374 research outputs found

    Unified description of ballistic and diffusive carrier transport in semiconductor structures

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    A unified theoretical description of ballistic and diffusive carrier transport in parallel-plane semiconductor structures is developed within the semiclassical model. The approach is based on the introduction of a thermo-ballistic current consisting of carriers which move ballistically in the electric field provided by the band edge potential, and are thermalized at certain randomly distributed equilibration points by coupling to the background of impurity atoms and carriers in equilibrium. The sum of the thermo-ballistic and background currents is conserved, and is identified with the physical current. The current-voltage characteristic for nondegenerate systems and the zero-bias conductance for degenerate systems are expressed in terms of a reduced resistance. For arbitrary mean free path and arbitrary shape of the band edge potential profile, this quantity is determined from the solution of an integral equation, which also provides the quasi-Fermi level and the thermo-ballistic current. To illustrate the formalism, a number of simple examples are considered explicitly. The present work is compared with previous attempts towards a unified description of ballistic and diffusive transport.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, REVTEX

    Pinning and depinning of a classic quasi-one-dimensional Wigner crystal in the presence of a constriction

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    We studied the dynamics of a quasi-one-dimensional chain-like system of charged particles at low temperature, interacting through a screened Coulomb potential in the presence of a local constriction. The response of the system when an external electric field is applied was investigated. We performed Langevin molecular dynamics simulations for different values of the driving force and for different temperatures. We found that the friction together with the constriction pins the particles up to a critical value of the driving force. The system can depin \emph{elastically} or \emph{quasi-elastically} depending on the strength of the constriction. The elastic (quasi-elastic) depinning is characterized by a critical exponent β0.66\beta\sim0.66 (β0.95\beta\sim0.95). The dc conductivity is zero in the pinned regime, it has non-ohmic characteristics after the activation of the motion and then it is constant. Furthermore, the dependence of the conductivity with temperature and strength of the constriction was investigated in detail. We found interesting differences between the single and the multi-chain regimes as the temperature is increased.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Generalized Drude model: Unification of ballistic and diffusive electron transport

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    For electron transport in parallel-plane semiconducting structures, a model is developed that unifies ballistic and diffusive transport and thus generalizes the Drude model. The unified model is valid for arbitrary magnitude of the mean free path and arbitrary shape of the conduction band edge profile. Universal formulas are obtained for the current-voltage characteristic in the nondegenerate case and for the zero-bias conductance in the degenerate case, which describe in a transparent manner the interplay of ballistic and diffusive transport. The semiclassical approach is adopted, but quantum corrections allowing for tunneling are included. Examples are considered, in particular the case of chains of grains in polycrystalline or microcrystalline semiconductors with grain size comparable to, or smaller than, the mean free path. Substantial deviations of the results of the unified model from those of the ballistic thermionic-emission model and of the drift-diffusion model are found. The formulation of the model is one-dimensional, but it is argued that its results should not differ substantially from those of a fully three-dimensional treatment.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, REVTEX file, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Directional statistics and filtering using libDirectional

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    In this paper, we present libDirectional, a MATLAB library for directional statistics and directional estimation. It supports a variety of commonly used distributions on the unit circle, such as the von Mises, wrapped normal, and wrapped Cauchy distributions. Furthermore, various distributions on higher-dimensional manifolds such as the unit hypersphere and the hypertorus are available. Based on these distributions, several recursive filtering algorithms in libDirectional allow estimation on these manifolds. The functionality is implemented in a clear, well-documented, and object-oriented structure that is both easy to use and easy to extend

    Nanohelices as superlattices: Bloch oscillations and electric dipole transitions

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    Subjecting a nanohelix to a transverse electric field gives rise to superlattice behavior with tunable electronic properties. We theoretically investigate such a system and find Bloch oscillations and negative differential conductance when a longitudinal electric field (along the nanohelix axis) is also applied. Furthermore, we study dipole transitions across the transverse-electric-field-induced energy gap, which can be tuned to the eulogized terahertz frequency range by experimentally attainable external fields. We also reveal a photogalvanic effect by shining circularly polarized light onto our helical quantum wire.We acknowledge financial support from the CNRS and from the ANR under Grant No. ANR-14-CE26-0005 Q-MetaMat, as well as the EU H2020 RISE project CoExAN (Grant No. H2020-644076), EU FP7 ITN NOTEDEV (Grant No. FP7-607521), and the FP7 IRSES projects CANTOR (Grant No. FP7-612285), QOCaN (Grant No. FP7-316432), and InterNoM (Grant No. FP7-612624)

    Optical activity induced by curvature in a gravitational pp-wave background

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    We study optical activity induced by curvature. The optical activity model we present has two phenomenological gyration parameters, within which we analyze three model cases, namely, an exactly integrable model, the Landau-Lifshitz model and the Fedorov model, these latter two are solved in the short wavelength approximation. The model background is a gravitational pp-wave. The solutions show that the optical activity induced by curvature leads to Faraday rotation.Comment: 16 pages, late

    Influence of emissivity on behavior of metallic dust particles in plasmas

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    金沢大学理工研究域電子情報学系Influence of thermal radiation emissivity on the lifetime of a dust particle in plasmas is investigated for different fusion relevant metals (Li, Be, Mo, and W). The thermal radiation is one of main cooling mechanisms of the dust in plasmas especially for dust with evaporation temperature higher than 2500 K. In this paper, the temperature- and radius-dependent emissivity of dust particles is calculated using Mie theory and temperature-dependent optical constants for the above metallic materials. The lifetime of a dust particle in uniform plasmas is estimated with the calculated emissivity using the dust transport code DUSTT [A. Pigarov, Physics of Plasmas 12, 122508 (2005)], considering other dust cooling and destruction processes such as physical and chemical sputtering, melting and evaporation, electron emission etc. The use of temperature-dependent emissivity calculated with Mie theory provides a longer lifetime of the refractory metal dust particle compared with that obtained using conventional emissivity constants in the literature. The dynamics of heavy metal dust particles are also presented using the calculated emissivity in a tokamak plasma. © 2008 American Institute of Physics

    Multi-objective genetic algorithm applied to spectroscopic ellipsometry of organic-inorganic hybrid planar waveguides

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    The applicably of multi-objective optimization to ellipsometric data analysis is presented and a method to handle complex ellipsometric problems such as multi sample or multi angle analysis using multi-objective optimization is described. The performance of a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is tested against a single objective common genetic algorithm (CGA). The procedure is applied to the characterization (refractive index and thickness) of planar waveguides intended for the production of optical components prepared sol-gel derived organic-inorganic hybrids, so-called di-ureasils, modified with zirconium tetrapropoxide, Zr(OPr(n))(4) deposited on silica on silicon substrates. The results show that for the same initial conditions, MOGA performs better than the CGA, showing a higher success rate in the task of finding the best final solution. (C) 2010 Optical Society of AmericaFCTFEDERPTDC/CTM/72093/2006SFRH/BD/41943/2007MP070