41 research outputs found


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    Sayap Jendela is an art studio in Bojonegoro Regency which not only focuses on one art, but there are four art classes in this studio, namely: 1. Theater class, 2. Dance class, 3 . Music class and 4. Fine Arts class. In its role as one of the art institutions located in Bojonegoro Regency, the Sayap Jendela studio has contributed quite a lot to the development of traditional arts in Bojonegoro Regency. The interesting thing to study from the Sayap Jendela studio is. 1. ) How did the Sayap Jendela studio develop from 2009 to 2017 ? . 2. ) What is the role of the Sayap Jendela Studio preserving traditional arts in Bojonegoro Regency? .This study uses historical research methods which consist of four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Heuristics (collecting data) At this stage, the researcher conducts a source search in the studio, oral sources will be obtained through direct interviews with the founders and administrators of the Sayap Jendela Studio. The source of the writing will be obtained through several documents obtained from several trusted sources, namely the manager of the Sayap Jendela Art Studio, such as documentation of activities, contemporary pamphlet , notarial deeds, as well as newspapers and articles. At the stage of searching for secondary sources in this study through books and journals that are in accordance with the research. The next stage is Source Criticism. Criticism of Historical source criticism (historical criticism) is carried out on this historical source, there are 2 phases, namely internal and external criticism, in internal criticism, the researcher conducts internal criticism by verifying and testing aspects in each source to test the validity of the source. Furthermore, the interpretation of the facts obtained from the source is carried out. Furthermore, the Historiography stage is the last stage of historical research. At the Historiography stage or a series of historical events that have been interpreted and then put together in a coherent way about the Sayap Jendela Studio, which is written about the development of the studio and the role of the Sayap Jendela studio in preserving traditional arts in Bojonegoro.The result of this research is that the Sayap Jendela art Studio has been established since 2009. From 2009 to 2017 the Sayap Jendela studio has experienced various developments, such as the development of the number of students untul the studio. Since the beginning of the establishment of the studio in 2009 until 2017, the studio still did not have its own place, so it was still rented out at the house of a resident of Ledok Kulon village, Kec. Bojonegoro, Kab, Bojonegoro, in 2017, because the activity of the studio in village activities in the village of Ledok Kulon made the village government and the community of the village of Ledok Kulon pay considerable attention to the development of the studio, thus providing village treasury land to the studio to be used as an appropriate practice and holding performances. The development of the number of students in the The Syap Jendela Ar Studio 2009 to 2017 is caused by the interest of the younger generation, which is influenced by the times. The role of the Syap Jendela Art Studio in the effort to preserve traditional arts in Bojonegoro is to 1.) as intangible cultural heritage, and trying to incorporate sandur and oklik arts into local content at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. 2.) development of traditional arts, namely by revitalizing sandur, creating oklik art with other traditional musical instruments and modern musical instruments. 3.) the use of traditional arts, namely by performing performances, both inside and outside the studio. 4.) coaching on traditional arts is carried out by accepting students and collaborating with schools in Bojonegoro district to carry out arts development in school extracurriculars.Keywords: Sayap Jendela Art Studio, preservation, Traditional arts in Bojonegor


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemetaan ekspresi emosi anak agresif kelas II di SLB E Prayuwana Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah satu orang anak. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data dengan triangulasi. Adapun analisis data dengan reduksi data, display data dan pengambilan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek menunjukkan ekspresi yang berbeda-beda saat mengalami beberapa pola emosi. Ekspresi verbal secara tulisan tidak ditunjukkan anak selama penelitian ini. Ekspresi verbal secara lisan juga tidak ditampakkan subjek, sebab subjek tidak pernah membicarakan tentang emosi yang dialami. Subjek hanya berkata keras dan kasar untuk meluapkan emosinya. Ekspresi nonverbal yang berupa ekspresi wajah, subjek menunjukkan sorot mata yang tajam, kening sedikit berkerut dan mulut terbuka saat sedang marah. Mata terlihat antusias dan mulut terbuka lebar saat subjek senang. Kening berkerut serta tatapan tidak melihat lawan bicara ketika mengalami ketakutan. Ekspresi vokal yang ditunjukkan subjek berupa intonasi yang tinggi, kadang artikulasi jelas didengar dan kadang tidak jika subjek mengalami emosi marah dan senang. Intonasi kadang meninggi kadang rendah serta suara bergetar jika subjek sedih. Perubahan fisiologis pada subjek ditunjukkan dengan keringat dan nafas yang terengah-engah saat marah dan senang. Muka memerah, berkeringan dan jantung berdebar-debar ketika subjek takut. Terkadang muncul air mata terkadang tidak saat subjek sedih. Ekspresi gerak tubuh yang tampak pada diri subjek meliputi tangan yang terus memukul atau melempar, dan kaki yang terus menendang saat subjek marah. Tangan bergerak-gerak ke udara sedangkan kaki menghentak-hentak lantai apabila subjek sedang senang. Stimulus yang menimbulkan pola emosi senang adalah saat menganggu teman, provokasi subjek berhasil dan teman saling menganggu. Stimulus yang menimbulkan pola emosi marah jika subjek diintervensi perilakunya dan teman tidak mengikuti perintahnya. Stimulus yang mengiringi munculnya emosi takut apabila datangnya polisi ke sekolah dan diserang FJR Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, perkembangan emosi subjek berada di bawah rata-rata anak seusianya Kata kunci: ekspresi emosi, anak agresi


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    The learning process is said to be successful if students are able to achieve predetermined learning goals. This is also influenced by interactions that occur during the learning process in the classroom, including the accuracy of learning models and approaches. Classroom Action Research was carried out with the aim of improving student learning outcomes in social studies subjects using the Probel Based Learning model and the Teaching at The Right Level approach. The research method used is PTK (Classroom Action Research). The application of the Problem Based Learning learning model with the TaRL approach can improve the learning outcomes of students in social studies subjects in class 8D of Bojonegoro Integrated Model Middle School


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    Milkfish is including commodities that easy to cultivated and has high interest comsumption. The technology that support cultivation of milkfish still weak in optimalyze the growth of it. Research design of this study is group randomized design (RAK). The purpose of this study is to analyze the appropriate dose of growth variable, and FCR of milkfish by using policulture system. This study using 4 treatment and 3 repeatition by different probiotic dose of treatement. Treatment P0 (control), P1 (giving probiotic 8 ml/kg of feed), P2 (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed), P3 (giving probiotic 12 ml/kg of feed). Variable that observed by growth, and FCR of milkfish. The result of ANOVA analysis shows that the difference is very real of variable of daily growth rate, absolute weight, FCR of milkfish, and SGR of seaweed. Varibale that shows a difference next by BNT further testing, so that the best treatment as known is P2 (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed). Giving of dose variety of feed gives real difference toward growth. Growth is indicated by daily growth rate and absolute weight. Giving P2 of probiotic (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed) able to apply to cultivators so that press the value of feed conversion ratio


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    The learning process is said to be successful if students are able to achieve predetermined learning goals. This is also influenced by interactions that occur during the learning process in the classroom, including the accuracy of learning models and approaches. Classroom Action Research was carried out with the aim of improving student learning outcomes in social studies subjects using the Probel Based Learning model and the Teaching at The Right Level approach. The research method used is PTK (Classroom Action Research). The application of the Problem Based Learning learning model with the TaRL approach can improve the learning outcomes of students in social studies subjects in class 8D of Bojonegoro Integrated Model Middle School

    Determinants Factors of Pre-Eclampsia Incidence

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator in describing the welfare of society in a country. MMR in Indonesia in 2020 has increased compared to 2019. In 2019, MMR in East Java Province reached 89.81 per 100,000 live births. This figure will increase in 2020 to 98.39 per 100,000 live births. An important issue in Malang Regency related to maternal and child health is the high MMR. Preeclampsia is the 3rd largest case along with cases of infection and postpartum bleeding. The purpose of this research was to see a description of the determinants associated with the incidence of preeclampsia and to find the most dominant determinants causing preeclampsia in Kanjuruhan Hospital, Malang Regency. The type of the research was descriptive with a documentation study approach from the medical records of RSUD Kanjuruhan Malang. The analysis technique used descriptive analysis. The results of the research showed that the age data of most of the pregnant women were in high risk age (more than 35 years) as many as 28 mothers (56%), the distance between pregnancies in pregnant women with preeclampsia was mostly more than 2 years (64%), the highest parity of women with preeclampsia was multipara (68%), most of the women had never had an abortion (72%) and the gestational age of most women with preeclampsia was term (76%). Factors that determine the incidence of preeclampsia are age, gestation interval, parity and gestational age. Further research is needed to determine other factors that cause preeclampsia

    Penggunaan Media Edukasi Online Untuk Pencegahan Stunting Pada Masyarakat Umum Di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Situasi COVID-19 menjadi salah satu tantangan bagi negara yang mempunyai masalah kesehatan yang belum terselesaikan pada periode sebelumnya. Pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan penanggulangan stunting pada anak menghadapi tantangan cukup berat, diantaranya terkait dengan edukasi pencegahan stunting. Stunting di Indonesia masih membutuhkan penyelesaian holistik dan komprehensif. Di era pandemi COVID-19, diperlukan suatu pendekatan terencana untuk menurunkan stunting. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi efektivitas penggunaan media edukasi online untuk pencegahan stunting pada masyarakat umum di era pandemi COVID-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental one shot pre-post group design. Pemberian edukasi online dilakukan melalui media poster, leaflet, dan booklet. Penelitian melibatkan 196 responden yang diambil secara acak. Responden berusia 12-60 tahun, berasal dari Aceh, Sumatera, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Kalimantan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan google form, terdiri dari data demografi serta kuesioner pengetahuan dan sikap terkait pencegahan stunting. Pre-test dilakukan sebelum pemberian edukasi online, dan post-test dilakukan 3 minggu kemudian setelah dilakukan pemberian edukasi online. Analisis data menggunakan univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi dan bivariat menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Sebelum mengikuti edukasi online, terdapat 59.2% responden memiliki pengetahuan baik dan 48.0% responden memiliki sikap mendukung terhadap pencegahan stunting. Lalu setelah dilakukan edukasi secara online, terdapat 87.8% responden memiliki pengetahuan baik dan 69.4% responden memiliki sikap mendukung terhadap pencegahan stunting. Hasil uji Wilcoxon (p<0.05) menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan hasil pre-test dan post-test pengetahuan dan sikap responden. Pendekatan komprehensif melalui pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media edukasi online sangat diperlukan untuk memelihara pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pencegahan stunting sehingga dapat mencapai kualitas kesehatan masyarakat yang optimal

    Source of energy intake of Papuan and non-Papuan high-school students in Jayapura: their association with risk for overweight/ obesity

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    Background: The worldwide prevalence of obesity is increasing. Obesity is associated with many factors, including the consumption pattern of energy-producing food, i.e. carbohydrate and fat, which is, most likely associated with ethnicity. In Riskesdas 2007, Jayapura held the highest prevalence of obesity in adults in Indonesia. Jayapura lived the Papuan and Non-Papuan descents population. Objective: To determine the association between energy intake, the contribution of carbohydrate and fat to energy intake in overweight/ obesity in Papuan and non-Papuan high-school students. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 150 Papuan and 150 non-Papuan students from three high schools in the district. Body mass index (BMI) derived from the measurement of body weight and height were grouped into overweight/obesity and not-overweight/ obesity. Source of energy was estimated using 3 (three) days non-consecutive 24 hours of food recall questionnaire. Energy intake and the contribution of carbohydrate and fat to energy intake were analyzed with an independent t-test and Chi-Square test. Results: The prevalence of overweight/ obesity was similar between Papuan and non-Papuan students (22.0 vs. 23.0%). The two groups had a similar amount of energy intake, however, the contribution of carbohydrate and fat to the total energy intake was significantly different. Obese/ overweight students had a significantly higher intake of energy, however, within the same ethnic group, the contribution of carbohydrate and fat in obese/ overweight students did not significantly differ. Conclusions: High energy intake was associated with overweight/obesity in both groups. The contribution of carbohydrates to total energy intake was higher in Papuan. However, the contribution of carbohydrate and fat to energy intake was not associated with overweight/ obesity in both groups