15 research outputs found

    Imigração e triagem médica para tuberculose

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    Vulnerable populations, such as migrants and refugees, have an increased risk of tuberculosis disease, especially in the first years after arrival in the host country. The presence of migrants and refugees in Brazil exponentially grew over the period between 2011 and 2020, and approximately 1.3 million migrants from the Global South were estimated to be residing in Brazil, most of whom from Venezuela and Haiti. Tuberculosis control programs for migrants can be divided into pre- and post-migration screening strategies. Pre-migration screening aims to identify cases of tuberculosis infection (TBI) and can be carried out in the country of origin (pre-entry) or in the destination country (at entry). Pre-migration screening can also detect migrants at an increased risk of developing tuberculosis in the future. High-risk migrants are then followed up in post-migration screening. In Brazil, migrants are considered a priority group for the active search for tuberculosis cases. However, there is no recommendation or plan regarding screening for TBI in migrants and refugees. Ensuring prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for TBI and tuberculosis disease in migrant populations is an important aspect of tuberculosis control and elimination. In this review article, we address epidemiological aspects and access to health care for migrants in Brazil. In addition, the migration medical screening for tuberculosis was reviewed.Populações vulneráveis, como imigrantes e refugiados, apresentam maior risco de tuberculose doença, especialmente nos primeiros anos após a chegada ao país de acolhimento. A presença de imigrantes e refugiados no Brasil cresceu exponencialmente no período entre 2011 e 2020, sendo estimado que aproximadamente 1,3 milhão de imigrantes do Sul Global residiam no Brasil, a maioria proveniente da Venezuela e do Haiti. Os programas de controle da tuberculose para imigrantes podem ser divididos em estratégias de triagem pré- e pós-migração. A triagem pré-migração visa identificar casos de tuberculose infecção (TBI) e pode ser realizada no país de origem (pré-entrada) ou no país de destino (no momento da entrada). A triagem pré-migração também pode detectar imigrantes com maior risco de desenvolver tuberculose no futuro. Os imigrantes de alto risco são então acompanhados na triagem pós-migração. No Brasil, os imigrantes são considerados um grupo prioritário para a busca ativa de casos de tuberculose. No entanto, não há recomendação ou plano sobre triagem para TBI em imigrantes e refugiados. Garantir a prevenção, o diagnóstico e o tratamento da TBI e da tuberculose doença em populações imigrantes é um aspecto importante do controle e eliminação da tuberculose. Neste artigo de revisão, abordamos aspectos epidemiológicos e acesso à saúde para imigrantes no Brasil. Além disso, revisou-se a triagem médica de imigrantes para tuberculose

    Sistema de información de tratamientos especiales de tuberculosis (SITE-TB) en Brasil : historia, descripción y perspectivas

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    O Sistema de Informação de Tratamentos Especiais de Tuberculose (SITE-TB) surgiu da necessidade principal de monitorar, rotineiramente, todas as pessoas com tuberculose drogarresistente (TBDR) no Brasil, e qualificar o controle dos fármacos antituberculose. Desenvolvido pelo Centro de Referência Professor Hélio Fraga e pelo projeto Management Sciences for Health/Brasil, esse sistema online foi implantado em 2013, em todas as Unidades da Federação. Além da TBDR, no SITE-TB são registradas pessoas com tuberculose sensível com indicação de esquema especial, e aquelas com micobacterioses não tuberculosas identificadas por diagnóstico diferencial de tuberculose. Toda pessoa com tuberculose confirmada deve ser notificada no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). Em situações nas quais se faz necessário tratamento com esquema especial, o caso é encerrado no Sinan e notificado no SITE-TB. Profissionais das unidades de referência para tuberculose fazem a notificação e acompanhamento desses casos no sistema, assim como a gestão dos medicamentos.The Special Tuberculosis Treatment Information System (SITE-TB) arose mainly from the need to routinely monitor all persons with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in Brazil, as well as to qualify tuberculosis’ drug control. Developed by the Professor Hélio Fraga Reference Center and the Management Sciences for Health/Brazil Project, this online system was implemented in 2013 in all Brazilian states. In addition to DR-TB, the system registers people with drug-sensitive tuberculosis with special regimen indications, and those with nontuberculous mycobacterial infections identified by differential diagnosis of tuberculosis. All confirmed tuberculosis cases should be notified on the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). In situations where treatment with special regimens is necessary, the case is closed on SINAN and notified on SITE-TB. Professionals from tuberculosis reference centers report and monitor these cases on the system, as well as manage tuberculosis’ drugs.El Sistema de Información de Tratamientos Especiales de Tuberculosis (SITE-TB) surgió principalmente de la necesidad de monitorear rutinariamente todas las personas con tuberculosis drogorresistente (TB-DR) en Brasil y cualificar el control de drogas antituberculosis. Desarrollado por el Centro de Referencia Profesor Hélio Fraga y el proyecto Management Sciences for Health/Brasil, este sistema online fue implantado en 2013 en todos los estados del país. Además de TB-DR, el SITE-TB registra personas con tuberculosis sensible con indicación de régimen especial, y aquellas con micobacteriosis no tuberculosas identificadas por diagnóstico diferencial de tuberculosis. Toda persona con tuberculosis confirmada debe ser notificada en el Sistema de Información de Agravamientos de Notificación (SINAN). Para situaciones en las que se hace necesario tratamiento con régimen especial, el caso se cierra en el SINAN y se notifica en el SITE-TB. Los profesionales de las unidades de referencia para TB son los que hacen la notificación y seguimiento de estos casos en el sistema, así como la gestión de las drogas antituberculosis

    Farmacovigilância em tuberculose: relato de uma experiência no Brasil

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    Tuberculosis (TB) treatment frequently causes adverse reactions, because on one hand, it employs at least four drugs and on the other hand, these drugs are often used in association with other drugs, such as antiretroviral and glucose-lowering drugs, that interact with antitubercular agents. The Brazilian National Tuberculosis Control Program and the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) developed a partnership to implement a pilot pharmacovigilance project to encourage the reporting of adverse reactions to antitubercular agents. Training followed by monitoring visits was conducted by three reference health services for TB treatment. Among the bottlenecks identified, we found limitations in access to the information system (NOTIVISA), slow Internet connection, poor adverse event reporting in medical records, lack of multidisciplinary integration and involvement of managers, and fragility of information flows. As a consequence, technical instructional materials were developed, the NOTIVISA form was improved and shortened, indicators for monitoring notifications were proposed, and information flows were reset. We conclude that the partnership was successful and suggest a similar strategy for other programs. Integration of health teams as well as development of simplified notification tools are challenges to be overcome if pharmacovigilance actions are to be sustainable in the country.O tratamento da tuberculose (TB) causa frequentes reações adversas por necessitar da associação de quatro fármacos e por ser frequentemente usado em associação com outros medicamentos, como antirretrovirais e hipoglicemiantes, que apresentam importantes interações com os tuberculostáticos. Com o propósito de reforçar a farmacovigilância em TB no Brasil, o Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose e a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária desenvolveram um projeto piloto para estimular a notificação das reações adversas aos tuberculostáticos. Foram realizadas capacitações e visitas de monitoramentos em três unidades de saúde de referência para o tratamento da TB. Dentre as dificuldades identificadas, encontramos limitações ao acesso ao sistema NOTIVISA, a precariedade da rede de internet, a ausência de registro das reações adversas nos prontuários dos pacientes, a reduzida integração multiprofissional, o pouco envolvimento dos gestores e a fragilidade dos fluxos de informação. Como desdobramentos, materiais instrucionais foram elaborados, a ficha de notificação do NOTIVISA foi aprimorada, indicadores para o monitoramento das notificações foram propostos e os fluxos redefinidos. Concluímos que a parceria foi bem sucedida, e sugerimos estratégia semelhante para outros programas. A integração das equipes de saúde e a elaboração de ferramentas simplificadas de notificação são desafios a serem vencidos para conferir sustentabilidade às ações de farmacovigilância no país

    Risk factors for death in tuberculosis and HIV co-infection in Brazil in 2011

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical, 2015.Ainda que com o advento da terapia antorretroviral a tuberculose continua como a principal causa de óbito por doença infecciosa definida entre as pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar os fatores associados ao óbito na coinfecção TB-HIV no Brasil no ano de 2011. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo caso controle, com análise por regressão logística multivariada. A fonte de dados para os casos de tuberculose foi o Sinan TB. Com o objetivo de qualificar os dados, o Sinan TB foi relacionado com o Sinan Aids, Siscel e Siclom. Para verificação dos óbitos foi realizado o relacionamento com o SIM. Nos resultados, demonstrou-se que os fatores de risco para o óbito foram: idade >50 anos (OR=2,48; IC95% 1,01 a 6,08), uso de álcool (OR=1,84; IC95% 1,45 a 2,34) e forma clínica da TB (pulmonar e extrapulmonar) (OR=1,85; IC95% 1,36 a 2,52). Os fatores observados como proteção foram: a realização do LT-CD4+ (OR=0,68; IC95% 0,54 a 0,86), estar em TARV (OR=0,50; IC95%0,39 a 063) e estar em TDO (OR=0,69; IC95% 0,39 a 0,63). Os resultados demonstram uma situação de alerta em relação a coinfecção TB-HIV no Brasil, apesar dos avanços na estruturação da assistência à saúde no país, o acesso a um seguimento da coinfecção TB-HIV integral ainda é limitado, o que favorece a alta mortalidade nessa população. Há necessidade de revisão das estratégias nacionais, com priorização da coinfecção TB-HIV pelos programas de tuberculose e de HIV/Aids, matriciamento da assistência de tal modo que profissionais capacitados façam o diagnóstico oportuno da tuberculose e do HIV, além do início em tempo adequado do tratamento antirretroviral.Even with the advent of antiretroviral therapy, tuberculosis still remains the main cause of death from infectious disease among people living with HIV / AIDS. The purpose of this study was to verify the associated factors with TB and HIV co-infection deaths in Brazil in 2011. A case-control study was conducted through multivariate logistic regression analysis. The Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan) was the data source for TB cases, and for data qualification other databases from the Ministry of Health were used, such as: laboratory (Siscel), antiretroviral (Siclom) and Sinan AIDS databases, and from the Mortality Information System (SIM). The results were considered risk factors for mortality: age> 50 years (OR=2.48; IC95% 1.01 to 6.08), alcohol use (OR=1.84; IC95% 1.45 to 2.34) and clinical form of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB (OR=1.85; IC95% 1.36 to 2.52). Factors considered protection were the LT-CD4+ conducted (OR=0.68; IC95% 0.54 to 0.86), being on ART (OR=0.50; IC95%0.39 a 0.63) and be in DOT (OR=0.69; IC95% 0.39 a 0.63). The results describe an alarm situation related to TB/HIV co-infection in Brazil. Despite the progresses related to the structure reform in the health care services in the country, access to TB/HIV integral follow up is still limited, which favors high mortality rates among this population. There is an evident need for national strategies updates regarding recognizing the importance of TB/HIV co-infection to both diseases programmes (TB and HIV/AIDS). The organization of assistance so that trained providers are able to early diagnose TB and HIV, in addition to timely starting antiretroviral treatment

    Indicadores de controle da tuberculose em programas e serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde: uma revisão integrativa

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    Although the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) in Brazil are free, TB is still considered a serious public health problem. The gap between the availability of diagnostic technologies and the success of treatment poses a question if there is enough sufficiency when it comes to the health services response to TB. This study aimed to identify indicators TB control. Na integrative review of national and international literature was conducted using SciELO, BIREME, SCOPUS and Embase. Of the 110 studies identified, 24 met the pre-established criteria for extraction of the indicators, which totaled 56 indicators. Such findings may favor the improvement of indicators currently used in the country.A tuberculose (TB) é considerada um grave problema de saúde pública. O hiato entre a disponibilidade de tecnologias diagnósticas e o êxito do tratamento questionam a suficiência da resposta dos serviços de saúde frente à doença. Objetivou-se identificar indicadores para o monitoramento e avaliação do controle da TB, por meio de revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada no SciELO, BIREME, SCOPUS e Embase, a partir da seleção dos termos: “programas e serviços de saúde”; “indicadores de avaliação utilizados nacional e internacionalmente”; e “controle da TB”. Dos 110 estudos identificados, 24 foram elegíveis e permitiram a extração de 56 indicadores relacionados à estrutura (n=09) e processo (n=47). Os indicadores abordam a complexidade do controle da TB no país

    Effectiveness and safety of clofazimine in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a nationwide report from Brazil

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    Although clofazimine is used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), there is scant information on its effectiveness and safety. The aim of this retrospective, observational study was to evaluate these factors as well as the tolerability of clofazimine in populations in Brazil, where it was administered at a daily dose of 100 mg·day−1 (body weight ≥45 kg) as part of a standardised MDR-TB treatment regimen until 2006 (thereafter pyrazinamide was used).All MDR-TB patients included in the Sistema de Informação de Tratamentos Especiais da Tuberculose (SITETB) individual electronic register were analysed. The effectiveness of clofazimine was assessed by comparing the treatment outcomes of patients undergoing clofazimine-containing regimens against those undergoing clofazimine-free regimens and its safety by describing clofazimine-attributed adverse events. A total of 1446 patients were treated with clofazimine-containing regimens and 1096 with pyrazinamide-containing regimens.Although success rates were similar in patients treated with clofazimine versus those treated with pyrazinamide (880 out of 1446, 60.9%, versus 708 out of 1096, 64.6%; p=0.054), clofazimine-treated cases exhibited higher death rates due to tuberculosis than pyrazinamide-treated ones (314 out of 1446, 21.7%, versus 120 out of 1096, 10.9%) but fewer failures (78 out of 1446, 5.4%, versus 95 out of 1096, 8.7%) and less loss to follow-up (144 out of 1446, 10.0%, versus 151 out of 1096, 13.8%). No relevant differences were detected when comparing adverse events in patients treated with clofazimine-containing regimens to those treated with clofazimine-free regimens. However, the incidence of side-effects was less than previously reported (gastro-intestinal complaints: 10.5%; hyper-pigmentation: 50.2%; neurological disturbances: 9–13%)

    The economic burden of households affected by tuberculosis in Brazil: First national survey results, 2019-2021.

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    BackgroundOne of the three main targets of the World Health Organization (WHO) End TB Strategy (2015-2035) is that no tuberculosis (TB) patients or their households face catastrophic costs (defined as exceeding 20% of the annual household income) because of the disease. Our study seeks to determine, as a baseline, the magnitude and main drivers of the costs associated with TB disease for patients and their households and to monitor the proportion of households experiencing catastrophic costs in Brazil.MethodsA national cross-sectional cluster-based survey was conducted in Brazil in 2019-2021 following WHO methodology. TB patients of all ages and types of TB were eligible for the survey. Adult TB patients and guardians of minors (ResultsWe interviewed 603 patients, including 538 (89%) with drug-sensitive (DS) and 65 (11%) with drug-resistant (DR) TB. Of 603 affected households, 48.1% (95%CI: 43-53.2) experienced costs above 20% of their annual household income during their TB episode. The proportion was 44.4% and 78.5% among patients with DS- and DR-TB, respectively. On average, patients incurred costs of US1573(951573 (95%CI: 1361.8-1785.0) per TB episode, including pre-diagnosis and post-diagnosis expenses. Key cost drivers were post-diagnosis nutritional supplements (US317.6, 95%CI: 232.7-402.6) followed by medical costs (US85.5,9585.5, 95%CI: 54.3-116.5) and costs of travel for clinic visits during treatment (US79.2, 95%CI: 61.9-96.5). In multivariate analysis, predictors of catastrophic costs included positive HIV status (aOR = 3.0, 95%CI:1.1-8.6) and self-employment (aOR = 2.7, 95%CI:1.1-6.5); high education was a protective factor (aOR = 0.1, 95%CI:0.0-0.9).ConclusionsAlthough the services offered to patients with TB are free of charge in the Brazilian public health sector, the availability of free diagnosis and treatment services does not alleviate patients' financial burden related to accessing TB care. The study allowed us to identify the costs incurred by patients and suggest actions to mitigate their suffering. In addition, this study established a baseline for monitoring catastrophic costs and fostering a national policy to reduce the costs to patients for TB care in Brazil