27 research outputs found

    Investigating a Paradigm Shift in Investment Pattern of Working Women of Haryana

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    This study airs into the changing investment habits of Haryana's working women. To do so, a sample size of 300 employed females has been chosen from the six top universities identified by NIRF ranking. T-test has been employed to study the investment trends of Haryana's working women. For this purpose, 3 public &private universities and 3 public & private banks with higher RBI earnings in 2020 were selected. The women working in different sectors of Haryana were given a standardized questionnaire. The study's findings supported that a paradigm shift in investment patterns has been found in all investment avenues. The findings of the study are ice breaking for financial advisors and consultants, as it shifts the investment pattern of working women. This change in preference requires them to update their strategies accordingly. Working women are increasingly becoming independent in financial decisions, creating an opportunity for financial services to tailor their marketing plans to increase investor engagement

    DroidMark – A Tool for Android Malware Detectionusing Taint Analysis and Bayesian Network

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    With the increasing user-base of Android devices & advents of technologies such as Internet Banking, delicate user data is prone to be misused by malware and spyware applications. As the app-developer community increases, the quality reassurance could not be justified for every application and a possibility of data leakage arises. In this research, with the aim to ensure the application authenticity, Deep Learning methods and Taint Analysis are deployed on the applications. The detection system named DroidMark looks for possible sinks and sources of data leakage in the application by modelling Android’s lifecycles and callbacks, which is done by Reverse Engineering the APK, further monitoring the suspected processes and collecting data in different states of the application. DroidMark is thus designed to extract features from the applications which are fed to a trained Bayesian Network for classification of Malicious and Regular applications. The results indicate a high accuracy of 96.87% and an error rate of 3.13% in detection of Malware in Android devices

    Assessment of Preschool Education Component of ICDS Scheme in Jammu District

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    Non formal Preschool education is an important component of Integrated Child Development Services scheme currently operational in more than 6506 projects in India The present research paper is based on an investigation of this component in ICDS centres of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir state A random sample of 60 Anganwadi centres AWCs was selected for this study Using observation and interview schedule the infrastructural facilities available and the conduct of preschool education activities were evaluated The results indicate lack of adequate facilities in terms of space both indoor and outdoor quality of accommodation drinking water and toilet facilities furniture and fixtures and teaching learning material in AWCs Preschool education activities were being planned and conducted by the AWWs on a routine basis but the activities were mostly repetitive and lacked novelty Non availability of adequate infrastructure was found to be an active deterrent in conduct of activities It is thus suggested that better infrastructural facilities be made available to bring about qualitative change in the ICDS programm

    Critical review of Parada Shodhana, Jarana and Marana processes

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    Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda, related with the formulations involving drugs of metal/mineral origin. The different perspectives secured under this department are their origin, varieties, physical and chemical characteristics, therapeutic properties and their uses. Parada has the capability of consuming all the metals and minerals by which it attains high therapeutic value over other medicines. Shodhana is the process, which not only removes the Doshas but also increases strength and potency of the drug. Depending upon the nature of the metal and the disease for which they are meant to be used, the specific process for purification vary from one metal to the another and the process is repeated for several times. While Jarana is the process in which Parada reverts back to its original state without being subjected to processes like Galena, Patina, etc. In Marana removes the harmful effects produce various diseases in our body. In which metals/minerals should be converted into suitable form using Marana process

    E-learning by Time Dynamic Model Using Data Mining

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    The object of this paper is to build up Just in Time Dynamic Learner Models to analyze learners' behaviors and to evaluate learners' performance in online education systems by using rich data collected from e-learning systems. The goal is to create metrics to measure learners' characteristics from usage data. To achieve this goal we need to use data mining methods, especially clustering algorithms, to second patterns from which metrics can be derived from usage data. In this paper, we propose a six layer models(raw data layer, fact data layer, data mining layer, measurement layer, metrics layer and pedagogical application layer) to create a just in time learner model which draws inferences from usage data. In this approach, we collect raw data from online systems, latter fact data from raw data, and then use clustering mining methods to create measurements and metrics

    Development of a Novel Handheld Device for Active Compensation of Physiological Tremor

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    In microsurgery, the human hand imposes certain limitations in accurately positioning the tip of a device such as scalpel. Any errors in the motion of the hand make microsurgical procedures difficult and involuntary motions such as hand tremors can make some procedures significantly difficult to perform. This is particularly true in the case of vitreoretinal microsurgery. The most familiar source of involuntary motion is physiological tremor. Real-time compensation of tremor is, therefore, necessary to assist surgeons to precisely position and manipulate the tool-tip to accurately perform a microsurgery. In this thesis, a novel handheld device (AID) is described for compensation of physiological tremor in the hand. MEMS-based accelerometers and gyroscopes have been used for sensing the motion of the hand in six degrees of freedom (DOF). An augmented state complementary Kalman filter is used to calculate 2 DOF orientation. An adaptive filtering algorithm, band-limited Multiple Fourier linear combiner (BMFLC), is used to calculate the tremor component in the hand in real-time. Ionic Polymer Metallic Composites (IPMCs) have been used as actuators for deflecting the tool-tip to compensate for the tremor

    Critical review of Shodhana and Marana of Swarnamakshika

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    In Rasashastra classical books different authors have given different opinions regarding classification of Swarnamakshika. Some considered it as Saklamyaghan (cures all diseases) and Prana of Parada. (Inevitable in various mercurial operations). Hence it was placed under Maharasavarga. Swarnamakshika is grouped under Updhatu of Swarna and is composed of Copper, Iron and Sulphur. Swarnamakshika is considered as potent Rasayana drug and is indicated in diseases like Pandu, Anidra, Apasmara etc. Many Shodhana and Marana procedures have been explained for Swarnamakshika in different classics. A standard Swarnamakshika is prepared conveniently by using Nimbuka Swarasa as Shodhana and Marana media. Marana was done by using Nimbuka Swarasa until Bhasmasiddi Lakshanas found and it took 10 Puta till it attained reddish brown colour. In order to minimize the variability of manufactured product, standardization of Bhasma is must. Swarnamakshika Shodhana procedures remove toxicity from the minerals, metals gems, and poisons and make them safe for consumption; on the other hand if the medicines contain toxicity or any form of impurities, it may cause different health hazards

    Clinal study of Pippalyadya Lau in the management of Tamaka Shwasa

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    Our lifestyles have been driven to another level with introduction of new gadgets and science and technological interferences in living in one way or the other. The major cause of poor health conditions are diseases, improper and unhealthy dietary habits, injury, incremented mental stress levels, lack of hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The true meaning of being healthy is apposite balance of mental, physical and a spiritual state of a being. Shwasa Roga is classified into 5 categories in Ayurveda. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the categories of Shwasa Roga. In modern Asthma is known as reactive airway disease. This hyper responsiveness manifests itself as broncho constriction following exercise, on natural exposure to strong as irritant fumes such as sulphur dioxide, tobacco smoke, etc. The present study deals with clinical Study of Pippalyadya Lauh on Tamaka Shwasa. In this study total 60 patients of Tamaka Shvasa were registered. Patients were randomly divided under three groups. Results of study reveals that all preparations of Pippalyadi Loha has shown significant results on Tamaka Shwasa patients and Pippalyadi Loha No I and considered to be the best among three different preparations and safe for use

    Newspaper Reading Habit among the Students of University College Kurukshetra: A Case Study

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    Newspaper is a primary source of information. It is a house of knowledge and current events. People prefer to read printed newspaper since centuries but in the present time e-paper is also in trend. The most impressive virtue of newspaper is that it has something for someone and entertains all the age groups. Present study is based on newspaper reading habit among the students of University College Kurukshetra. The study shows the level of newspaper reading habits of students. Survey method was adopted to collect the primary data. 100 questionnaires were distributed among the students. Respondents believe that newspaper is best sources of information which gives us knowledge of every field. Result shows that most of the respondents read newspaper daily and they prefer to read newspaper in Hindi language