considering only the intellectual, ideas and capacities of the authors, designers, illustrators without the participation of the child as a bias which contemplates its preferences among the constitutive elements in P.I.C.B. From the first systematic bibliographic review (S.B.R.), was possible to identify the gap between the terms that cover the focus of the research, as well as the lack of a coherent method that respects the voice of the child as a participant in the construction of a P.I.C.B. This problem intensifies the child's disinterest in P.I.C.B., causing his distancing from the printed book and especially from reading. Such the questions shaped by the problem from which this research starts: how to involve children in the creation of personalization mechanisms for printed illustrated children's books (P.I.C.B.)? To solve the identified problem, the research have been conducted through a set of methods by design science research (DSR) and are divided into four phases: 1st - survey the existing scientific research, applied and methodological research on the process of development of P.I.C.B., both in design and visual arts, stimulate children's creativity. To be carried out in five (5) simultaneous stages between textual reviews, interviews with authors/illustrators and teachers of artistic education, local market research; 2nd - to suggest a preliminary method, through design approaches, which allows integration between the user (child) and the steps of the method; 3rd - Apply the method and analyze the results, considering the feedback from the facilitators and 4th - Analyze and refine in collaboration with professionals from P.I.C.B. After obtaining the results of the phases, it is concluded that the integrated method is flexible and can be applied to define the elements and components of the P.IC.B. according to the child's demand. The present study offers to future research a possible quantitative application: literature workshops regarding learning to distinguish elements of the P.I.C.B. and can become applicable for virtual systems. In this perspective, the results can contribute with theoretical and practical advances in the area of design, also disseminating to other areas such as Children's Literature and Education. To do so, this research offers theoretical and applied contributions to the print publishing sector. Keywords: Printed children's illustrated book. Design method. Children's participatio

    Dopaminergic neuroprotective effects of rotigotine via 5-HT1A receptors: Possibly involvement of metallothionein expression in astrocytes

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    Astrocytes exert neuroprotective effects through production of antioxidant molecules and neurotrophic factors. A recent study showed that stimulation of astrocyte serotonin 1A (5-HT1A) receptors promotes astrocyte proliferation and upregulation of the antioxidant molecules metallothionein (MT)-1,2, which protect dopaminergic neurons against oxidative stress. Rotigotine, an anti-parkinsonian drug, can bind to dopamine and 5-HT1A receptors. In this study, we examined neuroprotective effects of rotigotine in models of Parkinson's disease and involvement of astrocyte 5-HT1A receptors in neuroprotective effects of rotigotine against dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Rotigotine increased the number of astrocytes and MT-1,2 expression in cultured astrocytes. Pretreatment with conditioned media from rotigotine-treated astrocytes significantly inhibited 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity. These effects were completely blocked by a 5-HT1A antagonist or MT-1,2 specific antibody. Subcutaneous administration of rotigotine increased MT-1,2 expression in striatal astrocytes and prevented reduction of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of a 6-OHDA-lesioned mouse model of Parkinson's disease. These effects were blocked by co-administration with a 5-HT1A antagonist. These results suggest that rotigotine exerts neuroprotective effects through upregulation of MT expression in astrocytes by targeting 5-HT1A receptors. Our findings provide a possible therapeutic application of rotigotine to prevent dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease

    Allergic diseases in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Reports of frequent manifestation of allergic diseases in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been the subject of mounting clinical interest. However, evidence supporting the association between ADHD and allergies is inconsistent and has yet to be systematically reviewed. The objective of this study was to compile and assess available studies on the association between ADHD and allergic diseases in children. Methods A comprehensive search using MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane library, and CINAHL databases was completed in 23 November 2015. The inclusion criteria for studies were that the research assessed allergic diseases in children, 18 years of age and younger, with a diagnosis of ADHD and that a distinct comparison group was incorporated. Any comparative studies, encompassing both randomized controlled trials and observational studies, were considered for inclusion. Two review authors independently assessed the quality of the selected studies by the use of validated assessment tools, performed data extraction and conducted meta-analysis according to Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. Results Five eligible studies were included in this systematic review. Of these studies, three were case-control and two were cross sectional studies. A majority of information from the five studies was classified as having low or unclear risk of bias. The meta-analysis showed an association between children with ADHD and asthma compared with the control groups (OR: 1.80, 95% CI: 1.57 - 2.07; five studies, low quality of evidence), but did not indicate an association between food allergy and ADHD (OR: 1.13, 95% CI: 0.88 - 1.47; three studies very low quality of evidence). The odds of experiencing allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and allergic conjunctivitis were slightly higher in children with ADHD compared with control groups, though a substantial statistical heterogeneity was notable in the overall effect estimates. Conclusions The findings from this review and meta-analysis show that children with ADHD are more likely to have asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and allergic conjunctivitis than their counterparts. Interventions including strategies for managing allergies in children with ADHD would be beneficial

    Significant Performance Variation Among PCR Systems in Diagnosing Congenital Toxoplasmosis in São Paulo, Brazil: Analysis of 467 Amniotic Fluid Samples

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    INTRODUCTION: Performance variation among PCR systems in detecting Toxoplasma gondii has been extensively reported and associated with target genes, primer composition, amplification parameters, treatment during pregnancy, host genetic susceptibility and genotypes of different parasites according to geographical characteristics. PATIENTS: A total of 467 amniotic fluid samples from T. gondii IgM- and IgG-positive Brazilian pregnant women being treated for 1 to 6 weeks at the time of amniocentesis (gestational ages of 14 to 25 weeks). METHODS: One nested-B1-PCR and three one-round amplification systems targeted to rDNA, AF146527 and the B1 gene were employed. RESULTS: Of the 467 samples, 189 (40.47%) were positive for one-round amplifications: 120 (63.49%) for the B1 gene, 24 (12.69%) for AF146527, 45 (23.80%) for both AF146527 and the B1 gene, and none for rDNA. Fifty previously negative one-round PCR samples were chosen by computer-assisted randomization analysis and re-tested (nested-B1-PCR), during which nine additional cases were detected (9/50 or 18%). DISCUSSION: The B1 gene PCR was far more sensitive than the AF146527 PCR, and the rDNA PCR was the least effective even though the rDNA had the most repetitive sequence. Considering that the four amplification systems were equally affected by treatment, that the amplification conditions were optimized for the target genes and that most of the primers have already been reported, it is plausible that the striking differences found among PCR performances could be associated with genetic diversity in patients and/or with different Toxoplasma gondii genotypes occurring in Brazil. CONCLUSION: The use of PCR for the diagnosis of fetal Toxoplasma infections in Brazil should be targeted to the B1 gene when only one gene can be amplified, preferably by nested amplification with primers B22/B23

    宴の時代 : 雅宴画と遊楽図

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    This article seeks to examine two paintings from roughly the same 18th century period and with the similar subjects of amusements or pleasures in the open air in order to compare the cultural milieu of the two great cities- Rococo Paris and earlymodern Edo- that produced them. From June through July 2012 at the Kyoritsu Women\u27s University Hitotsubashi Campus Gallery we held an exhibit featuring the folding screen, "Pleasures under the Cherry Blossoms" (fig. I. 18th century, six-fold screen, pigments and gold on paper, Kyoritsu Women\u27s University Collection). Included in the show were Edo period accoutrements for enjoying banquets and pastimes outside in the changing seasons. These included lacquer pieces such as a stacked food box (jubako) with gold maki-e decoration and serving vessels and cups for sake. There is a long tradition of visual representations in Japan that depict all kinds of people- especially as here nobility, samurai or wealthy urbanites- enjoying amusements, eating, and festivals out of doors. Bright, clear pigment colors, crisp outlines, realistic details to clothing and stereotyped naturalistic settings, and the generous use of gold characterize these popular screen paintings. The visual vocabulary of the seasons (such as cherry blossoms) has long been echoed in the exquisite decoration of furniture and utensils. A full size photographic reproduction of Antoine Watteau\u27s famous "Embarkation for Cythera" (fig. 2, 1717, oil on canvas, Louvre Museum) was also displayed to give the exhibit viewers a suggestion of how in Rococo Europe a very similar theme was represented. France in the first half of the 18th century was characterized by an absolute monarchy (Louis XIV died in 1715), centralized power and wealth, and Paris where Watteau painted had become the pinnacle of Europe. The second half of the century was marked by new movements spurred by Enlightenment ideas that would result in changes in society towards modernization and even revolution that would depose the old nobility. Edo, the capital of Japan had more than a million inhabitants by the early 18th century. General peace and widespread prosperity produced a flowering of the arts especially in Edo and in part thanks to the reforms (under continuing tight and centralized control) of the Eighth Shogun, Yoshimune (r. 1716 to 1745). This article then touches on why two elites, cosmopolitan and largely urban, came to so enjoy the painting theme of amusements in the open air. In this article, it was indicated that the pictorial motif of the "Pleasures under the Cherry Blossoms" screen from the Kyoritsu Women\u27s University collection is the pleasure district adjacent to the Sumida river. Satomi Yamamoto has been able to show that it is a combination of Yoshiwara and a cherry blossom viewing party. During the 18th century, this theme became extremely popular and a large number of screens with representations of parties under the cherry blossoms were painted. For example, there are many examples of such screens that combine images of cherry blossom viewing parties at Ueno and the river Sumida. The screen of the Kyoritsu Women\u27s University collection is certainly one of this type and there is a high possibility that it was also painted at Edo. Then, Erika Peschard-Erlih discusses how Watteau (1684-1721) developed the "fete galante" paintings, which show beautiful aristocratic men and women of his time engaged in elegant amusements and love banter set in an outdoor scene suffused with soft glowing colors and light. These paintings became very popular and can be said to epitomize Rococo taste of the 18th century. -We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs. Peggy Kanada for her excellent English translation of this summary

    ¿Hacia un acuerdo regional sobre desplazamiento ambiental?

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    Los esfuerzos hacia un acuerdo regional sobre la migración en Sudamérica deberían ampliarse para reconocer y proteger a los desplazados por razones ambientales