2,479 research outputs found

    The duality diagram in data analysis: Examples of modern applications

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    Today's data-heavy research environment requires the integration of different sources of information into structured data sets that can not be analyzed as simple matrices. We introduce an old technique, known in the European data analyses circles as the Duality Diagram Approach, put to new uses through the use of a variety of metrics and ways of combining different diagrams together. This issue of the Annals of Applied Statistics contains contemporary examples of how this approach provides solutions to hard problems in data integration. We present here the genesis of the technique and how it can be seen as a precursor of the modern kernel based approaches.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS408 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Los derechos sociales del adulto mayor en la Casa Albergue María Reyna de Huaral, Lima 2022

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    La finalidad de la exploración es observar el estado de las casas hogares privados y las normas sociales de las personas grandes en el Perú mediante el análisis de la jurisprudencia. Se utilizaron procedimientos, dispositivos de recaudación de data de manera cualitativa la cual mejora la exploración, comenzando con un propósito básico y claro, que el boceto no-experimental fenomenológica de grado especificativo. Donde los efectos también demuestran el cual los albergues privados no existen protocolos adecuados., incumpliendo las normas técnicas para su implementación edificativa afectando perjudicialmente la norma especial de los ancianos. También de, la casa Albergue María Reyna de Huaral no estaría cumpliendo con las normativas de implementación edificativa de albergues accesibles, que se describen en la guía para el diseño o implementación de alojamientos accesibles, donde se pudo validar el cumplimiento medianamente y escaso, como derecho a la atención médica, como a la protección comunitaria y por último es cumplimiento de la norma a alimentaria de los Adulto Mayor en la casa Albergue María Reyna de Huaral, gracias a voluntad, como la caridad de la comunidad, se evidenció y demostró que el Estado no tiene ese rol protagónicos, adecuados y necesarios en el interés de los grandes adultos.The idea of the exploration is to observe the state of private homes and the social norms of older people in Peru through the analysis of jurisprudence. Procedures and data collection devices were used in a qualitative manner which improves the exploration, starting with a basic and clear purpose, rather than the not-empirical phenomenological sketch of a specific degree. Where the effects also demonstrate that private shelters do not have adequate protocols, failing to comply with the technical standards for their building implementation, detrimentally affecting the special standard for the elderly. Also, the María Reyna de Huaral Hostel house would not be complying with the regulations for the building implementation of accessible shelters, which are described in the guide for the design or implementation of accessible accommodations, where moderate and scarce compliance could be validated, as a right. to medical care, as well as to community protection and finally, compliance with the food standard of the Elderly is they María Reyna de Huaral Shelter house, thanks to at will, like charity as the community, it was evident and demonstrated that the The State does not have that leading, adequate and necessary role in the interest of great adults

    Waterfowl endozoochory: an overlooked long-distance dispersal mode for Cuscuta (dodder, Convolvulaceae)

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Dispersal of parasitic Cuscuta species (dodders) worldwide has been assumed to be largely anthropomorphic because their seeds do not match any previously known dispersal syndrome and no natural dispersal vectors have been reliably documented. However, the genus has a subcosmopolitan distribution and recent phylogeographic results have indicated that at least18 historical cases of long-distance dispersal (LDD) have occurred during its evolution. The objective of this study is to report the first LDD biological vector for Cuscuta seeds. METHODS: Twelve northern pintails (Anas acuta) were collected from Suisun Marsh, California and the contents of their lowest part of the large intestine (rectum) were extracted and analyzed. Seed identification was done both morphologically and using a molecular approach. Extracted seeds were tested for germination and compared to seeds not subjected to gut passage to determine the extent of structural changes caused to the seed coat by passing through the digestive tract. KEY RESULTS: Four hundred and twenty dodder seeds were found in the rectum of four northern pintails. From these, 411 seeds were identified as Cuscuta campestris and nine as most likely C. pacifica. The germination rate of C. campestris seeds after gut passage was 55%. Structural changes caused by the gut passage in both species were similar to those caused by an acid scarification. CONCLUSIONS: Endozoochory by waterbirds may explain the historical LDD cases in the evolution of Cuscuta. This also suggests that current border quarantine measures may be insufficient to stopping spreading of dodder pests along migratory flywaysPeer reviewe

    Factores predictores de riesgo relacionados a la anemia en lactantes del centro de salud reque-2021

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los factores predictores de riesgo relacionados a la anemia en lactantes del Centro de Salud Reque-2021. El tipo de investigación fue cuantitativo, correlacional y con un diseño no experimental. Así mismo, la población fue de 100 madres de lactantes y la muestra estuvo conformada por 73, las cuales fueron seleccionados bajo los criterios tanto de inclusión como de exclusión, la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario. En los resultados obtenidos se identificaron en función a la variable “factores predictores” según las dimensiones: “sociodemográficos” el 49.3% de madres tiene entre 20 y 30 años, el 52.1% procede de zona urbana y el 61.1% percibe un ingreso mensual igual al salario básico (es decir la suma de 950 soles); para la dimensión “riesgos nutricionales” quienes padecen de ello son los lactantes cuya representación posee un valor porcentual del 41% de las cuales, el 37% presenta práctica inadecuada de alimentación complementaria y el 37% presenta un inadecuado consumo de alimentos ricos en hierro; en la dimensión “riesgo patológico” el 26% posee este riesgo, donde el 23% posee parasitosis, el 38% tiene antecedente de enfermedades diarreicas, y el 32% presenta antecedente familiares de anemia. Para el caso de la segunda variable “anemia” se identificó que 58.9% tienen anemia moderada. Se determinó que, los factores predictores de riesgo relacionados a la anemia no poseen relación debido a que, el nivel de significancia es mayor a 0.05, por lo cual se acepta hipótesis nula.TesisCiencias de la vida y cuidado de la salud human

    Plan de comunicación estratégica para el posicionamiento de la empresa Skate Shop Rokas en los jóvenes de los distritos del cono norte Lima, 2021

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    [Extraido de la introducción] La presente investigación se trata de una empresa mype, que está ubicada en el cono norte y creció en tiempos de pandemia de la covid 19 dedicada al rubro de venta y comercio de accesorios y tablas de skateboard. Para desarrollar este estudio lo dividimos en tres capítulos. En el primero exponemos información detallada de la empresa como los antecedentes, investigación de su público, la situación actual de la empresa y las inconvenientes que presenta. Igualmente se presenta información de la experiencia profesional de cada una de las integrantes del equipo investigador. En el segundo capítulo se muestra con profundidad el proceso de análisis de los subtemas relevantes a nuestra investigación como, por ejemplo, la Comunicación Organizacional, Posicionamiento, identidad corporativa y por último las herramientas tecnológicas. En el tercer capítulo presentamos las conclusiones y recomendaciones para lograr la mejora mediante las estrategias de comunicación y posicionar a la empresa Skate Shop Rokas en los distritos del cono norte. Finalmente se presentan la bibliografía y los anexos.Campus Lima Centr

    Waterbird monitoring and habitat association modeling to inform tidal marsh restoration in an urbanized estuary

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    The San Francisco Bay (SFB), like many other urbanized estuaries, is a critical wintering and stop-over area for migratory waterbirds. More than a million wintering waterbirds annually rely on a mosaic of natural and managed habitats in SFB, including former salt ponds. The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project plans restore 50 to 90% of a 6,100 hectare former salt production pond complex to tidal marsh, while maintaining the rest as foraging and roosting areas for migratory birds. Since 2002, we have evaluated migratory waterbird use of pre- and post-restoration salt ponds in south SFB. Our approach has been to use monthly surveys, applied studies and modeling to evaluate avian response to this changing habitat. Trend analyses indicate that overall waterbird numbers have nearly doubled across the complex from 2003-2014. Dabbling ducks increased significantly during initial phases of the project, while diving ducks, small and medium shorebird abundances declined initially, but rebounded in recent years. We modeled relationships between abundances of multiple species and habitat characteristics at both landscape and micro-scales. Modeling results suggest that the importance of different habitat characteristics varies among waterbird guilds. For example, foraging diving duck abundances were higher in deep, un-breached ponds, located close to the edge of SFB, while foraging small shorebirds predominated in shallow, breached ponds containing islands. Our research highlights important habitat characteristics both within and across wetland areas, and provides a unique opportunity to guide future management and restoration decisions for multiple species across large landscapes in SFB and other urbanized estuaries

    Do Breast Cancer Patients Tested in the Oncology Care Setting Share BRCA

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    BRCA genetic test results provide important information to manage cancer risk for patients and their families. Little is known on the communication of genetic test results by mutation status with family members and physicians in the oncology care setting. As part of a longitudinal study evaluating the impact of genetic counseling and testing among recently diagnosed breast cancer patients, we collected patients' self-reported patterns of disclosure. Descriptive statistics characterized the sample and determined the prevalence of disclosure of BRCA test results to family members and physicians. Of 100 patients who completed the baseline and the 6-month followup survey, 77 reported pursuing testing. The majority shared test results with female first-degree relatives; fewer did with males. Participants were more likely to share results with oncologists compared to surgeons, primary care physicians, or other specialty physicians. These findings suggest that while breast cancer patients may communicate results to at-risk female family members and their medical oncologist, they may need education and support to facilitate communication to other first-degree relatives and providers

    Stable isotope analysis reveals different trophic niche spaces for wild and hatchery origin juvenile Chinook salmon in the Nisqually Delta

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    Hatchery programs have been used as a conservation tool to bolster declining Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations throughout much of the Salish Sea. In many watersheds, hatchery fish are released concurrently with the natural-origin population, thus raising the potential for density dependent effects via depleted prey resources, territorial behavior, and movement into sub-optimal habitats. Competition during the critical period for early marine growth and survival might have detrimental effects for wild Chinook salmon populations, highlighting the potential importance of a productive delta habitat mosaic. We used an integrated diet approach with stomach content and stable isotope analyses to evaluate differential patterns of habitat use and prey consumption in a fall run population of juvenile Chinook salmon from the Nisqually River Delta in Puget Sound. We examined size class and origin-level differences throughout the out-migration gradient, from freshwater riverine to nearshore habitat. Natural- and hatchery-origin smolts exhibited distinct habitat use patterns, whereby hatchery-origin individuals were captured less frequently in forested and transitional habitats, and more frequently in the nearshore. Consequently, hatchery-origin juveniles were less likely to consume terrestrial insect drift that was almost twice as energy rich as nearshore crustacean prey. Stable isotope signatures from muscle and liver tissues corroborated this finding, showing that while natural-origin Chinook salmon derived 24–31% of their diets from terrestrially sourced prey, terrestrial insects only made up 2–8% of hatchery-origin diets. This may have explained why natural-origin fish were in better condition and had stomach contents that were 15% more energy-rich on average than hatchery-origin fish. We did not observe strong evidence for trophic overlap in natural- and hatchery-origin juvenile Chinook salmon, but our results suggest that hatchery fish are less likely to take advantage of the terrestrial-aquatic interface, and could suffer behaviorally-mediated consequences to early marine growth and survival

    Prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes para Covid-19 en personas atendidas en el Laboratorio Pribejlab - Huancayo de noviembre a diciembre del 2021

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    La inmunidad generada por las vacunas es indispensable para mantenernos protegidos frente a las diversas enfermedades producidas por los virus, en particular el SARS-CoV-2. El objetivo general de la investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes para COVID-19 en personas atendidas en el laboratorio PribejLab – Huancayo, de noviembre a diciembre del 2021. En cuanto a la metodología, el tipo de investigación fue básica, el nivel descriptivo, porque se observó la prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes. El diseño fue no experimental, transversal, y el enfoque cuantitativo. La muestra censal estuvo compuesta por 180 personas. La variable fue los anticuerpos neutralizantes. La técnica utilizada, el análisis documental, y el instrumento, la ficha de recolección de datos, la misma que fue aplicada a los pacientes. El resultado señala una prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes para COVID-19 del 83,9 % en las personas atendidas en el mencionado laboratorio. La conclusión refiere que existe una significativa prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes para COVID-19 en las personas atendidas en el laboratorio Clínico PribejLab, quedando demostrado estadísticamente