5 research outputs found

    Les prĂ©paratifs d’un hackathon recherche : au coeur de la fabrique des donnĂ©es

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 2010, de nouveaux formats de recherche tels que les hackathons et les data sprints se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s dans le cadre d’expĂ©rimentations en sociologie numĂ©rique. Sur un temps trĂšs court, ces Ă©vĂ©nements proposent d’analyser des donnĂ©es numĂ©riques ou numĂ©risĂ©es et d’en prĂ©senter les premiers rĂ©sultats. Or, on observe que ces « formats courts » relĂšguent souvent dans l’ombre la phase de prĂ©paration de ces donnĂ©es pour se concentrer sur l’exploration et la visualisation de jeux de donnĂ©es. En tant que coordonnatrices d’un hackathon recherche portant sur la consultation RĂ©publique numĂ©rique, nous avons observĂ© les prĂ©paratifs Ă  l’oeuvre dans l’organisation d’un tel Ă©vĂ©nement. Des observations qui mettent en lumiĂšre un important travail de fabrication des donnĂ©es. De leur collecte Ă  leur mise Ă  disposition le jour de l’évĂ©nement, ces Ă©tapes invisibilisĂ©es par ces « formats courts » rĂ©vĂšlent un ensemble d’enjeux politiques autour de ces data et de leur ouverture, qui se dessinent mĂȘme dans les choix techniques opĂ©rĂ©s par les acteurs en prĂ©sence.Since 2010, new research formats such as hackathons and data sprints have been developed in the field of digital research in sociology. Over a noticeably brief period, these events propose to analyze digital or digitized data and present the initial results. However, we have observed that these “short-form method » often relegate in the shadows the preparation of the data to focus on for the exploration and the visualization of datasets. As the coordinators of a research hackathon on the Digital Republic consultation, we observed the preparations required for this kind of event. Observations that highlight the critical work of « data shaping ». From the collection of data to its availability for the event, these processes are invisible by these short-form methods. Moreover, this study reveals a set of political stakes around data and open data, which are included in the technical choices made by the actors during this whole process.Desde el año 2010, se han desarrollado nuevos formatos de bĂșsqueda tales como los hackathons y data sprints en el marco de experimentos en el campo de la sociologĂ­a digital. En muy corto tiempo, estos acontecimientos proponen analizar los datos digitales o digitalizados y presentar los primeros resultados. Ahora bien, se observa que estos “formatos cortos” relegan a menudo a la sombra la fase de preparaciĂłn de estos datos para concentrarse en la exploraciĂłn y la visualizaciĂłn de juegos de datos. Como coordinadoras de un hackathon, se trata de una investigaciĂłn acerca de la consulta RepĂșblica digital, donde hemos observado los preparativos implementados para la organizaciĂłn de tal evento. Las observaciones ponen de manifiesto un importante trabajo de fabricaciĂłn de datos. Desde su acopio hasta su puesta a disposiciĂłn el dĂ­a del evento, estas etapas invisibilizadas por los “formatos cortos” revelan un conjunto de desafĂ­os polĂ­ticos en torno a los datos y a su apertura, que se expresan incluso en opciones tĂ©cnicas efectuadas por los actores presentes

    Combined Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Octogenarian and Nonagenarian Melanoma Patients

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    International audienceData regarding elderly melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1 or anti-CTLA-4 antibodies are in favor of tolerability outcomes that are similar to those of younger counterparts. However, there are very few studies focusing on elderly patients receiving nivolumab combined with ipilimumab (NIVO + IPI). Here, we ask what are the current prescribing patterns of NIVO + IPI in the very elderly population and analyze the tolerance profile. This French multicenter retrospective study was conducted on 60 melanoma patients aged 80 years and older treated with NIVO + IPI between January 2011 and June 2022. The mean age at first NIVO + IPI administration was 83.7 years (range: 79.3–93.3 years). Fifty-five patients (92%) were in good general condition and lived at home. Two dosing regimens were used: NIVO 1 mg/kg + IPI 3 mg/kg Q3W (NIVO1 + IPI3) in 27 patients (45%) and NIVO 3 mg/kg + IPI 1 mg/kg Q3W (NIVO3 + IPI1) in 33 patients (55%). NIVO + IPI was a first-line treatment in 39 patients (65%). The global prevalence of immune-related adverse events was 63% (38/60), with 27% (16/60) being of grade 3 or higher. Grade ≄ 3 adverse events were less frequent in patients treated with NIVO3 + IPI1 compared with those treated with NIVO1 + IPI3 (12% versus 44%, p = 0.04). In conclusion, the prescribing patterns of NIVO + IPI in very elderly patients are heterogeneous in terms of the dosing regimen and line of treatment. The safety profile of NIVO + IPI is reassuring; whether or not the low-dose regimen NIVO3 + IPI1 should be preferred over NIVO1 + IPI3 in patients aged 80 years or older remains an open question