1,545 research outputs found

    Ermeni ve Gürcü meselesinin ilmi mahiyeti

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 77/A-Ermeniler. Not: Gazetenin "Tetkikler" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Structural lubricity under ambient conditions.

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    Despite its fundamental importance, physical mechanisms that govern friction are poorly understood. While a state of ultra-low friction, termed structural lubricity, is expected for any clean, atomically flat interface consisting of two different materials with incommensurate structures, some associated predictions could only be quantitatively confirmed under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions so far. Here, we report structurally lubric sliding under ambient conditions at mesoscopic (∼4,000-130,000 nm(2)) interfaces formed by gold islands on graphite. Ab initio calculations reveal that the gold-graphite interface is expected to remain largely free from contaminant molecules, leading to structurally lubric sliding. The experiments reported here demonstrate the potential for practical lubrication schemes for micro- and nano-electromechanical systems, which would mainly rely on an atomic-scale structural mismatch between the slider and substrate components, via the utilization of material systems featuring clean, atomically flat interfaces under ambient conditions

    Novel Floating General Element Simulators Using CBTA

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    In this study, a novel floating frequency dependent negative resistor (FDNR), floating inductor, floating capacitor and floating resistor simulator circuit employing two CBTAs and three passive components is proposed. The presented circuit can realize floating FDNR, inductor, capacitor or resistor depending on the passive component selection. Since the passive elements are all grounded, this circuit is suitable for fully integrated circuit design. The circuit does not require any component matching conditions, and it has a good sensitivity performance with respect to tracking errors. Moreover, the proposed FDNR, inductance, capacitor and resistor simulator can be tuned electronically by changing the biasing current of the CBTA or can be controlled through the grounded resistor or capacitor. The high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit is also presented. Depending on the passive component selection, it realizes high-order floating circuit defining as V(s) = snAI(s) or V(s) = s-nBI(s). The proposed floating FDNR simulator circuit and floating high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit are demonstrated by using PSPICE simulation for 0.25 μm, level 7, TSMC CMOS technology parameters

    Modeling emotion regulation and subjective happiness: smartphone addiction as a mediator

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    This study aimed to investigate the mediational role of smartphone addiction in the relationship between emotion regulation and subjective happiness. Participants were 320 university student volunteers (167 women and 153 men) from two state universities in Turkey. They completed a self-report questionnaire about emotion regulation, smartphone addiction, and subjective happiness. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and bootstrapping were applied to test the mediational role of smartphone addiction in the relationship between emotion regulation and subjective happiness. The results indicated that reappraisal predicted lower smartphone addiction scores and higher subjective happiness scores. On the contrary, suppression predicted higher smartphone addiction scores and lower subjective happiness scores. In addition, smartphone addiction proved to be a partial mediator between emotion regulation strategies and subjective happiness. Therefore, the results of this study support the evidence for the impact of emotion regulation on subjective happiness through smartphone addiction

    ELT teachers working in underprivileged districts of Turkey and their perspective of continuous professional development opportunities

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    The purpose of this research is to enquire the ELT teachers’ perspective of continuous professional development under restricted conditions they are obliged to teach English. Therefore, 20 EFL teachers who have been working at different state schools in the remote villages of southeast region of Turkey were selected as the participants of the inquiry. The data were collected in two different processes. First, all the teachers in the study were interviewed to answer the questions in the first part of the survey individually. Then, randomly selected 12 teachers were separated into two groups for online focus-group discussions, which were held in a semi-structured context by leading questions adapted from Brown (2013). Data collection processes were audio-recorded, and the qualitative data obtained from interviews and focus group discussions were coded and clustered to form specific themes. The results of the research revealed that teachers working in underprivileged districts of Turkey: (a) believe the crucial contribution of professional development activities for teacher quality and/or student achievement (b) have very limited opportunities and options for sustained professional development, and (c) think that the times allocated for professional development activities should be increased. Moreover, teachers these teachers (d) hope to take place in the planning phase of professional development activities, and (e) are dissatisfied with unfair financial situation. Upon the analysis of these items stated in the results, male teachers were found to focus on more general ideas compared to female teachers (item a and item b). On the other hand, the results indicated that female teachers focused on specific ideas statistically more often compared to male teachers (item c and item d). The teachers did not show statistical gender difference in terms of financial limitations (item e). The results of the research might be generalized to the similar contexts in other underprivileged districts, and similar researches might be conducted with teachers of other fields in order to reach results that are more generalizable

    Psychometric Properties of the Gifted Students’ Coping with Anger and Decision Making Skills Scale

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the scale concerning gifted children's’ skills for making decisions and coping with anger and to examine the validity and reliability of the scale. A total of 324 students, which 151 were female and 173 were male, studying in 3 different Science and Arts Center’s (BILSEM) in Istanbul during 2014-2015 academic period participated in the study. Content and construct validity tests were conducted for the validity of the scale, internal consistency and test-retest tests were conducted for the reliability and total correlation analysis was conducted. 48.19% of the total variance was explained with the factor analysis. The scale, which consisted of 16 items, demonstrated a two-factor structure titled as coping with anger and decision making. Factor loads of the scale were between .54 and .78.  The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was .76 for the whole scale, and .88 and .73 for the coping with anger and decision making sub-scales respectively. The test-retest reliability coefficients for the whole scale was .81, and .88 and .70 for the coping with anger and decision making sub-scales respectively. It was observed that the item-total correlations of the scale ranged between .44 and .72. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the Scale for Gifted Children's’ Coping with Anger and Decision Making Skills is a valid and reliable assessment instrument that can be used for education and psychology. Keywords: Gifted children, coping with anger, decision making, reliability, validit

    External shame, loneliness, psychological distress, and well-being: insights from the Turkish adaptation of the Other as Shamer Scale-2

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    BACKGROUND In this paper, we examine the Other as Shamer Scale-2 (OAS-2), a unidimensional and brief scale to directly assess external shame. In three studies with three independent samples of a Turkish university, we present evidence for OAS-2 validity with respect to well-being outcomes (subjective happiness, flourishing, and subjective well-being) and psychological distress outcomes (depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness) through direct comparisons with existing measures. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE In Study 1 (N= 311), confirmatory factor analyses. measurement invariance across gender, and Item Response Theory (IRT) were examined. In Study 2 (N= 380), criterion-related validities of the OAS-2 were analyzed. In Study 3 (N = 252), incremental validity was examined using PROCESS. Also, internal consistency, composite reliability, and temporal reliability (n = 89) of the OAS-2 were investigated. RESULTS In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses supported the unidimensionality of the measure. The results provide support for measurement invariance across gender. All item scores fit the IRT model and were fit with ordered, progressing hierarchies in their step difficulties. In Study 2, criterion-related validity for the OAS-2 was demonstrated through positive correlations with loneliness. and negative correlations with subjective happiness and flourishing. In Study 3, findings indicated the mediation impact of external shame on well-being via psychological distress. The OAS-2 showed satisfactory reliability coefficients. CONCLUSIONS Overall, the OAS-2 proved to be a valuable and reliable tool, which presents a short form to measure external shame. In addition, it was observed that the OAS-2 was related to both well-being and psychological distress

    Understanding Formation and Structure of Peptide Nanofibers via Steered MD Simulations

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