21 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de una metodolog铆a para el control de calidad de los rechazos producidos en las plantas de tratamiento mec谩nico-biol贸gico de residuos s贸lidos urbanos

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    El tratamiento mec谩nico-biol贸gico (TMB) de residuos s贸lidos urbanos genera una gran cantidad de rechazos que pueden ser aprovechados mediante su transformaci贸n en un combustible s贸lido recuperado (CSR). No obstante, para su clasificaci贸n y comercializaci贸n como CSR deben cumplir unos est谩ndares de calidad. En este estudio se presenta una metodolog铆a para el control de calidad de los rechazos generados en las plantas de TMB. Esta incluye un plan de muestreo para el c谩lculo del tama帽o y n煤mero de muestras que se deben tomar anualmente de cada tipo de rechazo generado en la planta; dicho plan se ha implementado y validado en dos plantas de TMB diferentes. Adem谩s, tambi茅n contempla un procedimiento de preparaci贸n de muestra en el laboratorio para el an谩lisis de los par谩metros de calidad. La metodolog铆a dise帽ada es una herramienta muy 煤til para poder producir un CSR a partir de los rechazos con unas propiedades definidas, favoreciendo su valorizaci贸n.Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of municipal solid waste generates a large amount of reject that can be used by transforming it into a solid recovered fuel (SRF). Nevertheless, in order for reject to be classified and traded as SRF, they must meet European quality standards. This study presents a methodology for the quality control of the rejects generated in the MBT plants. This methodology includes a sampling plan that allows calculating the size and number of samples to be taken annually from each type of reject generated at the plant; this plan has been implemented and validated in two different MBT plants. In addition, it also considers a sample preparation procedure in the laboratory for the analysis of quality parameters. The designed methodology is a very useful tool for producing a SRF from rejects with defined properties, favouring its valorisation.Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologies Industrials i Material

    Posibles alternativas de tratamiento para la valorizaci贸n y aprovechamiento energ茅tico del rechazo de las Plantas de Selecci贸n de Envases Ligeros

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    La gran cantidad de residuos s贸lidos generados en los pa铆ses desarrollados y el problema que esto supone desde los puntos de vista econ贸mico, de salud publica y medioambiente, han hecho que en los 煤ltimos a帽os se intensifique la investigaci贸n encaminada a la reducci贸n, reutilizaci贸n y reciclaje de los residuos generados en la industria, agricultura, ganader铆a o n煤cleos urbanos. El objetivo es llegar a cuantificar la cantidad de envases que entran en las instalaciones de recuperaci贸n de materiales o plantas de clasificaci贸n de envases ligeros en el 谩mbito nacional. Adem谩s se pretende determinar, que porcentaje de estos envases no son recuperados, y por lo tanto son susceptibles de valorizar de alguna forma, ya que principalmente su destino es el vertedero.Edo Alc贸n, N. (2012). Posibles alternativas de tratamiento para la valorizaci贸n y aprovechamiento energ茅tico del rechazo de las Plantas de Selecci贸n de Envases Ligeros. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18405Archivo delegad

    El combustible s贸lido recuperado: Producci贸n y marco regulador

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    En los diferentes modelos de plantas de tratamiento de residuos domiciliarios, adem谩s de recuperar materiales destinados al reciclaje, se generan unos rechazos que no tiene utilidad y que generalmente se destina a vertedero. Sin embargo, poseen un contenido energ茅tico elevado debido a que est谩n formados por una mezcla de materiales combustibles. La principal alternativa para la valorizaci贸n de los rechazos es su conversi贸n en un combustible s贸lido recuperado (CSR), con ello se lograr铆a reducir el volumen de residuos enviados a vertedero y proporcionar combustibles alternativos para las industrias que hacen un uso intensivo de energ铆a no renovable. En este art铆culo se presenta el marco normativo y legal de los CSR en Espa帽a y se compara con el de otros pa铆ses europeos. En este sentido, se analizar谩n los par谩metros de calidad exigidos hoy en d铆a a nivel europeo. Adem谩s, tambi茅n se analizan los posibles usos del CSR y su posibilidad de considerarlos como un subproducto en lugar de residuoIn the different models of domestic waste treatment plants two materials are recovered: materials to be recycled, and useless materials that are transferred to dumping sites. However, the latter possess high energetic levels since they are formed by a mixture of combustible materials. The main alternative regarding those products is their conversion to refuse-derived fuel (RDF), since the volume of waste sent to dumping sites would decrease and alternative fuels would be provided to factories making intensive use of non-renewable energies. This paper presents the legal and normative framework concerning RDF in Spain, comparing it to other European countries. The quality parameters demanded in the European context are analysed, together with the possible uses of RDF and the possibility to consider RDF a sub-product rather than waste

    Analysis of the waste selective collection at drop-off systems: Case study including the income level and the seasonal variation

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    There are several factors which have an influence in the selective collection of the municipal waste. To define a selective collection system, the waste generation pattern should be firstly determined and these factors should be analyzed in depth. This paper tries to analyze the economic income level and the seasonal variation on the collection and the purity of light-packaging waste to determine actions to improve the waste management plan of a town. In the first stage of the work, waste samples of the light-packaging containers were collected in two zones of the town with different economic characteristics in different seasons during one year. In the second stage, the samples were characterized to analyze the composition and purity of the waste. They were firstly separated into four fractions: metals; plastic; beverage cartons; and misplaced materials. The misplaced fraction was in its turn separated into cardboard, rubber and leather, inert waste, organic matter, paper, hazardous waste, clothes and shoes, glass and others. The plastic fraction was separated into five types of plastics and the metal fraction into three. In the third stage, the data have been analyzed and conclusions have been extracted. The main result is that the quality of the light-packaging fraction collected in these zones during both seasons were similar. This methodology can be extrapolated to towns with similar characteristics. It will be useful when implementing a system to collect the waste selectively and to develop actions to achieve a good participation in the selective collection of the waste

    Estudio de las soluciones a la problem谩tica de los microvertederos incontrolados: aplicaci贸n al caso de Castell贸n

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    Although the law has forbidden uncontrolled dumping of waste in Spain since 1998 (Law 10/1998), nowadays they still appear on the peripheries of cities. The main problems of these uncontrolled micro-landfills, in addition to the visual impact, are: soil, air and water pollution; odour production; flight and dispersion of the lighter fractions, and proliferation of vectors. As a result, local government must hire cleaning teams for the continuous removal of these waste, with the consequent economic cost that this entails. The aim of this work is to propose a set of measures for eliminating uncontrolled microlandfills in Castell贸n. For this, it is necessary to know the causes of this phenomenon and the nature of the waste. First, the evolution and current state of uncontrolled landfills have been studied. On the one hand, the waste dump points have been located. On the other hand, the quantities discharged annually have been estimated and the composition have been determined in every micro-landfill. A clear and simple sampling methodology has been designed given that the different types of the deposited materials make difficult their count. Finally, a set of measures and action plan have been established.A pesar de que la normativa proh铆be el vertido incontrolado de los residuos en Espa帽a desde hace tiempo, todav铆a siguen apareciendo en las periferias de las ciudades. Las principales problem谩ticas de estos microvertederos incontrolados, adem谩s del impacto visual, son: la contaminaci贸n de los suelos, del aire y de las aguas; la producci贸n de olores; el vuelo y dispersi贸n de las fracciones m谩s ligeras, y la proliferaci贸n de vectores. Como consecuencia, los ayuntamientos deben habilitar brigadas de limpieza para la retirada continua de estos residuos, con el consiguiente coste econ贸mico que ello supone. El objetivo del trabajo es la propuesta de un conjunto de medias para la eliminaci贸n de los microvertederos incontrolados en Castell贸n. Para ello, es necesario conocer las causas que provocan este fen贸meno y la naturaleza de los residuos. En primer lugar se ha estudiado la evoluci贸n y estado actual de los vertederos incontrolados, que ha consistido en localizar los puntos de vertido, estimar las cantidades aportadas anualmente y determinar su composici贸n. Se ha dise帽ado una metodolog铆a clara y sencilla de muestreo, puesto que la diferente tipolog铆a de los materiales depositados dificulta su c贸mputo. Finalmente se ha establecido un conjunto de medidas y un plan de actuaci贸n

    The determination of waste generation and composition as an essential tool to improve the waste management plan of a university

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    When many people work in organized institutions or enterprises, those institutions or enterprises become big meeting places that also have energy, water and resources necessities. One of these necessities is the correct management of the waste that is daily produced by these communities. Universities are a good example of institution where every day a great amount of people go to work or to study. But independently of their task, they use the different services at the University such as cafeterias, canteens, and photocopy and as a result of their activity a cleaning service is also needed. All these activities generate an environmental impact. Nowadays, many Universities have accepted the challenge to minimize this impact applying several measures. One of the impacts to be reduced is the waste generation. The first step to implement measures to implement a waste management plan at a University is to know the composition, the amount and the distribution of the waste generated in its facilities. As the waste composition and generation depend among other things on the climate, these variables should be analysed over one year. This research work estimates the waste generation and composition of a Spanish University, the Universitat Jaume I, during a school year. To achieve this challenge, all the waste streams generated at the University have been identified and quantified emphasizing on those which are not controlled. Furthermore, several statistical analyses have been carried out to know if the season of the year or the day of the week affect waste generation and composition. All this information will allow the University authorities to propose a set of minimization measures to enhance the current management

    Testing the degree of biostabilization in the refuse from composting plants

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    In composting plants, aerobic fermentation could not to be complete and therefore, the fate of unstabilyzed wastes from the compost refining, uses to be landfill. This fact provokes an extra biogas generation in landfills, which contributes to greenhouse effect. In this work, the refuse of compost refining process has been subjected to an anaerobic fermentation. For that, in order to analyze their biogas generation, three samples of different composting plants have been selected. In one of these plants, the amount of biogas generation has been considerable, which involves a not complete stabilization of biowaste in the composting process

    Influence of the Municipal Solid Waste Collection System on the Time Spent at a Collection Point: A Case Study

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    Waste management plans pay attention to municipal solid waste (MSW) collection systems. It represents a significant portion of waste management as it involves a great economic cost and environmental impact. For these reasons, many researchers have studied the optimization of collection routes, analyzing factors that make them more efficient and sustainable, for example, the overall distance traveled and the time spent on the route. Collection times depend on factors such as the speed of the truck, time at traffic lights or time spent on loading and unloading the waste. The loading and unloading times play an important role in the measurement of the total time of the route. Moreover, there is scarce information in the literature about measuring the real-time spent on the trip. All those times are necessary to optimize the total route time. However, it is difficult to obtain this information directly as it depends on parameters such as the type of truck. The aim of this work is to propose a methodology to define all the times involved in the waste collection process. Once they are well defined, they have to be measured in some cases or calculated in others. This works also presents a case study to validate the proposed methodology with an extensive fieldwork to measure those times that can鈥檛 be calculated in the waste collection process. The work presents the results of a study of the time spent at a collection point in six MSW collection systems using different types of collection trucks and bin designs. We have determined how the characteristics of the system affect the time spent at a collection point. Additionally, the times for the six models have been established. Finally, we have determined the influence of the collection model in the duration of the activity. Under certain conditions, times can coincide even though the models are different

    An谩lisis del rendimiento de las plantas de clasificaci贸n de residuos de envases en Espa帽a: Valorizaci贸n de sus rechazos

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    Las plantas de selecci贸n de envases son instalaciones destinadas a la separaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de los materiales que componen los residuos de envases, procedentes del contenedor de recogida selectiva de envases. A finales del a帽o 2010, en Espa帽a exist铆an 94 plantas de selecci贸n de este tipo, de las cuales, 43 dispon铆an de sistemas de detecci贸n autom谩tica de materiales. Una parte de todo el material que entra en las plantas se convierte en rechazo, formado por impropios, material que no deber铆a depositarse en el contenedor, y por otros materiales que siendo envases, por cualquier motivo no se han podido seleccionar. En este trabajo se ha realizado una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica intensa y se han estimado los porcentajes, cantidades y composici贸n de los materiales que entran y salen de estas plantas, haciendo especial 茅nfasis en la corriente de rechazos. Se ha realizado un an谩lisis f铆sico-qu铆mico de varias muestras de rechazos y se ha determinado cu谩l es su potencial de valorizaci贸n desde el punto de vista energ茅tico.Gallardo Izquierdo, A.; Edo Alc贸n, N.; Mengual Cuquerella, J.; Pascual Vinuesa, P. (2012). An谩lisis del rendimiento de las plantas de clasificaci贸n de residuos de envases en Espa帽a: Valorizaci贸n de sus rechazos. RETEMA, Revista T茅cnica de Medio Ambiente. (163):44-54. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/48084S445416