246 research outputs found

    Plan de marketing de una empresa que vende moda a través de internet

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    El siguiente proyecto presenta el plan de marketing de una empresa de venta de excedentes de stock de moda y complementos cuyo único canal de comercialización es a través de internet. La empresa ofrecerá, inicialmente, su servicio en la ciudad de Barcelona, efectuando la entrega de los pedidos a domicilio. En un futuro, se pretende expandir el servicio a toda España y, a largo plazo introducirnos en el mercado europeo. El nombre la empresa es MAGNOLIA. MAGNOLIA se ha centrado y especializado únicamente en la venta de grandes marcas y diseñadores. El plan de marketing define la empresa y los productos, así como del proceso de distribución y comercialización realizando un análisis del entorno y del sector. Se identifica y se analiza la oportunidad de negocio que es MAGNOLIA y se desarrollan las políticas y las estrategias a seguir en un periodo de cinco años. Se analiza la segmentación del mercado con la intención de definir un cliente objetivo para nuestro producto, así como crear una posición clara frente a las expectativas del cliente, diferenciándonos de los competidores. Por último, se ha realizado el estudio económico-financiero de la empresa en un horizonte temporal de 5 años. Como resultado se ha establecido la previsión de ventas y de gastos con las que se ha elaborado la cuenta de resultados para finalmente analizar la rentabilidad de la empresa

    Plan de marketing de una empresa que vende moda a través de internet

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    El siguiente proyecto presenta el plan de marketing de una empresa de venta de excedentes de stock de moda y complementos cuyo único canal de comercialización es a través de internet. La empresa ofrecerá, inicialmente, su servicio en la ciudad de Barcelona, efectuando la entrega de los pedidos a domicilio. En un futuro, se pretende expandir el servicio a toda España y, a largo plazo introducirnos en el mercado europeo. El nombre la empresa es MAGNOLIA. MAGNOLIA se ha centrado y especializado únicamente en la venta de grandes marcas y diseñadores. El plan de marketing define la empresa y los productos, así como del proceso de distribución y comercialización realizando un análisis del entorno y del sector. Se identifica y se analiza la oportunidad de negocio que es MAGNOLIA y se desarrollan las políticas y las estrategias a seguir en un periodo de cinco años. Se analiza la segmentación del mercado con la intención de definir un cliente objetivo para nuestro producto, así como crear una posición clara frente a las expectativas del cliente, diferenciándonos de los competidores. Por último, se ha realizado el estudio económico-financiero de la empresa en un horizonte temporal de 5 años. Como resultado se ha establecido la previsión de ventas y de gastos con las que se ha elaborado la cuenta de resultados para finalmente analizar la rentabilidad de la empresa

    New Motherhood Concepts, Implications for Healthcare. A Qualitative Study Article

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    11 p.The aim of this study was to explore the experience of women who take care of their children in postpartum and who desire to be understood by society, with no judgements. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was followed. In-depth interviews, discussion groups, and an online forum were used for data collection. The participants were Spanish women that had given birth in the past 6 months, and their partners. Healthcare specialists with experience in the topic were also included. Results showed three main categories: lack of priority, self-demand, and self-esteem changes. As a conclusion, the concept of motherhood needs to be redefined, as women feel that they are living under the pressure of being a "perfect mother". It is important that mothers allow themselves to fail in reaching the imposed requirements. Simple acceptance of motherhood boundaries could help in this transition

    Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from breast milk of women suffering infectious mastitis: potential virulence traits and resistance to antibiotics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>is considered the main etiological agent of infectious mastitis, recent studies have suggested that coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) may also play an important role in such infections. The aims of this work were to isolate staphylococci from milk of women with lactational mastitis, to select and characterize the CNS isolates, and to compare such properties with those displayed by CNS strains isolated from milk of healthy women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The milk of 30 women was collected and bacterial growth was noted in 27 of them, of which <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>was isolated from 26 patients and <it>S. aureus </it>from 8. Among the 270 staphylococcal isolates recovered from milk of women with mastitis, 200 were identified as <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>by phenotypic assays, species-specific PCR and PCR sequencing. They were typified by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) genotyping. The PFGE profiles of the <it>S. epidermidis </it>strains were compared with those of 105 isolates from milk of healthy women. A representative of the 76 different PFGE profiles was selected to study the incidence of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance. The number of strains that contained the biofilm-related <it>ica</it>D gene and that showed resistance to oxacillin, erythromycin, clindamycin and mupirocin was significantly higher among the strains isolated from mastitic milk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>S. epidermidis </it>may be a frequent but largely underrated cause of infectious mastitis in lactating women. The resistance to diverse antibiotics and a higher ability to form biofilms found among the strains isolated from milk of women suffering mastitis may explain the chronic and/or recurrent nature of this infectious condition.</p

    Sistema de Pearson y modelos matemáticos aplicados a la hidrología

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    The application of mathematical models in the different areas of science focused on studying phenomena and events that occur on a surface today, has become a main tool, allowing to be efficient, providing successful solutions and with greater reliability. Environmental systems have been analyzed by mathematical modeling to understand the dynamics, spatial and temporal beha­vior of meteorological and hydrological variables and their impact on other processes and events. Pearson’s system of frequency curves has been widely used in areas such as economics, finance, military and engineering to analyze data series trajectories and to find the probabilistic behavior of an object or phenomenon in its dynamics based on its information historical. In general form found that the Black–sholes-Merton, Kolmogorov axioms, Frequency curves Pearson systems, Pearson-Wiener model, probability distributions, similarly the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equa­tion, stochastic hydrological modeling, SIMGRO hydrological model, GRADEX method had been applied in the hydrological variable behavior, maximum flows estimation, ecosystem assessment how water resources regulators and hydrographics watershed management.La aplicación de modelos matemáticos en las distintas áreas de la ciencia enfocados a estu­diar fenómenos y eventos que ocurren sobre una superficie hoy día se ha convertido en una herramienta principal, permitiendo ser eficientes, brindando soluciones acertadas y con mayor confiabilidad. Los sistemas ambientales han sido objeto de análisis por parte de la modelación matemática, para comprender la dinámica, el comportamiento espacial y temporal de las va­riables meteorológicas e hidrológicas y su incidencia en otros procesos y eventos. El sistema de curvas de frecuencia de Pearson ha sido ampliamente utilizado en áreas como economía, finanzas, en el campo militar e ingeniería para analizar trayectorias de series de datos y hallar el comportamiento probabilístico de un objeto o fenómeno en su dinámica, a partir de su infor­mación histórica. En forma general se encontró que el modelo Black-Sholes-Merton, Axiomas de Kolmogorov, Sistema de curvas de frecuencia de Pearson, el modelo Pearson-Wiener, las distribuciones de probabilidad, así mismo la ecuación Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov, modelación hidrológica estocástica, modelo hidrológico SIMGRO, el método GRADEX se han aplicado en la determinación del comportamiento de las variables hidrometeorológicas, estimación de cau­dales máximos, gestión de ecosistemas reguladores del recurso hídrico y el manejo de cuencas hidrográficas

    Uretrotomía interna endoscópica en el tratamiento del paciente con estrechez uretral

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    A retrospective descriptive study was conducted in order to evaluate the behavior of internal urethrotomy in patients with urethral stricture treated at the specialized consulting room of the Urology Department of the Arnaldo Milian Castro Provincial University Hospital from April 2007 to October 2010. With this procedure, new in this province, a significant number of patients who suffer from the disease has been benefited because it is simpler, has fewer complications than open surgery and the subsequent evolution is favorable in most cases.Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento de la uretrotomía interna endoscópica en pacientes afectados por estrechez uretral atendidos en la Consulta especializada del Servicio de Urología del Hospital Provincial Universitario “Arnaldo Milián Castro” desde abril de 2007 hasta octubre de 2010. Con este procedimiento, novedoso en esta provincia, se ha beneficiado un grupo importante  de pacientes que padecen esta enfermedad porque es más sencillo, tiene menos complicaciones que la intervención quirúrgica abierta y  la evolución posterior es muy favorable, en la mayoría de los casos

    Plant-based diets and risk of frailty in community-dwelling older adults: the Seniors-ENRICA-1 cohort

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    Frailty is a geriatric syndrome that leads to increased risk of hospitalization, disability, and death. The effect of plant-based diets defined by the quality of their plant foods is unclear. Our objective is to study the association between two plant-based diet indices and the occurrence of frailty among community-dwelling older adults in Spain. We analyzed data from 1880 individuals aged ≥ 60 years from the Spanish Seniors ENRICA-1 cohort. We used a validated diet history to build two indices: (a) the healthful Plant-based Diet Index (hPDI) where healthy plant foods received positive scores, whereas less-healthy plant foods and animal foods received reverse scores; and (b) the unhealthful Plant-based Diet Index (uPDI), with positive scores to less-healthy plant foods and reverse scores to animal and healthy plant foods. Incident frailty was defined with the Fried phenotype. Study associations were summarized with odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) obtained from multivariable logistic models. After 3.3 years of follow-up, 136 incident frailty cases were ascertained. Comparing the highest vs. the lowest tertile of adherence, the OR [95% CI] for frailty was 0.43 (0.25–0.74; p-trend =.003) for the hPDI, and 2.89 (1.73–4.84; p-trend <.001) for the uPDI. Higher consumption of healthy plant foods was inversely associated with frailty (0.39 [0.23–0.66; p-trend < 0.001]); higher consumption of unhealthy plant foods was associated with higher frailty risk (2.40 [1.23–4.71; p-trend =.01]). In older adults, the hPDI was associated with lower risk of frailty, while the opposite was found for the uPDIOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III; the Secretary of R+D+I; the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund (FIS grant numbers 19/319, 20/896, FI29/00162 to MDV); the National Plan on Drugs (grant number 2020/17); Fundación Soria Melguizo (MITOFUN project); Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant number RYC 2018- 02069I to MSP); Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FPI contract to ACC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Staphylococcus epidermidis: A differential trait of the fecal microbiota of breast-fed infants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast milk is an important source of staphylococci and other bacterial groups to the infant gut. The objective of this work was to analyse the bacterial diversity in feces of breast-fed infants and to compare it with that of formula-fed ones. A total of 23 women and their respective infants (16 breast-fed and 7 formula-fed) participated in the study. The 16 women and their infants provided a sample of breast milk and feces, respectively, at days 7, 14, and 35. The samples were plated onto different culture media. Staphylococcal and enterococcal isolates were submitted to genetic profiling and to a characterization scheme, including detection of potential virulence traits and sensitivity to antibiotics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The feeding practice had a significant effect on bacterial counts. A total of 1,210 isolates (489 from milk, 531 from breast-fed and 190 from formula-fed infants) were identified. <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>was the predominant species in milk and feces of breast-fed infants while it was less prevalent in those of formula fed-infants. <it>Enterococcus faecalis </it>was the second predominant bacterial species among the fecal samples provided by the breast-fed infants but it was also present in all the samples from the formula-fed ones. The biofilm-related <it>icaD </it>gene and the <it>mecA </it>gene were only detected in a low number of the <it>S. epidermidis </it>strains. Several enterococcal isolates were also characterized and none of them contained the <it>cylA </it>or the <it>vanABDEG </it>antibiotic-resistance genes. All were sensitive to vancomycin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presence of <it>S. epidermidis </it>is a differential trait of the fecal microbiota of breast-fed infants. Globally, the staphyloccal isolates obtained from milk and feces of breast-fed infants contain a low number of virulence determinants and are sensitive to most of the antibiotics tested.</p

    Arte para todos. Proyecto de investigación y creación con personas con capacidades diversas

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    This paper presents the Art for All project, developed by the Patio Herreriano Museum in collaboration of the Occupational Center for people with diverse abilities of the city council of Valladolid. The project has as aim to encourage creativity, social integration, autonomy and self-esteem in people with intellectual disability through creative processes related to contemporary art.Este texto presenta el proyecto Arte para todos, desarrollado por el Museo Patio Herreriano en colaboración el Centro Ocupacional para personas con capacidades diversas del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid. El proyecto tiene como objetivo favorecer la creatividad, la integración social, la autonomía y la autoestima en personas con discapacidad intelectual, a través de procesos creativos relacionados con la creación artística contemporáne