11 research outputs found

    The quality of life of siblings in families with children with developmental difficulties

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    Promenom sa medicinskog na socijalni model poimanja invaliditeta, menja se gledište i shvatanje invalidteta i teškoća jer se invaliditet više ne posmatra kao problem sam po sebi, već se razmatra kako se društvo i okolina mogu menjati da bi pojedinac mogao optimalno da funkcioniše. Stoga se više ne posmatra samo teškoća deteta, već je u fokusu celokupno funkcionisanje deteta i kvalitet života porodice. Kako bi kvalitet života porodice bio zadovoljavajući, važno je da se unapređuje kvalitet života svih njenih članova. S tim u vezi, u ovom radu će se razmatrati kvalitet života braće i sestara dece sa teškoćama u razvoju. Istraživanja upućuju na to da odnos braće i sestara tipičnog razvoja sa braćom i sestrama sa teškoćama u razvoju može imati niz povoljnih i nepovoljnih karakteristika. Kako bi se smanjile nepovoljne karakteristike takvog odnosa i unapredio kvalitet života braće i sestara dece sa teškoćama u razvoju, kao i da bi im se pružila podrška, u Udruženju za ranu intervenciju Varaždinske županije, organizovane su radionice za braću i sestre. Tokom radionica se kroz vođene aktivnosti razvijala pozitivna slika o sebi, podsticalo se prihvatanje različitosti, kao i deljenje iskustva. U radu radionica učestvovalo je sedmoro korisnika, a nakon šestomesečnog rada sprovedeno je istraživanje. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se dobije uvid u promišljanja roditelja dece sa teškoćama u razvoju o tome da li pohađanje radionica za braću i sestre (dece bez teškoća) utiče na kvalitet života braće i sestara dece sa teškoćama. U istraživanju je učestvovalo sedam majki čija su deca polaznici Udruženja. Istraživanje se sprovedeno putem intervjua. Intervju je sniman audio-zapisom i kasnije su napravljeni transkripti. Korišćen je polustrukturirani intervju. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju na to da braća i sestre dece sa teškoćama u razvoju imaju niži kvalitet življenja nego njihovi vršnjaci tipičnog razvoja. Takođe, kod njih se često javljaju negativna osećanja poput manje vrednosti, krivice, ljubomore i srama jer je izražen nedostatak psihosocijalne podrške celoj porodici. Pored toga, u istraživanju je potvrđen pozitivan uticaj organizovanih radionica na braću i sestre dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i to najviše na razvoj samopouzdanja, veštine komunikacije i pozitivne slike o sebi, ali i na razumevanje i prihvatanje teškoća brata ili sestre.Switching from medical to social model in understanding disability altered the standpoint and perception of disability and difficulties. The disability is no longer observed as a problem per se: it is now being considered how society and environment can change for an individual to function optimally. Therefore, the focus is not only on the child’s difficulties but on the overall functioning of the child and the quality of life of a family. For a satisfying quality of life of a family, it is important to improve the quality of life of all its members. In this regard, this paper deliberates the quality of life of the siblings of children with developmental difficulties. According to the available researches, the relationship between typical siblings with a sibling with developmental difficulties has both positive and adverse traits. In order to reduce the adverse qualities of such a relationship and improve the quality of life of siblings of children with developmental difficulties, as well as to offer the support, the workshops for siblings have been organized in the Early Intervention Association of Varaždin County. During the workshops, the guided activities helped in developing a positive self-image and encouraged accepting diversity and sharing experiences. There were seven users involved in the workshops, and after a six-month period the research was conducted. The aim of the research was to gain an insight into the parents’ view whether the typical siblings’ participation in the workshops affected the quality of life of siblings with disabilities. The research included 7 mothers whose children participated in the Association. The research was conducted through interviews which were audio recorded and afterwards transcribed. A semi-structured interview was used as a framework analysis method. The research results suggested that siblings of the children with developing disabilities had a lower quality of life than their typical peers. They also often had heavy emotions such as inferiority, guilt, jealousy and shame because there was a lack of psychosocial support for the entire family. The study also confirmed the positive effect of the organized workshops on the siblings of children with disabilities, primarily in developing self-confidence, communication skills and positive self-image, but also in understanding and accepting the difficulties of a sibling.Zbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksaBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Roditeljski stres i doživljaj roditeljske kompetentnosti kod majki djece sa i bez teškoća u razvoju

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    BACKGROUND: Mothers of children with a range of developmental disabilities report higher levels of stress than mothers of typically developing children. Higher levels of stress can also be related to parenting sense of competence. Further, parental stress and a sense of competence are also significantly associated with parenting support and marital satisfaction. AIM: This study had three aims: to determine the difference in stress levels and sense of competence observed as self perceived parental efficacy and satisfaction with parenthood in mothers of children with and without disabilities; to determine the relationship between stress levels and sense of competence observed as self perceived parental efficacy and satisfaction with parenthood in all mothers; and to determine the difference in importance of factors associated with motherhood stress and a sense of competence. METHODS: Mothers of 71 children aged 1-13 years from the city of Varaždin, 38 without disabilities and 33 with disabilities, participated in this study. The mothers filled in four assessment tools: the Parental Stress Scale; the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, which included the two subscales of self-perceived parental efficacy and satisfaction with parenthood; the Family Support Scale; and the Quality of Marriage Index. RESULTS: Statistical t tests showed significant differences between mothers of children with and without disabilities in stress, and self-perceived sence of maternal efficacy, which was part of the sense of competence variable. Further, all explored variables were significantly correlated, and finally, all three models of four-stage hierarchical multiple regression revealed that final models containing sociodemographic factors, child characteristics, a disability factor, social support and marital quality explained 50.9% of the variation in parental stress level, 36.4% of variation in self-perceived parental efficacy, and 35.1% of variation in satisfaction with parenthood. Changes in R² were significant in all models. When all predictor variables were included in stage four of the regression model, marital quality explained the most variance in all models. CONCLUSION: These results show the importance of marital quality in both parental stress and a sense of competence equally in mothers of children with and without disabilities.Uvidom u dosadašnja istraživanja može se zapaziti kako veći broj autora navodi da majke djece s teškoćama u razvoju najčešće pokazuju više razine roditeljskog stresa negoli majke djece bez teškoća. Više razine roditeljskog stresa također se povezuju s osjećajem roditeljske kompetentnosti. Nadalje, roditeljski stres i osjećaj kompetentnosti često se dovode u vezu sa socijalnom podrškom i bračnim zadovoljstvom. Ovo istraživanje imalo je četiri cilja: odrediti razliku u razinama roditeljskog stresa kod majki djece s teškoćama i bez teškoća u razvoju; odrediti razliku u roditeljskom osjećaju kompetentnosti promatranog kroz dvije subskale: samoprocjena roditeljske efikasnosti i zadovoljstvo roditeljskom ulogom kod majki djece sa i bez teškoća u razvoju; odrediti povezanost između roditeljskog stresa i roditeljskog osjećaja kompetentnosti (samoprocjena roditeljske efikasnosti i zadovoljstva roditeljskom ulogom) svih majki; i odrediti doprinos relevantnih prediktorskih varijabli u objašnjavanju roditeljskog stresa i roditeljskog osjećaja kompetentnosti. U istraživanju su sudjelovale majke 71 djeteta u dobi od 1 do 13 godina iz Varaždina, od toga 38 majki djece bez i 33 majke djece s teškoćama u razvoju. Sve majke ispunile su četiri skale procjene: 1) skalu roditeljskog stresa, 2) skalu samoprocjene kompetentnosti roditelja, koja uključuje dvije podskale – roditeljska samopercepcija efikasnosti u ulozi roditelja i zadovoljstvo ispunjavanjem roditeljske uloge, 3) skalu socijalne podrške te 4) indeks bračne kvalitete. Rezultati t-testova pokazali su značajnu razliku u razini doživljenog roditeljskog stresa između majki djece s teškoćama i djece bez teškoća, kao i samopercepciji osjećaja roditeljske efikasnosti. Sve ispitane varijable u okviru drugog cilja bile su statistički značajno povezane, dok sva tri modela hijerarhijske regresijske analize upućuju da sociodemografske varijable majke, varijable karakteristika obitelji, prisutnost teškoća u razvoju, socijalna podrška i kvaliteta braka objašnjavaju 50,9% varijance u razini roditeljskog stresa, 36,4% varijance u samopercepciji roditeljske efikasnosti, a 35,1% varijance u zadovoljstvu ispunjavanjem roditeljske uloge

    Talking in Time: the development of a self-administered Conversation Analysis based training programme for cochlear implant users

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    Objectives: Training software to facilitate participation in conversations where overlapping talk is common was to be developed with the involvement of Cochlear implant (CI) users. Methods: Examples of common types of overlap were extracted from a recorded corpus of 3.5 hours of British English conversation. In eight meetings, an expert panel of five CI users tried out ideas for a computer-based training programme addressing difficulties in turn-taking. Results: Based on feedback from the panel, a training programme was devised. The first module consists of introductory videos. The three remaining modules, implemented in interactive software, focus on non-overlapped turn-taking, competitive overlaps and accidental overlaps. Discussion: The development process is considered in light of feedback from panel members and from an end of project dissemination event. Benefits, limitations and challenges of the present approach to user involvement and to the design of self-administered communication training programmes are discussed. Conclusion: The project was characterized by two innovative features: the involvement of service users not only at its outset and conclusion but throughout its course; and the exclusive use of naturally occurring conversational speech in the training programme. While both present practical challenges, the project has demonstrated the potential for ecologically valid speech rehabilitation training


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    Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Based on Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary School Pupils

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    Both the quality and quantity of teachers’ experiences of self-competence in dealing with pupils with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have been the subject of a great deal of research. The permanent monitoring of the levels at which teachers accomplish such competencies, which have a positive effect on the improvement of teaching, is one of the tasks of educational science. The present paper determines how teachers self-assess their efficacy in teaching pupils with behavioural difficulties based on the pupils’ symptoms of attention disorder and hyperactivity. Primary school teachers from 12 counties of the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The teachers provided data for a total of 1,383 pupils in whom they subjectively detected behavioural difficulties. The research reveals that the characteristics of the pupil best predict the teacher’s self-efficacy. More time spent in the classroom with the teacher, better academic achievement, and a lower school grade indicate higher self-efficacy in teachers

    Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Based on Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary School Pupils

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    Both the quality and quantity of teachers’ experiences of self-competence in dealing with pupils with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have been the subject of a great deal of research. The permanent monitoring of the levels at which teachers accomplish such competencies, which have a positive effect on the improvement of teaching, is one of the tasks of educational science. The present paper determines how teachers self-assess their efficacy in teaching pupils with behavioural difficulties based on the pupils’ symptoms of attention disorder and hyperactivity. Primary school teachers from 12 counties of the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The teachers provided data for a total of 1, 383 pupils in whom they subjectively detected behavioural difficulties. The research reveals that the characteristics of the pupil best predict the teacher’s self- efficacy. More time spent in the classroom with the teacher, better academic achievement, and a lower school grade indicate higher self-efficacy in teachers

    Youth work in Croatia: collecting pieces for a mosaic

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    This article explores the historical development of youth work in Croatia. By drawing from available data and personal experience, we describe three key phases of youth work development in a post-conflict country: (a) the period of the early 1990s as a “direct peace building" youth work; (b) the rise of nonformal education during the mid and late 1990s; and (c) the growth of a networked youth sector and its focus on youth policy advocacy starting in 2000. In addition, we refer to today's context, particularly because of its project-management orientation. Such categorization highlights various practices that we consider to represent youth work in a specific and contested national framework. Work with young people with fewer opportunities is being presented as a case, building on our observation that contemporary youth work continues to be embedded in civil society development and nonformal education, facing challenges of funding-driven discourse and unsystematic support

    Microplastics in Mediterranean Mussel <i>Mytilus galloprovincialis</i>: Comparison between Cultured and WildType Mussels from the Northern Adriatic

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    This study aimed to assess microplastics (MPs) in the digestive glands of Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels. Mussels were collected from pristine, aquaculture, and port areas of the northern Adriatic Sea (Slovenia and Croatia coastline). MPs were detected using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The characterized MPs were further categorized based on their shape, size, and color. The highest number of 32.85 ± 27.98 MPs per mussel digestive gland was found in the mussels sampled from the ACI marina Rovinj (Croatia). The predominant MPs found in the mussel digestive glands at all investigated locations belonged to the smallest analyzed category (5–10 μm in size) and exhibited spherical and fragment shapes. The most abundant MPs found in mussels by color were white particles. MPs were found in both wild and farmed mussels and, hence, the results point out that the abundance of microplastic pollution is omnipresent along the coastal waters of the northern Adriatic Sea