355 research outputs found

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan dan Persediaan

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    Article purpose was to make computerized system useable for running the company operational and the activity always needs information. The data collecting method were done by literature study, field study, and documentation study. Analysis and design method consisted of four phase, which were investigation system, analysis system, design system, and implementation system. The result from observation was the company needs transaction recording system that computerized so every selling or buying transaction of foreign currency can directly update the inventory. The conclusion is that the up-to-date selling and inventory information can help manager in making decision

    Application of Geophysics for the Detection of Derangement of Phosphate Layers in the Oulad Abdoun Basin in Morocco

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    The phosphate series of the basin of Oulad Abdoun begins in Maastrichtian with phosphate deposits relatively very marly. It ends at the Lutetian by a calcareous slab. Derangement is any disruption of the usual succession of the phosphate series and that which disrupts the evolution of the kinematic chain, leading to a decrease in production and profitability. In this case, we have a partially disturbed series and the disturbance consists of all the elements of the series (limestone, flint, marls and phosphate). The present work has been carried out in two ways: The present work has been carried out in two ways: The first one, purely geological, consists of the identification of the different layers of the Ouled Abdoun basin in the El Halassa site and their continuity to the outcrop. At the end of these observations, the basin shows derangement of two kinds: a disturbance on the scale of the whole series known as major disturbance, and a second which affects only part of the series. Thus, it is a minor or local disturbance. The second one, geophysics, is the application of three geophysical methods: electric tomography, magnetism, and refraction seismic. The correlation of these applications should result in delineating the mineralized zone and tracking all elements that in one way or another affect this mineralization. These elements are referred to as "derangement". The combination of the results of these two methods (vertical electrical survey and tomography) used allowed us to identify and map the disturbed places in the chosen area of El Halassa. The study will be extended to other sites and the results can be compared and correlated to understand the extent and origin of these disturbances

    Colorectal Polyp Evaluation Management and Its Role in Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancy

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    Colorectal polyp is one of important factors that have roles in developing Malignancy of lower gastrointestinal tract. Adenomatous polyp is the most common colorectal polyps and it has been known as a lesion precursor for transformation process in developing gastrointestinal Malignancy. Such transformation is known as adenocarcinoma sequence, a long-term process which usually does not elaborate any symptoms and remains asymptomatic. Since most colorectal polyps are asymptomatic, they are usually undiscovered at the time of diagnosis and results to the increasing case of Malignancy especially the colorectal cancer. Considering that colorectal cancer still becomes one of the most common causes of death and morbidity worldwide, early detection and elimination of colorectal polyp may have a significant role in preventing lower gastrointestinal tract Malignancy

    Activación ácida de Bentonita para ser usada como agente decolorante de aceites vegetales

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    The design of various experiments in order to assess and simulate the effects of the acid activation of an Algerian bentonite on the bleaching capacity of Colza oil is described. Three key parameters of the acidic activation, namely acid concentration, contact time and temperature, were considered. The calculations made indicated that all variables display advantageous effects up to a certain level on the effectiveness of bleaching, regarded as the responsefunction. The acid concentration exerts a predominant individual effect as compared to the other parameters. Some small interactions between parameters were considered. High bleaching capacity reached 99% as optimal activation. Under accurate statistical measurements, synergy phenomena could be observed. Excessive activation is discussed in terms of loss in both porosity and acid strength.Se describe el empleo del diseño de experimentos con objeto de evaluar y simular los efectos de la activación ácida de bentonita procedente de Argelia en la decoloración de aceite de colza. Para ello se evaluaron tres variables: concentración de ácido, tiempo de contacto y temperatura. Empleando como variable respuesta la efectividad en el proceso de decoloración, los resultados obtenidos indicaron que las tres variables proporcionaban un efecto beneficioso hasta un determinado nivel, siendo la concentración de ácido, el factor que producía una mayor variación en la variable respuesta. Se observaron pequeñas interacciones entre los efectos estudiados. Se obtuvo un 99 % de capacidad para la decoloración como valor óptimo. El tratamiento estadístico realizado indicó la presencia de un efecto sinérgico. Una activación excesiva se puede explicar en términos de una pérdida de porosidad y fuerza ácida

    Kinetic pathways of the Nematic-Isotropic phase transition as studied by confocal microscopy on rod-like viruses

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    We investigate the kinetics of phase separation for a mixture of rodlike viruses (fd) and polymer (dextran), which effectively constitutes a system of attractive rods. This dispersion is quenched from a flow-induced fully nematic state into the region where the nematic and the isotropic phase coexist. We show experimental evidence that the kinetic pathway depends on the overall concentration. When the quench is made at high concentrations, the system is meta-stable and we observe typical nucleation-and-growth. For quenches at low concentration the system is unstable and the system undergoes a spinodal decomposition. At intermediate concentrations we see the transition between both demixing processes, where we locate the spinodal point.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter as symposium paper for the 6th Liquid Matter Conference in Utrech

    Pubertal growth in young adult survivors of childhood leukemia

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    Policy Transfer Methods in RoboCup Keep-Away

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    This study investigates multi-agent policy transfer coupled with behavior adaptation by objective and non-objective search variants of HyperNEAT in RoboCup keep-away. For comparison, evolved behaviors were compared to those adapted by RL methods: SARSA and Q-Learning, coupled with policy transfer. Keepaway was selected as it is an established multi-agent experimental platform. Similarly, the SARSA and Q-Learning methods were selected as both have been demonstrated for boosting behavior quality with policy transfer. Keep-away behaviors were gauged in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness was average task performance given policy transfer, where task performance was average ball control time by the keeper team. Efficiency was average number of evaluations taken to reach a minimum task performance threshold given policy transfer

    Variation in Glycemic Outcomes in Focal Forms of Congenital Hyperinsulinism - The UK Perspective

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    Context: In focal congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), localized clonal expansion of pancreatic β-cells causes excess insulin secretion and severe hypoglycemia. Surgery is curative, but not all lesions are amenable to surgery. Objective: We describe surgical and nonsurgical outcomes of focal CHI in a national cohort. Methods: Patients with focal CHI were retrospectively reviewed at 2 specialist centers, 2003-2018. Results: Of 59 patients with focal CHI, 57 had heterozygous mutations in ABCC8/KCNJ11 (51 paternally inherited, 6 de novo). Fluorine-18 L-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography computed tomography scan identified focal lesions in 51 patients. In 5 patients, imaging was inconclusive; the diagnosis was established by frozen section histopathology in 3 patients, a lesion was not identified in 1 patient, and 1 declined surgery. Most patients (n = 56) were unresponsive to diazoxide, of whom 33 were unresponsive or partially responsive to somatostatin receptor analog (SSRA) therapy. Fifty-five patients underwent surgery: 40 had immediate resolution of CHI, 10 had persistent hypoglycemia and a focus was not identified on biopsy in 5. In the 10 patients with persistent hypoglycemia, 7 underwent further surgery with resolution in 4 and ongoing hypoglycemia requiring SSRA in 3. Nine (15% of cohort) patients (1 complex surgical access; 4 biopsy negative; 4 declined surgery) were managed conservatively; medication was discontinued in 8 children at a median (range) age 2.4 (1.5-7.7) years and 1 remains on SSRA at 16 years with improved fasting tolerance and reduction in SSRA dose. Conclusion: Despite a unifying genetic basis of disease, we report inherent heterogeneity in focal CHI patients impacting outcomes of both surgical and medical management