104 research outputs found

    Neurospora crassa Light Signal Transduction Is Affected by ROS

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    In the ascomycete fungus Neurospora crassa blue-violet light controls the expression of genes responsible for differentiation of reproductive structures, synthesis of secondary metabolites, and the circadian oscillator activity. A major photoreceptor in Neurospora cells is WCC, a heterodimeric complex formed by the PAS-domain-containing polypeptides WC-1 and WC-2, the products of genes white collar-1 and white collar-2. The photosignal transduction is started by photochemical activity of an excited FAD molecule noncovalently bound by the LOV domain (a specialized variant of the PAS domain). The presence of zinc fingers (the GATA-recognizing sequences) in both WC-1 and WC-2 proteins suggests that they might function as transcription factors. However, a critical analysis of the phototransduction mechanism considers the existence of residual light responses upon absence of WCC or its homologs in fungi. The data presented point at endogenous ROS generated by a photon stimulus as an alternative input to pass on light signals to downstream targets

    Impairing of Serotonin synthesis by P-Chlorphenylanine prevents the forgetting of contextual memory after reminder and the protein synthesis inhibition

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    © 2018 Deryabina, Muranova, Andrianov and Gainutdinov. HIGHLIGHTS • The injection of p-chlorophenylalanine, specific blocker of 5-HT synthesis 3 days before reminder with anisomycin administration prevented forgetting. It is known that the reminder cause reactivation of the long-term memory and it leads to reconsolidation of memory. We showed earlier that the disruption of the reconsolidation of contextual memory in terrestrial snail was caused by anisomycin, the inhibitor of protein syntheses (Gainutdinova et al., 2005; Balaban et al., 2014). In this paper we investigated the possible changes of the memory reconsolidation under the conditions of serotonin deficit, caused by administration of p-chlorophenylalanine, the inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase synthesis (intermediate stage of the synthesis of serotonin). It was shown that the forgetting process for contextual memory after reminder and inhibition of protein synthesis did not occur if the serotonin transmission in nervous system was impaired. This effect was significantly different from the direct action of anisomycin, which blocked the reconsolidation of contextual memory. We concluded that the serotonin system was included to the process of memory reconsolidation

    Voltammetric Determination of Organic Ecotoxicants on Modified Electrodes

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    In this paper the contemporary state and the use of voltammetric methods for the determination of organic toxicants on the modified electrodes are shown. A review of works on the application of voltammetric methods for the analysis of environmental objects - water (natural, drinking, waste, etc.), published in the last 5 years, has been made. The main trends in electroanalytical control over the content of toxicants in the waters are noted. The experimental results on the expansion of determined organic toxicants are represented

    Serotonin Application Effects on Electrical Characteristics of the Premotor Interneurons in Intact and Trained Snails

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Experimentally, it was shown that the action potential threshold in neurons of the trained snails increases in response to serotonin (5-HT) application, in contrast to intact snails. This result demonstrates a decrease of excitability of the premotor interneurons in response to extracellular 5-HT after the training

    Hydrodynamic heat generator for the district heating network

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    Are considered problems of creation of Autonomous sources of heat supply for remote consumers, who are deprived of the main heating systems. The author proposes the creation of a hydrodynamic heat generator on the basis of commercially available components and parts, which is able to solve the problem of heat supply for remote consumers.В работе рассматриваются проблемы создания автономных источников теплоснабжения для удаленных потребителей, лишенных магистральных теплосетей. Автор предлагает создание гидродинамического теплогенератора на базе серийно выпускаемых узлов и деталей, который способен решить проблему теплоснабжения для удаленных потребителей

    Metabolic Remodeling during Long-Lasting Cultivation of the Endomyces magnusii Yeast on Oxidative and Fermentative Substrates

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    In this study, we evaluated the metabolic profile of the aerobic microorganism of Endomyces magnusii with a complete respiration chain and well-developed mitochondria system during long-lasting cultivation. The yeast was grown in batches using glycerol and glucose as the sole carbon source for a week. The profile included the cellular biological and chemical parameters, which determined the redox status of the yeast cells. We studied the activities of the antioxidant systems (catalases and superoxide dismutases), glutathione system enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and reductase), aconitase, as well as the main enzymes maintaining NADPH levels in the cells (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase) during aging of Endomyces magnusii on two kinds of substrates. We also investigated the dynamics of change in oxidized and reduced glutathione, conjugated dienes, and reactive oxidative species in the cells at different growth stages, including the deep stationary stages. Our results revealed a similar trend in the changes in the activity of all the enzymes tested, which increased 2–4-fold upon aging. The yeast cytosol had a very high reduced glutathione content, 22 times than that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and remained unchanged during growth, whereas there was a 7.5-fold increase in the reduced glutathione-to-oxidized glutathione ratio. The much higher level of reactive oxidative species was observed in the cells in the late and deep stationary phases, especially in the cells using glycerol. Cell aging of the culture grown on glycerol, which promotes active oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, facilitated the functioning of powerful antioxidant systems (catalases, superoxide dismutases, and glutathione system enzymes) induced by reactive oxidative species. Moreover, it stimulated NADPH synthesis, regulating the cytosolic reduced glutathione level, which in turn determines the redox potential of the yeast cell during the early aging process

    Hydrodynamic heat generator for the district heating network

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    Are considered problems of creation of Autonomous sources of heat supply for remote consumers, who are deprived of the main heating systems. The author proposes the creation of a hydrodynamic heat generator on the basis of commercially available components and parts, which is able to solve the problem of heat supply for remote consumers.В работе рассматриваются проблемы создания автономных источников теплоснабжения для удаленных потребителей, лишенных магистральных теплосетей. Автор предлагает создание гидродинамического теплогенератора на базе серийно выпускаемых узлов и деталей, который способен решить проблему теплоснабжения для удаленных потребителей

    Reactor for the aerobic fermentation of biomass

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    Considers the problem of useful heat obtained from the process of fermentation of biomass. The authors proposed to use the reactor for the aerobic fermentation of biomass.Рассматриваются проблемы полезного использования теплоты, получаемой с процесса сбраживания биомассы. Авторами статьи предлагается использовать реактор для аэробной ферментации биомассы

    Metabolic Remodeling during Long-Lasting Cultivation of the Endomyces magnusii Yeast on Oxidative and Fermentative Substrates

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    In this study, we evaluated the metabolic profile of the aerobic microorganism of Endomyces magnusii with a complete respiration chain and well-developed mitochondria system during long-lasting cultivation. The yeast was grown in batches using glycerol and glucose as the sole carbon source for a week. The profile included the cellular biological and chemical parameters, which determined the redox status of the yeast cells. We studied the activities of the antioxidant systems (catalases and superoxide dismutases), glutathione system enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and reductase), aconitase, as well as the main enzymes maintaining NADPH levels in the cells (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase) during aging of Endomyces magnusii on two kinds of substrates. We also investigated the dynamics of change in oxidized and reduced glutathione, conjugated dienes, and reactive oxidative species in the cells at different growth stages, including the deep stationary stages. Our results revealed a similar trend in the changes in the activity of all the enzymes tested, which increased 2–4-fold upon aging. The yeast cytosol had a very high reduced glutathione content, 22 times than that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and remained unchanged during growth, whereas there was a 7.5-fold increase in the reduced glutathione-to-oxidized glutathione ratio. The much higher level of reactive oxidative species was observed in the cells in the late and deep stationary phases, especially in the cells using glycerol. Cell aging of the culture grown on glycerol, which promotes active oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, facilitated the functioning of powerful antioxidant systems (catalases, superoxide dismutases, and glutathione system enzymes) induced by reactive oxidative species. Moreover, it stimulated NADPH synthesis, regulating the cytosolic reduced glutathione level, which in turn determines the redox potential of the yeast cell during the early aging process

    Predicting the Most Deleterious Missense Nonsynonymous Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Hennekam Syndrome-Causing CCBE1 Gene, in Silico Analysis

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    Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome has been linked to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the CCBE1 (collagen and calcium-binding EGF domains 1) gene. Several bioinformatics methods were used to find the most dangerous nsSNPs that could affect CCBE1 structure and function. Using state-of-the-art in silico tools, this study examined the most pathogenic nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) that disrupt the CCBE1 protein and extracellular matrix remodeling and migration. Our results indicate that seven nsSNPs, rs115982879, rs149792489, rs374941368, rs121908254, rs149531418, rs121908251, and rs372499913, are deleterious in the CCBE1 gene, four (G330E, C102S, C174R, and G107D) of which are the highly deleterious, two of them (G330E and G107D) have never been seen reported in the context of Hennekam syndrome. Twelve missense SNPs, rs199902030, rs267605221, rs37517418, rs80008675, rs116596858, rs116675104, rs121908252, rs147974432, rs147681552, rs192224843, rs139059968, and rs148498685, are found to revert into stop codons. Structural homology-based methods and sequence homology-based tools revealed that 8.8% of the nsSNPs are pathogenic. SIFT, PolyPhen2, M-CAP, CADD, FATHMM-MKL, DANN, PANTHER, Mutation Taster, LRT, and SNAP2 had a significant score for identifying deleterious nsSNPs. The importance of rs374941368 and rs200149541 in the prediction of post-translation changes was highlighted because it impacts a possible phosphorylation site. Gene-gene interactions revealed CCBE1's association with other genes, showing its role in a number of pathways and coexpressions. The top 16 deleterious nsSNPs found in this research should be investigated further in the future while researching diseases caused CCBE1 gene specifically HS. The FT web server predicted amino acid residues involved in the ligand-binding site of the CCBE1 protein, and two of the substitutions (R167W and T153N) were found to be involved. These highly deleterious nsSNPs can be used as marker pathogenic variants in the mutational diagnosis of the HS syndrome, and this research also offers potential insights that will aid in the development of precision medicines. CCBE1 proteins from Hennekam syndrome patients should be tested in animal models for this purpose. © 2021 Khyber Shinwari et al.The work was carried out within the framework of state research at the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project number AAAA-A21-121012090091-6