6,708 research outputs found

    Il lavoro nel diritto comunitario (ora eurounitario) e l’ordinamento italiano: (più di) trent’anni dopo = Work in Community law (now Euro-EU) and Italian law: (more than) thirty years later. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 370/2018

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    The paper assumes the reconstruction of the state of the art of a remote conference held in Parma in 1985 - with subject "the labor in Community law and the Italian legal system"- as the basis for consideration on the same theme, in a diachronic perspective: in this perspective, the relationship between the legal systems is combined with the evolution of the jurisprudence of the Italian ordinary judges, while the problem with the transfering of the sovereignty of the State at the time of the sovereignisms, occupies only brief concluding notations

    Model selection in hidden Markov models : a simulation study

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    A review of model selection procedures in hidden Markov models reveals contrasting evidence about the reliability and the precision of the most commonly used methods. In order to evaluate and compare existing proposals, we develop a Monte Carlo experiment which allows a powerful insight on the behaviour of the most widespread model selection methods. We find that the number of observations, the conditional state-dependent probabilities, and the latent transition matrix are the main factors influencing information criteria and likelihood ratio test results. We also find evidence that, for shorter univariate time series, AIC strongly outperforms BIC

    Living with Keratinocytes

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    A feature distinguishing human hematopoietic and epithelial stem cells from other equally fascinating stem cells is perhaps their easier translation into a clinical setting. We have devoted nearly our entire scientific career in trying to turn our understanding of epithelial stem cell biology into something that could help people suffering from virtually untreatable diseases of squamous epithelia. We have done that as a team, together with our numerous students, postdocs, technicians and valuable collaborators, clinicians, regulators, and, lately, industrial partners. We had rewarding successes and burning failures, but we always did our best. This award, given by friends and colleagues deserving it more than us, has been the most important recognition of our work. Below, we summarize our story

    Energy and water vapor transport across a simplified cloud-clear air interface

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    We consider a simplified physics of the could interface where condensation, evaporation and radiation are neglected and momentum, thermal energy and water vapor transport is represented in terms of the Boussinesq model coupled to a passive scalar transport equation for the vapor. The interface is modeled as a layer separating two isotropic turbulent regions with different kinetic energy and vapor concentration. In particular, we focus on the small scale part of the inertial range as well as on the dissipative range of scales which are important to the micro-physics of warm clouds. We have numerically investigated stably stratified interfaces by locally perturbing at an initial instant the standard temperature lapse rate at the cloud interface and then observing the temporal evolution of the system. When the buoyancy term becomes of the same order of the inertial one, we observe a spatial redistribution of the kinetic energy which produce a concomitant pit of kinetic energy within the mixing layer. In this situation, the mixing layer contains two interfacial regions with opposite kinetic energy gradient, which in turn produces two intermittent sublayers in the velocity fluctuations field. This changes the structure of the field with respect to the corresponding non-stratified shearless mixing: the communication between the two turbulent region is weak, and the growth of the mixing layer stops. These results are discussed with respect to experimental results with and without stratification.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Pavement testing by integrated geophysical methods: Feasibility, resolution and diagnostic potential

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    This work is focused on the assessment of the diagnostic potential of several geophysical methods when applied to the investigation of a rigid airport pavement. The potential and limit of each technique are evaluated as well as the added value deriving from their integration. Firstly, we reconstruct a high-resolution image of the pavement by a large electromagnetic and georadar screening. An advanced processing of georadar data, implemented through the picking of the arrival times of reflections for each profile, provides a quantitative estimation of the deviation between the design and the as-built thickness of layers. Additionally, electrical tomography has been applied to unequivocally identify the anomalous zones, where higher values of resistivity would be associated to porous zones that are prone to degradation and failure. The seismic tomographic survey had the additional purpose to recover the mechanical properties of the pavement in terms of both P- and S-waves and consequently of elastic constants (Poisson's ratio), whose values were consistent with those recovered in literature. The anomalies detected by each technique are consistent in their indications and they can be correlated to failure phenomena occurring at layer interfaces within the pavement structure or to unexpected variations of the layer thicknesses. The cost-effective geophysical campaign has validated the four-layered system deduced from the original design and has been used to reconstruct a high-resolution map of the pavement in order to discriminate fractures, crack-prone areas or areas where the as-built differs from the original design

    Stairways to Advanced Therapies for Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a devastating genetic skin disease typified by a plethora of different phenotypes and ranking from severe, early lethal, to mild localized forms. Although there is no cure for EB, recent progress in pharmacology and molecular and cellular biology is boosting the development of new advanced therapeutic strategies. Here we will focus on two main categories of such therapies: (1) those aimed at controlling inflammation and inducing reepithelialization of the wounds, and (2) those, perhaps more challenging and ambitious, that aim to permanently regenerate a fully functional epidermis, which requires targeting of epidermal stem cells. In both cases, the genetic variants underlying the different EB forms and factors, such as genetic background, modifier genes, comorbidities, and lifestyle, all of which impinge on EB genotype-phenotype correlation, need to be defined

    Politiche della casa in Europa. Differenze nazionali e tendenze unificanti dell'housing sociale.

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    Housing policies in Europe: national differences and unifying tendencies of social housing. - The features of present housing issue ask for new keys, both from the analytical point of view and from that of the policies. One of the most interesting field of anlaysis is represented by the kaleidoscope of different experiences of social housing in Europe. This article aims to go in depth into this hetereogenity and to define a possible model of European social housing. The contribution is organized into five parts: the first one aims to clarify the key terms of the debate; the second one highlights the differences that characterize European countries housing management. In the third part the attention is focused on European Union in order to follow the evolution of its role in social housing from the Eighties to nowadays; opportunities and limits of the multilevel relationships between actors are analyzed in the fourth part; in the conclusions, finally, the focus is on social housing as a way to explain the characters that influence urban spaces of neoliberalism. The changes in housing policies in different European countries, strongly encouraged by the Eu agenda for competitiveness, are evolving towards neoliberal models that rarely assure not only economic but also social and territorial benefits, as the differences between the unitarian and dualistic systems of rental sector prove. Les politiques du logement en Europe. Différences nationales et tendances unifiantes de l'habitat social. - Les caractères de l'actuelle question du logement exigent, soit du point de vue analytique et soit du point de vue des politiques, des nouvelles clefs de lecture. Un des domaines les plus intéressants pour cet exercice est celui-là concernant l'habitat social où l'Europe apparaît comme un tableau de expériences très differentes. Cet article veut approfondir cette hétérogéneité et s'interroger sur le modèle vers auquel on est en train de s'addresser. Cette contribution se déroule autour de certains passages principaux: après avoir clarifié les termes du débat, on analyse les différences qui caractérisent, du point de vue de l'organization et de la gestion, les Pays européens. Dans le troisième passage l'attention se concentre sur le niveau de l'Union européenne pour reconstituer l'évolution de son rôle dès les années Quatre-Vingts jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Ensuite on va souligner les possibilités et les limites qui se dégagent dès les relations multi-niveau entre les acteurs engagés. Dans le dernier passage on s'interroge si et dans quelle façon l'habitat sociale offre des outils efficaces pour développer des raisonnements sur les caractères des espaces urbains du néolibéralisme. Les changements des politiques du logement dans les différents Pays européens, encouragés par les impulsions vers la compétitivité de l'Union européenne, sont en train de évoluer vers des modèles du néolibéralisme qui n'arrivent pas toujours à garantir des avantages économiques et, au même temps, sociaux et territoriaux, comme on peut le voir dans les différences entre les systèmes unitaires et dualistiques dans le domain de la location.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Società di Studi Geografici in Rivista Geografica Italiana Vol. 116, Issue 3, pp. 349-378
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