52 research outputs found

    KERAGAAN VARIETAS DAN GALUR HARAPAN PADI GOGO PADA DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI BATANG ASAI SAROLANGUN JAMBI (The Performance of Upland Paddy Varietas and Lines in Batang Asai Watershed Sarolangun Jambi)

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    Potential of upland paddy in dryland watersheds has not been utilized optimally to support increasing food security. Main constraints of upland paddy cultivication in watershed are drought and blast disease disorders. In order to obtain high yielding upland rice varieties which is tolerant to drought  and blast pathogen, five varieties have been cultivated in Batang Asai Sarolangun Jambi watersheds at May-October 2011. These varieties are Inpago 4, Inpago 5, Inpago 6, Limboto, and Towuti, 1 (one) strain expectation (B11579E-MR-7-1-1), and 1 (one) Senimas local varieties. Experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 replication. Results revealed that the climatic conditions are not conducive for growth and crop production, due to low in rainfall and increased rainy days.These caused unoptimal plant growth, triggered high pests population, and increased in high percentage of empty grains. The high potential was indicated by Limboto, while Towuti showed the lowest yield.  High yield of Limboto was supported by high yield component. Compared to other varieties, Limboto also shows high  drought tolerance .   Key words : Upland Rice, watershed, drought, lin

    PENAMPILAN BEBERAPA GALUR DAN VARIETAS JAGUNG DI LAHAN KERING ( The Performance of Corn Lines and Varieties in Dryland )

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    Research of agronomic characteristic performance from some promising  lines  and varieties of corn in dry land was held in Desa Sebapo, Mestong  Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi. The purpose of this study was to determine the agronomic characteristics of some promising lines and varieties of corn in dry land. The research design was Randomized Block design  with nine treatments , Lines 08 x Tester 01,  Lines  010 x Tester 01, Lines 011 x Tester 01, Galur 02 x Tester 01, Lines 010 x Tester 02 and  Lines 01 x Tester 02, and 2 corn hybrid  C-7 and  Bisi-2 and 1 composite corn varieties  Sukmaraga. and  all treatment repeat 3 times. Variables measured were plant height  at harvest, cob height, cob diameter, cob length, number of rows per cob, number of seeds per row, yield of seed, 100 seed weight and yield per hectare of dry loose. The results showed that Lines 010 x Tester 02 gives the best result 6.20 t/ha. Key words: Maize, agronomic characteristics, dry lan


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    The increasing demand for vegetables should be offset by the increasing of production. Kangkung is one of short-lived plants and the price can be reached by various circles of society. Therefore, kangkung can be used as food diversification in Indonesia. To get good quality vegetables and optimal yield, fertilization is a very important technology. Fertilization aims to add nutrients to the plants so that the plants can grow and produce well. The study aims to determine the effect of using organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of kangkung  in yards. The study was conducted at Andil Jaya Village, Jelutung District, Jambi City, from March to June 2013. Kangkung planted in polybags size 40x50 cm, using topsoil and organic fertilizers. Research using randomized block design, test the combination treatment of organic fertilizer and soil, namely: (a) 100% soil (control), (B) 75% soil plus 25% organic fertilizer, (C) 50% soil plus 50% organic fertilizer, and (D) 25% soil plus 75% organic fertilizer. Each treatment was repeated 8 (eight) times. The results showed that organic fertilizer plays a role in the growth and yield of kangkung, treatment B and C can provide kangkung with maximum growth and yield.   Keywords : kangkung, organic fertilizer, yard

    Pengaruh Sumber Bibit terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kentang di Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi

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    Quality seed supply is the main problem in potato farming. The assessment was aimed at analyzing sourcesof potato seeds\u27effect on yields and farmers\u27income. The study was conducted in Baru Pulau Sangkar Village,Batang Merangin District, Kerinci Regency on May to December 2003. Sources of seeds were (i) improved seeds ofBBU Pangalengan, West Java, and (ii) farmers\u27local seed of Kayu Aro, Kerinci Regency. The treatment was fertilizerrates, namely of Urea (150 kg/ha), SP-36 (450 kg/ha), KCl (300 kg/ha), ZA (150 kg/ha), and organic fertilizer (6,000kg/ha). Highest yield was achieved through application of improved seeds, namely 15,850 kg/ha with income of Rp29,030,000/ha, production cost of Rp 13,291,000/ha, and profit of Rp 15,739,000 or B/C ratio of 1.18. The localseeds\u27yield was 13,750 kg/ha with income of Rp 17,287,500, total cost of Rp 13,291,00, and profit of Rp3,996,500/ha or B/C ratio of 0.30. yield break event point of both seeds was 8,935.13 kg/ha and price break evenpoints of improved and local seeds were Rp 838.55/kg and Rp 966.62/kg, respectively.Key words: Solanum hybrid seed, indegenous seed, farm analysisPermasalahan dalam melakukan budidaya kentang selalu dihadapkan pada ketersediaan bibit bermutu, sehinggausaha pengembangan kentang sering tidak optimal. Permasalahan ini tidak saja berlaku untuk Provinsi Jambi, akantetapi secara umum dirasakan oleh petani kentang di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruhsumber bibit terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil USAhatani kentang; dan mendapatkan informasi tentang kelayakanusahatani tanaman kentang dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi serta penerimaan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan diDesa Baru Pulau Sangkar, Kecamatan Batang Merangin Kabupaten Kerinci pada ketinggian 800 m dari permukaanlaut dengan jenis tanah Andisol pada bulan Mei sampai Desember 2003. Sumber bibit yang diuji berasal dari (1) bibitunggul BBU Pengalengan Jawa Barat; dan (2) bibit lokal petani Kayu Aro Kabupaten Kerinci. Pemupukanmenggunakan dosis anjuran BPTP Jambi yaitu urea 150 kg, SP-36 450 kg, KCl 300 kg, ZA 150 kg dan pupuk organik6.000 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi tertinggi diperoleh pada sumber bibit unggul 15.850 kg/ha,jumlah penerimaan Rp. 29.030.000,- dengan biaya produksi Rp. 13.291.000,- dan keuntungan bersih Rp. 15.739.000,-serta B/C ratio 1.18, sedangkan untuk sumber bibit lokal hasil 13.750 kg/ha, jumlah penerimaan Rp. 17.287.500,-biaya produksi Rp. 13.291.000,- dan keuntungan bersih Rp. 3.996.500,- serta B/C ratio 0,30. Titik Impas Produksiuntuk kedua sumber bibit tercapai pada hasil 8935,13 kg/ha, sedangkan Titik Impas Harga untuk bibit unggul telahtercapai pada harga Rp. 838,55/kg dan untuk sumber bibit lokal Rp. 966,62/kg

    Cultivation and Farming Analysis of Red Chili Intercropping with Celery

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    Intercropping is an alternative that should be developed especially to make maximum use of the land. Aromatic plants such as celery contain essential oils which, among other things, act as pest repellents. Therefore, celery plants can be used as a way of controlling pests by intercropping with chili plants as the main crop. This study aimed to determine the cultivation technology and analysis of the intercropping farming of red chilies with celery at the farmer level. The research was conducted at the Mekar Sari Farmer Group, Paal Merah Village, Paal Merah District, Jambi City, Jambi Province in October 2018. The data collected included primary data in the form of information from farmers as well as secondary data and conditions of the research area, social and economic potential. Primary data were collected using survey techniques, namely interviews with farmers and key information using a questionnaire. Samples were randomly assigned to a population of 15 farmer cooperator farmers who were intercropping red chili and celery at the study site. The data analysis technique included tabulation analysis which was used to understand the farmers' financial farming conditions, and the economic feasibility analysis uses the R/C ratio. The results of the research on the intercropping of red chili and celery, without considering the labor costs in the family, showed that this business was profitable with a total profit of 20,553,500,-IDR This farming has benefited from the production of celery as much as 405 kg, production of red chilies as much as 585 kg, and BEP prices of 15,495,-IDR/kg of celery and 14,143,-IDR/kg of red chilies. The R/C ratio value of 2

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Bawang Merah Pada Dua Cara Tanam Di Lahan Kering Dataran Rendah Kota Jambi

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    Bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) mempunyai peluang untuk dikembangkan di Kota Jambi, hal ini didukung oleh ketersediaan lahan dan permintaan pasar yang cenderung meningkat. Produktivitas bawang merah pada dataran rendah belum dapat menyamai produksi pada dataran tinggi. Permasalah utama belum tersedianya varietas yang mampu beradaptasi pada dataran rendah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan varietas dan cara tanam bawang merah yang adaptif pada dataran rendah Kota Jambi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Paal Merah Kota Jambi, bulan April sampai Agustus 2015. Penelitian disusun secara faktorial menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok. Faktor pertama penggunaan mulsa dan tanpa mulsa plastik hitam perak (MPHP). Faktor kedua 6 (enam) varietas bawang merah (Biru Lancor, Katumi, Manjung, Ilocos Philip, Super Philip dan Tajuk). Setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali, penanaman pada bedengan yang berukuran 1 x 10 m, jarak tanam 15 x 15 cm 1 umbi per lobang tanam, masing-masing perlakuan di ulang 3 kali. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa cara tanam menggunakan MPHP memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah lebih baik dari cara tanam tanpa MPHP. Hasil tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan cara tanam menggunakan MPHP 11,74 t/ha, sedangkan tanpa MPHP 9,36 t/ha. Terdapat selisih 2,38 t/ha atau terjadi peningkatan hasil 20,27 %. Empat varietas bawang merah memberikan hasil lebih baik, yaitu Super Philip (12,92 t/ha), Manjung (12,85 t/ha), Ilocos Philip (11,94 t/ha) dan Katumi (11,48 t/ha) dengan perlakuan cara tanam menggunakan MPHP. Sedangkan tanpa MPHP terdapat tiga varietas yang relatif memberikan hasil lebih baik, yaitu Super Philip (10,76 t/ha), Ilocos Philip (10,55 t/ha) dan Manjung (10,13 t/ha)


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    ABSTRACT The use of new varieties and legowo row planting system is a component of integrated crop management technology and be a deciding factor to increase production and productivity of rice plants, and is an easy technology to apply by farm level. This study aims to obtain new varieties and legowo row of upland rice planting systems in Jambi Province. Research conducted at the Sungai Penuh District, Jambi Province from June to November 2013, at an altitude of 938 m above sea level with the type of soil andosol. The project used randomized group of two factors. The first factor is the new varieties of paddy, (1) Inpari 21 (2) Inpari 28, and (3) Batang Piaman. Factor II is cropping systems, (1) Jajar legowo 2 : 1, and (2) Jajar legowo 4 : 1. The results showed that legowo row planting system 2 : 1 and 4 : 1 has not showed significant differences in all variables were observed, except observation of the dry grain yield harvest, where Inpari 28 gives the highest yield in legowo row planting system 2 : 1. The high yield result of Inpari 28 supported by the component that is relatively better results compared to Inpari 21 and varieties Batang Piaman with legowo row planting systems 2 : 1 or 4 : 1. The three varieties and two cropping systems tested were able to provide results > 5 t/ha and higher than 2013 BPS report, however, needs further research on a larger scale before it developed by the farmer. Keywords: new superior varieties, paddy, plateau, cropping systems, Jamb


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    Quality seed supply is the main problem in potato farming. The assessment was aimed at analyzing sourcesof potato seeds’effect on yields and farmers’income. The study was conducted in Baru Pulau Sangkar Village,Batang Merangin District, Kerinci Regency on May to December 2003. Sources of seeds were (i) improved seeds ofBBU Pangalengan, West Java, and (ii) farmers’local seed of Kayu Aro, Kerinci Regency. The treatment was fertilizerrates, namely of Urea (150 kg/ha), SP-36 (450 kg/ha), KCl (300 kg/ha), ZA (150 kg/ha), and organic fertilizer (6,000kg/ha). Highest yield was achieved through application of improved seeds, namely 15,850 kg/ha with income of Rp29,030,000/ha, production cost of Rp 13,291,000/ha, and profit of Rp 15,739,000 or B/C ratio of 1.18. The localseeds’yield was 13,750 kg/ha with income of Rp 17,287,500, total cost of Rp 13,291,00, and profit of Rp3,996,500/ha or B/C ratio of 0.30. yield break event point of both seeds was 8,935.13 kg/ha and price break evenpoints of improved and local seeds were Rp 838.55/kg and Rp 966.62/kg, respectively.Key words: Solanum hybrid seed, indegenous seed, farm analysisPermasalahan dalam melakukan budidaya kentang selalu dihadapkan pada ketersediaan bibit bermutu, sehinggausaha pengembangan kentang sering tidak optimal. Permasalahan ini tidak saja berlaku untuk Provinsi Jambi, akantetapi secara umum dirasakan oleh petani kentang di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruhsumber bibit terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil usahatani kentang; dan mendapatkan informasi tentang kelayakanusahatani tanaman kentang dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi serta penerimaan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan diDesa Baru Pulau Sangkar, Kecamatan Batang Merangin Kabupaten Kerinci pada ketinggian 800 m dari permukaanlaut dengan jenis tanah Andisol pada bulan Mei sampai Desember 2003. Sumber bibit yang diuji berasal dari (1) bibitunggul BBU Pengalengan Jawa Barat; dan (2) bibit lokal petani Kayu Aro Kabupaten Kerinci. Pemupukanmenggunakan dosis anjuran BPTP Jambi yaitu urea 150 kg, SP-36 450 kg, KCl 300 kg, ZA 150 kg dan pupuk organik6.000 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi tertinggi diperoleh pada sumber bibit unggul 15.850 kg/ha,jumlah penerimaan Rp. 29.030.000,- dengan biaya produksi Rp. 13.291.000,- dan keuntungan bersih Rp. 15.739.000,-serta B/C ratio 1.18, sedangkan untuk sumber bibit lokal hasil 13.750 kg/ha, jumlah penerimaan Rp. 17.287.500,-biaya produksi Rp. 13.291.000,- dan keuntungan bersih Rp. 3.996.500,- serta B/C ratio 0,30. Titik Impas Produksiuntuk kedua sumber bibit tercapai pada hasil 8935,13 kg/ha, sedangkan Titik Impas Harga untuk bibit unggul telahtercapai pada harga Rp. 838,55/kg dan untuk sumber bibit lokal Rp. 966,62/kg.Kata kunci : bibit kentang unggul, bibit kentang lokal, analisis usahatan


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    Upland rice production is still low compared with the result of research and genetic potential. The low yield is caused by the use of cultivation technology that is not optimal and the limited of high yielding varieties cultivated that made many farmers still grow local rice for generations. High yielding varieties and Integrated Crop Management (ICM) technology is one of the reliable innovative technologies to increase the upland rice productivity. The study aims to determine the growth and production of upland rice with ICM technology package compared to farmer technology package. The experiment was conducted in the Batang Asai watershed, Panti Village, Sarolangun Jambi District. The study of ICM package and farmers package done by planting the two packages side by side on planting area of 1 ha each, consisting of four farmer cooperator, as well as for replicates. The research was done by using factorial design that compares the ICM package with farmers’ package through the t test. The results indicate that the ICM package provide a better growth and yield than the farmers package, such as the low intensity of leaf and neck blast disease and rice pest pests walang, positively impacted the percentage of grain pithy, weight of 1000 seeds and results. ICM package gives the highest yield 5216 kg/ha, while the farmer package 2,170 kg/ha, so there is an increase in the results of 3,046 kg/ha or 140.37%. Key words: Upland rice, integrated crop managemen


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    The development of bioplastics composites from various natural polymers reinforced with cellulose nanofibers (CNF) from ramie (Boehmerianivea (L.) Gaud) and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) has become a field of increasing interest. In this study, the effect of CNF ramie-PCC on the physical, mechanical, thermal and biodegradabilty properties of a cassava starch matrix composite was examined. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), particle size analysis (PSA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), moisture absorbtion test, and biodegradability test. The novelty of this work lies in isolating CNF from ramie using chemical-ultrasonication treatment. The cellulose nanofibers were successfully isolated from ramie with a diameter 34,2 ±7,07 nm. Indeed, there is a decrease in the hemicellulose and lignin content while the cellulose content increases due to the pulping and bleaching processes. After that, the synthesis and characterization of CNF from ramie fibers reinforced by PCC hibrids nanocomposite with tapioca starch matrix. Nanocomposites are made by using casting solution and glycerol as plasticizers. The optimum tensile strength was obtained upon the addition of 4 % PCC. The addition of PCC improved the thermal stability of bioplastic/PCC composites. The results of X-ray Diffraction testing showed an increase in the crystallinity of the bioplastic/PCC composites with increase in PCC content but there is a decrease in the moisture absorption. The results show that the CS4CNF6PCC sample has the highest crystallinity index and tensile strength of 30,76% and 12,84 Mpa respectively. The addition of CNF ramie and PCC in nanocomposites leads to moisture absorption, crystallinity and thermal stability have increased. The SEM image shows that the CNF ramie is bound in a matrix and the PCC is weakly bound in the tapioca starch matrix because of the calcium clumps in the matrix. In general, FTIR indicated that the nanocomposites hibrid were hydrophilic, and the addition of PCC reduced the hydrophilic properties by damaging the hydrogen bonding between starch molecules and water. In the soil burial test, the lowest mass loss was in CS10CNF (70,2%) after 6 days. Meanwhile, the smallest fungus growth rate was CS2CNF8PCC and CS4CNF6PCC. Keywords: CNF ramie, hybrid nanocomposites, PCC, cassava starc
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