2,143 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Hurdle-Unit Kinematic Parameters in the 60 m Indoor Hurdle Race.

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    The aims of this study were to compare the five hurdle-unit split times from the deterministic model with the hurdle-to-hurdle model and with the official time, to compare the step kinematics of each hurdle-unit intervals, and to relate these variables to their respective hurdle-unit split times. The temporal and spatial parameters of the 60 m hurdles race were calculated during the 44th Spanish and 12th IAAF World Indoor Championships (men: n = 59; women: n = 51). The hurdle-unit split times from the deterministic model showed a high correlation (r = 0.99; p < 0.001) with the split times of the hurdle-to-hurdle model and faster split times were related to shorter step and flight times in hurdle steps for both genders. At the first hurdle, male athletes tended to increase their flight and contact times while the tendency of female athletes was to decrease their contact and flight times. In addition, at the first hurdle, both genders presented shorter take-off distance, shorter landing distance, and greater step width than in the remaining hurdles of the race. Therefore, coaches should implement training programs that have an impact on these key variables according to the specific demands of each hurdle-unit phase and gender.post-print2650 K

    Un crecimiento tempranamente quebrado: el producto agrario en Andalucía occidental en la Edad Moderna

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    En este artículo se presenta una estimación del crecimiento agrario de Andalucía occidental en la Edad Moderna, y se describen sus tendencias y los cambios en la composición del producto. Las "Rentas de las Mitras" y los registros decimales del Cabildo de la Catedral de Sevilla han constituído las fuentes básicas. Se ha utilizado la vía del producto para la estimación del crecimiento agrario. Las principales conclusiones son: 1) entre finales de los siglos XVI y XVIII el crecimiento agrario en Andalucía occidental fue bastante modesto; 2) esta región registró una depresión agraria de apreciable intensidad entre 1580 y 1685, debido principalmente al hundimiento de la producción de vino y aceite; y 3) tras un balance económico bastante favorable en el siglo XVI, sobre todo hasta 1580, Andalucía occidental desperdició en las dos centurias siguientes una parte considerable de su potencial de crecimiento agrario

    Evolución de la longitud de zancada en la prueba de 60 metros vallas

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    La investigación científica acerca de la longitud de las zancadas en la prueba de vallas altas, tanto en pista cubierta como aire libre, se ha llevado a cabo mediante estudios en dos y tres dimensiones o empleando técnicas similares. Dichos estudios se han desarrollado bien sobre una o dos vallas o analizando el intervalo entre ellas. De este modo, existen referencias sobre la longitud de la zancada en el paso de la segunda valla [3], más frecuentemente sobre la tercera, cuarta o quinta valla [4] y, en ocasiones, analizando la octava o novena valla [2]. En cualquier caso, estos trabajos no han sido realizados sobre todos los deportistas que competían en la serie y, frecuentemente, se han llevado a cabo en condiciones de entrenamiento. Es por ello que el objetivo de la presente investigación fuese conocer cuáles eran los valores en competición a lo largo de toda la prueba en una amplia muestra de atletas, analizando la posible existencia de variaciones en la longitud de zancada entre las vallas

    The Validity and Reliability of a Procedure for Competition Analysis in Swimming Based on Individual Distance Measurements

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    In swimming, competition analyses have been frequently performed according to three segments of the nee, equal for all competitors. However, individual distance measurements during start and turn race segments have been scarcely assessed. The aim of the present study was: 1) to verify the validity and reliability of a 2D-DLT based system for competition analysis in swimming and, 2) to compare it with die commonly used technique. Higher values of accuracy (RMSE=0.05 m) and reliability (CV<1%) were obtained 95% Limits of agreement revealed differences no longer than one frame (0.04 s) between the two compared procedures. The results showed that the 2D-DLT procedures ire valid tor competition analysis in swimming and that the differences between 2D-DLT and scaling technique are acceptabl

    Esport d’oci a Espanya: epidemiologia de les lesions i les seves conseqüències

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    Introducció i objectius. Es va dur a terme un estudi epidemiològic de casos, descriptiu i analític. L’objectiu va ser la valoració de les lesions esportives produïdes durant la pràctica d’esport d’oci en l’àmbit geogràfic de totes les comunitats autònomes d’Espanya. Mètode. Es van fer enquestes a un total de 1.616 subjectes que haguessin patit una lesió en els últims 12 mesos practicant esport a manera d’oci. La compilació de la informació es va fer mitjançant una base de dades digitals hostatjades en un servidor web vinculat a una enquesta digital a través de la qual es van registrar les respostes dels subjectes. Resultats. Dins la mostra, un 72,5 % van ser homes i un 27,5 % dones; així com el 74,4 % van ser subjectes de fins a 35 anys d’edat i el 25,6 % restant, majors de 35 anys. L’esport que va generar un nombre més gran de lesions va ser el futbol (27,6 % del total d’accidents); seguit per la cursa (8,6 %), el futbol sala (7,9 %) i el basquetbol (7,7 %). Atenent a les conseqüències de les lesions, els esports que van manifestar un major percentatge de seqüeles després de l’accident van ser: basquetbol (el 70,2 % dels lesionats), futbol (69,5 %) i ciclisme (66,7 %). Així mateix, els que més percentatge de rehabilitació després de la lesió van requerir van ser: atletisme (78,9 %), pàdel (72,2 %) i tennis (71,7 %). Per últim, els que més baixes laborals van suposar van ser: tennis (26,1 %), futbol sala (26 %) i arts marcials (22,8 %). Conclusions. Els resultats mostren una descriptiva general de la influència que les conseqüències de les lesions esportives tenen en la societat espanyola. Serien recomanables més estudis comparatius de casos de lesionats i no lesionats en l’esport amateur per tal d’establir campanyes de prevenció

    Estudio Biomecanico de la Zancada. 7.52 Record de España de 60 MV de Jackson Quiñonez.

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    Los resultados que a continuación se presentan hacen referencia al Record de España de 60 metros vallas (en adelante, mv) conseguido por el atleta Jackson Quiñonez (JQ) en la final del 44º Campeonato de España de pista cubierta - Valencia 08. Estos datos forman parte de un estudio global de todas las series de 60 mv y 60 metros lisos (ml) durante el 44º Campeonato de España y el 12th IAAF World Indoor Championship Valencia 2008, en las cuales se aplica una nueva metodología para la obtención de variables espaciales y temporales de todas las zancadas durante la competición

    Injury incidence in a Spanish sub-elite professional football team: A prospective study during four consecutive seasons

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the injury incidence and injury characteristics of a Spanish sub-elite professional football team during four consecutive seasons. A team was followed prospectively from the season 2003-2004 to 2006-2007 and individual player exposure and time loss injuries were recorded during all club training sessions and matches. A total of 313 time-loss injuries were recorded. The mean injury incidence was 10.9 injuries/1000 hours (5.2 injuries/1000 training hours and 44.1 injuries/1000 match hours). The injury incidence during competitive matches was higher (p 28 days absence) was 0.4 injuries/1000 hours. The thigh was the most commonly (35%) injured region and caused 29% of all competitive match absence. Muscle injuries in the four main groups of the lower limbs (hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps and calf muscles) caused 43% of competitive match unavailability. The results of this study show that the risk to sustain a major injury in the course of the season was low for sub-elite footballers in comparison to elite players. Thigh strains were the first cause of absence in competition due to injury

    Cross-guide Moreno directional coupler in empty substrate integrated waveguide

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    [EN] Substrate integrated waveguides (SIWs) combine the advantages of rectangular waveguides (low losses) and planar circuits (low cost and low profile). Empty substrate integrated waveguide (ESIW) has been proposed as a novel configuration in SIWs recently. This technology significantly reduces the losses of conventional SIW by removing its inner dielectric. The cross-guide directional coupler is a well-known low-profile design for having a broadband waveguide coupler. In this paper a cross-guide coupler with ESIW technique is proposed. In such a manner, the device can be integrated with microwave circuits and other printed circuit board components. It is the first time that a cross-guide coupler is implemented in ESIW technology. The designed, fabricated, and measured device presents good results as a matter of insertion loss of 1 dB (including transitions), reflection under 20 dB, coupling between 19.5 and 21.5 dB, and directivity higher than 15 dB over targeted frequency range from 12.4 GHz to 18 GHz. The coupler implemented in ESIW improves the directivity when compared to similar solutions in other empty substrate integrated waveguide solutions.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spanish Goverment, under research projects TEC2013-47037-C5-3-R and TEC2013-47037-C5-1-R. All the data related with this work can be requested from H. Esteban ([email protected]).Miralles-Navarro, E.; Belenguer, Á.; Esteban González, H.; Boria Esbert, VE. (2017). Cross-guide Moreno directional coupler in empty substrate integrated waveguide. Radio Science. 52(5):597-603. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017RS006244S597603525Ball, J. A. R., & Sulda, T. M. (2000). Small aperture crossed waveguide broad wall directional couplers. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 147(4), 249. doi:10.1049/ip-map:20000570Belenguer, A., Esteban, H., & Boria, V. E. (2014). Novel Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide for High-Performance Microwave Integrated Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 62(4), 832-839. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2014.2309637Chen , J. 1998 Cross-guide coupler modeling and design TDA Prog. Tech. Rep. Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Technol. Pasadena, CalifXiao-Ping Chen, Ke Wu, & Drolet, D. (2009). Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter With Improved Stopband Performance for Satellite Ground Terminal. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 57(3), 674-683. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2009.2013316Cheng, Y. J., & Fan, Y. (2012). Compact substrate-integrated waveguide bandpass rat-race coupler and its microwave applications. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 6(9), 1000. doi:10.1049/iet-map.2012.0011Dong, Y., & Itoh, T. (2011). Composite Right/Left-Handed Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky-Wave Structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 59(3), 767-775. doi:10.1109/tap.2010.2103025Farzami, F., Forooraghi, K., & Norooziarab, M. (2011). Design and Modeling of a Miniaturized Substrate Integrated Waveguide Using Embedded SRRs. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 10, 713-716. doi:10.1109/lawp.2011.2161860Farzami, F., & Norooziarab, M. (2013). Experimental Realization of Tunable Transmission Lines Based on Single-Layer SIWs Loaded by Embedded SRRs. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 61(8), 2848-2857. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2013.2271759Fernandez, M. D., Ballesteros, J. A., & Belenguer, A. (2015). Design of a Hybrid Directional Coupler in Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide (ESIW). IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 25(12), 796-798. doi:10.1109/lmwc.2015.2496803Moreno , A. 1946 A new directional coupler for waveguide Sperry Gyroscope Eng. Rep., Sperry Gyroscope Co. BrooklynRambabu, K., Thiart, H. A., & Bornemann, J. (2005). Simplified analysis for the initial design of rectangular waveguide cross-slot couplers. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 152(4), 226. doi:10.1049/ip-map:20045056Rautschke, F., Maassen, D., Konc, O., & Boeck, G. (2016). Comparison of conventional and substrate integrated waveguide filters for satellite communication. 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS). doi:10.1109/ieee-iws.2016.7585467Zhang, Y., Wang, Q., & Ding, J. (2013). A Cross-Guide Waveguide Directional Coupler With High Directivity and Broad Bandwidth. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 23(11), 581-583. doi:10.1109/lmwc.2013.228140

    Influence of News-Finds-Me Perception on accuracy, factuality and relevance assessment. Case study of news item on climate change

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    Este artículo analiza el efecto de la percepción “las noticias me encuentran” en la evaluación que hace el usuario de una noticia sobre el cambio climático directa e indirectamente a través de aspectos como los hábitos al compartir noticias, los hábitos de consumo de noticias, los usos y gratificaciones en redes sociales, el grado de conocimiento previo y las actitudes previas. Se evalúa asimismo la influencia de estos factores respecto a la decisión de compartir esa noticia. 96 alumnos universitarios españoles rellenaron un cuestionario en el que se les pedía leer y puntuar la calidad de una noticia sobre el cambio climático, e indicar si compartirían esa noticia a través de las redes sociales. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos con una mayor percepción “las noticias me encuentran” tendieron a valorar el artículo como más factual y exacto que aquellos otros con una percepción menor. Por el contrario, no se hallaron diferencias significativas en la evaluación de la relevancia entre los dos grupos. Por tanto, se concluye que la percepción “las noticias me encuentran” reduce las expectativas de los usuarios sobre la calidad, pero no influye en la percepción de la relevancia de la noticia. En cuanto a la intención de compartir la noticia, ningún aspecto considerado en la evaluación influyó en esa decisión.This paper analyses the effect of ‘News-Finds-Me' Perception on the user's assessment of a news item on climate change, both directly and indirectly through news-sharing habits, news-consumption habits, uses and gratifications on social media sites, prior knowledge and attitudes regarding the decision to share said news item. Ninety-six Spanish university students took a survey and were asked to read and rate the quality of a news item on climate change, then to indicate whether they would share that news item on social media. The results show that students with a higher news-finds-me perception tended to rate accuracy and factuality more highly than students with a lower news-finds-me perception. However, relevance was not different between the two groups. Hence, it is concluded that 'News-Finds-Me' Perception lowers the user’s expectations and standards of journalism quality but has no influence on the relevance of the news item. As for sharing intentions, none of the aspects considered in the assessment of the news item had an effect on the decision to share that item.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Referencia CSO2017-86312-R