1,429 research outputs found

    Der schmale Grat zwischen Mondo- und Essayfilm : Killing of America von Sheldon Renan und Leonard Schrader

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    Während der Achtziger Jahre in den USA war der Traum vom großen Geld für viele zum Greifen nah. Diese Wunschvorstellung zerplatzte allerdings an der wirtschaftlichen Lage. Es war „ein Jahrzehnt in dem der Yuppie-Wahn und die unzähligen Aufstiegsträume in der Rezession zerkrachten. Man fühlte sich sozial und wirtschaftlich höchst verunsichert.“ Der Autor Bret Easton Ellis beschreibt die Lage der Nation anhand eines Individuums in seinem Roman American Psycho. Die Hauptfigur des Buches mit dem Namen Patrick Bateman ist Bestandteil der in diesem Jahrzehnt aufkommenden Yuppie-Kultur. Niemand erkennt, dass sich hinter dieser wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Person ein Serienmörder verbirgt. Der Protagonist mit zutiefst antagonistischen Zügen beschreibt sich selbst folgendermaßen: „Mein Ich ist künstlich, eine Anomalie. Ich bin ein unkontingentes menschliches Wesen. Meine Persönlichkeit ist rudimentär und ungeformt, meine Herzlosigkeit geht tief und ist gefestigt[…] Niemand ist sicher, nichts ist gesühnt.“ Diese Erkenntnis spiegelt die gewinnorientierte und gefühlskalte Mentalität der amerikanischen Gesellschaft in jener Zeit wider. Gleichzeitig beschreibt sie die heillose Suche der Amerikaner nach Sicherheit. Bateman verkörpert den amerikanischen Drang nach Freiheit und Erfolg, er geht dafür sogar über Leichen

    Licht und Schatten : La Maschera del Demonio und I tre volti della Paura von Mario Bava

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    Die Filme von Mario Bava wurden über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg übersehen. Er ist vor allem ein Filmemacher, der von anderen Regisseuren geschätzt wird. So beschreiben zum Beispiel Künstler wie Martin Scorsese, John Carpenter, Joe Dante, Dario Argento oder auch Tim Burton, Bava als einen großen Einfluß für ihre Filme. Erst in den letzten Jahren, durch das digitale Medium der DVD, sind Bavas Filme wieder der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Immer mehr Werke des italienischen Filmemachers gelangen an die Oberfläche und machen den immensen Einfluß seiner Filme auf das Horrorgenre offensichtlich

    Enhanced Priming for Trauma-Related Words Predicts Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    There is preliminary evidence that enhanced priming for trauma-related cues plays a role in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A prospective study of 119 motor vehicle accident survivors investigated whether priming for trauma-related stimuli predicts PTSD. Participants completed a modified word-stem completion test comprising accident-related, traffic-related, general threat, and neutral words at 2 weeks post-trauma. Priming for accident-related words predicted PTSD at 6 months follow-up, even when initial symptom levels of PTSD and depression and priming for other words were controlled. The results are in line with the hypothesis that enhanced priming for traumatic material contributes to the development of chronic PTSD

    Do Cognitive Models Help in Predicting the Severity of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Phobia, and Depression After Motor Vehicle Accidents? A Prospective Longitudinal Study

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    The study investigated the power of theoretically derived cognitive variables to predict posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), travel phobia, and depression following injury in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). MVA survivors (N = 147) were assessed at the emergency department on the day of their accident and 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months later. Diagnoses were established with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV. Predictors included initial symptom severities; variables established as predictors of PTSD in E. J. Ozer, S. R. Best, T. L. Lipsey, and D. S. Weiss's (2003) meta-analysis; and variables derived from cognitive models of PTSD, phobia, and depression. Results of nonparametric multiple regression analyses showed that the cognitive variables predicted subsequent PTSD and depression severities over and above what could be predicted from initial symptom levels. They also showed greater predictive power than the established predictors, although the latter showed similar effect sizes as in the meta-analysis. In addition, the predictors derived from cognitive models of PTSD and depression were disorder-specific. The results support the role of cognitive factors in the maintenance of emotional disorders following trauma

    Emotional suppression and well-being in immigrants and majority group members in the Netherlands

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    We were interested in interethnic differences in emotional suppression. We propose a model in which suppression of specific emotional experiences (suppressive behaviours during interactions with others) mediates the relationship between emotional suppression tendency (intention to suppress emotions) and well-being, operationalised as mood disturbance, life dissatisfaction and depressive and physical symptoms. The sample consisted of 427 majority group members and 344 non-Western and 465 Western immigrants in the Netherlands. Non-Western immigrants scored higher on emotional suppression tendency and lower on well-being than the other groups. We did not find interethnic differences in suppression of specific emotional experiences. The full mediation model was supported in all groups. Interethnic differences in well-being could not be accounted for by differences in emotional suppression

    What mediates the link between childhood maltreatment and depression? The role of emotion dysregulation, attachment, and attributional style

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    Background: Childhood maltreatment (CM) has been shown to be related to a severe and/or chronic course of depression. This study investigated which psychological processes mediate this relationship. Method: A large sample of acute or recovered depressed individuals (N = 340) participated in an online survey assessing characteristics of depression, trauma exposure, and potential mediators (emotion regulation difficulties, attributional style, and attachment). Results: The experience of CM was related to more severe depression and more depressive episodes. In multiple mediation models, emotion dysregulation, a depressogenic attributional style, and avoidance in close relationships conjointly mediated the relationship between CM and depression severity as well as number of depressive episodes. However, a significant direct path between CM and depression characteristics remained. Exploratory analyses suggested that posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity was an important additional mediator in our sample. Conclusions: Our findings provide preliminary evidence for psychological mediators between CM and depression that may be promising targets for interventions tailored for the treatment of depression in this subgroup
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