39 research outputs found

    The Characteristics of Fandom Reveluv as A Cyberfandom of Red Velvet on Twitter

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    The existence of social media, including Twitter, supports the popularity of K-Pop music in Indonesia. The fan enjoyment practice in digital media, called cyberfandom, has unique characteristics that indicate the latest trend of fandom in Indonesia. The study of cyberfandom trends can be used as a reference for the digital generation to develop their creativity and potential in accordance with their fields and times. This current study aims to review the characteristics of cyberfandom practices carried out by the fans of K-Pop music on social media. To do this, the descriptive qualitative approach is applied. The object of the research is Red Velvet, one of the popular girl bands from Korea. The data were collected through participant observation of Red Velvet's Twitter fandom followers. The result shows that there were various socialization activities on cyberfandom. The fans did not only enjoy the works of their favorite groups but also produced fan arts and traded photocards and various fansite knick-knacks. The existence of production activities in addition to consumption activities shows that the cyberfandom of Korean music-lovers had become a prosumer. The presence of a digital platform had perpetuated the commodification of fandom in Indonesia

    The Benefits of Integrating Video Making in a Speaking Class

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    Integrated teaching has been advocated and implemented for decades. Lately it has been accelerated by the development of video making. This study aims to investigate the benefits of integrating video making in a speaking class of the 29 first semester students of a public university in Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. It employed action research which was done to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process of the class. The data were collected through direct observation in the classroom, video reviews, and survey. The findings showed that the integration of video making in a speaking class gave benefits to students in the form of four components i.e. social, language and literary, psychological, and technical. The class has been successful in integrating the video making in a speaking class which means that the integration may be applied again in the same class in the future or for a wider scope with similar conditions or settings

    Performing motherhood in the height of the New Order era: The contestation of two women in Dua Ibu

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    The New Order regime in Indonesia was marked with a strong and centralized power including in defining motherhood. This article is aimed at investigating how the “Ibu” or motherhood becomes a contested arena between nameless Ibu and Tante Mirah and how this arena reflects the contestation of tradition and modernity in Java in the 1980s. Using close reading technique and contextualization, an investigation is done to see how the one role is contested by the two women. The nameless Ibu represents traditions shaped by the cultural and traditional milieu in Solo, Central Java. Meanwhile Tante Mirah migrates to Jakarta and builds her new economy and life.  It is evident that performing traditions has drained out Ibu’s financial resources. At the same time, Tante Mirah is successful in accumulating wealth. Consequently, Ibu goes bankrupt and lets Mirah take the son back. The novel documents the inevitable change of socially defined motherhood performed in the center of Javanese culture

    Nilai Budaya Folklore Hantu di Era Digital Studi Kasus Channel Youtube Rizky Riplay

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    Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the cultural values of ghost folklore in the YouTube content presentation of the Rizky Riplay channel. This research is qualitative by using descriptive method as a problem study of the object under study. Sources of data in this study are videos on Rizky Riplay's youtube channel that present illustrations of ghost storytelling in the form of animation. The data collection technique used in this research is a case study of videos on Rizky Riplay's youtube channel. Data processing techniques in this study include: 1) matching the data from the findings; 2) conduct a systematic review of the data; 3) analyze the findings in accordance with the issues raised for later interpretation into the results of the analysis; 4) drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis show that: first, there are product innovations on Rizky Riplay's youtube channel and the cultural values of ghost folklore that have shifted in the digital era. Not only as an educational and religious value but also as a means of entertainment. Second, Rizky Riplay's Youtube Channel is considered to have made a fortune through the help of ghost animations that are the main characters in each of its content. Third, the ghosts in the form of animations/cartoons are considered to have made youtube channel owners rich by doing endorsements/promotions of products and services for human needs as well as the monetization system from YouTube. Not only as an educational and religious value but also as a means of entertainment. Second, Rizky Riplay's Youtube Channel is considered to have earned wealth through the help of ghost animations that are the main characters in each of its content. Third, the ghosts in the form of animations/cartoons are considered to have made YouTube channel owners rich by doing endorsements/promotions of products and services for human needs and the monetization system from YouTube. Not only as an educational and religious value but also as a means of entertainment. Second, Rizky Riplay's Youtube Channel is considered to have made a fortune through the help of ghost animations that are the main characters in each of its content. Third, the ghosts in the form of animations/cartoons are considered to have made YouTube channel owners rich by doing endorsements/promotions of products and services for human needs and the monetization system from YouTube. Keywords: cultural values, Ghostlore, innovation product, youtub

    Upacara Adat Tengger di Ambang Komodifikasi: Merawat Tradisi dari Ancaman Desakralisasi

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    The phenomenon of profanation of sacred traditions in the tourism industry is increasingly prevalent. Considering that matter, some steps should be taken to avoid the tradition of desacralization. This research was done by a field research approach to identifying the values of the traditional ceremony of Tengger, especially Yadnya Kasada, Yadnya Karo, and Unan-unan. This research was located in Tosari and Ngadiwana Village, Tosari, Pasuruan, East Java. The data was collected by unstructured and open-ended interviews. The results showed that their beliefs and obedience in conducting the ancestral teachings must be balanced through a deep and comprehensive understanding of traditional values. On the other hand, adaptation strategies must be carried out to stabilize themselves with modernization. These are done to preserve the existence of tradition without eliminating the essence of sacredness that has been attached to it. Therefore, one of the steps that can be taken is to separate the tradition from commodification without resisting the flow of modernizationThe phenomenon of profanation of sacred traditions in the tourism industry is increasingly prevalent. Considering of that matter, some steps should be taken to avoid the tradition of desacralization. This research was done by a field research approach to identifying the values of the traditional ceremony of Tengger, especially Yadnya Kasada, Yadnya Karo, and Unan-unan. This research was located in Tosari and Ngadiwana Village, Tosari, Pasuruan, East Java. The data was collected by unstructured and open-ended interviews. The results showed that their beliefs and obedience in conducting the ancestral teachings must be balanced through a deep and comprehensive understanding of traditional values. On the other hand, the adaptation strategies must be carried out to stabilize themselves with modernization. These are done to preserve the existence of tradition without eliminating the essence of sacredness that has been attached to it. Therefore, one of the steps that can be taken is to separate the tradition from the commodification without resisting the flow of modernization

    Remixed Javaneseness: Lyrics of Levelling Adiluhung Non-Adiluhung

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    In this paper, we respond to Nancy Florida’s work published in 1978, which describes how adiluhung as a trait of Javanese literature was a deliberate construction, which separated it from the non-adiluhung. Here, we investigate whether the separation is still valid in contemporary Java as seen in its popular culture by analysing the lyrics of the songs produced by the Jogja Hip Hop Foundation, especially Kulonuwun and Gangsta Gapi


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    Information Seeking Behavior on YouTube\u27s Recommendation System for Undergraduate Students in Surabaya Indonesia

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    YouTube is the most used social media platform in the world where users search for information through various search tools provided. This study aims to analyze the behavior of information-seeking on YouTube among undergraduate students in Surabaya, Indonesia. We examined their information-seeking behavior and its implementation in daily life. We also evaluated the information needs and interests. This research conducted online questionnaires that were sent to undergraduate students from 27 August 2021 to 6 September 2021 and received 143 responses. We then analyzed the data based on the response results and statistics from Google Forms. The results showed that they used it as a channel to seek information as needed where they spent times for 1-2 hours every day. The most in-demand information is music, dance, and movies. The main intention of usage was for having fun and entertainment. They tended to search, select and use the information on YouTube manually rather than using information through the recommendation system provided

    IbM bagi Pondok Pesantren At Tauhid Sidosermo Surabaya

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    Panitia merasa bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan satu langkah kecil dari ribuan langkah yang diperlukan untuk bisa membuat selaras antara Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan Islam. Kombinasi yang bisa dilakukan antara lain dengan melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan, penyuluhan, seminar, penelitian, penerbitan, dan sebagainya yang pada akhirnya didukung oleh pembuat kebijakan dan masyarakat luas. Paragraph di atas adalah sebuah gagasan ideal. Terkait pelaksanaan kegiatan ini maka berbagai kenyataan di lapangan menjadi pertimbangan bagi keberlanjutan dan ketepatan solusi dengan merujuk pada proposal dan realita. Pertama terkait dengan istilah materi bahan ajar atau kurikulum. Mengingat komposisi peserta yang terdiri dari guru-guru SD dan SMP, maka panitia merasa kesulitan untuk membawa peserta pada sebuah titik focus untuk dapat memproduksi sebuah materi dalam bentuk buku ajar ataupun hand out dalam waktu kurang dari dua bulan