37 research outputs found

    Možnosti produkce sadby brambor v podmínkách ekologického zemědělství

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    Tento příspěvek předkládá dostupné možnosti regulace mšic resp. virových chorob u sadbových brambor v podmínkách ekologického zemědělství. Tyto zkušenosti a výsledky jsme ověřovaly v našem pokusu, který poskytl cenné zkušenosti z těchto podmínek. Výběr velmi raných odrůd, předklíčení sadby a obsev pohankou dle výsledků ELISA testů vyhovělo a splnilo požadavky na zdravotní stav sadbových hlíz. Pěstování odrůd s delší vegetací je (v podmínkách ekologického zemědělství) náročnější a vyžaduje vyšší nároky na ochranu proti přenašečům virových chorob

    Free Quantification in Four-Valued and Fuzzy Bilattice-Valued Logics

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    We introduce a variant of free logic (i.e., a logic admitting terms with nonexistent referents) that accommodates truth-value gluts as well as gaps. Employing a suitable expansion of the Belnap--Dunn four-valued logic, we specify a dual-domain semantics for free logic, in which propositions containing non-denoting terms can be true, false, neither true nor false, or both true and false. In each model, the dual domain semantics separates existing and non-existing objects into two subdomains, making it possible to quantify either over all objects or existing objects only. We also outline a fuzzy variant of the dual-domain semantics, accommodating non-denoting terms in fuzzy contexts that can be partially indeterminate or inconsistent.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to IUKM 2023 Conferenc

    Začlenění systému povrchového mulčování do technologie pěstování brambor

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    Předkládaná interpretace výsledků výzkumu získaných na základě víceletých polních pokusů přináší návody a zkušenosti o využití povrchového mulčování u brambor. Na základě dostupných informací a nynějších možností využití mulčovacích prostředků byly do pokusů vybrány alternativy, které lze bez větší problémů začlenit mezi agrotechnická opatření při pěstování brambor. A to s možností lokální aplikace (s cílem zmírnit vodní erozi, a tím i degradaci půdy) či plošné aplikace, která přináší i další významné benefity zejména do podmínek (systému hospodaření), kde je omezeno např. použití herbicidů či insekticidů. Např. v systému ekologického hospodaření pro regulaci plevelů či mandelinky bramborové, a také pro regulaci teplotních a vláhových podmínek v porostu a v půdě

    Present knowledge of distribution of Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Gastropoda: Milacidae)

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    All published and known unpublished data on Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) from the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics are summarised. This species occurs rarely in both states in altitudes up to ca. 420 m. and is closely bound to anthropogenous habitats

    Induction of fecal cholesterol excretion is not effective for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn rats

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    Background Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, a feature of neonatal jaundice or Crigler-Najjar syndrome, can lead to neurotoxicity and even death. We previously demonstrated that unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) can be eliminated via transintestinal excretion in Gunn rats, a model of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, and that this is stimulated by enhancing fecal fatty acid excretion. Since transintestinal excretion also occurs for cholesterol (TICE), we hypothesized that increasing fecal cholesterol excretion and/or TICE could also enhance fecal UCB disposal and subsequently lower plasma UCB concentrations. Methods To determine whether increasing fecal cholesterol excretion could ameliorate unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, we treated hyperbilirubinemic Gunn rats with ezetimibe (EZE), an intestinal cholesterol absorption inhibitor, and/or a liver X receptor (LXR) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist (T0901317 (T09) and obeticholic acid (OCA), respectively), known to stimulate TICE. Results We found that EZE treatment alone or in combination with T09 or OCA increased fecal cholesterol disposal but did not lower plasma UCB levels. Conclusions These findings do not support a link between the regulation of transintestinal excretion of cholesterol and bilirubin. Furthermore, induction of fecal cholesterol excretion is not a potential therapy for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Impact Increasing fecal cholesterol excretion is not effective to treat unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This is the first time a potential relation between transintestinal excretion of cholesterol and unconjugated bilirubin is investigated. Transintestinal excretion of cholesterol and unconjugated bilirubin do not seem to be quantitatively linked. Unlike intestinal fatty acids, cholesterol cannot "capture" unconjugated bilirubin to increase its excretion. These results add to our understanding of ways to improve and factors regulating unconjugated bilirubin disposal in hyperbilirubinemic conditions

    Diagnostic methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Invasive bilirubin measurements remain the gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. The present paper describes different methods currently available to assess hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants. Novel point-of-care bilirubin measurement methods, such as the BiliSpec and the Bilistick, would benefit many newborn infants, especially in low-income and middle-income countries where the access to costly multi-analyzer in vitro diagnostic instruments is limited. Total serum bilirubin test results should be accurate within permissible limits of measurement uncertainty to be fit for clinical purposes. This implies correct implementation of internationally endorsed reference measurement systems as well as participation in external quality assessment programs. Novel analytic methods may, apart from bilirubin, include the determination of bilirubin photoisomers and bilirubin oxidation products in blood and even in other biological matrices. ImpactKey message: Bilirubin measurements in blood remain the gold standard for diagnosis and treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). External quality assessment (EQA) plays an important role in revealing inaccuracies in diagnostic bilirubin measurements. What does this article add to the existing literature? We provide analytic performance data on total serum bilirubin (TSB) as measured during recent EQA surveys. We review novel diagnostic point-of-care (POC) bilirubin measurement methods and analytic methods for determining bilirubin levels in biological matrices other than blood. Impact: Manufacturers should make TSB test results traceable to the internationally endorsed total bilirubin reference measurement system and should ensure permissible limits of measurement uncertainty.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH) is a serious condition that occurs worldwide. Timely recognition with bilirubin determination is key in the management of SNH. Visual assessment of jaundice is unreliable. Fortunately, transcutaneous bilirubin measurement for screening newborn infants is routinely available in many hospitals and outpatient settings. Despite a few limitations, the use of transcutaneous devices facilitates early recognition and appropriate management of neonatal jaundice. Unfortunately, however, advanced and often costly screening modalities are not accessible to everyone, while there is an urgent need for inexpensive yet accurate instruments to assess total serum bilirubin (TSB). In the near future, novel icterometers, and in particular optical bilirubin estimates obtained with a smartphone camera and processed with a smartphone application (app), seem promising methods for screening for SNH. If proven reliable, these methods may empower outpatient health workers as well as parents at home to detect jaundice using a simple portable device. Successful implementation of ubiquitous bilirubin screening may contribute substantially to the reduction of the worldwide burden of SNH. The benefits of non-invasive bilirubin screening notwithstanding, any bilirubin determination obtained through non-invasive screening must be confirmed by a diagnostic method before treatment. ImpactKey message: Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia facilitate early recognition and timely treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). Any bilirubin screening result obtained must be confirmed by a diagnostic method. What does this article add to the existing literature? Data on optical bilirubin estimation are summarized. Niche research strategies for prevention of SNH are presented. Impact: Transcutaneous screening for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia contributes to the prevention of SNH. A smartphone application with optical bilirubin estimation seems a promising low-cost screening method, especially in low-resource settings or at home.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Climatic Risk and Distribution Atlas of European Bumblebees

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    Bumble bees represent one of the most important groups of pollinators. In addition to their ecological and economic relevance, they are also a highly charismatic group which can help to increase the interest of people in realizing, enjoying and conserving natural systems. However, like most animals, bum- ble bees are sensitive to climate. In this atlas, maps depicting potential risks of climate change for bumble bees are shown together with informative summary statistics, ecological back- ground information and a picture of each European species. Thanks to the EU FP7 project STEP, the authors gathered over one million bumblebee records from all over Europe. Based on these data, they modelled the current climatic niche for almost all European species (56 species) and projected future climatically suitable conditions using three climate change scenarios for the years 2050 and 2100. While under a moderate change scenario only 3 species are projected to be at the verge of extinction by 2100, 14 species are at high risk under an intermediate change scenario. Under a most severe change scenario as many as 25 species are projected to lose almost all of their climatically suitable area, while a total of 53 species (77% of the 69 European species) would lose the main part of their suitable area. Climatic risks for bumblebees can be extremely high, depending on the future development of human society, and the corresponding effects on the climate. Strong mitigation strategies are needed to preserve this important species group and to ensure the sustainable provision of pollination services, to which they considerably contribute