129 research outputs found
A Rare Cause of Uveitis: Vemurafenib
A 25-year-old female presented with a decrease of vision and redness in both eyes. She had a history of nodular melanoma in her right shoulder, which was excised surgically and she was under oral vemurafenib treatment. She was diagnosed with moderately severe bilateral panuveitis and hospitalized for systemic investigation and workup. The laboratory test results were unremarkable and systemic workup failed to reveal an etiology. The condition was considered vemurafenib-induced uveitis, as the drug is known to be associated with uveitis. After reevaluation with the oncology department, vemurafenib was stopped and topical and systemic corticosteroid therapy was started. The uveitis resolved and her vision returned to normal. No sign of recurrence was detected at 8-month follow-up
Big Epidemic of Small City: Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Objective: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is the most common tick-borne viral hemorrhagic fever in our country and the world. While investigating the etiology of fever, tick contact should be questioned, especially in rural areas, and CCHF should be remembered. This study aimed to review the characteristics of the cases detected in Bayburt, one of the cities where CCHF is endemic. Methods: A total of 100 patients aged 16 years and older who were diagnosed with CCHF in our clinic between April 2020 and October 2022 were included in the study. Demographic, epidemiological, and clinical characteristics, treatments, and prognoses of the patients were reviewed retrospectively through the hospital automation system and CCHF information system of The Ministry of Health. Results: Sixty one (61%) of the patients included in the study were male, and their primary age (± standard deviation) was 50.4±15.7. 77% of the patients engaged in farming and or animal husbandry, and 71% were living in rural areas. The highest number of cases was in June and July. 63% of the patients had a history of a tick bite. At the first presentation, there were complaints of fatigue (95%), generalized body pain (84%), headache (67%), and fever (65%), in order of frequency. Ribavirin was started in 52 (52%) patients. One patient admitted in the late period died, and 99 patients were discharged with good recovery. Conclusion: CCHF is an important public health problem that has been causing seasonal epidemics in our country for nearly two decades. Although sporadic cases have been reported from almost every region, the disease is endemic in some areas. Since signs and symptoms are not specific, the disease can be easily missed when tick contact is not questioned. Therefore CCHF should be considered in patients presenting with fever and thrombocytopenia in rural areas, especially in the spring and summer months
Cytomorphological Effects of Lightweight and Heavyweight Polypropylene Mesh on the Ilioinguinal Nerve: An Experimental Study
This study aimed to investigate the cytomorphological effects of heavyweight and lightweight mesh on the ilioinguinal nerve in an experimental animal model.Methods Sixteen New Zealand male rabbits were included in the study. The left inguinal regions of the first six animals were assigned as controls and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the sham group. The left inguinal regions of the remaining 10 animals were assigned as the lightweight mesh group and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the heavyweight mesh group. No intervention was performed in the control group. In the sham group, only ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed. In mesh groups, ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed and the mesh was implanted on the ilioinguinal nerve. After three months, ilioinguinal nerve specimens were excised from both sides for cytomorphological examination.Results Myelin sheath thickening, separation of the myelin layers, and myelin vacuolization were more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh group compared to the lightweight mesh group. The G-ratio was moderately increased in the heavyweight mesh group when compared to other groups. The ratio of fibers with = 9 mu m diameter was higher in the heavyweight mesh group than in the other groups (p<0.05).Conclusion Both of the meshes induce cytomorphological alterations on the adjacent nerve tissues caused by foreign body reaction and compression. Ilioinguinal nerve degeneration was more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh than in the lightweight mesh. Histological alterations on the ilioinguinal nerves caused by different meshes may be related to chronic pain after hernia surgery. We believe our study will serve as a guide for future studies on the topic
Effect of Modulator Therapies on Nutritional Risk Index in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis:A Prospective Cohort Study
Background: Modulator therapies improve weight and body mass index (BMI) in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We aimed to compare the nutritional risk index (NRI) in adult CF patients receiving modulator (MT) or only non-modulator (conventional) therapies (non-MT). Methods: A single-center prospective cohort study was conducted between June and December 2023. The NRI based on weight gain and albumin was calculated at beginning and end of a 12-week period in both groups. This design was pragmatic, since it was based on individual patient access to MT for 12 weeks. Results: In total, 107 patients were included [mean (SD) age: 23.85 (4.98) years, 54.7% male, 46.7% MT]. In the MT group, mean (SD) weight (kg) and albumin (g/dL) increased significantly [changes: +3.09 (2.74) and +0.17 (0.37); p < 0.001]. In the non-MT group, weight and albumin decreased significantly [changes: -0.99 (1.73) and -0.12 (0.30); p < 0.001]. Compared to the MT group, baseline mean (SD) NRI in the non-MT group was significantly higher [100.65 (11.80) vs. 104.10 (10.10); p = 0.044]. At the end of the 12 weeks, mean (SD) NRI in the MT group was higher than in the non-MT group [104.18 (10.40) vs. 102.58 (12.39); p = 0.145]. In the MT group, the NRI category improved in 22 (44%), and worsened in 3 (6%) patients (p < 0.001). In the non-MT group, the NRI category improved in 2 (3.5%), and worsened in 10 (17.5%) patients (p < 0.001). Conclusions: This is the first study reporting on a positive effect of MT on NRIs, based on weight gain and albumin. Personalized nutrition and routine follow-up of adults with CF based on NRI is recommended prior to MT initiation.</p
Gastric Metastasis of Ectopic Breast Cancer Mimicking Axillary Metastasis of Primary Gastric Cancer
Ectopic breast tissue has the ability to undergo all the pathological changes of the normal breast, including breast cancer. Gastrointestinal metastasis of breast cancer is rarely observed and it is very difficult to differentiate gastric metastases from primary gastric cancer. We present a case of 52-year-old female, who suffered from abdominal pain. Physical examination showed a palpable mass in the left anterior axilla and computerized tomography revealed gastric wall thickening with linitis plastica. When gastroscopic biopsy showed no signs of malignancy, excisional biopsy was performed in the left axilla. Histological examination revealed invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast, consistent with ectopic breast cancer. Further gastroscopic submucosal biopsies and immunohistochemical studies revealed gastric metastases of invasive lobular carcinoma. Axillary ectopic breast tissue carcinomas can mimic axillary lymphadenopathies. Additionally, gastric metastasis of breast cancer is an uncommon but possible condition. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of ectopic breast cancer with gastric metastasis
Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study
Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI)
Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog
Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik Konferansı
Öngörülmesi giderek güçleşen, sarsıntılı ve savrulmalı zamanlardan geçiyoruz. İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Soğuk Savaş ortak deneyimleri sonrasında 1950’lerden ve 1990’lardan itibaren demokratik sistemlerin peş peşe dalgalarla meşrulaşacağı, yaygınlaşacağı ve güçleneceği öngörüsü hakimdi. Ancak son yıllarda yaşanan bazı gelişmelerle demokrasilerin geleceği tekrar sorgulanmaya başladı. Gerek 11 Eylül ile başlayan ve IŞİD ile devam eden ve şiddet içeren İslamcı radikalizm, gerek Batı demokrasilerinde popülist radikal sağ hareketlerin ve beyaz ırkçı grupların yükselişi ve iktidara gelişi, bir yandan güvenlik-özgürlük ikileminin demokrasi dengesini bozdu, bir yandan da hem demokratik sistemlerin hem dünya barışının geleceğini bizi tekrar sorgular, sorgulatır hale getirdi. Demokrasileri bildiğimizi zannediyoruz, ama demokrasiler ile ilgili daha öğrenmemiz gereken çok şey var. Demokrasi kaderimiz de geleceğimiz de olmak zorunda değil belki de. Ya da belki yanlış yerden soru sormaya başlıyoruz, belki demokrasi yerine yeni bir referansa ihtiyacımız var. Aslında demokrasileri çantada keklik görmeyip, sabırla büyütüp yeşertmek, geliştirmek, korumak, ileri safhalara taşımak ve bizden sonraki nesillere aktarmak bir sorumluluk, ve bu sorumluluk bizlere ait. Popülizm, demokrasi, güvenlik kavramlarının her biri bugün sıkça ve yaygın olarak kullandığımız kavramlar olarak gündelik sohbetlerimizin içine kadar girmiş durumda. Bu yaygın kullanımlarına rağmen her bir kavram, üzerine düşünmeye, tartışmaya ve değerlendirmeye tekrar tekrar olanak verecek derinlikte. Her bir tartışma bir diğerini açarken, farklı gibi görünen bu kavramların birbirleriyle kesiştikleri zeminler bulmak mümkün. Popülist liderlerin politikaları bütün siyaset yapma biçimlerini kendine çeken ya da kendinden uzaklaştıran eksenler yaratarak her ikisini de aynı anda besleyebiliyor. Popülist politikaya angaje olan liderler ve grupların yanında bu politikaya karşı mücadele eden kişiler ve kitleler de yok değil, ancak kimi zaman bu kitleler eleştirdiği bu siyaset biçiminin kurucu öznesi haline de gelebiliyor. Bunun karşısında tabandan gelen demokratikleşme talepleri ve popülist siyasetle beraber kurumsallaşan diğer politika yapma biçimleri, demokrasi anlayışımızı farklı yönlere çekebiliyor. Bu demokratikleşme talepleri kimi zaman olumlu karşılıklar alsa da, kimi zaman devletlerin güvenlik politikaları ile etkisizleştirilmeye ve bastırılmaya çalışılıyor. Güvenlik politikalarının alanı günümüz teknolojisi sebebiyle o kadar genişledi ki, bu politikanın nesnesi haline gelmemiş varlık ve alan bulmak neredeyse mümkün değil. Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik konferansımız bu alanların kendine özgülüklerini göz önünde bulundururken, aralarındaki kesişimleri de ortaya koyan pek çok değerli sunuma ev sahipliği yaptı. Konferansın düzenlenmesinde emeği geçen herkese, ve bu bildiri kitabında tam metinleri ve özetleri bulunan bütün katılımcılarımıza çok teşekkür ederiz.Publisher's Versio
Continuity and change in Chinese foreign policy
YÖK Tez ID: 448695Bu araştırmada Çin dış politikasına yön veren tarihsel, geleneksel ve psikolojik unsurlar, ilk Çin devletinin kurulduğu, MÖ 221'den günümüze kadar olan süreçte incelenmiştir. Çalışmada "Orta Krallık" anlayışı ve "Aşağılanma Yüzyılı" tecrübesi Çin dış politikasının hedeflerine yön veren etkenler olarak belirlenmektedir. Buna göre, 1949 yılında kurulan Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'nin temel hedefleri; 1840 öncesinde sahip olunan ülkesel bütünlüğe, ekonomik güce ve siyasi saygınlığa ulaşmaktır. Saptanan hedeflere ulaşma sürecinde Çin dış politika uygulamalarının özellikle, ekonomik araçlarla bağımlılık ilişkisinin yaratılması ve yumuşak gücün etkin kullanımı gibi konularda imparatorluk deneyimleriyle örtüştüğü savunulmaktadır. Üstün medeniyet algısı sürmekle birlikte bu algının Çin'in mevcut gücüyle örtüşmemesi, dış politika uygulamalarındaki farklılığın başlıca sebebi olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Çin, imparatorluk döneminin aksine, çok kutuplu bir sistem savunmakta ve eşitlikçi ve işbirlikçi bir tutum sergilemektedir. Konfüçyanizm, dış politikadaki önemini korumakla birlikte, Çin'in ekonomik kalkınma hedefine yönelmesiyle yeniden ön plana çıkmaya başlamıştır. Çin ekonomik yükselişi için barışçıl bir bölgesel ve küresel sisteme ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Ahenkli bir dünya düzeni hedefleyen Konfüçyanizm'le Çin, yükselişinin bir tehdit oluşturmadığını uluslararası topluma hissettirmeye çalışmaktadır. Ancak Çin'in silahlanmaya giderek daha fazla yatırım yapması ve özellikle Güney Çin Denizi'nde izlediği siyaset, Çin'in çıkarları uğruna şiddete başvurmaktan çekinmeyeceği izlenimini yaratmakta ve barışçıl söylemlerine gölge düşürmektedir. Çin ekonomik güç olma hedefine büyük oranda ulaşmış durumdadır. Çalışmada Çin'in ülkesel ve siyasi hedeflerine ulaşma yolunda, ekonominin önemli bir dış politika aracı olduğu öne sürülmektedir. Ayrıca, dünyanın en büyük ikinci ekonomik gücü olarak ortaya çıkışının Çin'e, ABD'yi bölgesel ve küresel sistemde dengeleme fırsatı sunduğu savunulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çin, Orta Krallık, Konfüçyanizm, Aşağılanma Yüzyılı, Ekonomik Yükseliş.This research examines historical, traditional, psychological components dominating China's foreign policy starting from 221 BC, when the first Chinese state founded, to the present. In this research, "Middle Kingdom" perception and "Abasement Century" experience are identified as factors that direct the foreign policy objectives. Accordingly, main objectives of PRC are reaching territorial integrity, economic potential and political prestige same as before 1840. Contemporary Chinese foreign policy practices are compatible with empire's experiences, particularly in issues like creating dependence relation by economic facilities, using soft power efficiently. However superior civilization perception continues, the fact that the perception does not conform to its current power is considered as the main reason for the foreign policy differentiation. Unlike emperorship era, China defends multipolar system with egalitarian and collaborator attitude. Confucianism maintains its importance in foreign policy and becomes prominent again, when China tended to its economic development objective. Regionally and globally peaceful system is required for China's economic rise. China desires to clarify that its rise is not a treat with Confucianism aiming harmonious world order. China's armament investments and policy especially in South China Sea leave an impression that it won't abstain from violence and compromises its peaceful statements. China has largely succeeded in its objective In this research, economy is significant foreign policy tool for reaching territorial, political objectives. Additionally, becoming the second biggest economic power gives China an opportunity to balance USA in regional, global system. Keywords: China, Middle Kingdom, Confucianism, Abasement Century, Economic Rise
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