19 research outputs found


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    Since the 1990s, Albania has aimed to introduce democratic values into its legislation. This process can come to fruition only by the recognition and protection of private property. As a result, a new Civil Code was enacted at the beginning of the 1990s through intensive collaboration between Albanian and foreign scholars. Book II of the Albanian Civil Code of 1994 highlights the importance of private property. This book fills the gap in the national and international scientific literature since there is no scientific contribution written in English that examines the development of the Albanian law of property showing the similarities and differences between the Albanian and the Italian civil codes. Another novelty rests on its identification of the rules of the Albanian Civil Codes of 1929 and of 1982 that regulate the various legal institutional parts of the property law. Furthermore, this research summarizes the EU impact on Albanian property law by examining the differences between the legal institutions established at the supranational level such as Dir. 2014/60/EU, Dir. 2008/122/EC, Dir. 1346/2000/EC, and Reg. 2015/848 with the current Albanian system. In the conclusions, this research demonstrates that the Albanian law of property of 1994 is similar, sometimes identical, to the rules established in the Italian Civil Code of 1942

    Currents issues in cardiorespiratory care of patients with post-polio syndrome

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    ABSTRACT Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that affects polio survivors years after recovery from an initial acute attack of the poliomyelitis virus. Most often, polio survivors experience a gradual new weakening in muscles that were previously affected by the polio infection. The actual incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in individuals suffering from PPS is not known. However, there is a reason to suspect that individuals with PPS might be at increased risk. Method A search for papers was made in the databases Bireme, Scielo and Pubmed with the following keywords: post polio syndrome, cardiorespiratory and rehabilitation in English, French and Spanish languages. Although we targeted only seek current studies on the topic in question, only the relevant (double-blind, randomized-controlled and consensus articles) were considered. Results and Discussion Certain features of PPS such as generalized fatigue, generalized and specific muscle weakness, joint and/or muscle pain may result in physical inactivity deconditioning obesity and dyslipidemia. Respiratory difficulties are common and may result in hypoxemia. Conclusion Only when evaluated and treated promptly, somE patients can obtain the full benefits of the use of respiratory muscles aids as far as quality of life is concerned

    Similarities and differences between the albanian and italian succession law.

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    In 1994, Albania codified the current civil code, harmonizing the national legislation with the democratic values of the Western European Countries. This paper fills the gap in the national and international scientific literature since there is no scientific contribution that examines the Albanian law of succession showing the similarities and differences between the Albanian and the Italian civil codes. This is fundamental because according to Article 33 Albanian Private International Law (Albanian Law no. 10 428 of June 2011), which governs cross-border succession law, in the case of immovable goods, the rule of lex rei sitae has been codified. Thus, in the case of immovable goods, the Albanian succession law will be applied to them. In the conclusion, this research demonstrates that the Albanian Law of Succession of 1994 is different in many ways from the rules established in the Italian Civil Code of 1942

    Succession Contracts for Family Firms in Italy and Albania. A European Private International Law Approach

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    In recent decades there has been an increase in longevity as well as a higher interest in the intergeneration of business transfer within a family. As a result, both European and national legislatures have been focusing on allowing this type of transfer before death. While the EU legislature stimulated this approach through the Commission Recommendation of 7 Decem ber 1994 on the transfer of small and medium-sized enterprises (Rec. 94/1069/EC), the Italian legislature fulfilled it only in 2006. Unfortunately, Albania does not provide any exception to the absolute invalidation of succession contracts. This paper does not aim to provide an extensive analysis of the various forms of succession of family firms in these two countries. This scientific contribution rather applies a legal comparison and a case-law study to inves tigate the impact of EU law on the national legislation by only focusing on the application of European private international law perspective. The contribution underlines the different approaches between these two countries since Italy has harmonized its own legislation with the EU soft-law and it has also ratified the Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and their Recognition of 1 July 1985. On the contrary, Albania has not ratified this international treaty, and its legislation is not aligned with the Rec. 94/1069/EC

    End-of-life Decisions in Albania: The Call for an Ethical Revision

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    While in Western European countries, the end-of-life decisions have become a matter of public policy, this paper provides a detailed analysis of end-of-life decisions in Albania by focusing on instructional medical directives. The manuscript investigates the Albanian legal system, the documents published by the National Ethics Committee and the National Committee of Health, as the two main advisory public bodies on health issues, as well as the national medical jurisprudence and the Code of Medical Ethics. After emphasizing the importance of instructional medical directives and considering the international literature that has underlined the ethical principle of patient autonomy, this paper provides some policy suggestions. In the conclusion, this contribution highlights the importance of ad hoc rules governing instructional medical directives as well as the ethical principles and international literature as an instrument to fill the gap in the national system. In addition, particular attention is given to the application of ethical principles in end-of-life decisions in the current pandemic situation

    A comprehensive review of the coffee leaf miner leucoptera coffeella (lepidoptera: lyonetiidae): a major pest for the coffee crop in Brazil and others neotropical countries.

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    The coffee leaf miner (CLM) Leucoptera coffeella moth is a major threat to coffee production. Insect damage is related to the feeding behavior of the larvae on the leaf. During the immature life stages, the insect feeds in the mesophyll triggering necrosis and causing loss of photosynthetic capacity, defoliation and significant yield loss to coffee crops. Chemical control is used to support the coffee production chain, though market requirements move toward conscious consumption claiming for more sustainable methods. In this overview, we discuss aspects about the CLM concerning biology, history, geographical distribution, economic impacts, and the most relevant control strategies in progress. Insights to develop an integrated approach for a safer and eco-friendly control of the CLM are discussed here, including bio-extracts, nanotechnology, pheromones, and tolerant cultivars

    A review of the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), with special regard to pest management.

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    O café é produzido em mais de 60 países por 25 milhões de produtores, em sua grande maioria de pequeno porte localizados em países emergentes. O consumo de café tem se tornado um ritual diário para um número cada vez maior de consumidores pelo mundo. Esse mercado em ascensão demanda técnicas modernas de manejo que permitam aumentar a produção e ao mesmo tempo proteger o ambiente além de obter produtos de alta qualidade e livres de pesticida. Entre os vários desafios a serem vencidos, o bicho mineiro do cafeeiro é uma das mais graves ameaças às lavouras de café. Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) é o nome científico do bicho mineiro do cafeeiro (BMC). Essa mariposa é uma das maiores pragas do cafeeiro, sendo que o dano à planta é causado pela sua a larva. Durante os estádios imaturos, a larva se alimenta no mesofilo, causando necrose, perda de capacidade fotossintetizante e desfolha. Essa praga acarreta perdas entre 30-70% da produção, comprometendo a qualidade e a produção dos grãos e causando impacto negativo na cadeia produtiva do café. O controle por pesticidas sintéticos tem sido obrigatório, mas desvantagens como a seleção de populações resistentes do inseto, e os efeitos nocivos no ambiente e na saúde humana, motivaram a comunidade científica a desenvolver estratégias para a implementação de um sistema de manejo integrado de pragas. Essa revisão fornece um panorama a respeito das técnicas em estudo para o controle do BMC assim como da sua história e biologia.bitstream/item/221918/1/documentos-372-fin.pd