65 research outputs found

    A posteriori analysis of fully discrete method of lines DG schemes for systems of conservation laws

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    We present reliable a posteriori estimators for some fully discrete schemes applied to nonlinear systems of hyperbolic conservation laws in one space dimension with strictly convex entropy. The schemes are based on a method of lines approach combining discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization with single- or multi-step methods in time. The construction of the estimators requires a reconstruction in time for which we present a very general framework first for odes and then apply the approach to conservation laws. The reconstruction does not depend on the actual method used for evolving the solution in time. Most importantly it covers in addition to implicit methods also the wide range of explicit methods typically used to solve conservation laws. For the spatial discretization, we allow for standard choices of numerical fluxes. We use reconstructions of the discrete solution together with the relative entropy stability framework, which leads to error control in the case of smooth solutions. We study under which conditions on the numerical flux the estimate is of optimal order pre-shock. While the estimator we derive is computable and valid post-shock for fixed meshsize, it will blow up as the meshsize tends to zero. This is due to a breakdown of the relative entropy framework when discontinuities develop. We conclude with some numerical benchmarking to test the robustness of the derived estimator

    A finite element method for a fourth order surface equation with application to the onset of cell blebbing

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    A variational problem for a fourth order parabolic surface partial differential equation is discussed. It contains nonlinear lower order terms, on which we only make abstract assumptions, and which need to be defined for specified problems.We derive a semi-discrete scheme based on the surface finite element method, show a-priori error estimates, and use the analytical results to prove well-posedness. Furthermore, we present a computational framework where specific problems can be conveniently implemented and, later on, altered with relative ease. It uses a domain specific language implemented in Python. The high level program control can also be done within the Python scripting environment. The computationally expensive step of evolving the solution over time is carried out by binding to an efficient C++ software back-end. The study is motivated by cell blebbing, which can be instrumental for cell migration. Starting with a force balance for the cell membrane, we derive a continuum model for some mechanical and geometrical aspects of the onset of blebbing in a form that fits into the abstract framework. It is flexible in that it allows for amending force contributions related to membrane tension or the presence of linker molecules between membrane and cell cortex. Cell membrane geometries given in terms of a parametrisation or obtained from image data can be accounted for by the software. The use of a domain specific language to describe the model makes is straightforward to add additional effects such as reaction-diffusion equations modelling some biochemistry on the cell membrane.Some numerical simulations illustrate the approach

    Solving the system of radiation magnetohydrodynamics for solar physical simulations in 3d

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    In this study we present a finite-volumen scheme for solving the equations of radiation magnetohydrodynamics in two and three space dimensions. Among other applications this system is used to model the plasma in the solar convection zone and in the solar photosphere. It is a non--linear system of balance laws derived from the Euler equations of gas dynamics and the Maxwell equations; the energy transport through radiation is also included in the model. The starting point of our presentation is a standard explicit first and second order finite-volume scheme on both structured and unstructured grids. We first study the convergence of a finite-volume scheme applied to a scalar model problem for the full system of radiation magnetohydrodynamics. We then present modifications of the base scheme. These make it possible to approximate the system of magnetohydrodynamics with an arbitrary equation of state; they reduce errors due to a violation of the divergence constraint on the magnetic field, and they lead to an improved accuracy in the approximation of solution near an equilibrium state. These modifications significantly increase the robustness of the scheme and are essential for an accurate simulation of processes in the solar atmosphere ...thesi

    Analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method for elliptic problems on surfaces

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    We extend the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) framework to a linear second-order elliptic problem on a compact smooth connected and oriented surface. An interior penalty (IP) method is introduced on a discrete surface and we derive a-priori error estimates by relating the latter to the original surface via the lift introduced in Dziuk (1988). The estimates suggest that the geometric error terms arising from the surface discretisation do not affect the overall convergence rate of the IP method when using linear ansatz functions. This is then verified numerically for a number of test problems. An intricate issue is the approximation of the surface conormal required in the IP formulation, choices of which are investigated numerically. Furthermore, we present a generic implementation of test problems on surfaces.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2013, Link to publication: http://imajna.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/drs033? ijkey=45b23qZl5oJslZQ&keytype=re

    The DUNE-ALUGrid Module

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    In this paper we present the new DUNE-ALUGrid module. This module contains a major overhaul of the sources from the ALUgrid library and the binding to the DUNE software framework. The main changes include user defined load balancing, parallel grid construction, and an redesign of the 2d grid which can now also be used for parallel computations. In addition many improvements have been introduced into the code to increase the parallel efficiency and to decrease the memory footprint. The original ALUGrid library is widely used within the DUNE community due to its good parallel performance for problems requiring local adaptivity and dynamic load balancing. Therefore, this new model will benefit a number of DUNE users. In addition we have added features to increase the range of problems for which the grid manager can be used, for example, introducing a 3d tetrahedral grid using a parallel newest vertex bisection algorithm for conforming grid refinement. In this paper we will discuss the new features, extensions to the DUNE interface, and explain for various examples how the code is used in parallel environments.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Finite element surface registration incorporating curvature, volume preservation, and statistical model information

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    We present a novel method for nonrigid registration of 3D surfaces and images. The method can be used to register surfaces by means of their distance images, or to register medical images directly. It is formulated as a minimization problem of a sum of several terms representing the desired properties of a registration result: smoothness, volume preservation, matching of the surface, its curvature, and possible other feature images, as well as consistency with previous registration results of similar objects, represented by a statistical deformation model. While most of these concepts are already known, we present a coherent continuous formulation of these constraints, including the statistical deformation model. This continuous formulation renders the registration method independent of its discretization. The finite element discretization we present is, while independent of the registration functional, the second main contribution of this paper. The local discontinuous Galerkin method has not previously been used in image registration, and it provides an efficient and general framework to discretize each of the terms of our functional. Computational efficiency and modest memory consumption are achieved thanks to parallelization and locally adaptive mesh refinement. This allows for the first time the use of otherwise prohibitively large 3D statistical deformation models