108 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Petit verdot grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Tikveš vineyards

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    Research is being performed to the variety of Petit verdot. The vineyards are sited on the Lepovo-Tikveš vineyards, in the property of Bovin winery. Plantation is started in 2008 with certified plantation material, 2.4 m planting distance between rows, and 1.0 m distance between vines in a row. The training system is Guyot two arms, with 20 eyelets leaving the vine. Some optimal agro-technical and ampelo-technical measures are applied. The plantation is under drip irrigation system. During the research period (2011– 2012) the following items were included: yield (kg/vine), chemical composition of grape must (sugar, total acid, pH), and chemical analysis of wine. The results show considerable variation in yield interest (14.48), which is due to the age of the crop, whether it is in the second (2011) or in the third (2012) year of birth. The must contains 230 g/L sugar and 5.5 g/L total acids, average for the test period. The wine has a high content of extract (40 g/L) and 13.11% vol alcohol, which is due to selective grape harvesting and the way of vinification (winemaking)

    Basic methods for investigating and proving sickle-cell anemia

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    Въведение: Сърповидно-клетъчната анемия (СКА) е генетично детерминирано заболяване, представляващо сериозен обществен здравен проблем не само за страните с традиционно висока честота (Африка, Азия, Америка, Средиземноморие), но и за множество от европейските страни, където се наблюдава непрекъснато нарастване на честотата на това заболяване. Цел: Да представим методи, използвани за скриниране и диагноза на СКА. Дискусия: Методите, използвани при скриниране и диагностициране на СКА са два основни типа: рутинни и високо специализирани лабораторни методи. Рутинните тестове включват ПКК, биохимични показатели за доказване на хемолиза in vivo, изследване на урина, както и скриниращите тестове за доказване наличието на HbS - тестове за разтворимост, тестове, предизвикващи промяна във формата на еритроцитите и др. От изключително значение за потвърждаване на диагноза е използването на високо специализирани техники за разделяне на белтъци като електрофореза и високоефективна течна хроматография (HPLC), определящи абнормните хемоглобинови варианти. За нуждите на пренаталната диагностика се използва и ДНК анализ за доказване на точкова мутация в гена за бета веригата на глобиновата молекула. Заключение: Необходимо е да се познават различните видове методи за скриниране и диагноза на СКА, за да е максимално ефективен и бърз диагностичният процес при това разпространено и не рядко тежко протичащо наследствено заболяване.Introduction: The sickle-cell anaemia (SCA) is a genetically determined disease, that is a major public health issue amongst not only the countries where it is traditionally quite common (Africa, Asia, America and the Mediterranean), but also the majority of European countries, where a significant increase of the frequency of the disease is observed. Aim: To present methods used for screening and diagnose of SCA. Discussion: The methods used for screening and diagnose of SCA can be classified into two main categories - routine ones and highly specialised laboratory methods. The routine tests include complete blood count, biochemical parameters to prove in vivo haemolysis, urine tests and the screening tests for presence of HbS e.g. sickling tests and solubility tests. In order to confirm the diagnosis of SCA the usage of protein separation techniques such as electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for detection of abnormal hemoglobin variants is of high importance. Concerning prenatal diagnostics DNA analysis is also used for detection of point mutation in the fetus beta gene of globin molecule. Conclusion: In order to ensure with maximum of effectiveness the diagnostic process of this common hereditary disease, a good knowledge of all available screening and diagnostic methods is needed

    Airtraq® is the preferred device for difficultintubation by residents?

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    Background: The Airtraq® optical laryngoscope is an intubation device designed to provide a view of the glottis without alignment of the oro-pharyngeal and laryngeal axes. Recent literature shows that, given its two significant features: time effectiveness and short learning curve, Airtraq® is the most favorable option when it comes to difficult intubation. Objectives: The goal was to analyze Airtraq® effectiveness when used by inexperienced physicians in anticipated difficult intubation in adult patients. Materials and methods: We conducted a prospective evaluation in ten medical residents using the Airtraq® device for the first time. All of them were experienced in using Macintosh. Each resident conducted laryngoscopy and intubation with the Airtraq® device after short didactic guidance. Eighteen patients were included, over a period of seven months. The patients showed four difficult intubation predictors: history of difficult intubation, thyromental distance less than 60 mm, mouth opening less than 35 mm and Mallampati class 3 or 4. All of them were clinically examined for difficult airway by an ENT specialist. Results: Before induction of anaesthesia all residents received a short demonstration on the use of the Airtraq®. Every participant was supervised by an Airtraq® handling specialist for each intubation maneuver. In sixteen patients, Airtraq® insertion, glottis visualization and subsequent intubation were easy and rapid, without arterial oxygen desaturation. In two patients the trachea was intubated from the second and third attempt. There were two tracheal intubation failures, associated with extended tracheal intubation and an Airtraq® specialist had to continue with intubation. The Airtraq® reduced the duration of intubation attempts in all cases, reduced the number of optimization maneuvers required, and reduced the potential for dental trauma. However, the two intubation failures emphasize the fact that Airtraq® laryngoscopy requires a clinical training process, especially in the event of anticipated difficult airway management situations. Conclusion: The residents participating the study, found the Airtraq® easier to use in all scenarios compared to the Macintosh laryngoscope. The Airtraq® may be the preferred device, required by inexperienced physicians in cases of difficult airwa

    Multiple proliferating trichilemmal cysts of the skalp: a case report. Multiple proliferating pilar tumors of the scalp

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    Proliferating trichilemmal cyst, also known as proliferating pilar scalp tumor, is a rare benign tumor of the hair follicle. While trichilemmal cysts are common intradermal or subcutaneous cysts, occuring in 5–10% of the population, only 2% will develop into proliferative trichilemmal cyst. The differential diagnosis should include lesions such as malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor and squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical treatment is the only effective method for treating these rare cysts. We present a case report of a 78-years-old female patient who hasentered the Neurosurgery clinic of “St. Marina” University Hospital with clinical manifestation of rapidly growing from several months subcutaneous formation on the head and the presence of two smaller ones. MRI scan discovered three subcutaneous tumor formations suspicious for trichilem cysts, one of which was gigantic in size. After clinical discussion, under general anesthesia an operative treatment was performed with total extirpation of the cysts. Postoperatively, surgery-related complications were not observed. The patient was mobilized and verticalized on the day after intervention and discharged on the 5th day. As a result, a good cosmetic effect was obtained. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst is an uncommon neoplasm, and reporting of these lesions are important due to the good clinical evolution compared to the malignant macroscopic and microscopic feature of these tumor formations

    Stroke outcomes in Croatian and Bulgarian patients measured by modified Rankin scale

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    Cilj rada bio je usporedba funkcijskih ishoda pacijenata s moždanim udarom tijekom rehabilitacije u Hrvatskoj i Bugarskoj s pomoću modificirane Rankinove ljestvice (mRS) kao kliničke mjere opće nesposobnosti. Broj rehabilitacijskih dana u Bugarskoj je, sukladno nacionalnim pravilnicima, manji nego u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je namjera studije bila ocijeniti utjecaj duljine rehabilitacije na napredak pacijenata. Korišteni su podaci 50 pacijenata iz svake od zemalja, koji su bili usklađeni prema spolu dobi u vrijeme udara, proteka vremena od udara do rehabilitacije, tipa udara, zahvaćene strane i težine udara, komorbiditeta i programa rehabilitacije. U obje skupine zabilježeni su početni i završni rezultati mRS-a, promjene (napredak) funkcijskih mogućnosti i duljina boravka na rehabilitaciji. Također su zabilježene niže početne vrijednosti mRS-a (4,06 ± 1,02 u hrvatskoj i 3,88 ± 0,96 u bugarskoj skupini) što je upućivalo na veliku ovisnost i potrebu temeljitog pristupa i angažmana cijelog rehabilitacijskog tima. Zabilježene su značajne promjene mRSa (napredaka) u obje skupine, ali je napredak bio statistički bolji u hrvatskoj s promjenom od 0,96 ± 0,67 u odnosu prema bugarskoj skupini u kojoj je bio 0,42 ± 0,50. Pritom je rehabilitacija pacijenata iz hrvatske skupine trajala mnogo dulje (33 ± 15 dana) nego bugarskih (8 ± 2 dana). Promjena u jednoj razini mRS-a može značiti funkcijski važan napredak s velikim utjecajem na pacijenta i njegovu/ njezinu okolinu. Bugarski pacijenti, iako su značajno napredovali u odnosu na početne rezultate, nisu postizali funkcijske napretke kao hrvatski pacijenti. Stoga možemo predložiti da rehabilitacija bugarskih pacijenata (8 ± 2 dana) traje, barem, koliko i hrvatskih (33 ± 15 dana) kako bi se postigao isti funkcijski napredak mjeren modificiranom Rankinovom ljestvicom.The purpose of the study was to measure functional outcomes of stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation in Croatia and Bulgaria using modified Rankin scale (mRS) as a clinician-reported measure of global disability. Fewer days are allowed for rehabilitation in Bulgaria than in Croatia according to the payers’ rules, and the aim of the study was to assess the impact of length of stay to the progress of patients. Data on 50 stroke patients from each of two countries were analyzed that were matched by gender, age at stroke, days from stroke to the onset of rehabilitation, type, side and severity of stroke, co-morbidity and the programme of rehabilitation. Initial and final mRS results and the change (progress) of patients` functional abilities and lengths of stay of both groups were recorded. Both groups presented with lower mRS results at rehabilitation onset (4.06±1.02 in Croatian and 3.88±0.96 in Bulgarian patients) indicating high dependency and the need for thorough approach and engagement of the whole rehabilitation team. There were significant changes of mRS (improvement) in both groups, but the progress was statistically better in Croatian with change of mRS of 0.96±0.67, than in Bulgarian patients (0.42±0.50), whereas the length of stay was significantly longer in Croatian patients (33±15 days) than in Bulgarian (8±2 days). The change in Stručni rad Professional article ISSN 1846-1867 Fiz. rehabil. med. 2012; 24 (3-4): 115-122 116 one mRS level may represent functionally important progress with significant impact for the patient and his/her carers. Bulgarian patients, although significant in before-after comparison of mRS results, do not reach functional goals as Croatian patients. Therefore, we may suggest that the length of stay of Bulgarian patients (8±2 days) should be prolonged to, at least, the length of stay present in Croatian patients (33±15 days) to achieve the same functional improvement measured by the modified Rankin scale

    Stroke outcomes in Croatian and Bulgarian patients measured by modified Rankin scale

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    Cilj rada bio je usporedba funkcijskih ishoda pacijenata s moždanim udarom tijekom rehabilitacije u Hrvatskoj i Bugarskoj s pomoću modificirane Rankinove ljestvice (mRS) kao kliničke mjere opće nesposobnosti. Broj rehabilitacijskih dana u Bugarskoj je, sukladno nacionalnim pravilnicima, manji nego u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je namjera studije bila ocijeniti utjecaj duljine rehabilitacije na napredak pacijenata. Korišteni su podaci 50 pacijenata iz svake od zemalja, koji su bili usklađeni prema spolu dobi u vrijeme udara, proteka vremena od udara do rehabilitacije, tipa udara, zahvaćene strane i težine udara, komorbiditeta i programa rehabilitacije. U obje skupine zabilježeni su početni i završni rezultati mRS-a, promjene (napredak) funkcijskih mogućnosti i duljina boravka na rehabilitaciji. Također su zabilježene niže početne vrijednosti mRS-a (4,06 ± 1,02 u hrvatskoj i 3,88 ± 0,96 u bugarskoj skupini) što je upućivalo na veliku ovisnost i potrebu temeljitog pristupa i angažmana cijelog rehabilitacijskog tima. Zabilježene su značajne promjene mRSa (napredaka) u obje skupine, ali je napredak bio statistički bolji u hrvatskoj s promjenom od 0,96 ± 0,67 u odnosu prema bugarskoj skupini u kojoj je bio 0,42 ± 0,50. Pritom je rehabilitacija pacijenata iz hrvatske skupine trajala mnogo dulje (33 ± 15 dana) nego bugarskih (8 ± 2 dana). Promjena u jednoj razini mRS-a može značiti funkcijski važan napredak s velikim utjecajem na pacijenta i njegovu/ njezinu okolinu. Bugarski pacijenti, iako su značajno napredovali u odnosu na početne rezultate, nisu postizali funkcijske napretke kao hrvatski pacijenti. Stoga možemo predložiti da rehabilitacija bugarskih pacijenata (8 ± 2 dana) traje, barem, koliko i hrvatskih (33 ± 15 dana) kako bi se postigao isti funkcijski napredak mjeren modificiranom Rankinovom ljestvicom.The purpose of the study was to measure functional outcomes of stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation in Croatia and Bulgaria using modified Rankin scale (mRS) as a clinician-reported measure of global disability. Fewer days are allowed for rehabilitation in Bulgaria than in Croatia according to the payers’ rules, and the aim of the study was to assess the impact of length of stay to the progress of patients. Data on 50 stroke patients from each of two countries were analyzed that were matched by gender, age at stroke, days from stroke to the onset of rehabilitation, type, side and severity of stroke, co-morbidity and the programme of rehabilitation. Initial and final mRS results and the change (progress) of patients` functional abilities and lengths of stay of both groups were recorded. Both groups presented with lower mRS results at rehabilitation onset (4.06±1.02 in Croatian and 3.88±0.96 in Bulgarian patients) indicating high dependency and the need for thorough approach and engagement of the whole rehabilitation team. There were significant changes of mRS (improvement) in both groups, but the progress was statistically better in Croatian with change of mRS of 0.96±0.67, than in Bulgarian patients (0.42±0.50), whereas the length of stay was significantly longer in Croatian patients (33±15 days) than in Bulgarian (8±2 days). The change in Stručni rad Professional article ISSN 1846-1867 Fiz. rehabil. med. 2012; 24 (3-4): 115-122 116 one mRS level may represent functionally important progress with significant impact for the patient and his/her carers. Bulgarian patients, although significant in before-after comparison of mRS results, do not reach functional goals as Croatian patients. Therefore, we may suggest that the length of stay of Bulgarian patients (8±2 days) should be prolonged to, at least, the length of stay present in Croatian patients (33±15 days) to achieve the same functional improvement measured by the modified Rankin scale

    Tauroursodeoxycholic bile acid arrests axonal degeneration by inhibiting the unfolded protein response in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

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    Altres ajuts: We are indebted to the NIH NeuroBioBank for supplying the case material used for the human studies. This study was supported by grants from the European Leukodystrophy Association [ELA2012-033C1], the Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER) to N.L. and M.R. Locomotor experiments were performed by the SEFALer unit F5 led by A.P. which belongs to the CIBERER structure.The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00401-016-1655-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users