1,281 research outputs found

    Association mapping for drought stress related traits in a structured population with wild and cultivated barley

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    Association mapping is an alternative to mapping in a biparental population. A key to successful association mapping is to avoid superior associations by controlling the population structure and the kinship relations. A structured population of 119 wild and cultivated barley genotypes (98 accessions of wild barley H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum from a core collection and 21 german spring barley cultivars) was used in this study. The experiments were carried out in plastic green house tunnels at Bonn University (Nord-Rhine-Westfalia, Germany) during the summer seasons 2007 and 2008. Pots were arranged in a split-plot design with non-replications; drip irrigation treatments were “well-watered” and “drought stress” with about half of the water amount in a period of 21 days starting 40 days after sowing. After that (before anthesis) plants were analysed and phenotypic data from in total 18 shoot, root and physiological traits were measured. The 119 accessions were genotyped by using 1081 DArT markers and the association analysis was performed with a mixed linear model (MLM) including Q and K matrix considering the population structure and the kinship relations. The shoot traits wilting score (WS), shoot fresh weight (SFW), the root traits root length (RL), root fresh weight (total fresh weight RFW, FWa 0-10cm length, FWb 10-20cm length, FWc greater 20cm length) and root dry weight (RDW, DWc) and the the physiological traits relative water content (RWC) and proline content (PC) exhibited highly significant differences between the two irrigation treatments “well-watered” and “drought stress” in both seasons. In the association analysis 79 markers were significantly correlated with the studied traits covering the whole genome of the structured Barley population. Different QTLs have been identified for different shoot, root and physiological traits. They are located all over the whole barley genome. These QTLs had main and / or interaction effects on improving or reducing the traits under well-watered and drought stress conditions. Thirty co-locations of QTLs were found correlating with the studied traits covering the whole genome of the tested Barley population. Among these co-locations 18 regions were found to be associated with two traits, six co-locations with three traits and six co-locations were affected by more than three traits. The most important co-locations which have been obtained in the current study were bpb- 3574 on chromosome 2H (49.03 cM) associated with RL and RWC, bpb-2910 on chromosome 3H (51.59 cM) associated with RWC and total shoot dry weight (SDW) and bpb-1408 on chromosome 4H (60.04 cM) associated with WS, RL, FWc, RWC and PC.Assoziationskartierung für Trockenstress-relevante Merkmale in einer strukturierten Population von Wild- und Kulturgersten Assoziationskartierung ist eine Alternative zur Kartierung in einer bi-parentalen Population. Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen Mapping ist es, übergeordnete Verbindungen durch Kontrolle der Populationsstruktur und der Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zu berücksichtigen. In dieser Studie wurde eine strukturierte Gerstenpopulation aus Wild- und Kulturgersten genutzt (98 Wildgerstenakzessionen H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum aus einer Core-Collection und 21 deutsche Sommergerstensorten). Die Experimente wurden während der Sommervegetationszeiten der Jahre 2007 und 2008 in Kunststofffolientunneln am Standort der Universität Bonn-Poppelsdorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland) durchgeführt. Die Gefäße wurden in einer Spaltanlage ohne Wiederholungen arrangiert; die Tropfbewässerungsvarianten waren „Voll Bewässert“ und „Trockenstress“ mit etwa der Hälfte der Wassermenge in einer Periode von 21 Tagen angefangen 40 Tage nach der Saat. Danach (vor der Blüte) wurden die Pflanzen analysiert und phänotypische Daten von insgesamt 18 Trieb-, Wurzelund physiologischen Merkmalen erhoben. Genotypisiert wurden die 119 Akzessionen mit 1081 DarT-Markern. Die Assoziationsanalyse wurde unter Einbeziehung der Q- und KMatrix zur Berücksichtigung von Populationsstruktur und Vewandtschaftsbeziehungen mittels eines Mixed-Linear-Model (MLM) durchgeführt. Die Triebmerkmale Welkegrad (WS), Triebfrischgewicht (SFW), die Wurzelmerkmale Wurzellänge (RL), Wurzelfrischgewicht (Gesamtwurzelfrischgewicht RFW, Teilwurzelfrischgewicht 0-10cm Wurzellänge FWa, FWb 10-20cm Länge, FWc größer 20cm Länge) und Wurzeltrockengewicht (RDW, DWc) sowie die physiologischen Mermale Relativer Wassergehalt (RWC) und Prolingehalt (PC) wiesen höchst signifikante Differenzen zwischen beiden Bewässerungsvarianten in beiden Jahren auf. In der Assoziationsanalyse waren 79 Marker signifikant mit allen untersuchten Merkmalen korreliert. Sie fanden sich über das gesamte Genom der strukturierten Gerstenpopulation verteilt. Verschiedene QTLs für verschiedene Trieb-, Wurzel- und physiologische Merkmale wurden identifiziert. Sie zeigten Haupt- und / oder Interaktionseffekte, die die Merkmale unter „Voll Bewässert“ und „Trockenstress“ sowohl verbesserten als auch reduzierten. Es wurden 30 Co-Lokationen von QTLs gefunden, von denen 18 Regionen mit zwei Merkmalen, 6 Regionen mit 3 Merkmalen und 6 Regionen mit mehr als 3 Merkmalen assoziiert waren. Die wichtigsten Co-Lokationen waren bpb-3574 auf Chromosom 2H (49.03 cM) assoziiert mit RL und RWC, bpb-2910 auf Chromosom 3H (51.59 cM) assoziiert mit RWC und Gesamttriebtrockengewicht (SDW) und bpb-1408 auf Chromosom 4H (60.04 cM) assoziiert mit WS, RL, FWc, RWC and PC

    Anatomical considerations of the internal iliac artery in association with the ilioinguinal approach for anterior acetabular fracture fixation

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    Introduction: Vascular injury may be encountered during an anterior approach to the pelvis or acetabulum—be it due to hematoma decompression, clot dislodgement during fracture manipulation, or iatrogenic. This can be associated with significant bleeding, hemodynamic instability, and subsequent morbidity. If the exact source of bleeding cannot be easily identified, compression of the internal iliac artery may be a lifesaving procedure. Materials and methods: We describe an extension of the lateral window of the ilioinguinal (or Olerud) approach elaborated on cadavers. Results: The approach allows emergent access the internal iliac artery and intraoperative cross-clamping of the internal iliac vessels to control bleeding. Conclusion: The approach allows rapid access to the internal iliac artery. The surgeon should be familiar, however, with the surgical anatomy of this region to avoid potential injury to the ureter, peritoneum, lymphatics, and sympathetic nerves overlying the vessels when using the approach describe

    Oxidative Stress and Heme Oxygenase-1 Regulated Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation

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    This paper describes the effect of increased expression of HO-1 protein and increased levels of HO activity on differentiation of bone-marrow-derived human MSCs. MSCs are multipotent cells that proliferate and differentiate into many different cell types including adipocytes and osteoblasts. HO, the rate-limiting enzyme in heme catabolism, plays an important role during MSCs differentiation. HO catalyzes the stereospecific degradation of heme to biliverdin, with the concurrent release of iron and carbon monoxide. Upregulation of HO-1 expression and increased HO activity are essential for MSC growth and differentiation to the osteoblast lineage consistent with the role of HO-1 in hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. HO-1 participates in the MSC differentiation process shifting the balance of MSC differentiation in favor of the osteoblast lineage by decreasing PPARγ and increasing osteogenic markers such as alkaline phosphatase and BMP-2. In this paper, we define HO-1 as a target molecule in the modulation of adipogenesis and osteogenesis from MSCs and examine the role of the HO system in diabetes, inflammation, osteoporosis, hypertension, and other pathologies, a burgeoning area of research

    Oxidative Stress and Heme Oxygenase-1 Regulated Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation

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    This paper describes the effect of increased expression of HO-1 protein and increased levels of HO activity on differentiation of bone-marrow-derived human MSCs. MSCs are multipotent cells that proliferate and differentiate into many different cell types including adipocytes and osteoblasts. HO, the rate-limiting enzyme in heme catabolism, plays an important role during MSCs differentiation. HO catalyzes the stereospecific degradation of heme to biliverdin, with the concurrent release of iron and carbon monoxide. Upregulation of HO-1 expression and increased HO activity are essential for MSC growth and differentiation to the osteoblast lineage consistent with the role of HO-1 in hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. HO-1 participates in the MSC differentiation process shifting the balance of MSC differentiation in favor of the osteoblast lineage by decreasing PPARγ and increasing osteogenic markers such as alkaline phosphatase and BMP-2. In this paper, we define HO-1 as a target molecule in the modulation of adipogenesis and osteogenesis from MSCs and examine the role of the HO system in diabetes, inflammation, osteoporosis, hypertension, and other pathologies, a burgeoning area of research

    The Blue Nile Region As Apotential For Livestock Production

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    This study was carried out in the Blue Nile area in central Sudan. This area comprises Sinnar and Blue Nile states; it is situated between longitude 32° and 36°East and latitude 12° and 14° North. The total area is about 79,180 square Km. The main objective of this work study was to determine the prevailing conditions of the production systems, husbandry practices , and production constrains. The Blue Nile area varies in natural resources including climate, land, water, vegetation cover and animal resources. It is more eligible and qualified for leading an enormous agricultural industrial and social revolution than other States. The study was carried out by well designed questionnaires. The questionnaire for cattle owners covered two hundred cattle owners from twenty villages scattered in the two states.. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on general household xii characteristics, livestock and herd structure, herd management, breeding practices, prevalence, production objectives, feeding management and production constraints. Another structured questionnaire was prepared and used to collect information from a total of twenty sheep owners. On the other hand; a survey was conducted through a questionnaire and guided interviews with camel owners in selected regions in the Blue Nile area. The SPSS statistical computer software was used to analyze the data. The results were represented mainly in the form of descriptive tabular summaries. All the cattle owners were males, and most of them had " Khalwa " education, while only few joined elementary schools. The majority of cattle owners were farmers and livestock owners, while very few were small businessmen. The results showed that the main type of farming system was extensive system then partial grazing while few of cattle owner were adopted stall feeding. This study showed that all the cattle owners uses veterinary services like vaccination and diseases treatments. The most prevalent diseases in the study region were trypanosomiasis, pneumonia, sheep box, babesiasis and heart water. On the other hand, camel owners revealed that the livestock breeding was their main activity. They breed camels with other animal species (cattle, sheep and goat). The sedentary management system was the main production system for camels in the Blue Nile area followed by a traditionally nomadic system, while transhumant system was not adopted. The camels maintained regular patterm of seasonal north-south movements in search of water and pasture and to escape the Tse Tse beet zone and other insects. Camel owners stated that the disease prevalence was the most important limiting factor of productivity of their xiii camels. However, Lack of feeds and water supply were important factors in the production of their camels. The study showed that the herd population is continuously increasing due to the security, extensive natural vegetation, plenty of agricultural and industrial by-products such as sorghum stover and hulls, cotton by-products, oil cakes, baggass, molasses, wheat stover and bran, guar by-products and fodder production between 2002-2006. The study also showed different markets for various livestock species, some markets specialized in sheep others in camels and cattle. From the findings, covering the period 2002 -2006, the study conclude and confirmed that the Blue Nile area has an excellent potential for investment in livestock production than other States in the Sudan. xi

    Intracranial halo pin penetration causing brain injury secondary to poor halo care technique: a case report and literature review

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    This is a case report of intra cranial penetration by halo pins resulting in cerebritis and fits secondary to incorrect halo care by the patient and his family. Halo pin penetration into the skull with brain injury is itself a rare incident. Previously documented case reports were in patients with a previous cranioplasties and they were highlight the fact that halo not to be used in cranioplasty patients. Cranial penetration of the halo pins has generally been secondary to a fall/medical condition as epilepsy. This incident how ever highlights the fact the halo care itself along with proper techniques used for tightening the halo pins by the carer plays a crucial role in preventing complications such as this

    Evaluation of spinal posture using Microsoft Kinect™: a preliminary case-study with 98 volunteers

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    This work proposes a novel approach to assess spinal curvature, by using Microsoft's Kinect™ to obtain 3D reconstructed models of subject's dorsal skin surface in different postures. This method is non-invasive, radiation-free and low-cost. The trial tests here presented intended to evaluate the reliability of this approach, by assessing the tendency of 98 volunteers to present scoliosis. The shoulder height difference was calculated for each subject's scan, by quantifying the angular slope of a line crossing both scapulae. The volunteers’ average age was 24.7 years. Results showed that 68.37% of the volunteers revealed differences higher than 1° between the shoulders, having that their record in what concerns to loads and lesions proved to increase the angular slope. This initial approach shall establish the grounds for assessing spinal posture in pre-clinical or industrial ergonomics scans. Further studies shall include comparison versus traditional imaging methods and experienced clinical evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio