542 research outputs found

    Binary open clusters in the Milky Way: photometric and spectroscopic analysis of NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22

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    Using photometry and high resolution spectroscopy we investigate for the first time the physical connection between the open clusters NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22. Based on new CCD photometry we report their spatial proximity and common age of ~70 Myr. Based on high resolution spectra collected using the HERMES and UCLES spectrographs on the Anglo-Australian telescope, we present radial velocities and abundances for Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Ni. The measured radial velocities are -38.63 +/-2.25 km/s for NGC 5617 and -38.46 +/-2.08 km/s for Trumpler 22. The mean metallicity of NGC 5617 was found to be [Fe/H] =-0.18 +/-0.02 and for Trumpler 22 was found to be [Fe/H] = -0.17 +/-0.04. The two clusters share similar abundances across the other elements, indicative of a common chemical enrichment history of these clusters. Together with common motions and ages we confirm that NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22 are a primordial binary cluster pair in the Milky Way.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure, accepted by MNRA

    Functions of the Language Game in the Internet Discourse

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    The purpose of this article consists in giving a general notion of the functions of the language game in the Internet discourse. Here is represented the classification of the functions which are carried out by the language game in the Internet communication

    Ecological situation in the modern Russian Federation: comparison with other countries as a basis for new ideas for the development of the state

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    Most of the existing environmental problems have not been resolved yet, and some of them become aggravated. There is awareness that the tools that have been used so far to solve these problems can’t handle them. There is an interest in the analysis of existing environmental problems among social activists. The purpose of this article is to develop new ideas and directions for improving the environmental policy of Russia, based on an analysis of existing problems. In work elements of comparative and systematic approaches and general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction were used. The main environmental problems that exist in Russia are: waste management issues, water pollution, deforestation, skepticism towards alternative and green energy. The study revealed the need to consider new trends in the environmental policy of Russia from the standpoint of political ecology. Among the necessary measures, it is worth noting the following: the introduction of a new ideology that will put in the first place the harmonious relationship between nature and a human; introduction of environmental education; a new system of preparing the specialists, including courses on an environmentally oriented lifestyle; information policy, revealing the essence of existing environmental problems; support for environmental organizations; introduction of a new approach to alternative energy and green technologies

    The Role of the EAEU and the SCO in the Eurasia Environmental Safety Space Formation

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    Recently, most of the existing environmental problems have not only not been solved but have also worsened. There is a growing understanding in the public consciousness that the tools that have been used so far in solving these problems do not cope with the tasks formulated, among other things, in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Accordingly, the interest in analyzing existing environmental problems and finding ways to solve them is taking an increasing place in the process of defining and implementing the policies of most states and their interaction with activists of environmental social movements.Aim. Development of new ideas and directions for improving environmental policy, including within the framework of increasing the intensity of integration processes in the Eurasian space covering the EAC and SCO countries.Tasks. In the article are analyzed the experience of EAC and SCO countries in the process of ecological safe space creation.Methods. In the article were used elements of comparative and systematic approaches and general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction.Results. The study revealed the need to consider new trends in the environmental policy of the Russian Federation also under development of integration processes within the Eurasian space from the perspective of political ecology.Conclusion. Based on the analysis, the following main environmental problems that exist in the Russian Federation were identified: waste management issues, water pollution, destruction of forests, skepticism about “alternative” and “green” energy. However, environmental problems, as a rule, affect more than one country, so they need to be solved through integration with other states. Now the development of a “green” economy is a promising direction within the Eurasian space

    Distribution of the local magnetic field of the vortex lattice near the surface of an anisotropic superconductor in oblique external magnetic fields

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    The distribution of the magnetic field in the unit cell of the Abrikosov vortex lattice near the surface of a uniaxial, anisotropic, type-II superconductor in an oblique external magnetic field is determined on the basis of the London model for the cases in which the symmetry axis is perpendicular and parallel to the boundary of the superconductor. The distribution of the local magnetic field is obtained as a function of the distance from the surface of the superconductor and the inclination angle of the external field. It is shown for an YBaCuO high-Tc superconductor that the investigation of the distribution function of the local magnetic field as a function of the angle of the external magnetic field relative to the symmetry axis and to the surface of the superconductor can yield important information about the anisotropic properties of the superconductor. © 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Evaluation of the combining ability of CMS lines in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass

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    Received: April 2nd, 2021 ; Accepted: July 28th, 2021 ; Published: August 3rd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] versatility of use, species diversity, and high drought resistance have ensured the demand for sorghum among agricultural crops in the world. Currently, the most promising direction of breeding is the creation of F1 sorghum hybrids, which is based on the identification and selection of parental forms with high combining ability. In this paper, the combining ability analysis crosses of two hybridization schemes: grain×grain sorghum and grain sorghum×Sudan grass was carried out using topcross method. Gene action governing inheritance of a particular trait can be measured in terms of general and specific combining ability estimates, where general combining ability effects are mostly indicative of additive gene action (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)>1)and specific combining ability effects - non-additive (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)<1). Genes with an additive effect participate in the genetic control of breeding-valuable traits, which is proven byms(GCA)/ms (SCA) ratios changing within1.10-28.01 range. It is advisable to involve CMS-lines A3 Feterita 14, A2 KVV 114 and A2 O-1237 to create high-yielding hybrids of grain sorghum; highly productive sorghum-sudangrasshybridss - lines L-106, L-143 and Anastasiya, Kinelskaya 100, Elegiya variety samples; with a high share of grain in the total biomass – Allegoriya, Krasnodarskaya 75 and Zonalskaya 6 variety samples. CMS lines are distinguished by high and average CA values both in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass: by weight of 1,000 grains - A2 O-1237; by seed yield and weight of 1,000 grains - A2 KVV 114

    Shape of the magnetic resonance line in a thin film on the surface of an anisotropic superconductor

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    The shape of the EPR line in a thin ( = λ/2, where λ is the London penetration depth of the magnetic field in the superconductor) paramagnetic film deposited on the surface of an anisotropic superconductor is calculated in an oblique magnetic field with allowance for the inhomogeneity of the local magnetic field of the Abrikosov vortex lattice. It is shown that, as the tilt angle of the external magnetic field is varied, the shape of the EPR line changes noticeably. This fact can give additional information about the superconductor parameters (the symmetry type of the vortex lattice and the anisotropy parameter of the superconductor). © 1999 American Institute of Physics


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    The adaptation of common wheat (T. aestivum L.) to diverse environmental conditions is greatly under the control of genes involved in determination of vernalization response (Vrn-1 genes). It was found that the variation in common wheat heading time is affected not only by combination of Vrn-1 homoeoalleles but also by multiple alleles at a separate Vrn-1 locus. Previously, we described the Vrn-B1c allele from T.aestivum cv. 'Saratovskaya 29' and found significant differences in the structure of the first (1st) intron of this allele when compared to another highly abundant Vrn-B1a allele, specifically, the deletion of 0.8 kb coupled with the duplication of 0.4 kb. We suggested that the changes in the intron 1 of Vrn-B1c allele caused earlier ear emergence in the near-isogenic line and cultivars, carrying this allele. In this study we investigate the distribution of the Vrn-B1c allele in a wide set of spring wheat cultivars from Russia, Ukraine and adjacent regions. The analysis revealed that 40% of Russian and 53% of Ukranian spring wheat cultivars contain the Vrn-B1c allele. The high distribution of the Vrn-B1c allele can be explained by a frequent using of 'Saratovskaya 29' in the breeding process inside the studied area. From the other hand, the predominance of the Vrn-B1c allele among cultivars cultivated in West Siberia and Kazakhstan may be due to the selective advantage of this allele for the region where there is a high risk of early fall frosts

    Polymerisable octahedral rhenium cluster complexes as precursors for photo/electroluminescent polymers

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    New polymerisable photoluminescent octahedral rhenium cluster complexes trans-[{Re₆Q₈}(TBP)₄VB)₂] (Q = S or Se; TBP – p-tert-butylpyridine; VB – vinyl benzoate) have been synthesised, characterised and used to construct rhe-nium cluster-organic polymer hybrid materials. These novel polymer systems are solution-processable and the rhenium clusters retain their photoluminescent properties within the polymer environment. Notably, when the rhenium cluster complexes are incorporated into the matrix of the electroluminescent polymer poly(N-vinylcarbazole), the resultant cluster polymer hybrid combined properties of both components and was used successfully in the construc-tion of a polymer light emitting diode (PLED). These prototype devices are the first PLEDs to incorporate octahedral rhenium clusters and provide the first direct evidence of the electroluminescent properties of rhenium clusters and indeed, to the best of our knowledge, of any member of the family of 24-electron hexanuclear cluster complexes of molybdenum, tungsten or rhenium
