650 research outputs found

    Analytical study of blockage- and lift-interference corrections for slotted tunnels obtained by the substitution of an equivalent homogeneous boundary for the discrete slots

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    The solid-blockage interference for a doublet on the tunnel axis and the boundary interference for lifting wings in circular, rectangular, and two-dimensional slotted tunnels have been calculated by substituting an equivalent homogeneous boundary for the physical boundary of discrete slots. In the case of small wings, the interference calculated with the assumption of homogeneity has been found to be consistent with that calculated for the discrete slots for as few as four slots in a circular tunnel. Furthermore, available experimental results for blockage interference are consistent with the results of the present analysis. As a consequence of the assumption of homogeneity it is possible to express the interference of multislotted tunnels as a function of a single parameter which combines the effects of two physical variables: the ratio of open to total slotted wall perimeter and the number of slots. A curve is presented which permits the rapid evaluation of this parameter and numerical results for lift and blockage interference are plotted against the parameter

    The attenuation characteristics of four specially designed mufflers tested on a practical engine setup

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    Attenuation characteristics of four different resonator mufflers were determined in both cold tests and engine field tests and compared with the theoretical calculations. These mufflers were specifically designed for a helicopter. Engine-exhaust sound pressures, temperatures, and noise levels from the helicopter were measured. The experimental muffler cold tests indicated close a agreement with theory, whereas the engine tests indicated some discrepancies. Test results show the usefulness of the theoretical equation used for predicting muffler attenuation characteristics

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Mufflers with Comments on Engine-Exhaust Muffler Design

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    Equations are presented for the attenuation characteristics of single-chamber and multiple-chamber mufflers of both the expansion-chamber and resonator types, for tuned side-branch tubes, and for the combination of an expansion chamber with a resonator. Experimental curves of attenuation plotted against frequency are presented for 77 different mufflers with a reflection-free tailpipe termination. The experiments were made at room temperature without flow; the sound source was a loud-speaker. A method is given for including the tailpipe reflections in the calculations. Experimental attenuation curves are presented for four different muffler-tailpipe combinations, and the results are compared with the theory. The application of the theory to the design of engine-exhaust mufflers is discussed, and charts are included for the assistance of the designer