52 research outputs found

    Salses-le-Chñteau – Le chñteau

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    Le Centre des Monuments Nationaux, en tant que gestionnaire de la forteresse de Salses, envisage la rĂ©alisation de travaux sous la maĂźtrise d’Ɠuvre d’O. Weets (ACMH) concernant la rĂ©fection des rĂ©seaux hydraulique et d’assainissement du site. La rĂ©alisation d’investigations complĂ©mentaires prĂ©alables Ă  l’élaboration du nouveau projet fait suite Ă  la phase 1 « raccordements au rĂ©seau d’eau public », rĂ©alisĂ©e en 2010. Ces investigations ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies sur la base des prĂ©conisations du bureau ..

    Ionian Abyssal Plain: a window into the Tethys oceanic lithosphere

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    The nature of the Ionian Sea crust has been the subject of scientific debate for more than 30 years, mainly because seismic imaging of the deep crust and upper mantle of the Ionian Abyssal Plain (IAP) has not been conclusive to date. The IAP is sandwiched between the Calabrian and Hellenic subduction zones in the central Mediterranean. A NNE–SSW-oriented 131&thinsp;km long seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection profile, consisting of eight ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones, was acquired in 2014. The profile was designed to univocally confirm the proposed oceanic nature of the IAP crust as a remnant of the Tethys and to confute its interpretation as a strongly thinned part of the African continental crust. A P-wave velocity model developed from travel-time forward modelling is refined by gravimetric data and synthetic modelling of the seismic data. A roughly 6–7&thinsp;km thick crust with velocities ranging from 5.1 to 7.2&thinsp;km&thinsp;s−1, top to bottom, can be traced throughout the IAP. In the vicinity of the Medina seamounts at the southern IAP boundary, the crust thickens to about 9&thinsp;km and seismic velocities decrease to 6.8&thinsp;km&thinsp;s−1 at the crust–mantle boundary. The seismic velocity distribution and depth of the crust–mantle boundary in the IAP document its oceanic nature and support the interpretation of the IAP as a remnant of the Tethys lithosphere with the Malta Escarpment as a transform margin and a Tethys opening in the NNW–SSE direction.</p

    Reply to Comment by A. Argnani on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction from Wide‐Angle Seismic Data and 3‐D Gravity Modeling"

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    Keypoints This contribution is a reply on a comment submitted by A. Argnani. The alternate interpretation of the wide-angle seismic model is discussed. The Alfeo Fault system is proposed to be the current location of STEP fault. Abstract Andrea Argnani in his comment on Dellong et al., 2020 (Geometry of the deep Calabrian subduction (Central Mediterranean Sea) from wide‐angle seismic data and 3D gravity modeling), proposes an alternate interpretation of the wide-angle seismic velocity models presented by Dellong et al., 2018 and Dellong et al., 2020 and proposes a correction of the literature citations in these paper. In this reply, we discuss in detail all points raised by Andrea Argnani

    Deep structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily Dionysus - Cruise No. M111, October 10 - November 1, 2014, Catania (Italy) – Catania (Italy)

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    Summary The origin of the Ionian Sea lithosphere and the deep structure of its margins remain a little investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M111 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Ionian Sea. M111 formed the core of an amphibious investigation covering the Ionian Sea and island of Sicily. A total of 153 OBS/OBH deployments using French and German instruments were successfully carried out, in addition to 12 land stations installed on Sicily, which recorded the offshore air gun shots. The aim of this onshore-offshore study is to quantify the deep geometry and architecture of the Calabria subduction zone and Ionian Sea lithosphere and to shed light on the nature of the Ionian Sea crust (oceanic crust vs. thinned continental crust). Investigating the structure of the Ionian crust and lithospheric mantle will contribute to unravel the unknown ocean-continent transition and Tethys margin. Analyzing the tectonic activity and active deformation zones is essential for understanding the subduction processes that underlie the neotectonics of the Calabrian subduction zone and earthquake hazard of the Calabria/Sicily region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    Landscape Pattern Detection in Archaeological Remote Sensing

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    Automated detection of landscape patterns on Remote Sensing imagery has seen virtually no development or application in the archaeological domain, notwithstanding the fact that large portion of cultural landscapes worldwide are characterised by land engineering applications. The current extraordinary availability of remotely sensed data makes it now urgent to envision and develop automatic methods that can simplify the inspection of RS data and the extraction of relevant information from them, as the quantity of data is no longer manageable by traditional ‘human’ visual interpretation. This paper expands on the development of automatic methods for the detection of target landscape features –intended as field system patterns– in very high spatial resolution images, within the framework of VEiL, a landscape archaeology project based in Italy and focused on the engineered landscape of the Roman city of Aquileia. The targets of interest consist of a variety of similarly oriented objects (such as roads, drainage channels etc.) that concur to demark the current landscape organisation, which reflects the one imposed by Romans from the 2nd cent. BC onward. The proposed workflow exploits the textural and shape properties of real-world elements forming the field patterns using multiscale analysis of dominant oriented response filters. Experiments using remote sensing imagery show that the proposed approach provides accurate localisation of target linear objects and alignments signalled by a wide range of physical entities with very different characteristics

    La transformation du paysage narbonnais antique révélé à partir des indices archéologiques

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    Documents DVD Pourquoi s’intĂ©resser au paysage environnant le centre urbain (urbs) de Narbonne antique ? Parce que le destin de Narbo Martius, ville littorale par excellence, fondĂ©e au carrefour de voies commerciales terrestres, fluviales et maritimes, est intimement liĂ© Ă  la configuration de l’environnement dans lequel elle s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Comme nous allons le voir, cette configuration, qui est loin d’ĂȘtre figĂ©e, est au cƓur de nombreuses prĂ©occupations, qu’elles soient d’ordre archĂ©ologiq..

    Failles actives et structures profondes de la Marge Est-Sicilienne

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    In the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) the slow convergence between Africa and Eurasia results in the formation of a narrow subduction zone. The nature of the crust of the subducting plate remains debated and could represent the last remnants of the Neo-Tethys ocean. The origin of the Ionian basin is also under discussion, especially concerning the rifting mechanisms as the Malta Escarpment could represent a remnant of this opening. This subduction retreats toward the south-east (motion occurring since the last 35 Ma) but is confined to the narrow Ionian basin. A major lateral slab tear fault is required to accommodate the slab rollback.This fault is thought to propagate along the eastern Sicily margin but its precise location remains controversial.This PhD project focussed on the deep sedimentary and crustal structures of the eastern Sicily margin and the Malta Escarpment (ME). Two two-dimensional P wave velocity models were modelled by forward Modelling of wide-angle seismic data, acquired onboard the R/V Meteor during the DIONYSUS cruise in 2014.A 3D gravity model of the region was also performed to constrain the depth of the subducting slab bellow the Calabro-Peloritan backstops. The seismicity of the three structures identified in the velocity models (ME, Alfeo fault System, Ionian Fault System) permits to study their recent activity. The results image an oceanic crust within the Ionian basin as well as the deep structure of the Malta Escarpment, which presents characteristics of a transform margin. A deep and asymmetrical sedimentary basin is imaged south of the Messina strait and seems to have opened between the Calabrian and Peloritan continental terranes. In the western lobe of the Calabrian accretionary prism, the southern velocity model allows to observe the indentation of the internal clastic wedge into the external evaporitic wedge, thus showing the recent activity of this lobe. The interpretation of the velocity models suggests that the major STEP fault is located east of the Malta Escarpment, along the Alfeo Fault System.Le bassin Ionien, en MĂ©diterranĂ©e centrale, abrite une zone de subduction Ă  vergence Nord-Ouest oĂč la plaque Afrique plonge sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritain au Nord-Est de la Sicile. Cette subduction rĂ©sulte de la lente convergence entre les plaques tectoniques Afrique et Eurasiatique. Bien que de nombreuses campagnes d’exploration scientifique ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans cette zone particuliĂšre, plusieurs questions gĂ©odynamiques restent dĂ©battues. Tout d’abord la croĂ»te pavant le bassin Ionien pourrait ĂȘtre soit de nature continentale amincie et reprĂ©senter une extension de la plaque Afrique, soit ocĂ©anique (NĂ©o-TĂ©thys) faisant de ce bassin l’un des plus anciens domaines ocĂ©aniques au monde. L’escarpement de Malte reprĂ©sente un vestige de l’ouverture du bassin, mais les mĂ©canismes de rifting et notamment la gĂ©omĂ©trie d’ouverture du bassin restent dĂ©battus. Cette subduction est en retrait vers le Sud-Est depuis les derniers 35 Ma, mais est aujourd’hui confinĂ©e Ă  l’étroit bassin Ionien. Afin d’accommoder ce retrait de la plaque plongeante dans le bassin, une grande faille de dĂ©chirure lithosphĂ©rique de bord de subduction (STEP fault en anglais pour « subduction Transform Edge Propagator ») doit se propager le long de la marge Est-Sicilienne. Cependant, sa position en surface reste difficile Ă  dĂ©terminer dans l’épais prisme d’accrĂ©tion recouvrant le bassin. Ces questions ont Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©es par modĂ©lisation des donnĂ©es de sismique grand angle de la campagne DIONYSUS (Octobre 2014, R/V Meteor) le long de deux profils perpendiculaires Ă  la marge Est-Sicilienne. Des modĂ©lisations gravimĂ©triques en 3D ont aussi Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le but de localiser la plaque plongeante en profondeur sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritains. La sismicitĂ© des trois structures majeures du bassin : l’escarpement de Malte, l’AFS (Alfeo Fault System), et l’IFS (Ionian Fault System) a permis d’étudier leurs activitĂ©s Ă  l’actuel. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent d’observer une croĂ»te ocĂ©anique au fond du bassin. La structure profonde de l’escarpement de Malte est observĂ©e comme une zone d’amincissement crustal abrupt, ce qui est caractĂ©ristique des marges transformantes. Un profond bassin sĂ©dimentaire asymĂ©trique (11 km) est observĂ© au Sud du dĂ©troit de Messine. Il s’est probablement ouvert rĂ©cemment entre les blocs continentaux PĂ©loritain et Calabre. Dans le lobe Ouest du prisme d’accrĂ©tion Calabrais, le modĂšle de vitesse permet d’observer l’indentation du prisme clastique interne dans le prisme Ă©vaporitique externe. Des modĂ©lisations analogiques utilisant sable et silicone ont permis de dĂ©montrer la rĂ©cente activitĂ© de ce lobe. L’interprĂ©tation des modĂšles de vitesse permet de localiser la faille STEP le long de l’AFS sur les deux profils

    Active faulting and deep crustal structure of the Eastern Sicily Margin

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    Le bassin Ionien, en MĂ©diterranĂ©e centrale, abrite une zone de subduction Ă  vergence Nord-Ouest oĂč la plaque Afrique plonge sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritain au Nord-Est de la Sicile. Cette subduction rĂ©sulte de la lente convergence entre les plaques tectoniques Afrique et Eurasiatique. Bien que de nombreuses campagnes d’exploration scientifique ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans cette zone particuliĂšre, plusieurs questions gĂ©odynamiques restent dĂ©battues. Tout d’abord la croĂ»te pavant le bassin Ionien pourrait ĂȘtre soit de nature continentale amincie et reprĂ©senter une extension de la plaque Afrique, soit ocĂ©anique (NĂ©o-TĂ©thys) faisant de ce bassin l’un des plus anciens domaines ocĂ©aniques au monde. L’escarpement de Malte reprĂ©sente un vestige de l’ouverture du bassin, mais les mĂ©canismes de rifting et notamment la gĂ©omĂ©trie d’ouverture du bassin restent dĂ©battus. Cette subduction est en retrait vers le Sud-Est depuis les derniers 35 Ma, mais est aujourd’hui confinĂ©e Ă  l’étroit bassin Ionien. Afin d’accommoder ce retrait de la plaque plongeante dans le bassin, une grande faille de dĂ©chirure lithosphĂ©rique de bord de subduction (STEP fault en anglais pour « subduction Transform Edge Propagator ») doit se propager le long de la marge Est-Sicilienne. Cependant, sa position en surface reste difficile Ă  dĂ©terminer dans l’épais prisme d’accrĂ©tion recouvrant le bassin. Ces questions ont Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©es par modĂ©lisation des donnĂ©es de sismique grand angle de la campagne DIONYSUS (Octobre 2014, R/V Meteor) le long de deux profils perpendiculaires Ă  la marge Est-Sicilienne. Des modĂ©lisations gravimĂ©triques en 3D ont aussi Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le but de localiser la plaque plongeante en profondeur sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritains. La sismicitĂ© des trois structures majeures du bassin : l’escarpement de Malte, l’AFS (Alfeo Fault System), et l’IFS (Ionian Fault System) a permis d’étudier leurs activitĂ©s Ă  l’actuel. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent d’observer une croĂ»te ocĂ©anique au fond du bassin. La structure profonde de l’escarpement de Malte est observĂ©e comme une zone d’amincissement crustal abrupt, ce qui est caractĂ©ristique des marges transformantes. Un profond bassin sĂ©dimentaire asymĂ©trique (11 km) est observĂ© au Sud du dĂ©troit de Messine. Il s’est probablement ouvert rĂ©cemment entre les blocs continentaux PĂ©loritain et Calabre. Dans le lobe Ouest du prisme d’accrĂ©tion Calabrais, le modĂšle de vitesse permet d’observer l’indentation du prisme clastique interne dans le prisme Ă©vaporitique externe. Des modĂ©lisations analogiques utilisant sable et silicone ont permis de dĂ©montrer la rĂ©cente activitĂ© de ce lobe. L’interprĂ©tation des modĂšles de vitesse permet de localiser la faille STEP le long de l’AFS sur les deux profils.In the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) the slow convergence between Africa and Eurasia results in the formation of a narrow subduction zone. The nature of the crust of the subducting plate remains debated and could represent the last remnants of the Neo-Tethys ocean. The origin of the Ionian basin is also under discussion, especially concerning the rifting mechanisms as the Malta Escarpment could represent a remnant of this opening. This subduction retreats toward the south-east (motion occurring since the last 35 Ma) but is confined to the narrow Ionian basin. A major lateral slab tear fault is required to accommodate the slab rollback.This fault is thought to propagate along the eastern Sicily margin but its precise location remains controversial.This PhD project focussed on the deep sedimentary and crustal structures of the eastern Sicily margin and the Malta Escarpment (ME). Two two-dimensional P wave velocity models were modelled by forward Modelling of wide-angle seismic data, acquired onboard the R/V Meteor during the DIONYSUS cruise in 2014.A 3D gravity model of the region was also performed to constrain the depth of the subducting slab bellow the Calabro-Peloritan backstops. The seismicity of the three structures identified in the velocity models (ME, Alfeo fault System, Ionian Fault System) permits to study their recent activity. The results image an oceanic crust within the Ionian basin as well as the deep structure of the Malta Escarpment, which presents characteristics of a transform margin. A deep and asymmetrical sedimentary basin is imaged south of the Messina strait and seems to have opened between the Calabrian and Peloritan continental terranes. In the western lobe of the Calabrian accretionary prism, the southern velocity model allows to observe the indentation of the internal clastic wedge into the external evaporitic wedge, thus showing the recent activity of this lobe. The interpretation of the velocity models suggests that the major STEP fault is located east of the Malta Escarpment, along the Alfeo Fault System

    Active faulting and deep crustal structure of the Eastern Sicily Margin

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    In the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) the slow convergence between Africa and Eurasia results in the formation of a narrow subduction zone. The nature of the crust of the subducting plate remains debated and could represent the last remnants of the Neo-Tethys ocean. The origin of the Ionian basin is also under discussion, especially concerning the rifting mechanisms as the Malta Escarpment could represent a remnant of this opening. This subduction retreats toward the south-east (motion occurring since the last 35 Ma) but is confined to the narrow Ionian basin. A major lateral slab tear fault is required to accommodate the slab rollback.This fault is thought to propagate along the eastern Sicily margin but its precise location remains controversial.This PhD project focussed on the deep sedimentary and crustal structures of the eastern Sicily margin and the Malta Escarpment (ME). Two two-dimensional P wave velocity models were modelled by forward Modelling of wide-angle seismic data, acquired onboard the R/V Meteor during the DIONYSUS cruise in 2014.A 3D gravity model of the region was also performed to constrain the depth of the subducting slab bellow the Calabro-Peloritan backstops. The seismicity of the three structures identified in the velocity models (ME, Alfeo fault System, Ionian Fault System) permits to study their recent activity. The results image an oceanic crust within the Ionian basin as well as the deep structure of the Malta Escarpment, which presents characteristics of a transform margin. A deep and asymmetrical sedimentary basin is imaged south of the Messina strait and seems to have opened between the Calabrian and Peloritan continental terranes. In the western lobe of the Calabrian accretionary prism, the southern velocity model allows to observe the indentation of the internal clastic wedge into the external evaporitic wedge, thus showing the recent activity of this lobe. The interpretation of the velocity models suggests that the major STEP fault is located east of the Malta Escarpment, along the Alfeo Fault System.Le bassin Ionien, en MĂ©diterranĂ©e centrale, abrite une zone de subduction Ă  vergence Nord-Ouest oĂč la plaque Afrique plonge sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritain au Nord-Est de la Sicile. Cette subduction rĂ©sulte de la lente convergence entre les plaques tectoniques Afrique et Eurasiatique. Bien que de nombreuses campagnes d’exploration scientifique ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans cette zone particuliĂšre, plusieurs questions gĂ©odynamiques restent dĂ©battues. Tout d’abord la croĂ»te pavant le bassin Ionien pourrait ĂȘtre soit de nature continentale amincie et reprĂ©senter une extension de la plaque Afrique, soit ocĂ©anique (NĂ©o-TĂ©thys) faisant de ce bassin l’un des plus anciens domaines ocĂ©aniques au monde. L’escarpement de Malte reprĂ©sente un vestige de l’ouverture du bassin, mais les mĂ©canismes de rifting et notamment la gĂ©omĂ©trie d’ouverture du bassin restent dĂ©battus. Cette subduction est en retrait vers le Sud-Est depuis les derniers 35 Ma, mais est aujourd’hui confinĂ©e Ă  l’étroit bassin Ionien. Afin d’accommoder ce retrait de la plaque plongeante dans le bassin, une grande faille de dĂ©chirure lithosphĂ©rique de bord de subduction (STEP fault en anglais pour « subduction Transform Edge Propagator ») doit se propager le long de la marge Est-Sicilienne. Cependant, sa position en surface reste difficile Ă  dĂ©terminer dans l’épais prisme d’accrĂ©tion recouvrant le bassin. Ces questions ont Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©es par modĂ©lisation des donnĂ©es de sismique grand angle de la campagne DIONYSUS (Octobre 2014, R/V Meteor) le long de deux profils perpendiculaires Ă  la marge Est-Sicilienne. Des modĂ©lisations gravimĂ©triques en 3D ont aussi Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le but de localiser la plaque plongeante en profondeur sous les blocs Calabro-PĂ©loritains. La sismicitĂ© des trois structures majeures du bassin : l’escarpement de Malte, l’AFS (Alfeo Fault System), et l’IFS (Ionian Fault System) a permis d’étudier leurs activitĂ©s Ă  l’actuel. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent d’observer une croĂ»te ocĂ©anique au fond du bassin. La structure profonde de l’escarpement de Malte est observĂ©e comme une zone d’amincissement crustal abrupt, ce qui est caractĂ©ristique des marges transformantes. Un profond bassin sĂ©dimentaire asymĂ©trique (11 km) est observĂ© au Sud du dĂ©troit de Messine. Il s’est probablement ouvert rĂ©cemment entre les blocs continentaux PĂ©loritain et Calabre. Dans le lobe Ouest du prisme d’accrĂ©tion Calabrais, le modĂšle de vitesse permet d’observer l’indentation du prisme clastique interne dans le prisme Ă©vaporitique externe. Des modĂ©lisations analogiques utilisant sable et silicone ont permis de dĂ©montrer la rĂ©cente activitĂ© de ce lobe. L’interprĂ©tation des modĂšles de vitesse permet de localiser la faille STEP le long de l’AFS sur les deux profils
