320 research outputs found

    Formación de la interacción social competencia de futuros especialistas del ámbito gerencial

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    Trends in the economic situation development in the Russian Federation determine the basic requirements for graduates of Russian universities in the direction of “management” training, whose professional competence depends directly on the level of mastering communication skills and social interaction skills. The social interaction competence for managers is the key one in the formation of professional competencies and affects the decision-making of many professional tasks. The social interaction competence plays an important role in the management personnel training because they have a need for constant interaction with people, staff and clients. Lack of social interaction competence can lead to failures in professional activities. Thus, the bachelor of management should have not only knowledge in the professional sphere, but also be able to interact with various specialists, clients, and partners, carrying out high-level social communication that can affect effectively the result of professional activity.Las tendencias en el desarrollo de la situación económica en la Federación de Rusia determinan los requisitos básicos para los graduados de las universidades rusas en la dirección de la formación de “gestión”, cuya competencia profesional depende directamente del nivel de dominio de las habilidades de comunicación y de interacción social. La competencia de interacción social para los gerentes es la clave en la formación de competencias profesionales y afecta la toma de decisiones de muchas tareas profesionales. La competencia de interacción social juega un papel importante en la capacitación del personal de gestión, ya que tienen una necesidad de interacción constante con las personas, el personal y los clientes. La falta de competencia de interacción social puede conducir a fallas en las actividades profesionales. Por lo tanto, el licenciado en administración debe tener no solo conocimiento en el ámbito profesional, sino también poder interactuar con varios especialistas, clientes y socios, llevando a cabo una comunicación social de alto nivel que pueda afectar de manera efectiva el resultado de la actividad profesional


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    Local anesthesia is an integral component of medical procedures in today's children's dental practice. Enumeration of intraoral drugs containing anesthetics, for pediatric dentistry is extremely insufficient. Urgent is the development of children and of the dental gel containing trimekain, for application anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to study the adhesive properties of comparative gel compositions containing various combinations and trimekain potential of shaping. The studies revealed gel compositions with excellent adhesion characteristics, which can be recommended for further screening on the creation of children's dental gel trimecaine

    The experimental cascade curves of EAS at E sub 0 10(17) eV obtained by the method of detection of Cherenkov pulse shape

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    The individual cascade curves of EAS with E sub 0 10 to the 17th power eV/I to 3/ were studied by detection of EAS Cherenkov light pulses. The scintillators located at the center of the Yakutsk EAS array within a 500-m radius circle were used to select the showers and to determine the main EAS parameters. The individual cascade curves N(t) were obtained using the EAS Cherenkov light pulses satisfying the following requirements: (1) the signal-to-noise ratio fm/delta sub n 15, (2) the EAS axis-detector distance tau sub 350 m, (3) the zenith angle theta 30 deg, (4) the probability for EAS to be detected by scintillators W 0.8. Condition (1) arises from the desire to reduce the amplitude distortion of Cherenkov pulses due to noise and determines the range of EAS sizes, N(t). The resolution times of the Cherenkov pulse shape detectors are tau sub 0 approx. 23 ns which results in distortion of a pulse during the process of the detection. The distortion of pulses due to the finiteness of tau sub 0 value was estimated. It is shown that the rise time of pulse becomes greater as tau sub 0.5/tau sub 0 ratio decreases

    Диагностика хронической обструктивной болезни легких с помощью оптико-акустического газоанализа

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    The aim of this study was to investigate a role of the exhaled air analysis as a simple and non-invasive diagnostic method for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Methods. EBC samples were analyzed in 26 patients with acute exacerbation of COPD and in 19 healthy volunteers using a photoacoustic gas analyzer ILPA-1 based on CO2 laser spectral analysis. The data obtained were used for integral estimation (IE) within two spectral ranges.Results. IEs of COPD patients and healthy subjects differed significantly and were not related to gender. IE values in both spectral ranges were related to forced vital capacity of COPD patients and were inversely related to the heart beat rate of COPD patients in 10P spectral range.Conclusion. This method is useful in diagnosis of COPD including early stage of the disease.С помощью лазерного оптико-акустического газоанализатора ILPA-1 на основе CO2-лазера проведен анализ спектров поглощения выдыхаемого воздуха у здоровых добровольцев и пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) разной степени тяжести. Для оценки результатов применялся метод, основанный на вычислении интегральной оценки (ИО) состояния объекта. Расчет интегральных оценок проводился в 2 спектральных диапазонах, соответствующих 10P- и 10R-ветвям генерации CO2-лазера. Установлено, что ИО состояния здоровых добровольцев и пациентов с ХОБЛ различаются, что указывает на разный состав выдыхаемого воздуха у участников. У пациентов с ХОБЛ не было получено значимых различий между значениями ИО у мужчин и женщин.Выявлены прямая корреляция между значениями ИО состояния пациентов с ХОБЛ и форсированной жизненной емкостью легких в обоих диапазонах спектра и обратная корреляция между значениями ИО пациентов и частотой сердечных сокращений в 1-м диапазоне спектра. При дальнейшей разработке данной методики открываются перспективы получения нового метода для диагностики ХОБЛ

    The Cancer Genomics Resource List 2014

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    Context.— Genomic sequencing for cancer is offered by commercial for-profit laboratories, independent laboratory networks, and laboratories in academic medical centers and integrated health networks. The variability among the tests has created a complex, confusing environment. Objective.— To address the complexity, the Personalized Health Care (PHC) Committee of the College of American Pathologists proposed the development of a cancer genomics resource list (CGRL). The goal of this resource was to assist the laboratory pathology and clinical oncology communities. Design.— The PHC Committee established a working group in 2012 to address this goal. The group consisted of site-specific experts in cancer genetic sequencing. The group identified current next-generation sequencing (NGS)–based cancer tests and compiled them into a usable resource. The genes were annotated by the working group. The annotation process drew on published knowledge, including public databases and the medical literature. Results.— The compiled list includes NGS panels offered by 19 laboratories or vendors, accompanied by annotations. The list has 611 different genes for which NGS-based mutation testing is offered. Surprisingly, of these 611 genes, 0 genes were listed in every panel, 43 genes were listed in 4 panels, and 54 genes were listed in 3 panels. In addition, tests for 393 genes were offered by only 1 or 2 institutions. Table 1 provides an example of gene mutations offered for breast cancer genomic testing with the annotation as it appears in the CGRL 2014. Conclusions.— The final product, referred to as the Cancer Genomics Resource List 2014, is available as supplemental digital content


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    Purpose. To reveal prognostic factors of PSA-failure following radical prostatectomy in patients with localized and locally-advanced prostate cancer.Materials and methods. Medical data of 386 consecutive patients with localized and locally-advanced prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy from 1997 to 2011 were analyzed. Median age was 61.0 years. Median PSA before surgery – 10.3 ng/ml. Plasma levels of VEGF, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, TGF-β1, CD105, IL-6 were measured using Enzyme Linked-Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) before radical prostatectomy in 77 patients. Postoperatively the tumours were categorized as pT2 in 288 (59.1 %), pT3 – in 144 (37.3 %), pT4 – in 14 (3.6); pN+ – in 34 (8.8 %) cases. Gleason score < 7 was present in 254 (65.8 %), 7 – in 132 (34.2 %) specimens. Perineural invasion was identified in 188 (48.7 %), angiolymphatic invasion – in 126 (32.6) cases.Results. Biochemical recurrence occurred in 64 (16.6 %) out of 386 patients at a median follow-up of 30.5 (12−164) months. Independent predictors of biochemical recurrence were PSA (HR 0.161 (95% CI:0.058−0.449); р = 0.001), Gleason sum in surgical specimens (HR 0.496 (95 % CI:0.268−0.917); p = 0.025), pN (HR 0.415 (95 % CI:0.181−0.955); p = 0.039). The patients were divided into 3 prognostic groups: good (0 factor), intermediate (1 factor), poor (2 factors) and very poor (3 factors) (AUC – 0.720 (95% CI: 0.656−0.784)). High preoperative levels VEGF ( 67 pg/ml) (р = 0.005), VEGFR2 ( 3149 pg/ml) (р = 0.036), VEGFR3 ( 2268 pg/ml) (р = 0.001), TGF-β1 ( 14473 pg/ml) (р = 0.052) were identified as unfavorable prognostic factors for survival without PSA-failure. Conclusion. Independent prognostic factors of biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy were PSA, Gleason sum and pN. Joint effect of the factors allows to predict PSA-relapse with accuracy 0.720. Preoperative serum levels VEGF, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, TGF-β1 potentially are perspective markers for PSA-failure after surgical treatment prostate cancer, further trials are needed.Цель исследования: выявить факторы прогноза биохимического рецидива у больных раком предстательной железы, подвергнутых радикальной простатэктомии.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты лечения 386 больных раком предстательной железы Т2-4N0-1M0, подвергнутых радикальной простатэктомии (РПЭ) в РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН, в период с 1997 по 2011 г. Медиана возраста – 61,0 года. Медиана концентрации простатспецифического антигена (ПСА) до лечения – 10,3 нг/мл. У 77 больных проводилась количественная оценка плазменного содержания VEGF, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, TGF-β1, CD105, IL-6 методом ELISA до операции. Всем больным выполнена РПЭ. Категория рТ расценена как рТ2 у 228 (59,1 %), рТ3 – у 144 (37,3 %), рТ4 – у 14 (3,6 %) больных; категория рN+ диагностирована в 34 (8,8 %) случаях. Сумма баллов по шкале Глисона (индекс Глисона) < 7 выявлена у 254 (65,8 %), 7 – у 132 (34,2 %) пациентов. Периневральная инвазия имела место в 188 (48,7 %), ангиолимфатическая – в 126 (32,6 %) случаях. Медиана наблюдения – 30,5 (12−164) мес.Результаты. Рецидивы зарегистрированы у 64 (16,6 %) из 386 больных в среднем через 17,6 мес после операции. В многофакторном анализе выявлена независимая прогностическая значимость уровня ПСА (отношение рисков (ОР) 0,161 (95 % ДИ 0,058−0,449); р = 0,001), операционного индекса Глисона (ОР 0,496 (95 % ДИ 0,268−0,917); p = 0,025) и категории рN (ОР 0,415 (95 % ДИ 0,181−0,955); p = 0,039). В зависимости от числа независимых факторов риска развития ПСА-рецидива пациенты разделены на группы хорошего (0 факторов), промежуточного (1 фактор), плохого (2 фактора) и очень плохого (3 фактора) прогноза. Предсказательная точность модели – 0,720 (95 % ДИ 0,656−0,784). Высокие дооперационные плазменные концентрации VEGF ( 67 пкг/мл) (р = 0,005), VEGFR2 ( 3149 пкг/мл) (р = 0,036), VEGFR3 ( 2268 пкг/мл) (р = 0,001), TGF-β1 ( 14473 пкг/мл) (р = 0,052) являлись факторами неблагоприятного прогноза выживаемости без ПСА-рецидива.Заключение. Независимыми факторами риска ПСА-рецидива после радикальной простатэктомии являются ПСА, операционный индекс Глисона и категория pN. Сочетанное использование данных признаков позволяет прогнозировать биохимическое прогрессирование с точностью 0,720. Предоперационные концентрации VEGF, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, TGF-β1 в плазме крови потенциально являются перспективными маркерами биохимического рецидива РПЖ после хирургического лечения и нуждаются в дальнейшем изучении.

    Absence of a specific radiation signature in post-Chernobyl thyroid cancers

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    Thyroid cancers have been the main medical consequence of the Chernobyl accident. On the basis of their pathological features and of the fact that a large proportion of them demonstrate RET-PTC translocations, these cancers are considered as similar to classical sporadic papillary carcinomas, although molecular alterations differ between both tumours. We analysed gene expression in post-Chernobyl cancers, sporadic papillary carcinomas and compared to autonomous adenomas used as controls. Unsupervised clustering of these data did not distinguish between the cancers, but separates both cancers from adenomas. No gene signature separating sporadic from post-Chernobyl PTC (chPTC) could be found using supervised and unsupervised classification methods although such a signature is demonstrated for cancers and adenomas. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pooled RNA from sporadic and chPTC are as strongly correlated as two independent sporadic PTC pools, one from Europe, one from the US involving patients not exposed to Chernobyl radiations. This result relies on cDNA and Affymetrix microarrays. Thus, platform-specific artifacts are controlled for. Our findings suggest the absence of a radiation fingerprint in the chPTC and support the concept that post-Chernobyl cancer data, for which the cancer-causing event and its date are known, are a unique source of information to study naturally occurring papillary carcinomas

    QPRT: a potential marker for follicular thyroid carcinoma including minimal invasive variant; a gene expression, RNA and immunohistochemical study

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    Background The differential diagnosis between follicular thyroid adenoma and minimal invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma is often difficult for several reasons. One major aspect is the lack of typical cytological criteria in well differentiated specimens. New marker molecules, shown by poly- or monoclonal antibodies proved helpful. Methods We performed global gene expression analysis of 12 follicular thyroid tumours (4 follicular adenomas, 4 minimal invasive follicular carcinomas and 4 widely invasive follicular carcinomas), followed by immunohistochemical staining of 149 cases. The specificity of the antibody was validated by western blot analysis Results In gene expression analysis QPRT was detected as differently expressed between follicular thyroid adenoma and follicular thyroid carcinoma. QPRT protein could be detected by immunohistochemistry in 65% of follicular thyroid carcinomas including minimal invasive variant and only 22% of follicular adenomas. Conclusion Consequently, QPRT is a potential new marker for the immunohistochemical screening of follicular thyroid nodules

    Genome-wide gene expression profiling suggests distinct radiation susceptibilities in sporadic and post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid cancers

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    Papillary thyroid cancers (PTCs) incidence dramatically increased in the vicinity of Chernobyl. The cancer-initiating role of radiation elsewhere is debated. Therefore, we searched for a signature distinguishing radio-induced from sporadic cancers. Using microarrays, we compared the expression profiles of PTCs from the Chernobyl Tissue Bank (CTB, n=12) and from French patients with no history of exposure to ionising radiations (n=14). We also compared the transcriptional responses of human lymphocytes to the presumed aetiological agents initiating these tumours, γ-radiation and H2O2. On a global scale, the transcriptomes of CTB and French tumours are indistinguishable, and the transcriptional responses to γ-radiation and H2O2 are similar. On a finer scale, a 118 genes signature discriminated the γ-radiation and H2O2 responses. This signature could be used to classify the tumours as CTB or French with an error of 15–27%. Similar results were obtained with an independent signature of 13 genes involved in homologous recombination. Although sporadic and radio-induced PTCs represent the same disease, they are distinguishable with molecular signatures reflecting specific responses to γ-radiation and H2O2. These signatures in PTCs could reflect the susceptibility profiles of the patients, suggesting the feasibility of a radiation susceptibility test