68 research outputs found


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    Cunsomer loyalty is one thing that is very important for a company. Rewards from a long­termloyalty and cumulative so the longer a consumer loyalty, the greater the profit to be gained by an effort from the cunsomer. Maintaining consumer loyalty is a major capital to maintain the company’s existence. Consumer loyalty is determined by the perception of the product price. \ud Telkomsel is the mobile telecommunications operator in Indonesia. Until now, Telkomsel has three main products for GSM cards, namely simPATI and As for prepaid and HALO for \ud postpaid. Competition between producers service provider in Indonesia caused them to drop rates to get new consumers and even to keep the old consumers. Where it is increasingly indulging consumers to always try the service providers that is appropriate with their need and \ud that indicated unloyalty of consumers. This study aim to determine the relationship between the perception about price with Telkomsel’s consumer loyalty. If consumers have a positive perception about Telkomsel’s price is high consumer loyalty and vice versa if consumers have a \ud negative perception about Telkomsel’s price is low consumer loyalty. \ud This research is quantitative research. Population in this research is Telkomsel’s consumer in Malang with 100 samples. The sampling technique used was incidental sampling technique. \ud Instrument research using the scale of perception about price and the scale of consumer loyalty with Likert model. The data analysis methods used product moment correlation is aided by the computer program SPSS for windows 13.00. \ud From the research results show that there are positive relationship and highly significant between the perception about price with the Telkomsel’s loyalty consumer with correlation coefficient value (r) = 0,659 and probability of error (p) = 0,00. This means that the more positive \ud perception about the price of Telkomsel’s consumer loyalty will be high, and vice versa more negative perception about the price of Telkomsel’s consumer loyalty will be low. Therefore, it can be argued that the research hypothesis is proven or accepted. Effective contribution to the \ud perception about price to give effect to the consumer loyalty for the remaining 43,4% of 56,6% determined by other factors of brand image, convenience and ease of getting the product, satisfaction and service, and warranty of the product


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh gaya hidup berbelanja terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) di Yogyakarta, (2) pengaruh ketertarikan fashion terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) di Yogyakarta, dan (3) pengaruh gaya hidup berbelanja dan ketertarikan fashion terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) di Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pengunjung pameran di Jogja Expo Center (JEC). Sampel yang digunakan adalah konsumen yang sudan pernah membeli produk pakaian distro di Indie Clothing Carnival minimal dua kali. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 170 Responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah di uji validitas menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan gaya hidup berbelanja terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) dibuktikan dari nilai thitung sebesar 3,425 dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,001 (0,001<0,05), dan koefisien regresi bernilai positif sebesar 0,490; (2) terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan ketertarikan fashion terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) dibuktikan dari nilai thitung sebesar 12,419 dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 (0,000<0,05), dan koefisien regresi bernilai positif sebesar 1,495; (3) terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan gaya hidup berbelanja dan ketertarikan fashionsecara bersama-sama terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pakaian distribution store (distro) dibuktikan dari nilai sebesar 180,926 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (0,000<0,05),dan koefisien regresi bernilai positif sebesar 0,827

    Hubungan Self-Efficacy dengan Academic Resilience Dimediasi Self-Regulated Learning pada Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic had affected of higher education, especially nursing students in online clinical practice learning. The impact of online learning was students difficulties and limitations in direct clinical learning. A significant decrease in the statistical value of nursing practice pre-pandemic and during the pandemic in this situation, students with adaptive responses through their capacity used self-regulated learning (SRL) and academic resilience strategies. This study aimed to examine the role of SRL as a mediator of the correlation between self-efficacy and academic resilience at bachelor of nursing students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional study design. The research sample consisted of 138 bachelor of nursing students at a health institution in East Java, taken using purposive sampling techniques. The inclusion criteria were bachelor of nursing students, who had practiced clinial at hospitals or other practice areas, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research instrument used self-efficacy scale (17 items), academic resilience scale (25 items), and SRL scale (39 items). Data analysis used analyze regression Process Hayes Version 4.0 with the IBM SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) version 25 program for windows. Results: The results showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and academic resilience, either directly (β=1.396, p=0.000) or partially mediated by SRL (β=0.7126, p=0.000), which mean that students with high self-efficacy can increase academic resilience with the mediating role of SRL.Conclusion: Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on academic resilience, either directly or partially mediated by SRL.  Keywords: Academic Resilience, Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulated Learning

    Keterkaitan Megabentos yang Berasosiasi dengan Padang Lamun terhadap Karakteristik Lingkungan di Perairan Jepara

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    Seagrass bed are one of the ecosistems in shallow waters that can support the biodiversity of marine organisms. Megabenthos as benthic organisms that usually live in association in seagrass beds, have an important role in the food web in their habitat. This study aims to analyse the diversity of megabenthos associated with their habitat characteristics in seagrass waters in Bandengan, Teluk Awur and Panjang Island Jepara. This research was conducted using a descriptive field method, and megabenthos data collecting was carried out using the line transect method. Thr result showed that 158 individuals from 8 species of megabenthos were found (from 2 phyla: Echinodermata and Molluska) from three observation locations. Condition factors that influence the abundance and diversity of megabenthos are the substrat type and seagrass cover.   Padang lamun sebagai salah satu ekosistem di perairan laut dangkal dapat menopang keanekaragaman hayati organisme laut. Megabentos yang termasuk dalam organisme bentik merupakan organisme yang biasa hidup berasosiasi di padang lamun, mempunyai peranan penting dalam jaring-jaring makanan di habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keanekaragaman megabentos dikaitkan dengan karakteristik habitatnya di perairan padang lamun di Bandengan, Teluk Awur dan Pulau Panjang Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metoda deskriptif lapangan, dan pengambilan data megabentos dilakukan dengan metoda line transek. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ditemukan 158 individu dari 8 spesies  megabentos (dari 2 filum: Echinodermata dan Molluska) dari ketiga lokasi pengamatan.  Faktor kondisi yang berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman megabentos adalah jenis substrat dasar dan tutupan lamun

    Immune Profile of Litopenaeus vannamei in Monoculture and IMTA Ponds System

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    Integrated Multi Trophic Level (IMTA) is identified as the integrating culture of multi-species in one area. The effectiveness of space and feed is the main aspect from this point. The disease and health of shrimp management on shrimp production including immune boosters plays a critical aspect. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the Litopenaeus vannamei immune system in different culture systems, namely polyculture (IMTA) and monoculture. Alginate was applied as supplementation diet by oral administration. The cellular and humoral immune parameters ie. Total hemolymph Count (THC), Phagocyte Activity (PA), Phagocyte Index (PI), Phenoloxidase activity (PO), and Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) were assessed, monthly. A completely randomized design (CRD) with two treatments (IMTA and monoculture, and four replications in 500 m2 pond area was conducted. In the third month, THC and PA of shrimp from the monoculture pond resulted in significant differences (p<0.05) compared to polyculture (IMTA). SOD activity from monoculture is significantly higher (p<0.05) at every sampling period. In PO enzyme activity of shrimps from monoculture pond produced higher results compared to IMTA ponds in the 2nd and 3rd months. It is concluded that L. vannamei monoculture ponds produced higher immune parameters compared to IMTA ponds. The food competition in terms of feed and space from IMTA ponds may affect this fact. Improving the feeding technique is recommended

    Perkawinan Nglangkahi Pada Masyarakat Adat Jawa Dalam Perspektif Hukum Di Indonesia

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    Sebuah kelompok masyarakat tentunya memiliki kebiasaan khusus yang diyakini sebagai sesuatu yang baik dan dilakukan secara berulang dan turun temurun dan terkadang mengandung suatu sanksi yang disebut sebagai sebuah adat. Di dalam masyarakat Jawa dikenal sebuah adat terkait dengan perkawinan yang dikenal dengan perkawinan nglangkahi. Perkawinan nglangkahi merupakan perkawinan yang dilaksanakan dengan mendahului kakak mempelai. Menurut masyarakat Jawa, hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang kurang baik untuk dilakukan, maka dari itu terdapat sanksi yang diberikan kepada mempelai apabila melaksanakan perkawinan nglangkahi. Kajian dalam tulisan ini membahas mengenai keterkaitan antara hukum nasional di Indonesia dengan perkawinan nglangkahi pada masyarakat Jawa beserta dengan sanksinya. Studi yang digunakan menggunakan studi hukum adat dengan melihat juga dari sisi antropologis dan sosiologis yang ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jawa

    Kajian Hubungan Fosfat Air Dan Fosfat Sedimen Terhadap Pertumbuhan Lamun Thalassia Hemprichii Di Perairan Teluk Awur Dan Pulau Panjang Jepara

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    Seagrass growth is limited by the supply of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate particulates that serve as energy for photosynthesis. The magnitude of the role of phosphate in the metabolism and growth of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii important to serve as a study to determine the relationship of nutrients to the growing rate of seagrass in Teluk Awur and Pulau Panjang Jepara. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of phosphate in the water and sediment in the waters of the Teluk Awur and Pulau Panjang and its relation to seagrass leaf growth rate of T. hemprichii. The study was conducted in April - July 2012 includes literature studies, site surveys, field data collection and analysis of samples. Analysis of the relationship phosphate concentration on the rate of growth of seagrass T. hemprichii using bivariate correlation analysis. The results showed that the average growth rate - the average seagrass highest type T. hemprichii found in Teluk Awur on 8 week (0.81 cm/day). Meanwhile, the lowest growth rate found in Teluk Awur at week 2 (0.14 cm/day). The content of phosphate concentration of water in the Teluk Awur ranged from 0.009 to 0.028 mg/L and in Pulau Panjang ranged from 0.012 to 0.025 mg/L. The concentration of phosphate sediments in the Teluk Awur ranged from 20.870 to 23.250 mg/kg and Pulau Panjang 25.650 to 27.190 mg/kg. Relations water phosphate concentration and phosphate sediments to seagrass leaf growth in Teluk Awur are not considered closely related ,instead phosphate water to the growing rate of seagrass in Pulau Panjang is low and phosphate sediments to seagrass growth as very closely


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    Kontrak mudharabah yang dijalankan bank syariah merupakan suatu kontrak yang mengandung peluang besar terjadinya imperfect information (ketidaksempurnaan informasi), hal inilah yang memunculkan konflik kepentingan antara kedua belah pihak antara shahibul maal dengan agen (mudharib), yang disebut dengan masalah keagenan. Untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya risiko-risiko tersebut Bank dapat meminimalisir dengan cara menetapkan sejumlah batasan-batasan tertentu ketika menyalurkan pembiayaan mudharabah pada mudharib. Batasan-batasan ini dikenal sebagai incentive compatible constraints. Incentive compatible constraints yang menjadi fokus utama berupa higher stake in net worth and or collateral,low operating risk, lower fraction unobservable cash flow dan lower fraction of nin-countrollable cost. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu Bagaimana Implementasi Incentive Compatible Constraints (ICC) pada Pembiayaan Mudharabah pada PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Tanjung Karang, kemudian Bagaimana Incentive Compatible Constraints pada PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Tanjung Karang Menurut Tinjauan Ekonomi Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi ICC di PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Tanjung Karang dan ICC dilihat dari prspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan metode kualitatif, data primer dan sekunder diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Responden yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Tanjung Karang dibagian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) yang berjumlah 3 orang. Proses analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dengan diterapkannya ICC PT. Bank BNI Syariah KC Tanjung Karang dapat meminimalisir risiko yang disebabkan oleh asymmetric information. Hal ini terbukti dari 12 nasaban pembiayaan mudharabah linkage program pada tahun 2015-2017, yang melakukan asymmetric information hanya 1 nasabah saja. Sementara dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam penerapan icc diperbolehkan. Sebab Islam menganjurkan selektif dan mengenal secara tepat dalam memilih seseorang yang akan kita ajak bermitra agar terhindar dari kesalahan yang dapat merugian. Baik kerugian material maupun non material. Sehingga tercapainya prinsip ekonomi Islam keseimbangan dan kemaslahatan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini untuk meminimalisasi risiko yang disebabkan asymmetric information, PT. Bank BNI Syariah KC Tanjung Karang menerapkan ICC (higher stake in net worth and or collateral,low operating risk, lower fraction unobservable cash flow dan lower fraction of nin-countrollable cost). Dengan penerapan incentive compatible constraints yang dilakukan terbukti dapat mencegah kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari nasabah yang tidak amanah. Implementasi ICC diperbolehkan karena Bank menganut prinsip kehati-hatian dan tolong menolong sesuai Al-Qur’an surah Al-Maidah ayat 2 dan Al-Hujurat ayat 6

    Sensitivity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. harveyi Against Chloroxylenol (4-Chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol , C8H9ClO) Antiseptic and Pine Oil Disinfectant

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    Vibrio spp. genus is known as a marine indigeneous bacteria. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and  V. harveyi are pathogenic Vibrio. This study aims to assess the sensitivity of three Vibrio species (V parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. harveyi) isolated from shrimp pond against two type of disinfectant with different active compound namely Chloroxylenol (4-Chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol, C8H9ClO) and pine oil. The assessment was done by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion methods in Zobell agar media with two different concentration (10 and 100 ppm) and replicated in three times. Sensitivity of Vibrio spp. was analized based on the inhibition zone activity produced by disinfectant. Results showed that sensitivity of Vibrio spp. against disinfectant Chloroxylenol 4.8% at 100 ppm were higher than 10 ppm. The increment of V parahaemolyticus was 182 %, V. vulnificus was 47 % and V. harveyi was 43 %, respectively.  Susceptibility of antiseptic with Chloroxylenol 4.8% at 100 ppm was arised to 152 % (V. parahaemolyticus), 43 % (V. vulnificus) and 31 % (V. harveyi) when compared to 2.5% pine oil disinfectant. It can be concluded that Chloroxylenol  4,8 % active compound and pine oil were able to inhibit the Vibrio spp. growth.

    Correlations between History of Contact with Infected Person and Measles Vaccination Status on the Risk of Measles Incidence in Children: Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Measles is a disease that can be prevented by immunization (VPD), which is highly contagious and often causes widespread outbreaks and can cause lifelong complications and death. Some evidence suggests that the risk of measles is due to contact history and vaccine status. This study aims to estimate the magnitude of the relationship between contact history and vaccine status with the incidence of measles in children, through a meta-analysis of primary studies conducted by previous authors.Subjects and Method: This research is a systematic review and meta-analysis with PICO as follows, Population: children. Intervention: contact history, vaccine status. Comparison: no contact history, no vaccine. Outcome: measles. The articles used in this research were obtained from three databases, namely PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct, using the keys "History contact" AND "Vaccine" OR "Vaccinated" OR "Immunization" AND "Measles" AND "Children. The included articles were full-text with a case-control study design from 2012 to 2023 and reported the adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) in multivariate analysis. Article selection was carried out using the PRISMA flow diagram. Articles were analyzed using the Review Manager 5.3 application.Results: A total of 8 case-control studies involving the African continent and the Asian continent were selected for meta-analysis. Children with a history of contact have an increased risk of developing measles 4.38 times compared with children without a history of contact, and this relationship is statistically significant (aOR=4.38; 95% CI=1.36 to 14.09; p= 0.010). Children who had been given the measles vaccine had a reduced risk of getting measles 0.30 times compared to children who had not been given the measles vaccine, and this result was statistically significant (aOR= 0.30; 95% CI= 0.22 to 0.40; p&lt; 0.001).Conclusion: Contact history statistically significantly increases the risk of getting measles in children, vaccine statistically significantly reduces the risk of getting measles in children. Keywords: Contact history, vaccine status, measles, children
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