24 research outputs found

    Improving the Effectiveness of the Dissemination Method in Disaster Early Warning Messages

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    The dissemination of disaster early warning messages has a significant role in the effectiveness and serviceability in an Early Warning System (EWS). Providing the community in a disaster area with an adequate dissemination and communication of early warning messages will improve people's awareness and reaction to a natural hazard. People who live in a disaster area play a crucial role in the success of EWS. Malaysian, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi and Indonesian authorities employ mobile phone applications, such as text messages (SMS), as a tool for disaster warning messages. However, there are many challenges in methods for disseminating early warning messages. One of the challenges is the dissemination method in which only notification messages are sent. In this paper, we propose confirmation or verification messages, as part of disaster early warning messages, by using text messages. Confirmation messages are messages that use a verification channel to provide up-to- date official information about the latest natural disaster conditions. Keywords: disaster management, early warning messages dissemination, SM

    Eigenvalue Dan Eigenvector Dari Matriks Polinomial Dalam Aljabar Max-Plus

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    Pada penelitian ini, akan dibahas mengenai eigenvalue dan eigenvector dari polinomial dalam bentuk matriks di dalam Aljabar Max-Plus. Teorema Perron-Frobenius diterapkan seperti halnya pada aljabar biasa dengan membentuk korespondensi satu-satu antara eigenvalue dan eigenvector dari matriks polinomial dengan eigenvalue dan eigenvector dari matriks Companion. Proses perhitungan akan digunakan Program Scilab. Kata Kunci : eigenvalue, eigenvector, matriks polinomial, Aljabar Max-Plu


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    The clinic is one of the small and medium-scale public facilities that provide individual health services with basic and detailed services. The application of information systems in health clinics has been carried out in recent years to support good performance in health services for the community. This study aims to evaluate the capability of information system governance that has been implemented in health clinics. The evaluation of this information system uses COBIT 2019. The latest framework is used as a guide in the evaluation of governance. COBIT 2019 has 10 design factors and 40 domains, which will then be the top domains that will be used to analyze information system capabilities. The results were obtained in several domains, including BAI02, BAI03, and BAI07. Furthermore, the results were obtained from the level of information system capability for each domain, namely the BAI02 domain with level 3 capability, the BAI03 domain with level 4 capability, and the BAI07 domain with level 3 capability. Two domains still have gaps, namely BAI02 and BAI07. Then this research also produces several recommendations to achieve the specified target level, such as being able to build your information system without relying on third parties and being able to design operational standards and guidelines that can be used in the transition to technological change

    Evaluasi Ketergunaan Sistem Pencarian Lokasi Buku di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Usability adalah seberapa mudah atau ukuran pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem. Pada saat ini Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Dinas ARPUS) belum ada sistem pencarian lokasi buku (SILOKU). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor ketergunaan suatu tampilan SILOKU pada Dinas ARPUS. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi tampilan SILOKU yang sudah diuji ketergunaannya. Pada penelitian ini digunakan lima aspek yaitu aspek effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, ease of use, dan ease of learning. Pengumpulan data untuk aspek effectiveness dan efficiency dilakukan dengan cara melakukan observasi. Sedangkan pengumpulan data untuk aspek satisfaction, ease of use, dan ease of learning dilakukan dengan cara pengisian kuesioner yang dilakukan oleh responden. Uji ketergunaan dilakukan pada pengguna super_admin, petugas, dan pengunjung perpustakaan. Super_admin dan petugas yang dimaksud adalah petugas yang berada di Dinas ARPUS. Kasus uji coba dibuat berdasarkan Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) SILOKU. Pada hasil perhitungan didapatkan nilai evaluasi yang menunjukan adanya masalah yaitu tampilan SILOKU tidak menarik. Akan tetapi hasil uji coba tampilan SILOKU dari pengguna super_admin, petugas, dan pengunjung tidak mengalami kesulitan. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, maka didapatkan rekomendasi dari hasil uji ketergunaan untuk aspek effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, ease of use, dan ease of learning adalah warna pada tampilan SILOKU yang tidak menarik sebaiknya diperbaiki. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kenyamanan responden dalam menggunakan tampilan SILOK

    Integration of UTAUT 2 and Delone & McLean to Evaluate Acceptance of Video Conference Application

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    This article explores how college students adopt video conferencing software for distance education. This research aims to examine the factors that influence the spread of video conferencing programs in Indonesia. A video conferencing application is a multimedia program that generates audio and visual content to facilitate real-time, two-way communication between its users. Because of COVID-19, classes of all kinds are now being taken online. As a result, more people are turning to tools like video conferencing. Therefore, learning how to access student video conferencing software is crucial. The UTAUT 2 and Delone & McLean models will be integrated into the analysis. A total of 327 people answered the survey. Next, we used the PLS-SEM technique in smart pls 3.0 to analyze the data collected from the respondents. The R-Square value of 26.2% for the retention intent variable and 62.3% for the user satisfaction variable demonstrate that independent variables in the study can explain endogenous variables and that the remaining variance is influenced by factors external to the survey.This article explores how college students adopt video conferencing software for distance education. This research aims to examine the factors that influence the spread of video conferencing programs in Indonesia. A video conferencing application is a multimedia program that generates audio and visual content to facilitate real-time, two-way communication between its users. Because of COVID-19, classes of all kinds are now being taken online. As a result, more people are turning to tools like video conferencing. Therefore, learning how to access student video conferencing software is crucial. The UTAUT 2 and Delone & McLean models will be integrated into the analysis. A total of 327 people answered the survey. Next, we used the PLS-SEM technique in smart pls 3.0 to analyze the data collected from the respondents. The R-Square value of 26.2% for the retention intent variable and 62.3% for the user satisfaction variable demonstrate that independent variables in the study can explain endogenous variables and that the remaining variance is influenced by factors external to the survey

    Digital Education Game for TK-A Level Students Using Multimedia Development Life Cycle Method

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    COVID-19 pandemic has changed human life. One of the impacted sectors is education. Ministry of Education urges students to implement distance learning. No exception with early childhood education or Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Although distance learning has been widely implemented, PAUD sector has the lowest online learning implementation in Indonesia with 13.2% of total 98.4% of PAUD students implementing distance learning, whereas early age is considered capable of gaining an understanding of digital technology and equipment. One possible step in conducting digital learning in PAUD is through a digital educational game, because game is an important element in PAUD. In this study, a digital educational game was developed for TK-A level students using Scratch 3 with multimedia development life cycle method. After development, the game goes through two stages of testing. Alpha testing in the form of black box testing, and beta testing in the form of usability testing with 94,39% result, confidence testing with 97,8% result, and summative evaluation with 90% result on TK-A students, as well as interviews with PAUD teachers. The test results indicate that the game has been successfully developed and is feasible to be played by TK-A students.COVID-19 pandemic has changed human life. One of the impacted sectors is education. Ministry of Education urges students to implement distance learning. No exception with early childhood education or Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Although distance learning has been widely implemented, PAUD sector has the lowest online learning implementation in Indonesia with 13.2% of total 98.4% of PAUD students implementing distance learning, whereas early age is considered capable of gaining an understanding of digital technology and equipment. One possible step in conducting digital learning in PAUD is through a digital educational game, because game is an important element in PAUD. In this study, a digital educational game was developed for TK-A level students using Scratch 3 with multimedia development life cycle method. After development, the game goes through two stages of testing. Alpha testing in the form of black box testing, and beta testing in the form of usability testing with 94,39% result, confidence testing with 97,8% result, and summative evaluation with 90% result on TK-A students, as well as interviews with PAUD teachers. The test results indicate that the game has been successfully developed and is feasible to be played by TK-A students

    Penggabungan Best Worst Method, Moora Dan Copeland Score Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelompok Penentuan Penerima Bantuan Pada Dinas Sosial

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    Dalam beberapa penelitian terdahulu, proses pembobotan kriteria belum menjadi perhatian penting karena masih didasarkan pada hasil wawancara secara subjektif dan belum dihitung secara matematis. Pembobotan kriteria dalam sistem pendukung keputusan kelompok merupakan salah satu proses awal yang dilakukan sebelum mengambil sebuah keputusan, proses ini penting dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa bobot kriteria yang digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dalam penelitian ini, proses pembobotan kriteria dihitung secara matematis dengan best worst method. Untuk dapat membangun sistem pendukung keputusan kelompok yang bisa membantu Dinas Sosial dalam menentukan calon penerima bantuan, metode best worst method digabungkan dengan metode MOORA dan copeland score. Best worst method dipilih karena hasil pembobotan yang diperoleh lebih konsisten serta mudah dalam membandingkan kriteria. Metode MOORA memiliki perhitungan matematis lebih simpel dan hasil yang stabil. Dan metode copeland score memiliki keunggulan efektif sebagai alat dalam sistem voting. Penggabungan metode yang dilakukan, lalu diujikan pada studi kasus penentuan calon penerima bantuan. Untuk menentukan penerima bantuan, ada tiga pengambil keputusan yaitu sektor kesehatan, sektor pendidikan dan sektor sosial yang dilibatkan dalam menentukan peringkat akhir dari masing-masing calon penerima bantuan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa alternatif 2 memiliki skor tertinggi dibandingkan alternatif lainnya dengan nilai akhir 4. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan konsep sistem pendukung keputusan dengan penggabungan metode yang diusulkan solid, dengan persentase perubahan rendah yaitu 23,52%. Hasil perhitungan dengan metode ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan bagi Dinas Sosial, sebab ketepatan pilihan penerima bantuan sosial memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pencapaian tujuan perlindungan sosial. AbstractIn several previous studies, the process of weighting criteria has not become an important concern because it is still based on subjective interview results and hasn’t been calculated mathematically. One of the initial procedures in a GDSS before reaching a choice is the weighing of the criteria, this process is crucial to ensure that the weighting of the criteria utilized is appropriate for the demands. The weighting of the criteria in this study is computed quantitatively using the best worst method. Best worst method, MOORA, and copeland score are combined in order to create a GDSS that will help the Office of Social Affairs identify probable beneficiaries. Best worst method was chosen because the weighting results obtained are more consistent and easier to compare criteria. MOORA method has simpler mathematical calculations and stable results. And copeland score method has an effective advantage as a tool in the voting system. The combined methods were then evaluated in a case study involving the identification of aid recipients. The health sector, the education sector, and the social sector are the three decision-makers who establish the ultimate ranking of each potential beneficiary in order to determine recipients. The calculation results show that alternative 2 has the highest score compared to the other alternatives with a final score of 4. The sensitivity analysis shows that the concept of a GDSS by combining the proposed methods is solid, with a low percentage change of 23.52%. The precision of the selection of social assistance beneficiaries has a direct impact on the achievement of social protection goals, so the results of calculations using this method can be used as a reference in the Social Service's decision-making process

    Analisis Kebutuhan Sumber Daya Audit Sistem Informasi Menggunakan COBIT 2019 pada PT. XYZ

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    An Information Systems Audit using the COBIT 2019 framework identifies 40 governance and management objectives that must be analyzed, to find gaps in the relative importance of information systems governance based on the COBIT 2019 principles. The large scope of the audit scope, can result in a less focused audit process , protracted, as well as audit financing that is not effective and efficient. Therefore, a method is needed in a quantitative approach to determine the priority scale in each process in order to produce an effective and efficient audit. In determining the priority scale in this study, it is done by analyzing the time, number of personnel and costs needed to complete the audit work. Analysis of audit time requirements is carried out by estimating the number of effective working hours (6.5 hours/day) and the number of days needed to evaluate processes, organizational structure and matters related to the organization's business process flow; analysis of personnel needs is carried out by adjusting the level of complexity of audit problems with the competence of the auditor; while the cost analysis is done by estimating the cost standard with the number of days needed. From the results of this analysis, the time required to complete the audit at PT. XYZ, namely for 10 working days, with the need for auditor personnel as many as 10 people, and the cost of personnel needs of IDR111.500.000,00.Audit Sistem Informasi menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 2019 mengidentifikasi 40 tujuan tata kelola dan manajemen yang harus dianalisis, untuk menemukan kesenjangan kepentingan relatif dalam tata kelola sistem informasi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip COBIT 2019. Besarnya cakupan ruang lingkup audit tersebut, dapat mengakibatkan proses audit yang kurang terarah, berlarut-larut, serta pembiayaan audit yang tidak efektif dan efisien. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode dalam pendekatan kuantitatif untuk menentukan skala prioritas pada setiap proses guna menghasilkan audit yang efektif dan efisien. Dalam menentukan skala prioritas dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan dengan menganalisis waktu, jumlah personil dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan audit. Analisis kebutuhan waktu audit dilakukan dengan memperkirakan jumlah jam kerja efektif (6,5 jam/hari) dan jumlah hari yang dibutuhkan untuk mengevaluasi proses, struktur organisasi dan hal-hal yang terkait alur proses bisnis organisasi; analisis kebutuhan personil dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan tingkat kompleksitas permasalahan audit dengan kompetensi auditor; sedangkan analisis biaya dilakukan dengan mengestimasi standar biaya dengan jumlah hari yang dibutuhkan. Dari hasil analisis tersebut, ditetapkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan audit pada PT. XYZ yaitu selama 10 hari kerja, dengan kebutuhan personil auditor sebanyak 10 orang, dan biaya kebutuhan personil senilai Rp111.500.000,00

    Classification of Ischemic Stroke with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach on b-1000 Diffusion-Weighted (DW) MRI

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    When the blood flow to the arteries in brain is blocked, its known as Ischemic stroke or blockage stroke. Ischemic stroke can occur due to the formation of blood clots in other parts of the body. Plaque buildup in arteries, on the other hand, can cause blockages because if it ruptures, it can form blood clots. The b-1000 Diffusion Weighted (DW) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) image was used in a general examination to obtain an image of the part of the brain that had a stroke. In this study, classifications used several variations of layer convolution to obtain high accuracy and high computational consumption using b-1000 Diffusion Weighted (DW) MR in ischemic stroke types: acute, sub-acute and chronic. Ischemic stroke was classified using five variants of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectural design, i.e., CNN1–CNN5. The test results show that the CNN5 architectural design provides the best ischemic stroke classification compared to other architectural designs tested, with an accuracy of 99.861%, precision 99.862%, recall 99.861, and F1-score 99.861%

    Software Compponent Reuse and OOAD

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    In relation to software component reuse and object oriented analysis design (OOAD), this paper presents an overview of software reuse, including the history of software reuse, current state, development and benefit and constraints. On the second part of the paper, a discussion of the relevance of software component reuse and Object Oriented and Analysis Design in terms of opportunities and challenge is given. After that, there is a provision of some general guidelines on when and how reusable components could be identified and developed. Toward the end, the paper discusses strategies and future directions of software engineering in relation to software component reuse