
Il lavoro nel diritto comunitario (ora eurounitario) e l’ordinamento italiano: (più di) trent’anni dopo = Work in Community law (now Euro-EU) and Italian law: (more than) thirty years later. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 370/2018


The paper assumes the reconstruction of the state of the art of a remote conference held in Parma in 1985 - with subject "the labor in Community law and the Italian legal system"- as the basis for consideration on the same theme, in a diachronic perspective: in this perspective, the relationship between the legal systems is combined with the evolution of the jurisprudence of the Italian ordinary judges, while the problem with the transfering of the sovereignty of the State at the time of the sovereignisms, occupies only brief concluding notations

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