Critical review of Parada Shodhana, Jarana and Marana processes


Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda, related with the formulations involving drugs of metal/mineral origin. The different perspectives secured under this department are their origin, varieties, physical and chemical characteristics, therapeutic properties and their uses. Parada has the capability of consuming all the metals and minerals by which it attains high therapeutic value over other medicines. Shodhana is the process, which not only removes the Doshas but also increases strength and potency of the drug. Depending upon the nature of the metal and the disease for which they are meant to be used, the specific process for purification vary from one metal to the another and the process is repeated for several times. While Jarana is the process in which Parada reverts back to its original state without being subjected to processes like Galena, Patina, etc. In Marana removes the harmful effects produce various diseases in our body. In which metals/minerals should be converted into suitable form using Marana process

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