1,092 research outputs found

    Nortear: A platform to support higher education applicants’ decisions

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceData can have immense public value, and although Open Data has been made available on the internet mostly by governments and public institutions having as a main justification the “public interest”, most of what is turned public, is done so in formats not suitable to the eyes of most of the public which they are aimed to. The high level of digital literacy needed to turn this data into useful information continues to keep virtually inaccessible what was supposed to be Open Data. This work aims exclusively on data over the education sector, but this situation is also true for data involving other sectors of organized society. This Open Data which is virtually “locked data” have grave relevance to students, parents, and society. This work aims to give a humble step towards exploring the lack of accessibility for information extracted from Open Data on the Portuguese educational sector to collect data that are relevant to future graduates on the choice for a university aiming to create a platform where these students can access visualizations linked to key decision factors relevant when choosing a place to study, including information about the city, the country, and the university. This way, this work intends also to create encouragement to more initiatives which can help to “translate” data for the good of the broad public

    O aglomerado econômico e sua interferência na redução dos custos e na formação do preço de venda: o caso da indústria de confecções do Barro Preto

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.O estudo procurou verificar como as empresas de confecções, localizadas na região do Barro Preto, em Belo Horizonte, utilizam o fato de estarem em um aglomerado, para a redução dos custos e a determinação dos seus preços de venda. Tal estudo foi conduzido através de uma pesquisa de levantamento de dados aplicada nas empresas localizadas no aglomerado. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que existe um pequena articulação e sinergia entre as empresas locais, com tendência de crescimento, podendo a região ser considerada um aglomerado em desenvolvimento. Verificou-se também que as empresas da região se beneficiam apenas de uma pequena parte das vantagens coletivas que podem ser geradas com a aglomeração. Diante disso, há a necessidade de uma maior integração entre os agentes locais para que todos possam aproveitar melhor as potencialidades do local

    Os verbos de transporte aprefixados com weg- : uma análise contrastiva de dados produzidos por informantes alemães e brasileiros

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    This paper examines four German transportation verbs with the prefix weg-, concentrating on their syntax and their semantic and pragmatic interpretations. The empirical data investigated are from across-linguistic Corpus of German and Brazilian Portuguese as foreign languages. The analysis is based on the concept of focus, which is defined as a point on the path along which the patient of the process moves. The focus must be either mentioned or contextually evident. Each transportation verb will be able to establish a typical focus. German prefix-verbs with weg- are characterized by a focus-conflict that can be resolved through different interpretation strategies.Der vorliegende Aufsatz untersucht vier deutsche Transportverben mit dem Präfix weg- hinsichtlich ihrer Syntax sowie ihrer semantischen und pragmatischen Interpretationen. Die analysierten empirischen Daten stammen aus einem kontrastiven Korpus des Deutschen und des brasilianischen Portugiesisch als Fremdsprachen. Die Analyse gründet sich auf das Konzept des Fokus, der definiert wird als ein Punkt auf dem vom Patiens des Prozesses durchlaufenen Weg. Der Fokus muß entweder erwähnt werden oder kontextuell evident sein. Jedes Transportverb besitzt die Fähigkeit, einen typischen Fokus zu etablieren. Deutsche Präfixverben mit weg- sind durch einen Fokuskonflikt gekennzeichnet, der durch verschiedene Interpretationsstrategien aufgelöst werden kann

    Tabaco e Gravidez

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    O consumo de tabaco na gravidez tem sido associado a riscos de parto prematuro e baixo peso do recém-nascido. Esta questão torna-se premente tendo em conta estudos recentes, realizados em Portugal, que evidenciam um aumento do consumo do tabaco em mulheres do grupo etário 15-44. Este trabalho visou estudar a “Prevalência do consumo de tabaco nas grávidas” através de um estudo-satélite realizado no âmbito da rede "Médicos-Sentinela"

    Bike-sharing mobility patterns: a data-driven analysis for the city of Lisbon

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    Albuquerque, V., Andrade, F., Ferreira, J. C., Dias, M. S., & Bacao, F. (2021). Bike-sharing mobility patterns: a data-driven analysis for the city of Lisbon. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities, 5(16), 1-20. [169580]. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.4-5-2021.169580New technologies applied to transportation services in the city, enable the shift to sustainable transportation modes making bike-sharing systems (BSS) more popular in the urban mobility scenario. This study focuses on understanding the spatiotemporal station and trip activity patterns in the Lisbon BSS, based in 2018 data taken as the baseline, and understand trip rate changes in such system, that happened in the following years of 2019 and 2020. Furthermore, our paper aims to understand the COVID-19 pandemic impact in BSS mobility patterns. In this paper, we analyzed large datasets adopting a CRISP-DM data mining method. By studying and identifying spatiotemporal distribution of trips through stations, combined with weather factors, we looked at BSS improvements more suitable to accommodate users’ demand. Our major contribution was a new insight on how people move in the city using bikes, via a data science approach using BSS network usage data. Major findings show that most bike trips occur on weekdays, with no precipitation, and we observed a substantial growth of trip count, during the observed time frame, although cut short by the pandemic. We believe that our approach can be applied to any city with available urban mobility data.publishersversionpublishe

    BioISO: an objective-oriented application for assisting the curation of genome-scale metabolic models

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    As the reconstruction of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models (GEMs) becomes standard practice in systems biology, the number of organisms having at least one metabolic model is peaking at an unprecedented scale. The automation of laborious tasks, such as gap-finding and gap-filling, allowed the development of GEMs for poorly described organisms. However, the quality of these models can be compromised by the automation of several steps, which may lead to erroneous phenotype simulations. Biological networks constraint-based In Silico Optimisation ( BioISO ) is a computational tool aimed at accelerating the reconstruction of GEMs. This tool facilitates manual curation steps by reducing the large search spaces often met when debugging in silico biological models. BioISO uses a recursive relation-like algorithm and Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) to evaluate and guide debugging of in silico phenotype simulations. The potential of BioISO to guide the debugging of model reconstructions was showcased and compared with the results of two other state-of-the-art gap-filling tools ( Meneco and fastGapFill ). In this assessment, BioISO is better suited to reducing the search space for errors and gaps in metabolic networks by identifying smaller ratios of dead-end metabolites. Furthermore, BioISO was used as Meneco's gap-finding algorithm to reduce the number of proposed solutions for filling the gaps.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise de aglomeração espacial de focos de febre aftosa no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil - 2005

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    In the southern region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic started in September 2005. A total of 33 outbreaks were detected and 33,741 FMD-susceptible animals were slaughtered and destroyed. There were no reports of FMD cases in other species than bovines. Based on the data of this epidemic, it was carried out an analysis using the K-function and it was observed spatial clustering of outbreaks within a range of 25km. This observation may be related to the dynamics of foot-and-mouth disease spread and to the measures undertaken to control the disease dissemination. The control measures were effective once the disease did not spread to farms more than 47 km apart from the initial outbreaks.Uma epidemia de febre aftosa (FA), com casos apenas na espécie bovina, ocorreu no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, em setembro de 2005. Trinta e três focos foram detectados, e 33.741 animais suscetíveis à FA foram sacrificados e destruídos. Os dados dessa epidemia foram registrados, e uma análise utilizando a função K foi realizada. Observou-se uma aglomeração espacial de focos dentro de um raio de 25km. Essa observação pode estar relacionada à dinâmica de espalhamento da FA e a medidas tomadas para controlar a disseminação da doença, embora essas medidas de controle tenham sido cruciais para a contenção da epidemia, não permitindo que a doença se espalhasse para fazendas com distâncias superiores a 47km dos focos iniciais

    The occidental otaku: Portuguese audience motivations for viewing anime

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    Japanese animation, widely known as anime, has a global reach. It is simultaneously broadcasted by traditional media and easily distributed and discussed among fans in the digital and online realms. However, non-Japanese audiences’ motivations for watching this kind of content remain almost unstudied in some countries, with Portugal being one of them. This article presents and discusses the outcomes of an online survey completed by 568 respondents, most of them young and regular watchers of anime. A scale by Rubin and Perse (1987), originally used in regard to the audiences of soap operas, was adapted in the scope of this article. Five main motivations were found for anime viewing, with entertainment being the strongest. Age and gender are relevant predictors for the sample’s motivations and also influence audience preferences regarding genres. The survey’s outcomes are complemented by nine in-depth interviews conducted during an anime convention, further exploring the motivations derived from the survey

    Infill masonry: simple analytical methods for seismic design

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    The latest earthquake codes in Europe require the safety assessment of no-structural elements (parapets, masonry wall’s veneer, infill walls, etc.), as their collapse entails risks for people or for the main structure stability. This work made possible th e development of a design method, supported by previous experimental researches by applying cyclic out-of-plane loads to damaged masonry infill in RC frames. Panels tested reproduce Portuguese traditional RC structure construction system and two reinforced solutions were created as innovative solutions. The experimental campaign was carried out in order to determine: masonry properties; out-of-plane panel behaviour with previous in-plane damage; building behaviour subjected to dynamic tests performed in shaking table. Using finite element method to reproduce experimental tests and to broaden the range of samples it was possible to figure out equations according to parametric analysis which was able to reproduce in-plane and out-plane behaviour leading to an estimated load bearing capacity of each model and to determine frame strength and its stiffness. Those equations permit to design or verify the masonry infill panels in RC frames subjected to seismic loads

    Decisão de terceirização durante o processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI): Uma contribuição à teoria de processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços

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    O setor de serviços é de grande relevância para a economia de países desenvolvidos. Diante dessa importância, tem-se buscado um melhor entendimento sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços, uma vez que a inovação tem se caracterizado como um fator de diferencial competitivo. Um dos pontos relevantes para pesquisa nesta área diz respeito à terceirização. Portanto, etse artigo busca contribuir para um melhor entendimento da terceirização no desenvolvimento de novos serviços. Para tanto, o objetivo do artigo é verificar como são considerados os diferentes aspectos envolvidos durante o desenvolvimento de novos serviços e como se dá o processo decisório nestas situações. Para atingir a esse objetivo, serão revisados alguns tópicos da literatura relevantes ao tema, que serão discutidos à luz das informações obtidas em um estudo de caso. Ao final, o artigo apresenta uma possível estrutura hierárquica de decisão para esse problema, assim como suas limitações e recomendações de estudos futuros