362 research outputs found

    A Clinical Study of The Consistency Between Verbal and Behavioral Expressions of Socio-Economic Attitudes

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    For the promotion of socio-economic programs for relief clients which will be of mutual benefit to the individuals and to society it is necessary to determine the actual attitudes of those individuals toward socio-economic problems. The verbal statements of attitudes toward social, economic and personal problems of relief children of relief parents are inconsistent with and non-indicative of their actual attitudes as revealed by their clinical case studies. The purpose of this study is to discover whether or not such radical differences between verbal and actual attitudes do appear and with sufficient frequency to prevent uncritically the acceptance of verbal statements or attitudes. This particularly applies to questionnaires regarding vocations and unemployment

    Effect Of Sensory Stimulation On Off-Task Behavior In Children Within The Autistic Spectrum

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    Promjene u suvremenom društvu donose promjene i na području obitelji, ne samo u vidu njenih struktura, nego i u osviještenosti roditelja o njihovoj ulozi i udjelu koji oni imaju za cjelokupni rast i razvoj svog djeteta. Naročito se to odnosi na očeve, kao one koji su u dosadašnjim studijama zauzimali rubno mjesto, a u posljednje vrijeme, sve ih se više promatra kao one koji su za odgoj svog djeteta osjetljivi i sposobni jednako kao i majke te se očeve kroz različite aktivnosti nastoji ohrabriti da osvijeste svoju važnost kao oca i zauzmu aktivniju ulogu u odgoju svog djeteta, kao onaj koji je jednako kompetentan kao i majka. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 61 otac, a cilj je istraživanja bio istražiti povezanost uključenosti oca u skrb o djetetu i njegovih stavova o očinstvu te može li se navedeno povezati s uključenošću oca u odgoj u dječjem vrtiću. Na temelju problema, formirano je sedam istraživačkih hipoteza. Hipoteza o povezanosti očevih stavova sa stavovima o očinstvu i uključenosti oca u odgoj djeteta je potvrđena, kao i ona da je odnos s djetetovom majkom ključan za očevu uključenost u odgoj. Pronađena je slaba, pozitivna te nije statistički značajna razlika u korelaciji između stručne spreme očeva i njihove uključenosti u odgoj. Također, ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između uključenosti očeva u odgoj i karakteristika očeve osobnosti. Najjača je povezanost između privrženost očeva i stavovi prema očinstvu, koja je pozitivna i statistički značajna. Očevi sa manjim prihvaćanjem stavova o očinstvu manje se uključuju u odgoj djece, što povezujemo sa osviještenosti oca o njegovoj ulozi u odgoju djeteta.Changes that are happening in today's society are leaving their mark in the structure of a family, not only considering their various structrues, but also in emphasizing the conciousness of parent's involvement considering their chlidren's growth and development. This especially refers to father's, who have not been particularly studied in previous researches regarding their involvement in children's care and upbringing. Lately, they are being wieved as responsible and sensible like mothers, so they are being couraged through different activities to step up and become more active in their children's care and upbringing, since they are as competent as the mother is. In the reasearch participated 61 father. The aim of this research was to examine the connection between fathewr involvement in children's upbringing and his parternal attitudes and can the said be connected with father's involvement in children's upbringing in the kindergarten. Based on the research problems, seven hypothesis were established. Hypothesis regarding father's paternal attitudes related to chlidren's upbringing is confirmed, als as the hypothesis that the relationship with the mother plasys the key role in father's involvement in children's upbringing. There has been a feeble, positive and non statistically relevant difference between connection regarding father's educational level and ther involvement in children's upbringing. Also, there is no statistically relevant connection between father involvement and their personality characteristics. The strongest is the connection between father's attachment and his paternal attitudes, which is positive and statistically relevant. Fathers who are less aware of their paternal attitudes, less are included in their children's upbringing

    Transformations/investigations| Figurative works in bronze

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    Caracterización de los accidentes laborales del personal en el Hospital “Carlos Roberto Huembes” Managua, Nicaragua, Enero 2016 – Diciembre 2018

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    Estudio descriptivo, corte transversal, constituido por unamuestra de 119 casos, se obtuvo del registro de las hojas de Notificación de Accidentes de Trabajo (NAT) suministradas por la Dirección de Recursos Humanos. La recolección de la información se realizó a partir del llenado de ficha elaborada por la autora, con los datos de interés de las hojas NAT por cada objetivo, para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó Microsoft Word, Power Point y Excel, para cruce de variables se empleó programa estadístico SPSS versión 21. La edad de los trabajadores afectados en su mayoría fue de 26 – 35 años 56 casos (47%), con predominio en mujeres 83 casos (70%), siendo el personal de limpieza con 27 casos (23%) los que presentaron más accidentes. El área de mayor ocurrencia de accidentes fue la vía pública con 48 casos (40%), antigüedad en el puesto de trabajo fue menor de dos años 44 casos (37%), cumpliendo una jornada laboral de 8 horas 114 casos (96%). La fecha de ocurrencia fue mayor durante el primer semestre (en los meses mayo y junio), habiendo ocurrido en el turno matutino, siendo más frecuente el accidente de tipo laboral, según la forma fue por caídas al mismo nivel. El diagnóstico según la naturaleza de la lesión fue por contusiones y lesiones internas y la región anatómica más afectada fueron los miembros inferiores. La afectación según la gravedad de las lesiones fue leve con baja, con incapacidad laboral de 1 – 7 día

    Data visualization for truth maintenance in clinical decision support systems

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    Background and objectives The goal is to inform proactive initiatives to expand the knowledge base of clinical decision support systems. Design and setting We describe an initiative in which research informationists and health services researchers employ visualization tools to map logic models for clinical decision support within an electronic health record. Materials and methods We mapped relationships using software for social network analysis: NodeXL and CMAP. We defined relationships by shared observations, such as two Arden rules within medical logic modules that consider the same clinical observation, or by the presence of common keywords that were used to label rules according to standardized vocabularies. Results We studied the Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation (CHICA) system, an electronic medical record that contains 170 unique variables representing discrete clinical observations. These variables were used in 300 medical logic modules (MLM's) that prompted health care providers to deliver preventive counseling or otherwise served as clinical decision support. Using data visualization tools, we generated maps that illustrate connections, or lack thereof, between clinical topics within CHICA's MLMs. Conclusions The development of such maps may allow multiple disciplines commonly interacting over EMR platforms, and various perspectives (clinicians, programmers, informationists) to work more effectively as teams to refine the EMR by programming logic routines to address co-morbidities or other instances where domains of medical knowledge should be connected

    An Analysis of Primary Care Clinician Communication About Risk, Benefits, and Goals Related to Chronic Opioid Therapy

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    Background. Safe opioid prescribing and effective pain care are particularly important issues in the United States, where decades of widespread opioid prescribing have contributed to high rates of opioid use disorder. Because of the importance of clinician-patient communication in effective pain care and recent initiatives to curb rising opioid overdose deaths, this study sought to understand how clinicians and patients communicate about the risks, benefits, and goals of opioid therapy during primary care visits. Methods. We recruited clinicians and patients from six primary care clinics across three health systems in the Midwest United States. We audio-recorded 30 unique patients currently receiving opioids for chronic noncancer pain from 12 clinicians. We systematically analyzed transcribed, clinic visits to identify emergent themes. Results. Twenty of the 30 patient participants were females. Several patients had multiple pain diagnoses, with the most common diagnoses being osteoarthritis (n = 10), spondylosis (n = 6), and low back pain (n = 5). We identified five themes: 1) communication about individual-level and population-level risks, 2) communication about policies or clinical guidelines related to opioids, 3) communication about the limited effectiveness of opioids for chronic pain conditions, 4) communication about nonopioid therapies for chronic pain, and 5) communication about the goal of the opioid tapering. Conclusions. Clinicians discuss opioid-related risks in varying ways during patient visits, which may differentially affect patient experiences. Our findings may inform the development and use of more standardized approaches to discussing opioids during primary care visits